Heroes of Selenica » monsters » monsters.txt


Monster Variants

Forest Giant (Hill Giant): These neutral giants are kin to hill giants, but are more intelligent, and usually good natured. They are usually woodsmen and do not attack human settlements. They have long black beards, wear clothes, and weild huge axes. They speak common well.

Forest Baboon (Rock Baboon): These black, long-haired monkeys are kin to rock baboons. They have a similar disposition and may attack for food or out of anger, however they are also more cautious and may spy on characters for sometime from the treetops before attacking.

Orc Clans (Rules Cyclopedia)

Red Orc

Armor Class:  3                    Save As:    F1
Hit Dice:     2                    Morale:     10
Move:         90                   Treasure:   (P)D
Attacks:      1 weapon             Alignment:  chaotic
Damage:       by weapon+1          Xp Value:   20

Notes: -1 to hit in daylight Typical equipment: red plate mail, red halberd or battle axe, red helm

Red orcs (Orcs of the Red Hand) are a more warrior, organized clan of orcs. Their home is Red Orcland in the Broken Lands, however with the conquesting Dark Knights, many red orcs have been found in other lands. Red orcs forge their own plate mail (AC 3) and weapons (polearms, battle axes) from a redish colored metal which tends to be somewhat brittle. Being a little stronger, they gain +1 to damage rolls.


Armor Class:  2               Save As:    NM
Hit Dice:     1/8             Morale:     6
Move:         60              Treasure:   nil
Attacks:      weapon          Alignment:  neutral
Damage:       1/2             Xp Value:   1

Brownies are small (6-8 inch tall) michievous humanoids. They live in deep woods usually away from paths or trails. They resemble wild forest people and make tiny weapons out of small shards of metal and wood. They have a unique ability to speak with any living creature. They are somewhat proud and don't care for blundering humanoids walking through their wood, and may attack a passerby. They can hide instantly, disappearing into the trees and underbrush where they live. Being so small, they are particularly hard to hit (AC 2).

[Even though there are "brownies" described in other sources (like the Creature Catalog I think), these are inspired by the ones from the movie Willow. Their home seems to be located in pockets deep within Alfheim. They are not known to live elsewhere.]

Dark Knight

Chaotic Fighter, level 10 Armor Class: 0 Save As: F10 Hit Dice: 9+2 Morale: 11 Move: 90 Treasure: special Attacks: 1 weapon+2 Alignment: chaotic Damage: 1d8+2 Xp Value: 1000

Typical equipment: cursed potion, random potion (belt), darksword+1, darkshield+1, darkplate+1

Dark Knights (level 10 fighters) command the lesser denizens of the Broken Lands.  They are human fighters and knights from other lands who have become evil over the years and seek either revenge or gold.  Recently they have become more powerful and organized, and have some honor among themselves.  They carry enchanted swords and armor.

Shadow Elf

Armor Class: 7 Save As: E2 Hit Dice: 2d6* Morale: 8 Move: 120 Treasure: (P+R)I Attacks: 1 weapon Alignment: chaotic Damage: by weapon Xp Value: 25

Notes: -1 to hit in daylight, infravision, languages (shadow, dwarf, elf, goblin, orc) Typical equipment: broadsword/falchon, knife shield, studded leather/scale mail, barbed whip, spear/composite bow

These elves live deep in caverns in the underworld.  They have pale skin.  They have a hatred for surface dwellers and desire to gain control of Alfheim.  They fear and distrust oustside races.  They speak shadow, dwarf, elf, bugbear, and orc.  Rarely do they speak common.
Shadow elves have a -1 penalty to hit in daylight.  Since their service to the Beast, member in their armies have been known tot be anywhere from level 3 to 7, and weild spells (though peculiarly none have spell books).  They usually wear studded leather (AC 7), and their weapons include broadswords, spears, barbed whips, and knife sheilds.  Leaders (level 5+) carry a falchon and composite bow with 20 black arrows.

Barbarian (Creature Catalog ?)

