New Weapon System

This system is based on the premise that characters may try to use weapons either 1 handed or 2 handed, and may have some amount of success. The number in parenthesis is the modifier to hit roll.

damage (hit roll adjustment)

Weapon                 1-handed       2-handed       other
----------------       --------       --------       -----
Battle Axe             1d8 (-2)       1d10 (+0)      1-handed requires 15 str
Hand Axe               1d6 (+0)       1d8 (+0)

Short Bow              n/a            x2* (+0)
Long Bow               n/a            x3* (+0)
Lt Crossbow            n/a            x2* (+0)
Hv Crossbow            n/a            x4* (+0)
Sling                  x2* (+1)       n/a

Arrow                  n/a            n/a            d3 dmg
Quarrel/Bolt           n/a            n/a            d3 dmg
Stone/Shot             n/a            n/a            d2 dmg

Blackjack              1d2 (+0)       1d4 (+0)       knockout
Club                   1d4 (+0)       1d6 (+0)
Throwing Hammer        1d4 (+0)       n/a
War Hammer             1d8 (+0)       1d10 (+0)
Mace                   1d6 (+0)       1d8 (+0)
Staff                  1d6 (-1)       1d8 (+0)
Torch                  1d4 (+0)       1d6 (+0)       +1 damage when lit
Dagger                 1d4 (+0)       n/a

Polearm                1d8 (-2)       2d6 (+0)       -3 to hit for dwarves
Javelin                1d6 (+0)       1d8 (+0)       small creatures can use
Pike/Lance             1d10** (-2)    2d6 (+0)       -2 to hit for dwarves
Spear                  1d6 (+0)       1d10 (+0)
Trident                1d6 (+0)       1d10 (+0)

Short Sword            1d6 (+0)       1d8 (+0)
Sword                  1d8 (+0)       1d10 (+0)
Bastard Sword          1d6+1 (+0)     1d8+1 (+0)
2H Sword               1d8 (-2)       2d6 (+0)

Bola                   1d2 (+0)       n/a            entangle
Cestus                 1d3 (+0)       n/a
Whip                   1d2 (+0)       n/a            entangle, save +1

Katar                  1d4+1 (+0)     n/a
Hooked Net             1d4 (+0)       n/a            entangle, save -1, cont. dmg
Chain Net              nil (+0)       n/a            entangle, save -2
Shurikin               1d3 (+0)       n/a
Barbed Whip            1d4 (+0)       n/a            entangle, save +1, cont. dmg
Butterfly Knife        1d4 (-1)       n/a            +1 (+2) when thrown
Flail                  1d6 (+0)       1d8 (+0)
Morning Star           1d6+1 (+0)     1d8+1 (+0)
Rapier                 2d4-1 (+0)     2d4 (-1)       -1 to hit vs plate armor
Tlacochtli             1d6 (+0)       1d10 (+0)      pull out causes 1d6 extra damage
Chakram                1d4 (+0)       n/a
Broadsword             2d4 (+0)       3d4 (+0)
Composite Bow          n/a            x3* (-1)       add str bonus to dmg
Katana                 1d8 (+0)       3d4 (+1)
Naginata               1d8 (-1)       2d6 (+1)

* Ammunition damage multiplier

** A Lance 1-handed mounted from a horse does 1d10 (+0), charging for 2d10 (+0)

Optional: This is another option in which ANY class can try to use ANY weapon. If the class is restricted from using that weapon, they receive a -2 to hit, and do half damage.

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