All posts by Angelo

About Angelo

I'm cool, smart, funny, and most of all modest.

Download Character Sheets

Simple Character Sheet

This is a simple, portrait-style character sheet that I designed long before very powerful WYSIWG editors.  I used a rudimentary version of Word Perfect 5.1 and early versions of Word for this one.

Simple Character Sheet
Simple Character Sheet

Sheet of Special Characters

This accommodates non-traditional classes or monsters that should be able to gain levels with the players. It contains places to put the level, max level, which saving throw chart to follow, xp chart, hit roll chart, etc. so that you can keep a record of that special character.

Special  Character Sheet
Special Character Sheet

Landscape Character Sheet

This uses a landscape layout in the traditional style (also see the one made with Scribus below).

Traditional Character Sheet
Traditional Character Sheet

Traditional Character Sheet

A landscape oriented character sheet based on the classic D&D character sheet.

Simple Character Sheet made with Scribus
Simple Character Sheet made with Scribus

If you want to modify it for your own use, here is the Scribus source file.

New Mystic Class

This is a combination of the Mystic/Monk classes I have posted before.

  • Prim Req: Wis and Dex; Other Requirements: Wis 13+, Dex 13+
  • Experience Bonus: 5% for Wis or Dex 16-18; 10% for Wis and Dex 16-18
  • Hit Dice: 1d6/level, +2/level after level 9 with no Con bonus
  • Maximum Level: 16
  • Armor: None; shield not permitted
  • Weapons: Any
  • Hit Rolls: as Fighter
  • Saving Throws: as Fighter

6,2,1d6,6,Heal Self
16,4,1d20,-3,Gentle Touch

  • No enchanted hand attacks
  • No increased movement
  • Can only Climb Walls, Move Silently, and Hide in Shadows as a thief
  • Multiple attacks are multiple actions: the mystic acts as if hasted, being able to perform more than one action
  • Gain XP normally, use Mystic XP chart from the Cyclopedia
  • No option to gain acrobatics at -20%
  • Acrobatics: same as the optional acrobatics of Mystics from the Cyclopedia
  • Dodge: similar to the Fighter Combat Option “parry”
  • Disarm: same as the Fighter Combat Option

Random Encounters

Tired of the tedious wandering monster charts in the Rules Cyclopedia that take forever to roll, and seem to produce the same monster over and over?  Try out these encounter tables instead.

  1. Roll 1d20 per day to determine if there is an encounter on that day.  Compare this to the chance of an encounter based on the type of terrain (for example there is a 6 in 20 chance of an encounter).
  2. Roll 2d10 to determine the encounter below.
  3. The DM can assume a 10% chance of bad weather when the encounter occurs.
Trail/Road (6 out of 20)	Normal/Grass (5 out of 20)	Forest (4 out of 20)
(2) Adventurer			(2) Tornado			(2) Adventurer
(3) Goblin			(3) Adventurer			(3) Dryad
(4) Orc				(4) Blink Dog			(4) Forest Giant
(5) Freeman			(5) Thoul			(5) Brownie/Sprite
(6) Peasant			(6) Merchant			(6) Forest Baboon
(7) Halfling			(7) Tiger Beetle		(7) Wolf
(8) Bandit			(8) Hobgoblin			(8) Woodcutter
(9) Traveller			(9) Berserker			(9) Bandit
10) Terrain Table		10) Riding Horse		10) Kobold/Goblin
11) Terrain Table		11) Animal			11) Elf
12) Merchant			12) Nomad			12) Animal
13) Berserker			13) Draco Lizard		13) Orc
14) Guard Patrol		14) Ogre			14) Boar
15) Dwarf			15) Boar			15) Giant Bee/Robber Fly
16) Elf				16) Wolf			16) Crab Spider
17) Ogre			17) Crab Spider			17) Insect Swarm
18) Troglodyte			18) Troll			18) Centaur
19) Animal			19) Insect Swarm		19) Minotaur
20) Kobold			20) Wyvern			20) Green Dragon

