|@ @| @ Pedestal | | B Baltar, fighter/king with dragon armor | | D Dilvish, elf with runic sword | | P Prudence, Paladin | B*| * Dead body | D% | % Lief, Dark Knight | LP | L Leanna, wolf |@ @|
Prudence begins casting...
Initiative 5 Prudence 4 Lief 4 Leanna 2 Dilvish 1 Baltar (auto)
Lief watches Baltar's blade flash as he takes 7 points of damage from the quick sword.
Prudence finishes her spell, putting her hand on Dilvish's shoulder.
Lief points the Rod of Medusa at Baltar, firing a small meteor which impacts upon Baltar, then ignites a fireball doing 7 points of damage to him, and hitting Dilvish and himself for 4.
Leanna, the wolf, runs over to Baltar
|@ @| @ Pedestal | | B Baltar, fighter/king with dragon armor | | D Dilvish, elf with runic sword | | P Prudence, Paladin | LB*| * Dead body | D% | % Lief, Dark Knight | P | L Leanna, wolf |@ @|