Armor Class: 7 Save As: F2 Hit Dice: 2 Morale: 7-10 Move: 120 Treasure: A Attacks: 1 weapon+1 Alignment: neutral Damage: by weapon+1 Xp Value: 20

Typical equipment: leather & furs, battle axe

Barbarians are nomadic peoples who inhabit cold, northern plains and tundra where they live by hunting.  Most are level 2 fighters, although their leaders can be of much higher level.  Some barbarians are thieves or clerics, and druids are not unknown.  They generally wear thick clothing of skins and furs and arm themselves with bows, spears, swords, and so on.  Some leader types have metal armor, obtained, like their metal weapons, by trading or warfare with civilized peoples.
So long as they are allowed to lead their lives and roam where they will, barbarians would rather hunt than wage war.  They ahve a strong sense of honor, and fight fiercely if this is offended.  They are fond of wrestling, and will form strong allegiances with those who prove their might and worth either in a wrestling match or otherwise.

Winged Warrior (Creature Catalog ?)

Armor Clas: 5 Save As: F2 Hit Dice: 2* Morale: 11 Move: 60 fly 180 Treasure: nil Attacks: 2 wings Alignment: lawful Damage: 1-6/1-6 Xp Value: 25

A winged warrior is a specially modified form of crystal living statue, enabled to fly because of a permanent fly spell cast on it.  Although the body of a winged warior is made of crystal, it's wings are usually made of polished, silvery metal.  These are attached along its arms from wrist to armpit, and extend down to its waist so that the winged warior flies with it's arms extended.  The wings of this construct are often engraved and decorated to look like a real bird's wings.
A winged warrior usually swings its arm backhaned, causing a powerful slashing blow.  A winged warrior is immune to the effects of mind spells such as sleep, charm, and hold.  It can follow simple instructions given by its creator.

Soul Eater (Creature Catalog ?)

Armor Class: 0 Save As: C10 Hit Dice: 10* Morale: 12 Move: 180 Treasure: nil Attacks: 2 claws Alignment: neutral Damage: 1d10 ea + special Xp Value: 1750

A soul eater is a being from another dimension summoned by (or granted by an Immortal to) high level clerics.  It is used to slay beings as ordered by the cleric who summoned or recieved it.  A soul eater appears as a cloud of glowing darkness and can assume any shape desired.  Once assigned a victim, it will not stop until either the victim or itself is defeated.  A soul eater is intelligent and will accomplish its mission by any means it can.
In combat, the creature will attack with 2 ghostly claws each round.  In addition, each time it hits it will drain one point of wisdom (save vs death to avoid).  A soul eater may only be struck by magical weapons.  If a victim is slain by a soul eater, or has wisdome reduced to 0, the victim is dead and the soul eater will return to its own dimension.  Characters killed by a soul eater cannot be raised or reincarnated, otherwise the character regains wisdom at the rate of 1 point per day.  If the soul eater's hit points are reduced to 0, it will dissolve into a formless cloud and drift away.  It will not return.
If the soul eater's victim is slain by another, or if the soul eater is defeated, it will return to the cleric who summoned it and attack him in a blind fury.  Because of its rage, it will ahve 20 hit dice and do 3d6 points of damage when it attacks.  If defeated a second time, it will disappear forever.

White Widow

Armor Class: 4 Save As: F5 Hit Dice: 5*** Morale: 9 Move: 120 Treasure: C Attacks: bite or web Alignment: chaotic squirt Xp Value: 550 Damage: 1d10 + poison or paralysis

 This intelligent and magical spider can only be hit by magic or silver.  BITE:  save vs poison -2, or be paralyzed 2d4 turns.  WEB SQUIRT:  freezing venom, 30' range, save vs poison +2, or paralysis 2d4 rounds.  WEB:  frozen venom, anyone touching must save vs poison +4, or paralysis while in contact and 2 rounds after

Wyrd (Creature Catalog)

Armor Class: 4 Save As: E4 Hit Dice: 4* Morale: 12 Move: 120 Treasure: B Attacks: 2 spheres Alignment: chaotic Damage: 1d6/1d6 Xp Value: 125

 A wyrd is an undead spirit inhabiting the body of an elf.  It usually appears as a dark robed figure holding a small, diffuse, red glowing sphere in each hand.  In combat, the wyrd can either strike with these two hands using the spheres as melee weapons, or fling them as missiles (range 30/60/90), or use one sphere in melee and one as a missile.
 If a sphere hits a target, it explodes inflicting 1d6 points of damage against most opponents, but 1d6+3 against elves.  As each sphere explodes, a replacement instantly appears in the wyrd's hand, but it can only make two attacks per round.  Clerics have the same chance of turning wyrds as they do fo turning wraiths.

