Heroes of Selenica » others » races-classes.txt


There are 6 genres that exist with the Realms to group together current classes:

Sorcerer Augurer, Mage, Nephandi Divinity Cleric Rogue Bladesinger, Fathomer, Thief Fighter Paladin, Ranger, Warrior, Barbarian Aberrant Vampire Shaman Druid

NEPHANDI . <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

                        "You owe me your living,
                         Strew my path with furs,
              That I may tread barefoot through your soul,
              Carve a throne of black obsidian in your heart
             That I might be seated in the midst of your desires.
              I will take your gold rings, your silver chains
                        Your crowns, your crosses.
                           ...Your Soul.
                The pain and damnation shall consume you,
                         'fore I take your soul..
            of course, I can offer your reprieve, for a price.
      Swim with the firstborn, embrace the dark. Enter the madness."


Clerics draw their powers from gods both devout, indifferent, and malign. Magi draw their power from the ethereal bonds between all life and matter. The Nephandi draw their powers from the Void that lies within the heart of men. They serve Infernal masters who condemn this world to ruin and waste. The Darkness of the Void swirled before the sun burned bright and will continue to swirl once the Sun is extinguished. The demons and the devils of the Void thirst for the end of Light. Their servants, the Nephandi, seek to hasten the End Times through the spread of depravity, temptation and corruption. Nephandi who forsake their Infernal Master renounce the source of their power. They possess only the base skill of a hedge magician and are too poorly skilled to defend themselves solely with the martial arts. Few Nephandi renounce the Path of Screams and maintain their evil alignment through the slaughter and corruption of innocence. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> The Nephandi relies mainly on wits and intelligence to deal with the Infernal. Failing this, the Nephandi must be prepared to deal in deceit or flee, hence a propensity to be dexterous. Forsaking the powers of the Gods and receiving little unsolicited aid from their Masters, Nephandi tend to be unlucky. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Nephandi are debauched members of the Human, Pixie, Gith, and Drow race. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> The Nephandi were introduced to the Realms through Jade. Through a twisted pact with an unknown Power, their abilities have been altered and magnified. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

                      Live by the sword,
                       Die by the sword.


Bladesingers are the result of years of training and dedication in the art of swordplay. Bladesingers rely on edged weapons for combat, eschewing other weapons as inferior. Fanatical devotion to this form of combat creates a magical bond between blademaster and weapon. The Bladesinger may infuse his weapon with powers beyond the ken of normal warriors. In order to keep their disciplines honed, Bladesingers only follow the deadly path. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> The swordplay training of Bladesingers develops their dexterity to unimaginable levels. However, a strong blade in a weak hand is useless. As such, the Bladesinger's physical regimen also requires exceptional strength. The strict discipline and training of a Bladesinger leaves no room for chance. They do not believe in luck. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> A majority of the races are able to train as Bladesingers. Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Half-Ogres, Half-Trolls, Half-Orcs, Half-Elves, Gith, and Drow may all choose to become Bladesingers. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

VAMPIRE VAMPIRES . <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

                   No one holds command over me.
                             No man.
                             No God.
                            No Prince.
        What is a claim of age for ones who are immortal?
        What is a claim of power for ones who defy death?
                   Call your damnable hunt.
        We shall see who I drag screaming to Hell with me.
                         Gunter Dorn, Das Ungeheuer Darin