Mountain/Hill (3 out of 20)	Swamp (3 out of 20)		Broken (8 out of 20)
(2) Adventurer			(2) Adventurer			(2) Beholder
(3) Rockslide			(3) Medusa			(3) Adventurer
(4) Troll			(4) Panther			(4) Ghoul
(5) Giant Ant			(5) Robber Fly			(5) Troglodyte
(6) Hill Giant			(6) Displacer Beast		(6) Thoul
(7) Cave Bear			(7) Gecko Lizard		(7) Hobgoblin
(8) Mountain Lion		(8) Draco Lizard		(8) Gnoll
(9) Rock Baboon			(9) Wight			(9) Bugbear
10) Hobgoblin			10) Ghoul			10) Goblin
11) Ogre			11) Lizard Man			11) Orc
12) Orc				12) Insect Swarm		12) Kobold
13) Gnoll			13) Snake			13) Berserker
14) Harpy			14) Gnoll			14) Lizard Man
15) Snake			15) Hydra			15) Ogre
16) Stone Giant			16) Quicksand			16) Ogre
17) Gnome			17) Giant Toad			17) Troll
18) Manticore			18) Zombie			18) Nomad
19) Cyclops			19) Gorgon			19) Zombie
20) Red Dragon			20) Black Dragon		20) Any Dragon

Arctic/Snow (1 out of 20)	Desert (2 out of 20)		
(2) Adventurer			(2) Adventurer		
(3) Blizzard			(3) Sandstorm		
(4) Unsafe Ice			(4) Manticore		
(5) Frost Giant			(5) Nomad		
(6) Polar Bear			(6) Gecko Lizard	
(7) Polar Bear			(7) Draco Lizard	
(8) Animal			(8) Crab Spider		
(9) Animal			(9) Tarantella		
10) Animal			10) Giant Scorpion	
11) Nomad			11) Giant Centipede	
12) Nomad			12) Snake		
13) Nomad			13) Giant Ant		
14) Mountain Lion		14) Oil Beetle		
15) Mountain Lion		15) Tiger Beetle	
16) Neanderthal			16) Hobgoblin		
17) Neanderthal			17) Horned Chameleon	
18) Gnoll			18) Tuatara Lizard	
19) Mastadon			19) Cockatrice		
20) White Dragon		20) Blue Dragon		


While traveling between towns along the road, the DM rolls 1d20 per day.  On the second day, the DM rolls a 4, which indicates an encounter.  The DM rolls 2d10 and with a result of 10 sees that the encounter should be the same as an encounter from the “Wilderness Table.”  Since the road passes through the forest, the DM rolls 2d10 against the Forest table, and gets 14.  The characters encounter wild boar(s).


Typically poisons range from instant death (as found in the Dungeons and Dragons game) and the simple 1 point of damage per round (as found in video games like the Ultima series). These are both very simple, but don’t provide a wide range of possible outcomes. Some games have cumbersome charts that still have their limitations. And there is the matter of whether or not you want to randomly roll what a poison does. Instead we might be able to come up with some concepts that allow a DM to create a poison that’s appropriate on-the-fly.

Properties of Poison

Poisons have 4 or 5 properties in terms of game mechanics.

  1. Saving Throw: Adjustment to saving throw is generally an indicator of the poison’s strength. (Suggested range: +4 to -4.)
  2. Incubation Period: The time before poison takes effect can also be determined by how powerful you think the poison should be, or how fast it reaches the bloodstream (breathing, ingestion, injection, etc.) (Typical ranges: 1 day to instantaneous)
  3. Duration: This is the time the poison takes to run its course, after the incubation period.
  4. Effect: The effect of the poison can be damage, penalties to rolls, and any other quantifiable modification to game play. Effects should be used with the next optional category “appearance” for the best game play.
  5. Appearance: This is how the poison affects the non-quantifiable modification to game play. This is somewhat optional, but can include things like sores, vomiting, or anything else which can be part of the story, but doesn’t really affect the numbers of game play.

Poison Creation

DM:      You step on a block that depresses; a dart shoots out of a crack in
         the wall and hits you.  Make a saving throw vs poison.

Player:  I rolled a 10.

DM:      You can't feel any effects.

game hours later...

DM:      The ogre misses you.  Suddenly your arms feel strange and are becoming
         numb.  All your muscles are getting slower.

Player:  Hide in the shadows around the corner in the hallway.

DM:      You try to get out as quickly as possible, leaving to the protection of
         the corridor.  You become paralyzed.  You hear the ogre coming towards
         you and hope that you hid well...

