Adventure: The Curse by Angelo Bertolli
Creating Characters 1) Create a character that you've always wanted to play, multi-class, multi-race. 2) Characters on levels 6 to 8, possibly 10 for anyone playing a thief 3) Characters have as many magical items to start with equal to half their level 4) Roll 10d6 for physical and 10d6 for mental abilities
Items to choose from...
Quicksword: short sword +X, auto initiative, 1 in 3 chance of 2 attacks Luckblade: sword +X, +X vs saves Black Glove: drains 1d6+1 hp from a creature and transfers it to the user Hammer of Striking: dark hammer that does 2d6 dmg, of which 1d6 is magical, a striking spell doubles the damage to 4d6 Bloodsword: sword +X, heals user X pt per hit Crimson Harp: harp/lyre made of ruby, unwilling may save vs spells... courage +1 melee hit/dmg fear -1 melee hit/dmg, -2 morale charm mesmerized, no attack unless hit soothing calm/peaceful, +2 reaction Red Dragon Shield: shield +4 vs fire Snail Shield: shield +4 vs acid Blue Dragon Armor: plate mail +4 vs lightning, -2 points per die dmg Dragon Sword: sword +X can charge up 1/turn with any dragon power (fire, cold, acid, etc.) This can be used as an attack on a creature for Xd6 points of extra damage, fired as energy up to 60' away, or in other various ways, eg. heating up a tub of water with red dragon ability. White Whip: whip +X, victim must save vs paralysis or be paralyzed for Xd4 rounds. Continual Light Amulet: this amulet has a continual light spell cast on it.
Adjustments: no enchanted hand attacks no increased movement rate multiple attacks are multiple actions cannot find or remove traps gain xp normally no option to gain acrobatics at -20%
AC level #ATT hand ability 9 1 1 1d2 8 2 1 1d2 awareness 7 3 1 1d4 6 4 1 1d4 aimed attack 5 5 2 1d4+1 4 6 2 1d4+1 stun 3 7 2 1d6 2 8 2 1d6 critical hit 1 9 3 1d6+1 0 10 3 1d8 acrobatics -1 11 3 1d8+1 -2 12 3 1d10 heal self -3 13 4 1d10+1 -4 14 4 1d12 resistance -5 15 4 2d6+1 -6 16 4 2d8 mindblock
Aimed Attack: the mystic recieves no penalties to making an aimed attack.
Stun: this works on any humanoid creature (as charm person--include "partly human" creatures like centaurs, medusae, minotaur, etc. but not giants.) that is of equal or lesser level than the mystic. Each attack the mystic makes, the victim must save vs paralysis or be stunned for 1 round per each 4 points of damage (minimum 1 round per hit).
Critical Hit: if the mystic's attack roll is below his own level and he still hits, the victim must make a save vs death or die.
Acrobatics: this includes break falling, allowing the mystic to fall taking only half damage from a fall. Also, the mystic takes no damage from tripping or being thrown (the DM may allow a save vs wand).
Dragoon (blue dragon kin) A dragoon has a dragon ancestor, but is mostly human. Looks human at first sight, but may have slightly sharpened features and usually stronger skin, muscle, bones, and healthier body--though it isn't apparent. It is inherent in the dragoon's heritage.
gain extra 2d6 for physical attributes can jump down from up to a 20' fall w/o damage can jump as Boots of Leaping resistance to wind and lit attacks natural -1 to AC class: fighter, fighter/magic-user alignment: any
Dhampir (half-vampire) A dhampir is part vampire, though not undead. This gives a dhampir advantages on both sides. Dhampirs are still creatures born of darkness though, and will be affected by certain good magic designed to harm creatures of the dark. This is simply something the dhampir cannot control, though a dhampir may choose to be lawful and upright. gain extra 3d6 for mental attributes subject to control by higher undead (as a vampire) subject to holy magic and effects cannot approach a holy symbol regenerate 1 hp per turn immune to fear, sleep, charm, paralysis, disease, poison, drain class: magic-user, magic-user/thief alignment: any (usually chaotic)
Centaur The centaur might be hard to fit in with other people in society, but nothing is better for carrying a lot, and a lot of endurance. A centaur can travel at a good speed under load for a long time. People might not react well to centaurs, and their charisma is less. gain 3d6 for physical attributes lose 1d6 for mental attributes good endurance, carrying load, and movement rate class: fighter alignment: any
Troll-kin Troll-kin are more than half human, but still retain some trollish features. For this their charisma goes down. However troll-kin have resiliant skin, and their bodies are flexible, and heal themselves faster than others. gain 3d6 for physical attributes lose 1d6 for mental attributes regenerate 1 hp per turn natural -1 to AC class: fighter alignment: neutral, chaotic
"SO BE IT" intoned a deep voice, and the Dark Cleric smiled. Far, far away did the Great Demon's magic reach, and the cleric knew this.
Great catastrophes and earthquakes were occuring all over Glantri and the Grand Council knew this couldn't be good. Then rode in the barbarians from the east with ease, led by the Seventh Son. The barbarians have wanted this land since the beginning of Time and the Seventh Son had known this. He used them just he had used the power of the Great Demon. The Dark Cleric charged into the fray with his Iron Staff and Iron Ring as the Kingdom of Wizards fell...
The Curse of Glantri
THE CURSE The Curse is 10th level magic, embodied in the Orb which made its appearance coming through the floor in the center of the castle of Glantri City, in the grasp of a large stone claw. The Orb is a perfect sphere 12" in diameter and it pulses with an eerie red light. The Curse causes all spells and spell-like items to backfire while in the Principalities of Glantri. A few princes may still barely be keeping their own tower and village in tact and the barbarians out (either through negotiations or force or a combination of both), but this will definitely not last unless they are able to regain their spell casting abilities soon. The Orb can be neturralized if the God Knife is plunged into it and left there. It will be magically held to it, but nothing that can't be dispelled by a dispel magic spell (at any level). If the God Knife is ever retrieved, the Curse will re-enact and the Great Demon's power will become twice as strong as it was before.
THE SEVENTH SON The Dark Cleric, or Seventh Son has powers in addition to being a cleric (as the prophecy has foretold). His Iron Ring and Iron Staff only have power as long as the Orb is still functioning. First, the Iron Ring absorbs spell attacks made upon him--much like a ring of spell turning except that there is no limit and the spells simply don't affect the wearer. The Iron Staff allows him to cast spells in Glantri without the Curse interfering. Furthermore he has the following powers.
