
  • Prime Requisite: Strength. Other Requirements: Constitution 9, or better.
  • Experience Bonus: 5% for Strength 13-15; 10% for Strength 16-18.
  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per level up to 9th level. Starting with 10th level, +2 hp per level and Constitution adjustments no longer apply.
  • Maximum Level: 12 (36, if optional rules are used.)
  • Armor: Any; shields permitted.
  • Weapons: Any.
  • Special Abilities: Fighter Maneuvers (Lance Attack and Set Spear vs. Charge maneuvers at 1st level; at 660,000 XP, Fighter Combat Options); extra languages (Orc and player’s choice of: Ogre or Goblin); infravision; Hear Noise; Detect by Smell

Half-orcs stand between 5 1/2 and 6 feet tall, weighing in around 200 pounds. They are stocky, with course black or brown hair, dark skin and dark eyes. Some half-orcs have reddish hair, and lighter color eyes are not unknown, just very rare.

  • Combat Chart: Dwarf, if optional rules are used, half-orcs attack as fighters.
  • Saving Throws: Fighter. Half-orcs receive a +3 bonus on saves vs. Poison.
  • Hear Noise: This ability works exactly the same as the Thief ability with the same name.
  • Detect by Smell: This ability allows the half-orc to detect, and possibly follow, various scents that are beyond the smell of humans. The half-orc may be able to detect someone who is following the party (provided they have a scent,) or poisons in food, etc.
Level	XP	Attack Rank	Hear Noise	Detect Smell
1	0			25		5
2	2,200			30		10
3	4,400			35		15
4	8,800			40		20
5	17,000			45		25
6	35,000			50		30
7	70,000			54		34
8	140,000			58		38
9	270,000			62		42
10	400,000			66		46
11	530,000			70		50
12	660,000*	C	74		53
	800,000		D		
	1,000,000	E		
	1,200,000	F		
	1,400,000	G		
	1,600,000	H		
	1,800,000	I		
	2,000,000	J		
	2,200,000**	K		
	2,400,000	L		
	2,600,000	M

* Gain Fighter Combat Options: Two attacks are possible at this level.
** Three attacks per round are possible at this level.

If optional rules are used for level advancement, half-orcs advance exactly as do dwarves (page 266, Rules Cyclopedia.)