Heroes of Selenica » places » maps-2000-07-24.txt


My Maps (from the Cyclopedia)

I thought there were way too many cities on the colorful maps, but way too few on the big one. So, I made and "in between" map by taking into account all the places the players went (I had been using the color map) already and which things I wanted. I came up with this....

Glantri is split up into only 4 principalities Belcadiz (princess Carnelia, elf) Blackhill (prince Volospin, human) Klantyre (prince McGregor, lich) Boldavia (prince Morphail, human/vampire)

Glantri: Malinbois, Crownguard, Braastar, Hightower, City of Glantri, Belcadiz, Fort Monteleone, Silverston, and Trintan

In the Broken Lands is a village of dust people known as Natoka's Grave

Darokin: Akorros, Corunglain, Favaro, Darokin, Elstrich, Carthington Cross, Dolos, Mar

Alfheim: Alfheim, Desnae, Feador, Shadowdown, Ainsun, Ironbark

Karameikos: Specularum, Krakatos, Kelvin, Radlebb Keep, Fort Doom, Luln, Threshold

The Shires: this place seems so unimportant and messed up on the maps that I didn't bother doing anything. I just assume that this is "halfling land" with nothing really important anyway. There is of course Shireton.... but the little clan villages should be noted about as much as wandering monsters should be.

Rockhome: Stahl, Greenston, Evemur, Dengar, smaggeft (funny how so many dwarven cities are on the big map.)


Thyatis: Thyatis City, Port Lucinius, Tel Akibir, Gold Leaf, Retebius, Kerendas, Rugalov, Biazzan

Independant: Nemiston, Selenica, Parsa, Akesoli