(1) Call upon the Great Demon: this takes about a 10 hour ritual, but the Great Demon can send great help and magic as long as it satisfies his own ends. (curses; create undead; magic spell effects)
(2) Call upon the Soul Eater: the Seventh Son can summon the Soul Eater, taking one hour to do so.
(3) View: this allows a crystal ball veiw, unlimited range and time, but it takes one turn use.
Also, if the Seventh Son is about to lose the Curse and is being defeated, the Great Demon himself may appear to help.
Laertes Triumphant, the Dark Cleric (c6) Wis +1 darkness hit points 24 protection from evil iron staff hold person x2 iron ring striking
DM notes: If the players are having a hard time, give them a chance to steal the Iron Staff by having the cleric run of when they are about to beat him (he drops the staff). The cleric will get away and summon the Soul Eater to take care of them, but now they will be able to cast spells.
THE GREAT DEMON The Great Demon himself will appear of the Dark Cleric is defeated and the Curse is going to be destroyed. The Great Demon will appear in front of the characters in the hall before the Orb Room. The Great Demon attacks.
The Great Demon
Armor Class: 4 Save As: F30 Hit Dice: 15+3***** Morale: 12 Move: 240 fly 480 Treasure: special Attacks: 2 claws Alignment: chaotic Damage: 2d6+special ea Xp Value: 7350
The Great Demon appears as a huge, shadowy red, wraith-like gargoyle. Demons are supernatural, but not undead (though they have many of the resistances that undead do). Their goal is to spread death and destruction. The Great Demon can see invisible and in darkness perfectly (truesight). It has the ability to create web spells (1 per round) and hurl them up to 240' away. Anyone hit by a claw must save vs paralysis or be thrown back and stunned for 1d4 rounds (no action, 1/3 move, +4 to AC, -4 to saves). The Great Demon can also cast any spell (DM's discretion). Defenses: immune to 1st and 2nd level spells; +2 weapons to hit; double damage from holy magic (like the God Knife).
SELENICA The king has just died leaving the throne to a young heir. The king, just and noble, was teh victim of magic--ver powerful magic from the Underworld. Some-thing is definitely going on and Gandalf, the magistrate knows this. First the Curse on Glantri, then Favaro is turned to stone, and now the king's soul has been ripped from its material body, never to be resurrected. Thus, Gandalf bears the responsibility to advise a young ruler on everything to keep selenica great. What about the curse? That's why he has summoned stalwart adventurers from all over the world. He has already sent some to Glantri (the worst and seemingly center of the curses), but none have returned. He will meet the adventurers at the castle as soon as they're all together, telling them of the Curse on Glantri and of the importance for them to cooperate and "spare no expense." After all the Great Demon must be thwarted at every op-portunity. He will direct them to a table adorned with potions, "Go ahead. You can each take one for the journey." The potions: thick red (heroism), cloudy slime (giant strength), blue (flying), clear with brown sediment (fortitude), thin yellow (super-healing), light green with wisps of dark blue (speed). Unfortun-ately, each whole potion must be used before the effect is known, and Gandalf isn't going to tell them what they do. Then Gandalf takes them into a different room. The room is plain and the Avatar has them sit around a ring of stones (2' high) prodruding from the ground with about an 8' diameter. Gandalf concentrates and begins to mutter strange incantations. Images pour forth into the ring of stones: battles between the barbarians and Kingdom of Wizards. Then the image concentrates on a dark cleric bearing an iron staff and iron ring. "It is the Sevent Son," comments Gandalf while concentrating. Suddenly there is a flash a fire fills the ring--seemingly almost as living fire. Then the image of a red, horned monster--appearing almost life-like. It faces Gandalf, "STOP INTERFERING AVATAR! SELENICA'S TIME WILL COME." Then the fire dies and the images disappear. Gandalf looks at the adventurers, "The Demon's magic is growing more powerful every day." Gandalf will also send Tantala with them. She is a cute sprite who is Gandalf's friend and will make sure things don't get out of hand between the adventurers. She is able to cast Charm Person once per day (as Gandalf taught her). Her attitude is playful, curious, and naive. If she's not flying around the adventurers' heads and causing michief, she'll be teasing Corvus in childish infatuation.
WILDERNESS/TRAVELS (1) Encountering Colored Skeletons (night): Giant, glowing red eyes shed a chilling light from the dark skies above. Then a wicked laughter, and a deep evil voice echoes, "You will go no further." Then, it fades away and skeletons of different colors appear: red, blue, green, black, and gray. Each have a glowing point of light in their ribcage of the appropriate color. The red cannot be damaged until the rest are killed. Each time another one is killed, they collapse and their light flies joining the red one, giving the red more HD each time. The skeletons carry short swords except for the red one which uses a normal sword. Use this as many times as desired. The skeletons and their items disintegrate into heaps of chalky powder when all are killed. (2) Trekking the Broken Lands: In addtion to groups of orcs, goblins, and the most dreaded kobolds, the adventurers have a fair chance to encounter a Dark Knight. One of the Dark Knights is their leader and has better stats. They'll recruit anybody into their army if they deem them trustworthy and the right material. They don't trust magic-users and will destroy their spell books. Before they include a player into one of their legions (if at all), the player is enslaved. They naturally trust the denizens of the Broken Lands to follow their commands more than they'll trust the adventurers, and players will have a very poor chance of getting out of enslavement. The goals and assets of the Dark Knights are yet to be known.
Dark Knight (f9)
Str +2
Con +1
armor -2
hitpoints 56
THAC0 15 (+4)
cursed potion
* dark sword +2
* dark shield +2
* dark plate mail +2
(3) Leaving the Broken Lands: When the adventurers are almost in the Principalities of Glantri, they will be ambushed by 24 crab spiders. One will jump down on them per round until they all stop coming. If the players kill them quickly enough, have them jump down more at a time.