As you can see from this example, the player wasn’t sure he had been poisoned, and the effects did not occur until later. This kind of situation could be very interesting and fun with other players to help out, but care must be taken not to let it ruin the game. This gives characters a chance to be cautious and makes antidotes and spells like neutralize poison more important.

The DM in this situation can easily create a poison ahead of time, or on the spot. The DM may want to make some charts for quick reference such as the ones below:

Simple Chart

This chart is a simple chart that contains weak, moderate, and strong poisons that do damage. This is particularly good for a DM who wants to give the players a chance to use their antidotes once the poison sets in.

             Save Bonus     Incubation        Duration         Damage
             -----------    ---------------   -------------    -------------
Weak:        +1d4           1d6 hours         1d8 hours        1d4 per turn
Moderate:    0              1d4 turns         1d6 turns        1d2 per round
Strong:      -1d4           instant           1d10 turns       1d20 per round

Effects Chart

This is a chart for the kind of DM who wants to give poison more “flavor.” Yum. You can use the chart above to supplement the results, or determine the missing pieces on your own.

1d6  Incubation         1d12   Effect                Appearance
---  -------------      ----  --------------------  ---------------
 1    instantaneous      1     -1 to combat rolls    pain
 2    1d8 rounds         2     -1 to hit, +2 to AC   numbness
 3    1d6 turns          3     partial paralysis     paralysis
 4    1d4 hours          4     -1 to hit, 1/2 CHA    sores
 5    2d12 hours         5     1/2 STR, +2 AC        weakness
 6    1d6 days           6     -1 hit rolls, saves   mild sickness
                         7     1/2 move, no actions  violent sickness
                         8     comatose sleep        sleep
                         9     1 dmg per round       poisoned
                        10     1d4 dmg per turn      poisoned/sick
                        11     1d10 dmg per hour     mildly sick
                        12     5d6 dmg per round     death

The Priest’s Codex

Originally published by March 2001, the Priest’s Codex contains a collection of custom spells created by authors at Heroes Only. All of these spells have been used and tested within the gaming environment, but of course you should consider their effects on your own campaign before adopting them.

This list of spells is updated from time to time, with the “last modified” timestamp appearing at the end of the article.

First Level Spells

Refresh 1

Author: Angelo Bertolli
Range: touch
Duration: 6 turns
Effect: This spell will refresh a creature who is hungry, thirsty, and/or tired. They will be able to act, think, and fight with complete ability for the duration of the spell.

Third Level Spells

Sacrifice 1

Author: Angelo Bertolli
Range: touch
Duration: permanent
Effect: This spell allows the cleric to transfer any desired number of hit points from himself to the target. The reverse of this spell, drain life, allows the caster to drain 1d6+1 hp from a creature, with a successful attack roll. The hit points are transfered to the cleric through healing. This is considered a chaotic act.

Fourth Level Spells


Author: Everett Bradshaw
Range: touch
Duration: 1 turn per level
Effect: For the duration of the spell, the recipient of this spell will regenerate lost hit points at the rate of 1 per turn. Multiple uses of this spell can also regenerate limbs. This spell has no effect on creatures with 0 hp or less and cannot regenerate fire or acid damage.

Fifth Level Spells


Author: Angelo Bertolli
Range: touch
1 turn
Effect: After casting this spell, the creature automatically takes half damage from all manner of attacks from creatures of different alignment than the cleric. The creature is surrounded by a faint aura of light when this spell is in use.


  1. This spell was featured in the Basic Fantasy Olde Dungeoneer’s Almanack 2008. You can download the original document with full credits here: Basic Fantasy Spells Supplement

Download Adventure Sheets and Charts

Combat Reference Sheet

This reference for classic D&D provides hit roll charts and saving throw tables for characters up to level 24.  It also contains hit roll modifications, a missile fire chart, and nearly everything you need as a reference to conduct a battle.

Combat Reference Sheet
Combat Reference Sheet

Adventuring Sheet

This sheet allows the DM to quickly look up useful information on the adventuring party, and make notes to keep track of the condition of characters.

