All posts by Michael Wallace


(Modified Rake from Arena of Thyatis)

  • Prime Requisite: Dexterity. Other Requirements: Strength 9, or better.
  • Experience Bonus: 5% for Dexterity 13-15; 10% for Dexterity 16-18.
  • Hit Dice: 1d6 per level up to 9th level. Starting with 10th level, +2 hp per level and
  • Constitution adjustments no longer apply.
  • Maximum Level: 36.
  • Armour: Leather armour only; shield not permitted; a dagger (main-gauche) may be used in the off-hand, which will improve the Swashbuckler’s Armour Class by one, exactly like a shield.
  • Weapons: Any one-handed melee weapon; any thrown missile weapon (hand axe, dagger, rock, net, etc.)
  • Special Abilities: At 1st level – Open Locks, Climb Walls, Move Silently, Hide in Shadows, and Dodge. Fighter Combat Options at higher levels. Bonus to Charisma.

A swashbuckler is a combination of a thief and a fighter. They are the lightly armoured “gentlemen” from the upper classes (occasionally middle). It is a particularly popular class among noble or senatorial families, whose members are above petty thievery and (literal) backstabbing as a matter of honour.

  • Combat Chart: Swashbucklers attack as Thieves.
  • Saving Throws: Swashbucklers save as Thieves.
  • Open Locks, Climb Walls, Move Silently and Hide in Shadows: These work exactly as the Thief abilities of the same name.
  • Charisma: Swashbucklers receive a bonus of +1 to their initial Charisma score.
  • Dodge: This ability allows the swashbuckler to dodge (D) one melee attack, per round, by rolling his or her “Dodge” percentage. If he or she declares no attacks, they can try to dodge all incoming melee attacks during the round. Ranged spells, area effect attacks, and missiles cannot be dodged.
                 Open   Climb  Move    Hide in
Level     XP     Locks  Walls Silently Shadows  Dodge
1          0      10      77     15       5      10
2      1,200      15      78     20      10      15
3      2,400      20      79     25      15      20
4      4,800      25      80     30      20      24
5      9,600      30      81     35      24      28
6     20,000      35      82     40      28      32
7     40,000      40      83     44      32      35
8     80,000      45      84     48      35      38
9    160,000      50      85     52      38      41
10   280,000      54      86     55      41      44
11   400,000      58      87     58      44      47
12   520,000      62      88     61      47      50
13   640,000      66      89     64      50      53
14   760,000      69      90     66      53      56
15   880,000*     72      91     68      56      58
16  1,000,000     75      92     70      58      60
17  1,120,000     78      93     72      60      62
18  1,240,000     81      94     74      62      64
19  1,360,000     84      95     76      64      66
20  1,480,000     86      96     78      66      68
21  1,600,000     88      97     80      68      70
22  1,720,000     90      98     82      70      72
23  1,840,000     92      99     84      72      74
24  1,960,000     94     100     86      74      76
25  2,080,000     96     101     88      76      78
26  2,200,000     98     102     89      78      80
27  2,320,000**  100     103     90      80      81
28  2,440,000    102     104     91      82      82
29  2,560,000    104     105     92      84      83
30  2,680,000    106     106     93      86      84
31  2,800,000    108     107     94      88      85
32  2,920,000    110     108     95      90      86
33  3,040,000    112     109     96      92      87
34  3,160,000    114     110     97      94      88
35  3,280,000    116     111     98      96      89
36  3,400,000    118     112     99      98      90

* = Gain Fighter combat options: Two attacks are possible at this level.
** = Three attacks are possible per round at this level.