CORUNGLAIN When the city Corunglain is barely in view, the adventurers will sight a wagon under attack by a pair of manticores. Most of the guards are dead with spikes protruding from them and only three wounded remain. Closer, the adventurers see a fleeing man, obviously of some importance, running in their direction. When he glances up, he will implore them for help. He is the chancellor of Corunglain. If the adventurers help, they will all travel to the city and the chancellor will be sure to write them all invitations to a banquet announced by the king. They should arrive a couple days later while the players are buying food for the journey. The king's banquet is celebrating the sudden good economic conditions in Corunglain and the castle treasure which is back on its feet after an incident with an impostor king. Also, the king plans on making an announcement: Samantha, an elf friend to the king, is granted nobility, becoming a princess in Corunglain. This is a big deal and extremely rare. She is "adopted" by the ancestors of the king as Daughter of the House. (So declared by the king, since the ancestors could not come back from the grave to do so.) However, since she is obviously of no royal blood, she currently has no rights to the throne whatsoever. Also, her power is below any other nobility (including the captain of the guard, knights, chancellor, magistrate, judges, etc.), giving her power only over the servants and guards (who are still not obligated to follow her orders). At the banquet, there are many opportunities to hear rumors and warnings (especially from the chancellor who knows them and introduce them to people). Something worth mentioning: the character's will be given a room at the castle and are expected to wear appropriate clothes--and cannot be carrying their equipment around either. When the characters first get there, Marcus will sight Samantha and attack her with his hidden lightsabre in revenge for Spirit. The festival gets more chaotic and wild as the night goes on with wine, women, and song. And since the players will have rooms, they can do a little wenching too. Amidst the chaos, the blackmsith will attempt to bring Samantha her shield vs lightning (made from blue dragon scales) since she's been nagging him to get it done before the banquet. She wanted to get away and go somewhere, so the blacksmith also has a horse ready for her as compensation for his tardiness. However the guards aren't likely to let him in (but Samantha might get a glimpse and decide to leave--after all, no one is going to stop her now).
Rumors. King's warning: Beware in the broken lands because Dark Knights have been sighted (true).
Chancellor: There was a necromancer here some time ago named Maximus the Black (true). Now he's gone and I'm glad because he seemed like a trouble maker. Ask Samantha, she knew him.
Noble: They say that in the Broken Lands the orcs are building a mighty city and are going to begin conquering surrounding areas as soon as they can (false).
Servant: the King's been sleeping with the new princess (true).
Captain of the Guard: The chancellors wife is pregnant again (true). I wonder which one of my men is responsible this time.
Wench: Psst (winks). Maybe we could find a room where we can be alone.
Server: Here, have a cold one (pours you an ale).
Maiden: You look like someone who can show a girl a good time and perhaps make her a woman.
Lady: I don't like the new princess. I think she's been sleeping with my husband (false).
Priestess: You've been staring at my legs all night, you sick pervert (and she avoids you).
Wealthy fighter: I'm thinking about calling it quits and taking one of the wenches with me.
Servant girl: (About to pour you some wine) Hey, don't you think you've had enough? (Looks at you) You sure you want some more?
Acolyte: My studies at the temple aren't too hard, but they're boring as hell! If I had my choice I'd be a hunter.
Bard: Sometimes the wealthy like for me to play, but most of the time I perform at the local pubs.
Knight: When you are a knight, you have alot of responsibilites, but the rewards are great.
Jester: I have the keys to all the storage and treasury houses (false). But don't tell the king or I'll raise the taxes again.
GLANTRI CITY The adventurers will encounter a tough crowd and may get into a few fights if they don't watch what they say, but on the whole, the barbarians aren't concerned with declaring war on a few travelers. The adventurers may encounter a friendly, wise, old viking warlord who may take them in (if they prove their might) and explain some things to them if they ask. Of course, he sees the victory of the barbarians as a product of their own skill. He's only heard very little of the Dark Cleric and isn't sure if he believes it either. He will also be curious as to what they are doing here. He may be a little suspicious of their motives, but they don't seem to pose any kind of threat to the mighty barbarians and he won't hide anything he knows. They can stay with him as long as they want, and if they do, he is likely to show them off or get them involved with the barbarian way of life. The way into the castle is restricted by barbarian guards who don't really know what they're guarding. Most barbarians don't know about the Dark Cleric who is in the castle--just a few barbarian leaders who secretly employ his help in their superstitious beliefs. These leaders stay at the castle with the Dark Cleric and, for some unkown reason, keep the cleric's existence a secret to the rest of the barbarians. After a while, the adventurers will encounter a secret cult of magicless magic-users living in hideouts (striving to survive). After all, the barbarians don't trust witchcraft. They can't let the barbarians see them, and this poses a problem when there are thieves who can find you and chase you from your hiding place. (The thieves love having some "stupid" barbarians take over the land and have allied with them pretty well, bringing out hiding magic-users. This is good to provide and encounter.) The magic-users will naturally not be looking for the adventurers, and they will be worrying about other things. But Tantala will show them a ring from Gandalf, and the magic-users will take them in. Here the adventurers can find more detail on the Orb and what happened. The ring Tantala brought is the Ring of Power. Their hideout is magically protected and was supposed to be sanctuary for the rulers of Glantri. They have tables with magical tools, scrolls, and vials of liquids on them. There are also some beds and worthless spell books lying about. On one wall of the place is an archway which seems to lead to nowhere except into a face of stone. The archway is carved with symbols and plated with gold. The magic-users have an underground passage to get into the dungeons of the castle. The magic-users have been studying how to destroy the Orb which they know to embody the Curse. Currently, no one can even touch the Orb without a penetrating electrical shock throwing him back three feet. They have found an ancient text but are unable to fully decipher it. They believe a silver idol has something to do with the Orb and think it's the key which the players must decide what to do with. They also know that the archway is some kind of Dimensional Door, but don't know how to open it. One symbol in the center of the arch matches the symbol on the Ring of Power. If the others do not think to examine this, Tantala will notice and point it out to Corvus. If the ring is touched to the wall within the arch, the Dimensional Door will open for 1 turn. On the other side there is a door just like it. This door leads into the lair of the White Widow--where can be found the Silver Idol, and thus the adventure begins...
DUNGEON way into Catacombs is guarded by 2 Winged Warriors CATACOMBS
*Allow magic to work in catacombs and caverns.
SEPTEMBER CASSANDRA AC 2 HP 15 LV 4 AC 7 HP 12 LV 3 platemail cloak leather zap rod shield boots bow 20 arrows sword bracers
September She's a Tralandaran Warrior who lived in Glantri City and helped keep the magic-users a secret. Seeing the Ring of Power, she may question them, but will lead them to the user's hideout.