Vampirism, in most legend, is a curse bestowed upon one individual by another already damned to exist as a Vampire. Vampirism in the Realms appears to be a curse of creation, for all those who subsist on blood are born to their existence. Fed and nurtured with blood, the Vampire learns early in unlife the ways of the predator. While a Vampire may drink from blood on the ground, such cool and congealed sustenance does not compare to warm and rich life stolen from the veins of a victim and stored within the Vampire. It is measured in blood points (bp). These blood points may be expended in the casting of spells or the use of vampiric abilities. A severely wounded Vampire will also intuitively draw on the power of the blood to heal themselves during battle. A Vampire will also instantaneously expend blood to remain functional during the daylight hours. No such expenditure is needed in the evening hours. During the twilight, a Vampire also gains a bonus to their armor class and the ability to transport themselves through mist once they are sufficiently skilled. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Fueled by the powers of their blood and the might of their inner Beast, a Vampire is amazingly quick and agile. Dexterity is their prime trait. However, their immortality affords them the ability to improve their mental attributes over time. This natural intelligence is a useful secondary attribute for the Vampire. Unlike other classes, the power of the blood enhances every attribute a Vampire possesses. A Vampire is deficient in neither mind nor body. Vampires are unduly affected by holy power, but resistant to unholy powers. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> The curse of eternal life may be levied on Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Half-Ogres, Half-Orcs, Half-Trolls, Half-Elves, Gith, and Drow. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

FATHOMER FATHOMERS . <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

  I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
      And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,

And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking, And the gray mist on the sea's face and a gray dawn breaking.

 I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide
     Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied.
                                    John Masefield, Sea Fever


Conquerors of many seas and ships, Fathomers are adepts at both battle tactics and the realm of storms. Having spent so much time at sea, they tend to lead solitary lives. Through the many raids they lead and take part in, Fathomers quickly learn the art of war. The nature of their pirate descent keeps them mostly on the defensive. However, as the Fathomer grows in age and experience, they become adepts with the elements of water. While they also have a limited ability to manipulate air, it becomes twofold when coupled with their reign over the oceans and seas. Stealthy yet bright, Fathomers not only evade most attackers, but are also quick to assail from shadows or feign their movements. Having spent so much time at sea to advance in their arts, Fathomers are limited to medium sized races with sturdy frames. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Forced to contend with rough seas and thin yardarms, Fathomers are often well balanced and nimble. Dexterity is the foremost requisite of those who ply the seas. However, the Fathomer is not as base as his scurvy pirate ancestors. The Fathomer is adept at manipulating the water and wind. In order to maintain their repertoire of spells, a Fathomer must possess a keen intellect and be sure to never neglect his intelligence. Due to poor conditions and the hardships of a life at sea, Fathomers are often in ill health and lack in constitution. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> The seas teach their song to Humans, Half-Elves, Gith and Sea-Elves. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

BARBARIAN BARBARIANS . <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

            The question is not whether we will die,
                     but how we will live.
                                               Joan Borysenko


A beast who is idle will not long survive. A beast that takes more than it needs to live will soon find it has wasted what it needed to survive. The barbarians, who live as the beast does, know this as fact. They fail to comprehend how the towndwellers, with their bizarre magics and supposed book-wisdom, can not understand. To the barbarians, the decadence and selfishness of the towndwellers seems foolish. A life where the best interest of the individual surpasses the survival of the tribe is unthinkable. Though towndwellers would consider the barbarian life uncivilized and crude, it is a simpler way of life based on tradition, honor and duty to the spirits. The strength, courage and hardiness of the barbarian is honored only when it serves these beliefs. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Barbarians live in a daily struggle for survival. Strength is their foremost requirement, but constitution to endure long hunts and harsh living is a close second. Barbarians do not waste their time on idle pursuits like study and are deficient in intelligence as a result. As such they are unable to read or recite scrolls. Their superstitions concerning magicks render them highly susceptible to spellcasters and unable to use magic items. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> The hardiness required for the barbarian life allows Humans, Half-Elves Half-Orcs, Half-Trolls, Half-Ogres and Dwarves to follow this lifestyle. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

RANGER . <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

         "I wander o'er green hills through dreamy valleys
              And find a peace no other land could know
              I hear the birds make music fit for angels
               And watch the rivers laugh as they flow."
                       Richard Farrelly, "Isle of Innisfree"