Strangle Vine (Creature Catalog)

Armor Class: 9 Save As: NM Hit Dice: 1/square foot Morale: 12 Move: 0 Treasure: U Attacks: 1 Alignment: neutral Damage: special Xp Value: 10/square foot

 A strangle vine looks like 1d10 ordinary creepers (up to 20' long) dangling from above (anchored to something).  It is touch sensitive, and attempts to entangle any individual moving through it.  Victims suffer 1d4 points of strangulation damage per round and can even be pulled off their feet.
 A character with a strength of 6 or more has a 5% chance of breaking free of the vine by tugging at it, but the more a victim struggles, the tighter the vines clings.  Thus, weaker characters have a greater chance of escaping than strong ones (stronger ones use muscle, weaker ones kind of just slip out).  For each pont of strength under 6, the chances increase by 5%.
 An alternative means of breaking free is to cut away a sufficient area of vines with an edged weapon.  Characters caught in the vine may attack it with a penalty of -4 to hit rolls.

Skeletal Dragon

Armor Class: 1 Save As: F8 Hit Dice: 8 Morale: 12 Move: 90 Treasure: H Attacks: 2 claws/bite Alignment: chaotic Damage: 1d6x2/3d8 Xp Value: 650

 The skeletal is an undead dragon, whose bones have been animated.  They can be of different HD, but none have any special abilities of dragons.


Armor Class: 3 Save As: F18 Hit Dice: 8+3* Morale: 10 Move: 90 Treasure: D Attacks: weapon/squeeze Alignment: chaotic Damage: weapon/3d8 Xp Value: 1380

 Lamara has the lower body of a giant snake and the upper body of a human female.  They love to eat flesh, particularly human.  They have sharp fangs, but don't use them for an attack (they would do 1d6).  A lamara likes to lure human males as slaves and as food.  They can use a powerful charm (-2 to save) against males who will defend the lamara at any cost.  They can also create illusions at will.  Lamara typically carry a short sword, maybe even magical.  In addition, they hit with their tail.  If the tail hits, it wraps around the victim for 3d8 points of damage on subsequent rounds (no hit roll required).

Gargantua Snake

Armor Class: 1 Save As: F10 Hit Dice: 20* Morale: 11 Move: 60 Treasure: Ux4 (x2 normal %) Attacks: bite/squeeze Alignment: neutral Damage: 2d8/4d8 Xp Value: 4500

 This huge python is 60' long with a head the size of a horse.  On a hit roll of 20, it can wrap around a victim, squeezing for 4d8 each round.

Silver Statue

Armor Class: 4 Save As: F1 Hit Dice: 1 Morale: 11 Move: 90 Treasure: nil Attacks: 1 Alignment: neutral Damage: 1d3 Xp Value: 10

 Silver statues are 2' tall animated statuettes or figurines.  They can be of anything, but typically take the appearance of small guards with swords or axes.


 Quariks are humanoids with sharp teeth and 2 long fangs, and clawed feet for walking on the ice.

Wandering Eyes

Armor Class: 4 Save As: F8 Hit Dice: 8*** Morale: 10 Move: 90 Treasure: L,N,O Attacks: bite Alignment: any Damage: 2d4 Xp Value: 2300

Some have speculated that the Wandering Eyes is related to the beholder, however it seems they might have originated in two completely different areas.  As a whole, Wandering Eyes are much more pleasant to behold.  A Wandering Eyes looks like a floating orb-like head (about 2' wide) with a single large eye in its forehead and a mouth.  Out of the back of its head grow five trunk-like or snake-like appendages, forming a kind of star formation around the head, and usually facing forward.  Each stalk ends in a small sphere containing an eye.  Each of the smaller eyes creates a ray with a different magical effect; each can be used each round.  While there can be different abilities, generally Wandering Eyes have the following (range 120'):

Eye 1:  Attack.  This ray operates like a magic missile spell,
          doing 3d6+3 points of damage, and the ray can create fire,
          cold, or lightning damage.
Eye 2:  Charm.  The victim must is affected as Charm Monster.
Eye 3:  Fear.  As the cleric spell Cause Fear.
Eye 4:  Stun.  The victim must save vs spells or be stunned 2d4 rounds
          (no action, move 1/3, -4 to saves, +4 AC, cannot concentrate)
Eye 5:  Confusion.  The victim is affected as the magic-user spell.
Central:  Passwall.  As the magic-user spell.

 In addition, the central eye has perfect night vision and can see magically in the darkest of darkness.  A Wandering Eyes moves by means of a magical flight, but is somewhat faster than beholders.