Cassandra Elf--Blackthorn's lover. She runs in the first night they stay with the users, brought by September. Her urgent message: Alfheim is being attacked by the Shadow Elves and they have gotten Blackthorn on their side. She doesn't anyone to hurt Blackthorn. Fleetwood and Marcus, who are awake hear the message first and decide to go. They will tell the other players to continue and about Alfheim.
Zap Rod 1" thick, 4' long, sharpened at ends (metal rod). 2-handed weapon, lit attack, must make hit roll (with +2), and does 2d6 damage missile, but can be used in melee range (up to 30')
Armor Class: 7 Save As: fighter 2 Hit Dice: 2 Morale: 7-10 Move: 120 Treasure: A Attacks: 1 weapon Alignment: neutral Damage: by weapon Xp Value: 20
Barbarians are nomadic peoples who inhabit cold, northern plains and tundra where they live by hunting. Most are level 2 fighters, although their leaders can be of much higher level. Some barbarians are thieves or clerics, and druids are not unknown. They generally wear thick clothing of skins and furs and arm themselves with bows, spears, swords, and so on. Some leader types have metal armor, obtained, like their metal weapons, by trading or warfare with civilized peoples.
So long as they are allowed to lead their lives and roam where they will, barbarians would rather hunt than wage war. They ahve a strong sense of honor, and fight fiercely if this is offended. They are fond of wrestling, and will form strong allegiances with those who prove their might and worth either in a wrestling match or otherwise.
Winged Warrior
Armor Clas: 5 Save As: fighter 2 Hit Dice: 2* Morale: 11 Move: 60 fly 180 Treasure: nil Attacks: 2 wings Alignment: lawful Damage: 1-6/1-6 Xp Value: 25
A winged warrior is a specially modified form of crystal living statue, enabled to fly because of a permanent fly spell cast on it. Although the body of a winged warior is made of crystal, it's wings are usually made of polished, silvery metal. These are attached along its arms from wrist to armpit, and extend down to its waist so that the winged warior flies with it's arms extended. The wings of this construct are often engraved and decorated to look like a real bird's wings.
A winged warrior usually swings its arm backhaned, causing a powerful slashing blow. A winged warrior is immune to the effects of mind spells such as sleep, charm, and hold. It can follow simple instructions given by its creator.
Soul Eater
Armor Class: 0 Save As: cleric 10 Hit Dice: 10* Morale: 12 Move: 180 Treasure: nil Attacks: 2 claws Alignment: neutral Damage: 1d10 ea + special Xp Value: 1750
A soul eater is a being from another dimension summoned by (or granted by an Immortal to) high level clerics. It is used to slay beings as ordered by the cleric who summoned or recieved it. A soul eater appears as a cloud of glowing darkness and can assume any shape desired. Once assigned a victim, it will not stop until either the victim or itself is defeated. A soul eater is intelligent and will accomplish its mission by any means it can.
In combat, the creature will attack with 2 ghostly claws each round. In addition, each time it hits it will drain one point of wisdom (save vs death to avoid). A soul eater may only be struck by magical weapons. If a victim is slain by a soul eater, or has wisdome reduced to 0, the victim is dead and the soul eater will return to its own dimension. Characters killed by a soul eater cannot be raised or reincarnated, otherwise the character regains wisdom at the rate of 1 point per day. If the soul eater's hit points are reduced to 0, it will dissolve into a formless cloud and drift away. It will not return.
If the soul eater's victim is slain by another, or if the soul eater is defeated, it will return to the cleric who summoned it and attack him in a blind fury. Because of its rage, it will ahve 20 hit dice and do 3d6 points of damage when it attacks. If defeated a second time, it will disappear forever.
Curses Weakness (str 3) Become 1' shorter, grow ears & tail (cha 3) Cowardice (save vs paralysis or flee from monsters, -2 melee hit) Feeblemind Bad Luck (-3 to all saves) Clumsiness (dex 3)
Lightsabre: this rod does 3d8 damage per strike
God Knife (artifact): gives +10 to hit, does 1d20 dmg
Ring of Power: allows the user to cast Power 1 per turn.
Power (level 1, magic-user spell) This spell is totally unpredictable, doing something weird and different or may do nothing at all. First the DM sees if he can determine the effect (he may choose it). Or use the chart
1 nothing
2-4 1st level magic-user spell
5-6 1st level cleric spell
7-8 2nd level magic-user spell
(DM chooses details, 1-2 on 1d6 chance to backfire--undesired effect.) stun, berserk, forgetfulness, fear, poison, polymorph self , fire, lit, cold, charm, confusion, dimension door
*Boots of Dexterity *Bag of Changing *Codex of Ultimate Wisdom antidote scrolls (fireball, fly, 2 web, knock, 3 magic missile, animate dead) feather pen 33 platinum pieces *backpack lute tower keys ladder of shrinking crystal ball
BAG scroll of phantasmal force potion of healing magic chess 2 poisons wand of trap detection
SPELLS *magic missile *haste *sleep *fly *charm person *fireball detect magic read magic *polymorph self ventriloquism *ice storm light *charm monster polymorph others *invisibility *mirror image *teleport *web *animate dead phantasmal force wall of stone knock
CHEST dagger vs elements stone of earth elementals bamboo flute spell book wand of magic missiles 800 platinum pieces
LAIR OF THE WHITE WIDOW (carved into rock on the Ice Plateau.) [check light]
(1) Walk through dimensional door similar to one just used. Portal still glows with magic and gateway which looks like a pool of vertical water, glistening when it ripples, remains open. Room entered is about 30' roughly square--drips are heard echoing throughout the cold icy passages of these white caverns. Straight ahead is a passage and a draft can be felt coming from the passage on the left.
Who is going to guide and lead? What formation (order)? Who will divide up the treasure? (someone everyone trusts) Walls are very cold, smooth rock, carved and polished by centuries of melting ice and dripping water. In one turn: dimensional door closes and can be opened using the Ring of Power.
[hear laughing echoing through the corridors] (2) There is a narrowing side passage to the right, but it is blocked by rubble--a landslide. The rocks are dark in color and you notice something barely white sticking out.
Envelope labeled "INSTANT ARMOR," containing chalky white powder.