A Ranger is an outdoorsman and adventuresome spirit in a time of troubles. A self-sufficient person, the Ranger is adaptable and can survive in almost any locale. Skilled with weapons and able to utilize some of the finest armor available, a Ranger is physically skilled enough to take on most any foe. However, for especially hardy opponents, a Ranger also can cast many useful spells to both hinder his opponent and aid himself. From minor curative magicks to blinding his enemy, the Ranger is one of the classes most adept at surviving on its own. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> A Ranger typically travels light, but he has attained a strength equal to any Warrior if he should be required to carry more. Years spent surviving in the wilderness easily equal the strength training of a Warrior. A Ranger is served not only by his physical strength, but also his wisdom and knowledge of nature. Their solitary nature leaves little time for social skills among Rangers, and they are often seriously lacking in charisma. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> The way of the woods may be learned by Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Pixies, and Half-Elves. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

DRUID DRUIDS . <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

               "I believe in the way of an older law
             When we used to dance to a different drum
                    And we are changing our ways
                 Yes we are taking on different roads
            Tell me about the forest you once called home."
                 Dead Can Dance, "Tell Me About The Forest"


The Druid is a lover and protector of the natural land. Be it the forests full of centaurs and deer, the streams full of fish, or the bug-infested swamps, a Druid always strives to protect and preserve nature. Wielding spells drawn from the might of nature, druids are vigilant and dutiful. A Druid possesses spells capable of both healing and harming. They can soothe the pain of combat and provide sustenance for the weary. In times of combat they can quake the land and split the sky. The Shattering of the Realms, while devastating, has brought the druids more in tune with the world surrounding them. Their mastery of elemental skills has been greatly enhanced beyond their capacity in previous years. While not exponentially more powerful, the druids are certainly more diverse and stand ready to guard their shattered world. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> A Druid is blessed with wisdom to aid in wilderness survival. Survival does not owe solely to wits. A Druid must be strong in body as well as mind. Dwelling in the bowels of nature has made the Druid exceptionally hardy. They possess extraordinary constitution. However, their time spent in the woods among the creatures has done little for their social graces. Druids tend to be gruff, blunt and occasionally odoriferous. Charisma is not their strong point. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Nature teaches her lessons to Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Pixies, Half-Elves, Sea-Elves and Gnomes. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

RACE RACES 14 races have grown large enough within the realms to carve out their kingdoms from amongst the many territories of the land. Type "help [race]" for specific information on the specified race:

Human....... The center of the race spectrum. Normal wits and strength. Dwarf....... Short, strong, tough, and hairy. They are terrific workers. Elf......... Tall, lithe, and dexterous. They possess a magical nature. Halfling.... Short, chubby, and furry, yet surprisingly mischievous. Pixie....... Small of size, this race of flying creatures is very smart. Half-Elf.... Part Human, part Elf, possesses some advantages of both. Half-Ogre... Humongous and immensely strong, Half-Ogres smash good! Half-Orc.... Large, squat and smelly; make exceptionally deadly fighters. Half-Troll.. Strong, belligerent beings of exceptional resilience. Gith........ Strong and thin they can see invisible dangers. Sea-Elf..... Aquatic cousins of the Elves, they can breathe underwater. Drow........ Evil, smart, subterranean Elves of considerable magic. Lizardmen... Strong, pack-hunting, swamp-dwelling reptillian creatures. Gnome....... Short, stocky, magically-strong cousins of the Dwarves.

PIXIE PIXIES |.|.|----------------------------------------------------------------|.|.| /././ Pixies [Pixie] ..\ ..----------------------------------------------------------------/././ /././ ..\ ..\ Pixies are small Elven creatures with gossamer wings. They /././ /././ are much more intelligent than most other races, but their ..\ ..\ strength and constitution suffers from their small size. /././ /././ Because of this, the Pixie often choose the calling of magic ..\ ..\ and excels especially in the arts of the Mage as the mind of /././ /././ the Pixie knows no equal. Pixies possess the obvious ability ..\ ..\ of flight and heightened ability in dodge. /././ /././ ..\ ..\ Pixies are slight of stature, standing less than two and a /././ /././ half feet in height. ..\ ..\ /././ /././ Pixies may follow the ways of the following classes: ..\ ..\ Cleric Druid Mage Nephandi Ranger Thief /././ /././ ..\ ..\ Pixies gain experience on a scale of normal rate * 1.08. /././ /././ ..\ ..\ The Pixie Nation is hidden deep within the Pixie Forest of /././ /././ the Forgotten Woods. ..\ ..\ /././ /././ URL: http://reomyrvillage.tripod.com/ ..\ ..\ /././ /././ See also: HELP 'REOMYR VILLAGE' ..\ ..\ /././ /././----------------------------------------------------------------..\ |.|.|----------------------------------------------------------------|.|.|