  • Prime Requisite: Strength. Other Requirements: Constitution 9, or better.
  • Experience Bonus: 5% for Strength 13-15; 10% for Strength 16-18.
  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per level up to 9th level. Starting with 10th level, +2 hp per level and Constitution adjustments no longer apply.
  • Maximum Level: 12 (36, if optional rules are used.)
  • Armor: Any; shields permitted.
  • Weapons: Any.
  • Special Abilities: Fighter Maneuvers (Lance Attack and Set Spear vs. Charge maneuvers at 1st level; at 660,000 XP, Fighter Combat Options); extra languages (Orc and player’s choice of: Ogre or Goblin); infravision; Hear Noise; Detect by Smell

Half-orcs stand between 5 1/2 and 6 feet tall, weighing in around 200 pounds. They are stocky, with course black or brown hair, dark skin and dark eyes. Some half-orcs have reddish hair, and lighter color eyes are not unknown, just very rare.

  • Combat Chart: Dwarf, if optional rules are used, half-orcs attack as fighters.
  • Saving Throws: Fighter. Half-orcs receive a +3 bonus on saves vs. Poison.
  • Hear Noise: This ability works exactly the same as the Thief ability with the same name.
  • Detect by Smell: This ability allows the half-orc to detect, and possibly follow, various scents that are beyond the smell of humans. The half-orc may be able to detect someone who is following the party (provided they have a scent,) or poisons in food, etc.
Level	XP	Attack Rank	Hear Noise	Detect Smell
1	0			25		5
2	2,200			30		10
3	4,400			35		15
4	8,800			40		20
5	17,000			45		25
6	35,000			50		30
7	70,000			54		34
8	140,000			58		38
9	270,000			62		42
10	400,000			66		46
11	530,000			70		50
12	660,000*	C	74		53
	800,000		D		
	1,000,000	E		
	1,200,000	F		
	1,400,000	G		
	1,600,000	H		
	1,800,000	I		
	2,000,000	J		
	2,200,000**	K		
	2,400,000	L		
	2,600,000	M

* Gain Fighter Combat Options: Two attacks are possible at this level.
** Three attacks per round are possible at this level.

If optional rules are used for level advancement, half-orcs advance exactly as do dwarves (page 266, Rules Cyclopedia.)


Upon reaching 9th level, a Neutral traveling fighter may elect to become a Ranger. The following requirements must be met:

  1. The character must live in a wild location. Rangers do not live in cities and they rarely visit them. Rangers will occasionally pay visits to the nearby village for supplies and to sell furs, or whatever necessary to maintain contact with rural humans. Rangers must do whatever they can to protect their chosen homeland and the people that live there.
  2. If the ranger’s Wisdom score is 13, or greater, the character can cast druid spells as if he were a druid of one-third his actual experience level (round any fractions down); if a fighter becomes a ranger right at 9th level, he’ll immediately gain the spells of a 3rd level druid. A 17th level ranger can cast spells as if he were a 5th level druid.
  3. A ranger may only travel with a number of hirelings equal to, or less than, his druid level. In other words, if he can cast spells as a 5th level druid, he can have five hirelings accompany him.
  4. Rangers can Move Silently and Hide in Shadows as a thief of one-third his actual experience level (round any fractions down.) Rangers can also Find and Remove Traps as a thief of one-third his actual experience level, but only in a woodland environment.

Modified Mystic or Monk

Modified Mystic and Monk from Dragon Magazine 09/1981

  • Prime Requisite: Strength and Dexterity. Other Requirements: Wisdom 9, or better.
  • Experience Bonus: 5% for Strength or Dexterity 16-18; 10% for Strength and Dexterity 16-18.
  • Hit Dice: 1d6 per level up to 9th level. Starting with 10th level, +2/level after 9 with no CON adjustments.
  • Maximum Level: 21.
  • Armor: None; shield not permitted.
  • Weapons: Any.
  • Special Abilities: At 1st level — Armor Class bonuses, increased Movement, Find Traps, Climb Walls, Move Silently, Hear Noise, Martial Arts and Mystical Abilities.

All abilities and changes not noted here are no longer possessed by monks/mystics. In all other situations, use common sense and the Rules Cyclopedia.