Adventure Record Sheet
Adventure Record Sheet

The Bestiary

Baboon, Forest

by Angelo Bertolli

Armor Class:  6               Save As:    F2
Hit Dice:     2               Morale:     7
Move:         120             Treasure:   U
Attacks:      claw/bite       Alignment:  neutral
Damage:       1d4/1d3         Xp Value:   20

These black, long-haired monkeys are kin to rock baboons. They have a similar disposition and may attack for food or out of anger, however they are also more cautious and may spy on characters for sometime from the treetops before attacking.


by Angelo Bertolli

Armor Class:  2               Save As:    NM
Hit Dice:     1/8             Morale:     6
Move:         30              Treasure:   nil
Attacks:      weapon          Alignment:  neutral
Damage:       1/2             Xp Value:   1

Brownies are small (6-8 inch tall) michievous humanoids. They live in deep woods usually away from paths or trails. They resemble wild forest people and make tiny weapons out of small shards of metal and wood. They have a unique ability to speak with any living creature. They are somewhat proud and don’t care for blundering humanoids walking through their wood, and may attack a passerby. They can hide instantly, disappearing into the trees and underbrush where they live. Being so small, they are particularly hard to hit (AC 2).

HJFord-giant-entersDemon, Red

by Angelo Bertolli

Armor Class:  9               Save As:    F30
Hit Dice:     15+3***         Morale:     12
Move:         240 fly 480     Treasure:   nil
Attacks:      2 claws         Alignment:  chaotic
Damage:       1d4+special ea  Xp Value:   5150

The Red Demon appears as a huge, red, wraith-like gargoyle. Demons are supernatural, but not undead (though they have many of the resistances that undead do). Their goal is to spread death and destruction. Red Demons have the ability to create web spells (1 per round) and hurl them up to 240′ away. Each hit drains one magical item of a plus or power. If no magic items, then one item disintigrates.

Giant, Forest

by Angelo Bertolli

Armor Class:  4               Save As:    F8
Hit Dice:     8               Morale:     9
Move:         120             Treasure:   F(3d6x10 gp)
Attacks:      weapon          Alignment:  neutral
Damage:       2d8             Xp Value:   650

These neutral giants are kin to hill giants, but are more intelligent, and usually good natured. They are usually woodsmen and do not attack human settlements. They have long black beards, wear clothes, and weild huge axes. They speak common well.

Imp, Red

by Angelo Bertolli

Armor Class:  7               Save As:    F8
Hit Dice:     4**             Morale:     10
Move:         120             Treasure:   nil
Attacks:      2 claws         Alignment:  chaotic
Damage:       1d4 ea          Xp Value:   175

Imps are red fleshy humanoids about 5′ tall with long arms and large eyes. They were driven to the Netherworld eons ago, but once lived on the Material Plane so that they are of flesh and blood. They have strong mental powers (illusion, charm, sleep). Their children are called welps. They can use phatntasmal force, charm monster, and sleep each once per day.

Men, Green Monk

by Angelo Bertolli

Armor Class:  9               Save As:    F3
Hit Dice:     3               Morale:     10
Move:         120             Treasure:   A
Attacks:      weapon          Alignment:  neutral
Damage:       by weapon       Xp Value:   35

The Green Monks (level 3 fighters) wear bright green robes, and walk seemingly peacefully through the woods. However, they will attack any outsiders or people who disrespect the wood (characters, goblins, bugbears, etc.) They wear no armor and weild staves.


by Angelo Bertolli

Armor Class:  6               Save As:    F4
Hit Dice:     4***            Morale:     10
Move:         120             Treasure:   E
Attacks:      touch           Alignment:  chaotic
Damage:       1d4+drain       Xp Value:   225

The nereid is a female water haunt. She can lure men like harpies lure a meal. Any male hearing her voice must save vs spells or be charmed (only one save required per encounter). Her touch drains life in addition to doing damage. Nereids live in and around water and have brought many sailors and fishermen to their fate.

Wandering Eyes

by Angelo Bertolli

Armor Class:  4               Save As:    F8
Hit Dice:     8***            Morale:     10
Move:         90              Treasure:   L,N,O
Attacks:      bite            Alignment:  any
Damage:       2d4             Xp Value:   2300

Some have speculated that the Wandering Eyes is related to the beholder, however it seems they might have originated in two completely different areas. As a whole, Wandering Eyes are much more pleasant to behold. A Wandering Eyes looks like a floating orb-like head (about 2′ wide) with a single large eye in its forehead and a mouth. Out of the back of its head grow five trunk-like or snake-like appendages, forming a kind of star formation around the head, and usually facing forward. Each stalk ends in a small sphere containing an eye. Each of the smaller eyes creates a ray with a different magical effect; each can be used each round. While there can be different abilities, generally Wandering Eyes have the following (range 120′):

      Eye 1:    Attack.  This ray operates like a magic missile spell,
                doing 3d6+3 points of damage, and the ray can create fire,
                cold, or lightning damage.