HALF-ELF HALFELF HALFELVES |.|.|----------------------------------------------------------------|.|.| /././ Half-Elves [Elohai] ..\ ..----------------------------------------------------------------/././ /././ ..\ ..\ These beautiful creatures are the result of the mixing of /././ /././ Human and Elven blood in ages past, and have so freely ..\ ..\ intermingled in the open societies of the Realms since their /././ /././ inception that their mixed heritage is of no consequence. ..\ ..\ /././ /././ Though not as tall as the pure Elf, they are nevertheless a ..\ ..\ rather tall race ranging from under five feet to just under /././ /././ seven feet in height. They additionally carry a slightly ..\ ..\ more muscled build than the pure Elf. /././ /././ ..\ ..\ Though the Half-Elf is not as intelligent as the pure-blooded /././ /././ Elf, nor as hardy as the full-blooded Human, this mix serves ..\ ..\ quite well in a variety of classes which require the /././ /././ standards of both mental and physical prowess. The beautiful ..\ ..\ almond-shaped eyes of the Half-Elf enable them to discern /././ /././ objects in the darkness and they possess some resistance to ..\ ..\ cold. /././ /././ ..\ ..\ Half-Elves may follow the ways of the following classes: /././ /././ Barbarian Bladesinger Cleric Druid Mage Fathomer Paladin ..\ ..\ Ranger Thief Vampire Warrior /././ /././ ..\ ..\ Half-Elves gain experience on a scale of normal rate * 1.04. /././ /././ ..\ ..\ The Half-Elf Nation lies within the heart of the Ashen Forest /././ /././ to the northeast. ..\ ..\ /././ /././ URL: ..\ ..\ /././ /././ See also: HELP 'CITY OF ELDESTRA' ..\ ..\ /././ /././----------------------------------------------------------------..\ |.|.|----------------------------------------------------------------|.|.|

HALF-OGRE HALFOGRE URUK'HAI |.|.|----------------------------------------------------------------|.|.| /././ Half-Ogres [Uruk'Hai] ..\ ..----------------------------------------------------------------/././ /././ ..\ ..\ The Half-Ogre is a result of forced breeding in the dark time /././ /././ with Humans, when pure-blooded Ogres were known for raping ..\ ..\ and looting Human villages. Like many half-breeds, the Half- /././ /././ Ogre was shunned by their full-blooded Ogre race and ..\ ..\ eventually began to loosely assimilate with Human /././ /././ civilizations in the lands surrounding New Darkhaven. ..\ ..\ /././ /././ Half-Ogres stand roughly upright, range from seven to almost ..\ ..\ nine feet in height, and even females generally pack well /././ /././ over 300 pounds on their immense frames. Most are relatively ..\ ..\ hairless. Instead, their bodies are covered with small, boney /././ /././ growths. Half-Ogres' disproportionately long limbs lend them ..\ ..\ a somewhat simian appearance. /././ /././ ..\ ..\ As a result of their Ogre heritage, Half-Ogres possess great /././ /././ physical abilities, including a good aptitude for aggression, ..\ ..\ inherent infravision to assist in travel through darkness, /././ /././ and awesome strength. They also hold some resistance to ..\ ..\ piercing attacks. All in all, the race is best suited for /././ /././ the role of pure fighter. ..\ ..\ /././ /././ Half-Ogres may follow the ways of the following classes: ..\ ..\ Barbarian Bladesinger Thief Vampire Warrior /././ /././ ..\ ..\ Half-Ogres gain experience on a scale of normal rate * 0.92. /././ /././ ..\ ..\ The Half-Ogre Nation lies at the far northwest edge of the /././ /././ known world within the Northern Plains. ..\ ..\ /././ /././ URL: None ..\ ..\ /././ /././ See also: HELP 'OPALLINOC' ..\ ..\ /././ /././----------------------------------------------------------------..\ |.|.|----------------------------------------------------------------|.|.|