(3) This is a room 40'x30'. There is an archway straight ahead and a passage to the left--both you cannot see into. Ice statues line the walls of this room. Enter ® statues attack!
There are 14 ice statues total--6 up, 8 down (walls) Ice Statue=Crystal Statue
(4) Circular room 50' diameter. Ring of bars from floor to ceiling with a 40' diameter and a silver door to gain entrance. Beyond the pillar-like stone is a blue rod
Silver door ® locked, Rod ® Rod of the Nixie OPEN SILVER DOOR = EVERYONE GAINS 1/2 BASE XP
(5) Room 40'x40'. When your light touches this room, bats start to fly around your head. For a moment you are confused.
62 bats, 3 grey oozes squeeze through ceiling and drop (surprise) while players are confused.
(6) Cell 30'x20' with bars and locked door. On the left wall hangs a sword, on the right wall hangs a bow and arrows.
Sword ® Ice Sword, Bow ® Ironheart, Arrows ® 20 Arrows of the Spider
INSTANT ARMOR forms into hard, lightweight (plastic) platemail; also usable by thieves and mages; NO ENC, AC 0, 1d4 hours
ROD OF NIXIE usable 1 per round to create 15' cube ice storm, 3d6 dmg
ICE SWORD +1, +4 vs fire, Cone of Cold 1 per day (as the Wand of Cold)
IRONHEART BOW metallic long bow +1, polymorphs into sword +1 on command
ARROWS OF SPIDER victim wrapped in a mass of sticky strands and is tied-up (save vs paralysis to break)
(7) Room 30'x50'. In one corner is some straw. In the other is a table with 3 potions, a dagger, and gems on it. Under the table is a chest.
This is the home of a crazy colddrake who takes the form of a dwarf. He will insanely berserk them if he sees them... but he's probably wandering around in the dungeon. He can get out through room (9) because he can fly.
Potions ® delusion (undead control), fire resistance, and invisibility; dagger ® normal; gems (8) ® 500 each
Chest ® trap: save vs wands or shock for 2d8 dmg; inside: 200 pp & thieves tools
(8) Odd room 20'x30'. Small altar on back wall with Silver Idol on it. Between the players and it are 6 giant centipedes entwined and writhing. They attack.
Picking up the Idol ® sense it is hollow. If broken open, there is a scroll that seems to translate strange runes.
[break web to enter] (9) Large circular room 70' diameter. Most of it is a big pit, but there is a ledge around so that passage is possible to the eight exits positioned evenly around the room. The bottom of the pit cannot be seen because of the distance and it is filled with a stiff ice-like web. This web also stretches around the corners and sides. This room is lighted from a large hole--as wide as the room--in the ceiling leading 40' to outside. There are only few places to exit this way as most is blocked by ice-web. This sprinkles rainbow hues into the rest of the room. You see movement among the complex strands below.
[hear someone shouting "HELP HELP" echoing] This is the Lair of the White Widow. If they quickly exit a near passage it will not have time to attack unless they get paralyzed by the webbing blocking all along the edge.
White Widow
Armor Class: 4 Save As: fighter 5 Hit Dice: 5*** Morale: 9 Move: 120 Treasure: C Attacks: bite or web Alignment: chaotic squirt Xp Value: 550 Damage: 1d10 + poison or paralysis
only hit by magic/silver BITE: save vs poison -2, or be paralyzed 2d4 turns WEB SQUIRT: freezing venom, 30' range, save vs poison +2, or paralysis 2d4 rounds WEB: frozen venom, anyone touching must save vs poison +4, or paralysis while in contact and 2 rounds after
(10) Cell 30'x20' with bars and locked door. In far right corner is a pile of treasure and in the center is a floating key.
If entered through secret door ® Silver Key is in a gelatinous cube. Treasure: 100 copper, 200 silver, 200 gold, 10 gems (50 each), jeweled necklace (200 gp), and 2 gem-studded gloves (400 each).
(1) Sign on the door reads: "THE CRYPT OF THE HIGH ELVES." Room 60'x60'. Contains 4 tombs, each reaching 4' high, including the heavy stone lids. An eerie red light catches your attention--there are 4 dark robed figures holding small, diffuse, red glowing spheres in each hand. They throw them at you...
These are 4 wyrds. The tombs cannot be opened and there is nothing of interest.
Armor Class: 4 Save As: elf 4 Hit Dice: 4* Morale: 12 Move: 120 Treasure: B Attacks: 2 spheres Alignment: chaotic Damage: 1d6/1d6 Xp Value: 125
A wyrd is an undead spirit inhabiting the body of an elf. It usually appears as a dark robed figure holding a small, diffuse, red glowing sphere in each hand. In combat, the wyrd can either strike with these two hands using the spheres as melee weapons, or fling them as missiles (range 30/60/90), or use one sphere in melee and one as a missile.
If a sphere hits a target, it explodes inflicting 1d6 points of damage against most opponents, but 1d6+3 against elves. As each sphere explodes, a replacement instantly appears in the wyrd's hand, but it can only make two attacks per round. Clerics have the same chance of turning wyrds as they do fo turning wraiths.
(2) Sign on the grave: "McGREGOR'S GRAVE."
Searching the grave reveals a scroll: "Look from the archway to find the door."
(3) Sign on the wall: "HALL OF ELVES." Before you is a hallway lined with graves of elves who lived here long, long ago.
The graves cannot be opened.
(4) You look around the corner. you see a hord of bestial humans, their flesh tearing away.
These are 12 ghouls.
(5) Sign on the door: "THE UNHOLY." Room 50'x30'. If any grave is disturbed, a wraith will appear.
(6) Trap! Strangle vines drop (10 Vines).
Strangle Vine
Armor Class: 9 Save As: normal man Hit Dice: 1/square foot Morale: 12 Move: 0 Treasure: U Attacks: 1 Alignment: neutral Damage: special Xp Value: 10/square foot
A strangle vine looks like 1d10 ordinary creepers (up to 20' long) dangling from above (anchored to something). It is touch sensitive, and attempts to entangle any individual moving through it. Victims suffer 1d4 points of strangulation damage per round and can even be pulled off their feet.
A character with a strength of 6 or more has a 5% chance of breaking free of the vine by tugging at it, but the more a victim struggles, the tighter the vines clings. Thus, weaker characters have a greater chance of escaping than strong ones (stronger ones use muscle, weaker ones kind of just slip out). For each pont of strength under 6, the chances increase by 5%.