      Eye 2:    Charm.  The victim must is affected as Charm Monster.

      Eye 3:    Fear.  As the cleric spell Cause Fear.

      Eye 4:    Stun.  The victim must save vs spells or be stunned 2d4 rounds
                (no action, move 1/3, -4 to saves, +4 AC, cannot concentrate)

      Eye 5:    Confusion.  The victim is affected as the magic-user spell.

      Central:  Passwall.  As the magic-user spell.

In addition, the central eye has perfect night vision and can see magically in the darkest of darkness. A Wandering Eyes moves by means of a magical flight, but is somewhat faster than beholders.

The Wizard’s Codex

Originally published by February 2001, the Wizard’s Codex contains a collection of custom spells created by authors at Heroes Only. All of these spells have been used and tested within the gaming environment, but of course you should consider their effects on your own campaign before adopting them.

This list of spells is updated from time to time, with the “last modified” timestamp appearing at the end of the article.

First Level Spells

Chill 1

Author: Angelo Bertolli
Range: 10′
Duration: 2 rounds
Effect: This spell does 1d4 points of damage to one creature within range. Furthermore, the creature must save vs paralysis or suffer -1 to melee hit and damage rolls for 1d6 rounds. A large heat source nearby gives a +2 to save. The caster may use this spell on one target up to 2 rounds after casting.
Author Notes: Another classic spell concept (also known as Chilling Touch). This one is modeled more after the spell Ice Knife from an adventure in Dungeon Magazine #47.


Author: Jeff Querner
Effect: When keepsake is cast on your magic book, it disallows use of your book by anyone not mentioned in the spell casting. The spell can even allow you to distinguish which spells which people may or may not look at. If someone attempts to read your spell without your authority (decided when you cast the spell), a note appears saying “naughty, naughty.” However, keepsake does not stop anyone from destroying the spell book.

Mana Shield

Author: Jeff Querner
Range: 0
Duration: 6 turns
Effect: Protects the caster, effectively giving him 2d4 extra mana hp for the duration of the spell. Damage is taken from the mana shield first. Despite the nature of the spell, multiple spells are not cumulative.


Author: Angelo Bertolli
Range: ?
Duration: ?
Effect: This spell is totally unpredictable, doing something weird and different every time, or may do nothing at all. The DM really should determine the effect as randomly as possible (though effects should be weird and unexpected, not necessarily powerful).
Author Notes: This spell is a tribute to the spell of the same name from the classic game Eamon. It’s the all-purpose magical tool that DMs can provide to do “special things” in adventures. For example, I had one adventure where a magical doorway would only open a portal (dimension door) when this spell was cast upon it.

Stoneskin 1

Author: Angelo Bertolli
Range: 0
Duration: 1 turn
Effect: Protects the caster against attacks by turning the his/her skin hard and stone-like. The caster gains a -2 bonus to AC vs melee and hand-thrown attacks, and a -4 bonus to fired missles. (No bonus vs. giant missiles like thrown boulders.)
Author Notes: Just your classic stoneskin spell, as found in many RPG settings. In particular, the SMAUG MUD comes to mind.

Second Level Spells

Acid Splash

Author: Angelo Bertolli
Range: 90′
Duration: instant
Effect: This spell fires one or more missiles of acid. The total damage the spell inflicts is 3d6 points of damage. The caster must decide before casting the spell how many missiles to fire, and the total damage will be distributed among them evenly (rounded down, even to zero). Each creature that takes damage may make a save vs spells for half damage. Creatures made of stone are not affected by this spell.
Author Notes: The idea of this spell came from the spell of the same name in Wizardry 7 [2].



Author: Angelo Bertolli
Range: 60′
Duration: instant
Effect: This spell fires a charge up to 60′ away that bursts into a pulse of electrical energy with a 10′ diameter. The electrapulse does 4d4 points of damage with a save vs spells for half damage. Creatures resistant to lightning automatically take half damage and may make a save to take no damage.
Author Notes: I went through a phase where it bothered me that there weren’t any attack spells on level 2 and that low level wizards hardly ever had anything to do in battles. I also thought spells with fixed damages were more appropriate to the game than ones that grew with the caster’s level.