HALF-ORC HALF-ORCS HALFORC HALFORCS |.|.|----------------------------------------------------------------|.|.| /././ Half-Orcs [Rukhas'dul] ..\ ..----------------------------------------------------------------/././ /././ ..\ ..\ As darker races have encroached further upon the remaining /././ /././ settled areas, a recent mingling of Orcish and Human blood ..\ ..\ has been detected. Most members of this half-blooded race are /././ /././ distinctly more Orcish than Human in both appearance and ..\ ..\ behavior. /././ /././ ..\ ..\ Though not as broad nor powerful as full-blood Orcs, Half- /././ /././ Orcs usually retain their wider bodies, longer, bowed limbs ..\ ..\ and heavier musculature. A ridged brow crowned by bushy /././ /././ eyebrows conceals small, squinting eyes. Below a snout-like ..\ ..\ nose opens a maw filled with crooked fangs. Their dark skin /././ /././ emanates a rancid odor and their presence disgusts civilized ..\ ..\ races. /././ /././ ..\ ..\ Large and dull of wit, with broad bodies, their poor mental /././ /././ and physical dexterity is offset by an iron constitution. ..\ ..\ Though some have dabbled in the sorcerous arts due to their /././ /././ Human influence, brute combat is still the natural call, ..\ ..\ which stirs in the soul of the Half-Orc. All Half-Orcs have /././ /././ infravision, and most stand from six and a half to eight feet ..\ ..\ tall and average two hundred pounds. They are an altogether /././ /././ fearsome race. ..\ ..\ /././ /././ Half-Orcs may follow the ways of the following classes: ..\ ..\ Barbarian Bladesinger Thief Vampire Warrior /././ /././ ..\ ..\ Half-Orcs gain experience on a scale of normal rate * 0.94. /././ /././ ..\ ..\ The Half-Orc Nation lies atop a mountain in the north, /././ /././ within the Barren Peaks. ..\ ..\ /././ /././ URL: ..\ ..\ /././ /././ See also: HELP 'MOUNT KROZLOY' ..\ ..\ /././ /././----------------------------------------------------------------..\ |.|.|----------------------------------------------------------------|.|.|

HALF-TROLL HALFTROLL |.|.|----------------------------------------------------------------|.|.| /././ Half-Trolls [Olog'Hai] ..\ ..----------------------------------------------------------------/././ /././ ..\ ..\ An intermingling (carried out in the darker lands of the /././ /././ Realms) of Troll blood with that of Humans, the Half-Troll is ..\ ..\ as deadly as it is hideous. Though considerably smaller than /././ /././ full-blood Trolls, the Half-Troll often stands well over ..\ ..\ eight feet in height and carries over three hundred pounds /././ /././ on its heavily-muscled frame. ..\ ..\ /././ /././ Owing in part to the black blood which courses through their ..\ ..\ heavy veins, the heavily-scaled skin of the Half-Troll ranges /././ /././ in color from a charcoal grey to a deep, blackish green. ..\ ..\ Half-Trolls revel in the fright of their appearance, often /././ /././ wearing their hair in battle-braids and emblazoning ..\ ..\ themselves with brands and tattoos to accentuate the effect. /././ /././ Though naturally of low wisdom, the race was sorcerously ..\ ..\ imbued with a wicked intelligence and the ability to see /././ /././ naturally in the darkness. Half-Trolls usually make poor pure ..\ ..\ magic users, and suffer from an unusually low dexterity. Yet /././ /././ their boundless energy and high intellect create one of the ..\ ..\ most cunning physical beasts of the Realms. Half-Trolls are /././ /././ immune to some poisons. ..\ ..\ /././ /././ Half-Trolls may follow the ways of the following classes: ..\ ..\ Augurer Barbarian Bladesinger Thief Vampire Warrior /././ /././ ..\ ..\ Half-Trolls gain experience on a scale of normal rate * 0.90. /././ /././ ..\ ..\ The Half-Troll Nation lies to the south deep within the /././ /././ Southern Mountains. ..\ ..\ /././ /././ URL: http://www.geocities.com/halftrolls/ ..\ ..\ /././ /././ See also: HELP 'THE RUINS OF T'MAN' ..\ ..\ /././ /././----------------------------------------------------------------..\ |.|.|----------------------------------------------------------------|.|.|