Vampire Rose

Armor Class: 7 Save As: F2 Hit Dice: 4* Morale: 12 Move: 30 Treasure: nil Attacks: 1 thorn + Alignment: chaotic blood drain Damage: 1d8 Xp Value: 125

 Look like normal rose bushes.  Can uproot and move around in search of prey.  Thorny stalks whip around victim for 1d8.  Thorns hollow--automatica drain 1d8 hp/round.  The plant also injects hypnotic anaesthetic into bloodstream.  Save vs spells or lose all willpower.  After completely draining the victim it blooms red instead of white.


 This wraith is a female water haunt.  She can lure men like harpies lure a meal.  Nereids live in and ourand water and have brought many sailors and fishermen to their fate.  XPV:  225.


Armor Class: 9 Save As: F6 Hit Dice: 6** Morale: 6 Move: 120 fly 240 Treasure: C Attacks: 1 blow Alignment: chaotic Damage: 1d4 Xp Value: 725

 Phantoms are magical beings.  Appear solid, but are made of mist and can take any shape human or smaller.  They use this to lead creatures to their doom.  Because they are made of mist, they can fly and walk on water.
 Magical attacks to full damage, others do half.  They can become invisible at will and have the following 1/day:  confusion, hallucinatory terrain, and phantasmal force.

Pocket Dragon

Armor Class: 8 Save As: M3 Hit Dice: 3** Morale: 8 Move: 90 fly 120 Treasure: K,L Attacks: bite Alignment: any Damage: 1d4+venom Xp Value: 85

 These small 3' long dragons eat insects.  Venom (save vs poison):  sick 2d6 days, -2 to hit.  Breath (3/day):  1 creature 20' away.

Wychglow (Wisp)

Armor Class: 0 Save As: F6 Hit Dice: 6** Morale: 11 Move: 180 Treasure: G Attacks: lit bolt Alignment: chaotic Damage: 1d10 Xp Value: 725

 Wisps are balls of eerie light (1 to 3 feet diameter) that appear only at night or dark underground caverns.  Attracted to metal, they will attack to obtain it.  They eat electrical energy from metal, which takes hours and reduces metal to a fine chalky dust.
 Lightning 2' wide and 30' long automatically hits:  save vs wands, wearing metal armor takes half damage, not wearing metal armor takes no damage and are allowed +5 to save.
 Wisps are immune to electrical attacks and take minimum damage from fire.  They can only be hit by +1 or greater.

Lernaean Hydra

 Although similar to a normal hydra, it regenerates two heads for each one that was severed.  A maximum of 12 heads can be grown.  The new heads form in 1d4 rounds and can be avoided only by prompt application of a flame to the neck.  This hydra's body is immune to all attacks.

Green Monks

 The Green Monks (level 3 fighters) wear bright green robes, and walk seemingly peacefully through the woods.  However, they will attack any outsiders or people who disrespect the wood (characters, goblins, bugbears, etc.)  They wear no armor and weild staves.

Red Imp

Armor Class: 7 Save As: F8 Hit Dice: 4** Morale: 10 Move: 120 Treasure: nil Attacks: 2 claws Alignment: chaotic Damage: 1d4 ea Xp Value: 175

 Imps are red fleshy humanoids about 5' tall with long arms and large eyes.  They were driven to the Netherworld eons ago, but once lived on the material plane so that they are of flesh and blood.  They have strong mental powers (illusion, charm, sleep).  Their children are called welps.  They can use phatntasmal force, charm monster, and sleep each once per day.

Red Demon

Armor Class: 9 Save As: F30 Hit Dice: 15+3*** Morale: 12 Move: 240 fly 480 Treasure: nil Attacks: 2 claws Alignment: chaotic Damage: 1d4+special ea Xp Value: 5150

 The Red Demon appears as a huge, red, wraith-like gargoyle.  Demons are supernatural, but not undead (though they have many of the resistances that undead do).  Their goal is to spread death and destruction.  Red Demons have the ability to create web spells (1 per round) and hurl them up to 240' away.  Each hit drains one magical item of a plus or power.  If no magic items, then one item disintigrates.

[This monster has unusually high hit dice for it's AC and damage. This was intentional as it was meant to be a long battle and challenge for a large group of lower level characters (around level 4). This was also created as a tool to reduce the amount of magic being carried by such low level characters at the time.]