An alternative means of breaking free is to cut away a sufficient area of vines with an edged weapon. Characters caught in the vine may attack it with a penalty of -4 to hit rolls.
(7) Locked electrum door. [Opening this door restores all lost levels for 1d4 turns and all energy drainers on this level lose their ability to do so permanently.] Room 30'x30. Electrum statues of pegasi in the four corners. In the middle is a long electrum box bolted to the floor.
Opening the bosy reveals the Rod of the Pegasus.
ROD OF PEGASUS 3d6 dmg, 30' lit bolt, 1 per round
(8) Another Dimensional Door (open with Ring of Power). Walking through, the players are back in the magic-users' hideout. Operates just like the one in the Lair of the White Widow. The door in the hideout still leads to the Lair, not the Catacombs when activated in the hideout (if they go back through before a turn is over, they go back to the Catacombs).
(9) Sign on the door: "GRAVES OF CHAOS." Enter a room 40'x40'. On the left side is an altar, on the right side are graves.
Graves cannot be opened. Touching the altar causes 1d6+1 points of damage (per round). Furthermore, bestows one curse (not cumulative) unless a save vs spells is made.
Curses Weakness (str 3) Become 1' shorter, grow ears & tail (cha 3) Cowardice (save vs paralysis or flee from monsters, -2 melee hit) Feeblemind Bad Luck (-3 to all saves) Clumsiness (dex 3)
(10) Sign on the door: "DEMARA'S FOUNTAIN." Room 60'x50'. See a row of statues. Walk down the row of statues into the room part. In the 4 corners are statues of paladins. In the middle is a beautiful, clean fountain. With it's body around the fountain, the head of a skeletal dragon rises. It's glowing eyes turn your way...
The fountain is an abundant source of "potions of healing." The characters can be totally healed if they simply touch the water that is still in the fountain.
SKELETAL DRAGON AC 1 SA F8 HD 8 MR 12 MV 90 TR H ATT 3 AL C DMG 1d6/1d6/3d8 XPV 650
(11) Room 30'x30', lined with graves. There is a large statue of a shrieking neried (female water haunt) with a chain necklace. On the necklase is an electrum key.
The key opens the electrum door. Trap: if someone tries to take the key, a stream of flaming oil will come from the neried's mouth--if standing in front (assumed), automatic hit, else no hit. DMG 2d8
(12) Sign on the door: "TOMB OF DEMARA." Huge room 90'x90'. At the far end are four large statues of faeries adorning the four corners of a large tomb. Between you and it is a large elliptical pool 50'x30' made entirely of gems. you can tell this place has not been disturbed for many years.
The gems are of various colors, players can "fill up" on them. However, touching a gem will disturb Demara--rise from tomb, ancient mummy of an elven lord. Attacks. If the mummy is killed, the place begins to crumble. The characters should leave, or they will be trapped inside when a large stone slab falls blocking the door from the inside of Damara's Tomb.
GEM VALUE clear 100 red 50 smoke 50 blue 10 green 10 yellow 5
(1) As you walk through the hallway, go get a very bad feeling about this place. A cool draft blows, save vs spells or run and hide (fear).
(2) As you walk through this passage, you feel it start to get warm really fast, even enough to make you start to sweat. You stop to take a rest. The great heat seems to be coming from the room at the end which is also seems to be glowing with red heat from the inside. The heat in that room must be scorching.
(3) Diamond room 50'x50'. This room is HOT. You take damage every round you are in here (1d8). There are pools of lava, making it hard for you to make your way through the room. In the middle of the room is a large snake-like lizard on top of a glowing red hot iron trunk. The lizard is about 16' long, with bright orange-yellow and orange-red scales. To the left is a great hallway lined with arches.
It is a flame salamander. This room is so hot that it does 1d8 damage and is not cumulative with the salamander damage. The salamander will not attack unless attacked. If it is killed, the trunk it is on will cool down a little, but will still be very hot. Anyone who opens it will take 1d6 points of damage. Inside is a red cloak which seems to be cool to the touch--unaffected by the heat whatsoever. It is a Cloak of Phoenix Fire Resistance.
CLOAK OF PHOENIX FIRE RESISTANCE Bestows total immunity to normal and magical fire, reduces damage from fire-type breath weapons to half (save for a fourth), and acts as a normal potion of fire resistance against phoenix fire.
(4) This 20' wide hall is lined with archways and filled with fire.
The fire is a 12 HD Fire Elemental. Whoever wears the Cloak of Phoenix Fire Resistance reduces damage by the elemental by 1 point per die, then only takes half.
(5) Large Phoenix Statue--Rod of the Phoenix
ROD OF PHOENIX 3d6 dmg, 15' diameter fireball, 1 per round
(6) A strong wind blows as you enter the room 50'x90'. There is a pit cutting this room in half, 50' wide and about 20' deep. The air starts to take form in front of you...
It is a 12 HD Air Elemental. In the pit it is hard to see, but there is a black pudding. The secret passage is in the pit.
(7) The passage widens and you enter an area of dark fog. You can only see a few feet in front of you (5-10). You stay close so as not to lose each other and continue into the darkness.
Roll 1d6 for each character when they pass through here. On a roll of 1, a shadowy figure forms in front of that character. The character must save vs spells or flee. The figure is a shadow, and attacks.
(8) You enter a room 50'x50' with rounded corners. In the middle of the room is a slave girl being beaten by a demon-like creature.
This is the Lamara's illusion to get a surprise attack on the party.
Armor Class: 3 Save As: F18 Hit Dice: 8+3* Morale: 10 Move: 90 Treasure: D Attacks: weapon/squeeze Alignment: chaotic Damage: weapon/3d8 Xp Value: 1380
Lamara has the lower body of a giant snake and the upper body of a human female. They love to eat flesh, particularly human. They have sharp fangs, but don't use them for an attack (they would do 1d6). A lamara likes to lure human males as slaves and as food. They can use a powerful charm (-2 to save) against males who will defend the lamara at any cost. They can also create illusions at will. Lamara typically carry a short sword, maybe even magical. In addition, they hit with their tail. If the tail hits, it wraps around the victim for 3d8 points of damage on subsequent rounds (no hit roll required).
(9) You walk down a hall for about 60' then, you find yourself in a hall and room whose walls are purple curtains. Ahead of you is an altar with an inscription on it. On the altar lies a dagger.