GITH GRALTHAI |.|.|----------------------------------------------------------------|.|.| /././ Gith [Gralthai] ..\ ..----------------------------------------------------------------/././ /././ ..\ ..\ The Gith are a race descended from Humans. Once long ago, /././ /././ they were a peaceful civilization of Humans that were ..\ ..\ captured by Mind Flayers and tormented for centuries. /././ /././ Eventually, a Gith savior led them to freedom, yet their ..\ ..\ bodies had been flayed by the mental powers of the Illithids. /././ /././ The Gith found themselves stronger, quicker, luckier and ..\ ..\ smarter than average Humans, yet they had lost much of their /././ /././ wisdom, stamina and charisma. ..\ ..\ /././ /././ Gith are yellow-skinned and very long of limb. Sunken eyes ..\ ..\ peer from yellowed sockets, now strangely capable of /././ /././ naturally detecting the invisible. The Gith race has split ..\ ..\ into three distinct groups: the good (Githzerai), the selfish /././ /././ neutral (Pirates of Gith), and the evil (the Githyanki). ..\ ..\ /././ /././ Gith may follow the ways of the following classes: ..\ ..\ Augurer Bladesinger Cleric Mage Nephandi Thief Vampire /././ /././ Warrior Fathomer ..\ ..\ /././ /././ Gith gain experience on a scale of normal rate * 1.06. ..\ ..\ /././ /././ The Gith Nation lies on the other side of this world beyond ..\ ..\ a magickal gateway. /././ /././ ..\ ..\ URL: http://thegithshome.50megs.com/index.htm /././ /././ ..\ ..\ See also: HELP 'THE SANDS OF TERACCHEI' /././ /././ ..\ ..\ /././ /././----------------------------------------------------------------..\ |.|.|----------------------------------------------------------------|.|.|

SEAELF SEA-ELF SEA-ELVES SEAELVES 'SEA ELF' |.|.|----------------------------------------------------------------|.|.| /././ Sea-Elves [Aerandiri] ..\ ..----------------------------------------------------------------/././ /././ ..\ ..\ Also known as aquatic Elves, these creatures are akin to /././ /././ mermen as land elves are akin to men. Found almost ..\ ..\ exclusively among heavy weed beds in quiet, sheltered, salty /././ /././ waters, they are great friends of the dolphins. The race ..\ ..\ historically prefers to fashion caverns in lagoon bottoms and /././ /././ reefs in which to live and work, but circumstances within the ..\ ..\ Realms have forced them into the general populace. /././ /././ ..\ ..\ The race is humanoid in appearance, with gill slits on the /././ /././ throat and greenish-silver skin with white-blonde or silver ..\ ..\ hair. Sea-Elves have an innate ability to find magical auras /././ /././ as well as the inherent capacity to breathe underwater and ..\ ..\ are somewhat resistant to cold. /././ /././ ..\ ..\ Sea-Elves may follow the ways of the following classes: /././ /././ Augurer Cleric Druid Fathomer Mage Thief Warrior ..\ ..\ /././ /././ Sea-Elves gain experience on a scale of normal rate * 1.12. ..\ ..\ /././ /././ The Sea-Elf Nation lies beyond the Ashen Forest and at the ..\ ..\ edge of the Azure Sea. /././ /././ ..\ ..\ URL: http://mathlaan.atspace.org/ /././ /././ ..\ ..\ See also: HELP 'MATHLAAN LAGOON' /././ /././ ..\ ..\ /././ /././----------------------------------------------------------------..\ |.|.|----------------------------------------------------------------|.|.|