  • Combat Chart: Thief.
  • Saving Throws: Fighter.
  • Find Traps, Climb Walls, Move Silently, and Hear Noise: These work exactly as the Thief abilities with the same name.
  • Armor Class Bonuses: The Armor Class of monks improve with experience.
  • Movement: Monks move faster than normal humans, this rate improves with experience.
  • Martial Arts: Monks are the masters of unarmed combat. They receive multiple attacks when unarmed and bonuses to damage done with their hands and feet.
  • Mystical Abilities: These work exactly the same as those listed in the Rules Cyclopedia.

Level,XP,”Attack Rank”,”Find Traps”,”Climb Walls”,”Move Silently”,”Hear Noise”,Move,AC,”Unarmed Attacks”,Damage,Ability
5,”16,000″,,20,64,40,40,140,3,1,2d6,Heal Self
8,”120,000″,,25,67,52,45,155,1,2,2d6,Speak Animal
14,”840,000″,,40,73,68,58,185,-2,3,4d6,Speak Anyone
17,”1,200,000″,,50,76,73,66,200,-3,4,5d6,Mind Block
20,”1,560,000″,,55,79,76,70,215,-5,4,5d6,Gentle Touch

Druid Spell List

First Level

  1. Cure Light Wounds (Cleric 1)
  2. Detect Danger
  3. Faerie Fire
  4. Locate
  5. Predict Weather
  6. Purify Food and Water (Cleric 1)

Second Level

  1. Heat Metal
  2. Obscure
  3. Produce Fire
  4. Snake Charm (Cleric 2)
  5. Speak With Animal (Cleric 2)
  6. Warp Wood

Third Level

  1. Call Lightning
  2. Growth of Animal (Cleric 3)
  3. Hold Animal
  4. Protection From Poison
  5. Striking (Cleric 3)
  6. Water Breathing

Fourth Level

  1. Control Temperature 10′ Radius
  2. Plant Door
  3. Protection From Lightning
  4. Speak With Plants (Cleric 4)
  5. Sticks to Snakes (Cleric 4)
  6. Summon Animals

Fifth Level

  1. Anti-plant Shell
  2. Control Winds
  3. Create Food (Cleric 5)
  4. Dissolve
  5. Insect Plague (Cleric 5)
  6. Pass Plant

Sixth Level

  1. Anti-animal Shell
  2. Create Normal Animals (Cleric 6)
  3. Find the Path (Cleric 6)
  4. Summon Weather
  5. Transport Through Plants
  6. Turn Wood

Seventh Level

  1. Creeping Doom
  2. Earthquake (Cleric 7)
  3. Metal to Wood
  4. Summon Elemental
  5. Survival (Cleric 7)
  6. Weather Control

Elf Spell List

First Level

  1. Charm Person (MU 1)
  2. Detect Magic (MU 1)
  3. Light (MU 1)
  4. Locate (Druid 1)
  5. Predict Weather (Druid 1)
  6. Read Languages (MU 1)
  7. Read Magic (MU 1)

Second Level

  1. Continual Light (MU 2)
  2. Detect Evil (MU 2)
  3. Entangle (MU 2)
  4. ESP (MU 2)
  5. Locate Object (MU 2)
  6. Obscure (Druid 2)
  7. Warp Wood (Druid 2)

Third Level

  1. Clairvoyance (MU 3)
  2. Create Air (MU 3)
  3. Dispel Magic (MU 3)
  4. Hold Animal (Druid 3)
  5. Hold Person (MU 3)
  6. Protection from Poison (Druid 3)
  7. Water Breathing (MU 3)

Fourth Level

  1. Charm Monster (MU 4)
  2. Confusion (MU 4)
  3. Growth of Plants (MU 4)
  4. Hallucinatory Terrain (MU 4)
  5. Massmorph (MU 4)
  6. Plant Door (Druid 4)
  7. Summon Animals (Druid 4)

Fifth Level

  1. Anti-plant Shell (Druid 5)
  2. Conjure Elemental (MU 5)
  3. Contact Outer Plane (MU 5)
  4. Feeblemind (MU 5)
  5. Hold Monster (MU 5)
  6. Pass Plant (Druid 5)
  7. Woodform (MU 5)