THE GOD KNIFE worth +10, does 1d20, artifact
The God Knife. It is the Lamara's job to guard this, and unless she is killed, any non magic-user who attempts to take the God Knife will have a powerful curse put upon him (DM's choice). If they get the God Knife, find the character that needs the most experience to level, and give everyone that amount.
Outside the curtains are the nightmares of anyone who looks into there. Any character opening the curtain must save vs spells or flee. Behind the curtains, aslo are waiting spectres. They cannot leave that area, but will attack if anyone decides to go there.
(10) A well--dried up, but is covered with short wood planks and houses a complex of rooms and passages. There is a 1 foot tall hole in the base--this is the home of Cay-Men. (Creature Catalogue) --want food.
CAY MEN Short, 1' tall humanoids with stone-like skin.
(11) Storeroom (1 side): dusty room filled with shelves. Barrels, bags, pots, and jars line every shelf and are stacked on the floor.
Search: 2 coils of rope, 2 pickaxes, shovel, small hammer, 2 kegs of ale (10 gp ea), small barrel of brandy (30 gp)
Armory: the other side of the room is crowded with shelves of battered helmets, dented shields, and nicked swords. The walls are lined with racks of spears and axes.
12 spears 6 swords 6 shields 8 plate mail 4 battle axes 4 cloaks
Scroll: the orb of dragonkind was a powerful magical item that could change a person into a dragon once its magical secrets were unlocked.
(12) Alchemist's room: this old room is covered with potions, magical notes, and scrolls.
Scroll of protection from magic Scroll of protection from lycantheropes Scrolls (read magic, detect magic, ventriloquism, detect invisible, wizard lock, levitate, dispel magic, lightning bolt, ice storm)
Potions: COLOR CONSISTENCY TYPE purple thick poison light blue thick polymorph self pink normal poison gray normal clairvoyance black thick growth white thin poison
(13) Guard's quarters: small uninteresting rooms
1) Good Sword
2) Silver dagger
3) Shield w/ symbol of Sun
(14) Treasure Room: the light glitters across chests and treasures about this room. In this room are bags, pieces of armor, piles of coins and jewels, and mighty 2-handed battle axe. All that stands between you and the treasure is a gargantuan snake. This huge python is 60' long with a head the size of a horse.
GARGANTUA SNAKE AC 1 SA F10 HD 20* MR 11 MV 60 TR Ux4 (at 2 times normal %) ATT bite/squeeze AL N DMG 2d8/4d8 XPV 4500 On a hit roll of 20, the python can wrap around a victim, squeezing for 2d8 each round.
Search: small chest: 200 pp wooden box: huge ruby (100,000 gp) small sack: 200 gp large sack: 300 gp, 300 sp large sack: 600 ep puch: 12 various gems pile of silver (2000) and copper (8000) studded Leather Armor of the Sun (+4, +8 vs paralysis and stone) on the wall--platemail, reinforced with chainmail and pants, complete with helmet: Armor of the Dragon (base AC 2, +2, +5 vs Dragon Breath, encumbrance 600) Gem studded shield +3
(15) King's Room: Once extravagantly furnished, now kind of decayed.
Search: 8 jewels, fine cloth, and 2 silver figurines 2' tall (living silver statues)
SILVER STATUE AC 4 SA F1 HD 1 MR 11 MV 90 TR nil ATT 1 AL N DMG 1d3 XPV 10
(16) Grand Hall: the torches still burn, even after those many years.
Torches of Eternal Flame: never go out and can be commanded either on or off.
(17) Statue Hall: horrid smells of rotting.
(18) Kitchen: the kithcen is cluttered and smelly. It is furnished with a table, a big fireplace, and shelves loaded with junk. Three ragged human skeletons lie in one corner. skeleton--ring of cold resistance skeleton--medallion of ESP 30' shelf--poison and antidote Clay Jar--450 gp
(19) Dining Room: this place is empty except for a table and chairs. The dishes are of a silvery metal--one is still shiny. You think you see something move reflecting from above it, but when you look up nothing's there.
Silver Plate--Mirror of Life Trapping.
CREATURES IN THE MIRROR (about 1200 years ago) Lackard. Lupin (ancient race of dog-men, creature catalog) One of Conan's friends and warriors. Level 4 figther Trissa. Druidess who was a guest of Conan once peace had settled in the realm. Level 6 druid Veronica. A friend of a friend of Conan. She became one of Conan's warriors and ate with them at his table. Despite Lackard's appearance, whe's grown to like him over the centuries. Level 4 mystic Wolfsbane. Lackard's pet dire wolf. Codo. Conan's cook. He's almost lost his mind over the years, tending to be silent and zombie-like. Akarok. A guest of Conan from the north--a Quarik. Quariks are humanoids with sharp teeth and 2 long fangs, and clawed feet for walking on the ice. His city was called the City of Gold because of the way the sun hit it at 6:00 in the afternoon, giving it a glowing yellow quality from a distance (the city is made of crystal).
(20) Throne Room: As the doors swing open, torches on the walls mysteriously light up, revealing a noble throne room. An old skeletal human body sits on a stone throne at the back of the room. With a crown on his head and such noble stature, you know this is Conan, the warrior king. The torches also reveal a creature floating in the middle of the room with many eyes.
It is a Wandering Eyes. Carpet--800 gp, 400 enc. Conan's Crown (bone crown)-- protection +1. In Conan's Hands--grayish transparent bauble 2" diameter with image of a dragon inside that changes color when turned in the light (Orb of Dragonkind).
Wandering Eyes
Armor Class: 4 Save As: fighter 8 Hit Dice: 8*** Morale: 10 Move: 90 Treasure: L,N,O Attacks: bite Alignment: any Damage: 2d4 Xp Value: 2300
Some have speculated that the Wandering Eyes is related to the beholder, however it seems they might have originated in two completely different areas. As a whole, Wandering Eyes are much more pleasant to behold. A Wandering Eyes looks like a floating orb-like head (about 2' wide) with a single large eye in its forehead and a mouth. Out of the back of its head grow five trunk-like or snake-like appendages, forming a kind of star formation around the head, and usually facing forward. Each stalk ends in a small sphere containing an eye. Each of the smaller eyes creates a ray with a different magical effect; each can be used each round. While there can be different abilities, generally Wandering Eyes have the following (range 120'):
Eye 1: Attack. This ray operates like a magic missile spell, doing 3d6+3 points of damage, and the ray can create fire, cold, or lightning damage.