Flame Bolt

Author: Angelo Bertolli
Range: 30′
Duration: instant
Effect: This spell shoots a bolt of fire at one creature up to 30′. The flame bolt does 2d10 points of damage with a save vs spells for half damage. Creatures resistant to fire automatically take half damage, and may save to talk no damage.

Prismatic Orb

Author: Angelo Bertolli
Range: 90′
Duration: 1 round
Effect: Creates an orb of randomly changing colors which can be fired at one creature within range. The color the orb happens to be when it strikes the color (determined by the table below) determines the effects of the orb. The DM may add colors and effects to this table.
1,Red,”2d8 fire dmg, save for half”
2,Orange,save or be charmed for 1d4 rounds
3,Yellow,save or be confused for 2d4 rounds
4,Green,save or be slowed for 1d4 rounds
5,Blue,”2d8 lit dmg, save for half”
6,Violet,”save or pain for 2d4 rounds (-1 AC, saves, hit/dmg)”
7,White,”2d8 cold dmg, save for half”
8,Black,save or blind 1d4 rounds

Third Level Spells

Riding Disc

Author: Jeff Querner
Effect: A larger version of Floating Disc that can support 2 (heavily laid down) or 3 people. The disc moves 15 feet a round.

Fourth Level Spells


Author: Jeff Querner
Range: 0
Duration: 1 hour
Effect: Absorbs 1 point per die from all damage taken.

Magic Mirror 1

Author: Jeff Querner
Range: 10′
Duration: 1 turn per level
Effect: Turns a reflective surface within range into a magic mirror through which the caster can view other creatures or areas. The caster must name the area or creature. The caster and any other creatures viewing the mirror will be able to see the images, but only the caster will hear sound from the viewing. Detection and vision spells can be cast into it, allowing the caster to detect magic, see invisible, etc in the area he is viewing.



Author: Angelo Bertolli
Range: 120′
Duration: instant
Effect: This fires a meteor at a target, doing 1d6 points of damage per level of caster of impact damage (with a save for half). It then explodes into a fireball of diameter 15′, doing another 1d6 points of fire damage per level of caster to all creatures within that area (with a save for half).

Fifth Level Spells

Dream 1

Author: Jeff Querner
This allows the caster to visit and communicate with another creature through the victim’s dream. The caster must have met the creature, and must name the creature, but the spell is otherwise unlimited by distance. This spell does not cause the victim to fall asleep: if the victim is not sleeping the spell fails. If the victim knows the dream is spell induced and does not wish to have the dream, he can make a save vs spells to wake up. Within the dream the caster may visit the victim, communicate with the victim, or even attempt to attack the victim in the dream. However nothing in the dream has any real effect, and the victim wakes up if killed in the dream.

Sixth Level Spells

Infinite Image

Author: Jeff Querner
Range: 0
Duration: 2 hours
Effect: An advanced version of mirror image that creates 3d4 images instead of 1d4.

Steal Items

Author: Jeff Querner
Range: 240′
Duration: instant
Effect: Takes 1d4 random items from the person it’s cast on. The spell might affect items the victim is equipped with or carrying. The spell places the items in the wizard’s backpack or bag.

Ninth Level Spells


Author: Angelo Bertolli
Effect: When this spell is cast upon a creature, it “shuffles” its abilities scores. The victim may save vs spells to avoid the effects. This dreaded attack is non-reversible, and can cause special problems for characters with minimum attribute requirements (DM’s discretion). One method of randomly determining the shuffle is to roll 1d6 for each attribute and swap that attribute with the number of the attribute indicated by the roll. It is possible to end up with the same attributes. This spell is almost useless against monsters because most monsters are considered to have the “average” score for all their abilities (DM’s discretion).
Author Notes: Another unoriginal attempt at spell writing on my part–inspired by certain monster attacks in the free game Angband.

Tenth Level Spells

Spells of this circle are generally unattainable by mortals without sufficient aid from greater powers.


  1. This spell was featured in the Basic Fantasy Olde Dungeoneer’s Almanack 2008. You can find a more complete compendium of spells in the Libram Magica.