|.|.|----------------------------------------------------------------|.|.| /././ Drow [Ilythiiri] ..\ ..----------------------------------------------------------------/././ /././ ..\ ..\ Drow are the darker, more evil cousins of Elves. They were /././ /././ once part of the happier community of Elves which roam the ..\ ..\ forests today, but have long since moved under the ground, /././ /././ building vast subterranean cities and complex networks of ..\ ..\ caves. /././ /././ ..\ ..\ Drow have dark skin and light hair and are moderately weaker /././ /././ with a slightly higher constitution than the average Human. ..\ ..\ Still, like all Elves, they possess a slightly higher /././ /././ dexterity than Humans. ..\ ..\ /././ /././ Members of this race specialize in spell casting, and have ..\ ..\ thus developed a very high intelligence. Being creatures of /././ /././ darkness, the Drow tend to fight more proficiently in the ..\ ..\ darkness and have innate infravision with which to discern /././ /././ objects and living things in the absence of light. They also ..\ ..\ possess inherent scry and are resistant to some poisons. /././ /././ ..\ ..\ Drow may follow the ways of the following classes: /././ /././ Augurer Bladesinger Cleric Mage Nephandi Thief Vampire ..\ ..\ Warrior /././ ..\ /././ /././ Drow gain experience on a scale of normal rate * 1.08. ..\ ..\ /././ /././ The Drow Nation lies far to the north, somewhere beyond the ..\ ..\ Northern Plains. /././ /././ ..\ ..\ URL: http://ilythiiri.atspace.com /././ /././ ..\ ..\ See also: HELP 'THE CITY OF INIQUITY' /././ /././ ..\ ..\ /././ /././----------------------------------------------------------------..\ |.|.|----------------------------------------------------------------|.|.|

Please choose a race: help gnome |.|.|----------------------------------------------------------------|.|.| /././ Gnomes [Tyrrhenu] ..\ ..----------------------------------------------------------------/././ /././ ..\ ..\ Gnomes are a quirky demi-Human race. Though not the mightiest /././ /././ of races, Gnomes are well versed in the studies of ..\ ..\ knowledges, magicks, and religions. Most Gnomes often prefer /././ /././ an evening at home with a magical tome, a loaf of pipeweed ..\ ..\ bread, and a mug of ale over venturing out to battle. /././ /././ ..\ ..\ In general, Gnomes are short and stocky, similar to their /././ /././ Dwarven cousins. They usually focus in the magical or ..\ ..\ Clerical arts, though a few rogues have ventured into the /././ /././ arts of Thieving (albeit often not very well). ..\ ..\ /././ /././ Gnomes have innate infravision, and due to their familiarity ..\ ..\ with magical and religious lore they are able to detect magic /././ /././ in the environment around them. They are somewhat resistant ..\ ..\ to energy based magic, but also somewhat susceptible to fire. /././ /././ ..\ ..\ Gnomes may follow the ways of the following classes: /././ /././ Augurer Cleric Druid Mage Thief ..\ ..\ /././ /././ Gnomes gain experience on a scale of normal rate * 1.20. ..\ ..\ /././ /././ The Gnome Nation lies on to the north, nestled within the ..\ ..\ Forgotten Woods. /././ /././ ..\ ..\ URL: None /././ /././ ..\ ..\ See also: HELP 'VALE OF NIDAROS' /././ /././ ..\ ..\ /././ /././----------------------------------------------------------------..\ |.|.|----------------------------------------------------------------|.|.|