Eye 2: Charm. The victim must is affected as Charm Monster.
Eye 3: Fear. As the cleric spell Cause Fear.
Eye 4: Stun. The victim must save vs spells or be stunned 2d4 rounds (no action, move 1/3, -4 to saves, +4 AC, cannot concentrate)
Eye 5: Confusion. The victim is affected as the magic-user spell.
Central: Passwall. As the magic-user spell.
In addition, the central eye has perfect night vision and can see magically in the darkest of darkness. A Wandering Eyes moves by means of a magical flight, but is somewhat faster than beholders.
NAME CLASS/LV ARMOR HITS WEAPONS STR DEX Fleetwood Fighter 8 2 40 sword +2 +1 Marcus Theif 5 5 14 lightsabre, silver dagger +2 +2 Tomei Cleric 4 4 19 war hammer +1 -1 Corvus Magic 5 8 8 dagger +1 +1 Tantala Mage 1(19) 5 2
SPEED MAGIC SPELLS Fleetwood 60 none none Marcus 120 none none Tomei 90 giant strength cure lt wounds, detect evil, bless Corvus 120 none floating disc, telekinetic fist, levitation x2, hypnotic hands Tantala 60 f180 none charm person
Fleetwood: fur-lined cloak, plate mail, backpack, small sack, rope, 6 spikes, hammer, tinder box, 6 torches, 2 flasks oil
Marcus: leather armor, lightsabre, silver dagger, rope 50', grappling hook, ruby ring, backpack, 2 small sacks, large sack, belt pouch, tinder box
Tomei: girdle of giant strength, war hammer, plate mail, shield, small sack, holy symbol
Corvus: dagger, belt pouch, 2 small sacks, large sack, deck of cards, yellow cloak, mule w/ saddle bags, 400 cp, 400 sp, 20 gp
- Given royal steeds and food for the journey...
ROYAL STEED Armor: 7 Save: F2 Hits: 3d8 Morale:6 Move: 180 XPV: 35 ATT: nil DMG: nil (never attack)
Load: 4000 Cost: 400
Gandalf sends Tantala with the Ring of Power (secret) to guide them.
Marcus wants revenge on Samantha who killed Spirit.
Tantala beguiles. Tantala likes Corvus. Tantala gives the Ring of Power to Corvus.
"Sexy" Sadie Pretty face and good personality, but what people notice most is her body. Worked at the XXX bar in Selenica. One day, she met someone who swept her off her feet and she went with him to Corunglain (Maximus the Black). But he left after he was through using her body for himself and to bribe people. She hasn't seen him since. Now she visits the guard barracks in Corunglain to get enough money to go back home. Unfortunately, the guards get drunk often and beat her. (Encounter: Captured as a slave to Dark Knights.)
Glantri You see a kingdom once ruled by good and noble wizards, but now a wretched slum filled with barbarians. These are hard times for the people of Glantri...
"Give us your horses!" shouts a barbarian. "AND the rest of your stuff."
You eventually arrive in Glantri City, the capital. The barbarians here seem less concerned with you. You decide to pay a visit to the tavern. Raucous shouts and laughter spill out of the banquet hall. Dishes smash. You hear a lurching song. A former Glantri soldier, a deserter, with a frowsy barmaid, heads for one of the rough lodgings farther along the balcony. You shiver at this nest of cutthroats and brigands, but following the party, enter anyway.
Not long after, you've been sucked into a bar fight. Unfortunately, they're tougher than you and you're getting your ass kicked by two or three brawlers--you can't see very well now. A hand pulls you out of the middle of it, and takes you to a back door. You go down the hall to the last door, ignoring all the animalistic noises from the other rooms. (It must be mating season.)
You find yourself in a normal room. "They sure don't keep this place up to any kind of standard," says Marcus. "No telling how many whores have done their work on those sheets since the last time they've been washed." You all begin to search. Marcus finds a door in the floor and drops down into a small hole. He opens a secret door in the wall of a pit...
You're travelling underground, through a passage lit by an eerie green glow. You soon find you're destination. Your friend and Corvus are here with a female adventurer whom you haven't seen. There's something mysteriously attractive about her.
You've arrived at the magic-users' hideout. There are only a few left. There are tables with magical tools, scrolls, and vials of liquids on them. There are also some beds and worthless spell books lying about. On a wall of the place iis an archway which seems to lead nowhere exept into a face of stone. The archway is carved with symbols and plated with gold.
The Tale of the Curse The magic-users know you have come to help, and tell you the story, "Barbarians invaded the land. They came mounted on mighty steeds and with blood on their minds. They broke through all our magic, all the while earthquakes and great disasters befell our noble city., In the castle, the Curse took form--10th level magic embodied in an Orb. Thus far, no one can even touch the Orb without a penetrating electrical shock throwing him back three feet. Now the Dark Cleric resides in the castle and all is lost." The users have found an ancient text but are unable to fully decipher it. They believe a certain silver idol can destroy the Orb and that the archway is some kind of Dimensional Door. They have a secret entrance into the dungeon. From the dungeon you can access the rest of the castle, dangerous though it is. There is also a sealed door at the far end of the dungeon beyond which are the sacred catacombs of the ancient lords.
The Bar in Glantri
You notice one woman sitting at a table by herself, watching the people fight. She's a warrior, but more of a true adventurer. She's not overly beautiful, but something about her--maybe it's her flowing red hair--just takes your breath away. She motions for you. "Come, sit with me," she says as you and Corvus sit down.
"I'm September," she tells you not fully trusting you. "I heard you mention the magic-users to the barkeep. Why are you here..." -- "Where did you get this!" she exclaims at Corvus, holding his hand with the ring showing. Before you can answer, she gets up and takes you throu a back door. You go down the end of the hallway, passing doors on the right and left--rooms apparently containing wenches and their customers. You go into a door at the end of the hall.
Spying on the Castle September: "The castle gate is guarded by 30 men and inside are the warlords." Marcus goes in dungeons, hiding in shadows--finds out that the Dark Cleric is in the castle and barbarians follow him. Cleric was in a secret ritual. Also has seen the orb--mighty and powerful. ??