D&D 1999
Two-handed weapons roll initiative normally
Initiative: 1d10 (represents the seconds of a round, first goes on 1), Surprise: 1d6 (1=players surprised, 6=monsters surprised)
Wrestling: no armor adjustments EXCEPT suit armor
Creature can move 5' and still take an action (10' if hasted)
Switch items on belt with no penalty (about 4 items on belt, max 2 small sacks)
Aimed Attack: -4 to hit, special effect
Saving Throws: players must ask for saving throws (tell what they are doing to avoid the effect); modifiers: STR-paralysis/stone INT-mind attacks DEX-wands and breath WIS-spells CON-poison/death CHA-none
Elementals take any form
Spellcasters can cantrip any time.
Clerics must be convinced to admister services--they aren't running a business; they're concern is their religion (helping poor, natural healing, law, chaos, etc.)
Wounds are healed either by resting or magic. To heal by resting the creature must relax in a safe place and do nothing but rest. Each full day of rest heals 1d3 hp. Otherwise heal 1 hp/day.
Item Adjustments: elemental devices take 1 round, can be any size; Boots of Speed double movement rate; Shield weapons 100 enc (1 handed) do not provide second attack; Girdle of Giant Strength allows using large weapon in one hand, throw pike as spear etc.
Items fall off when polymorphed unless otherwise noted.
Travelling: figure time (miles=move/5); check food; choose encounters; describe journey.
XP from treasure gained by whoever gets the treasure.
Jewelry value: 3d6 x 100: 300 to 700 anklet, bracelet, ring, amulet 800 1300 necklace, collar, armband, belt 1400 1800 crown, scepter, orb or any jewel-encrusted item
Gem values roll 1d100: 01 to 20 indicates 10 gp (quartz, turquoise, agate) 21 45 50 citrine, onyx, crystal, jasper 46 75 100 amber, garnet, amethyst, jade 76 95 500 pearl, topaz, aquamarine 96 00 1000 opal, ruby, emerald, sapphire diamond
Starting characters: d8 reroll 1-2, d6 reroll 1
"DM's RULE": applies to critical hits/misses, and damaging items. DM randomly chooses when these things happen.
DAMAGING ITEMS GUIDELINES: * occurs when killed by a special attacks, esp if failed save or if 50 hp over max * usually affects fragile items (potions) and readied items, can destroy or ruin them * magic items get a save to avoid (as player did for the attack)
Palidin/Avenger: war-like cleric who goes on missions and uses weapons/armor to full potential. Note: paladins and avengers can go both for very war-like clerics, or very holy fighters. (war hammer, plate, shield)
Clerics: Most don't care to wear armor since they don't really use it. (mace, holy symbol, holy water, sling; bandaging)
Druid: cleric who is very neutral and uses natural weapon and armor, and can use druid spells. (usually has pet; herbs, plant, and animal knowledge, poisons, animal frienship)
Ranger: rural elf, often vigilante who takes care of the forest. (leather armor, thief weapons, moderate spells, may have a pet; hunting, navigation)
Bard: one who is adept at playing music, esp. thief
Barbarian: fighter with good STR, CON, and HP, who doesn't wear armor much (or a lot of clothes for that matter). (big weapons, sometimes shield/chain mail)
Knight: special dubbed fighter loyal to a king, expected to maintain code of his knighthood, and given special priviledges (and honor) in the kingdom.
Monk: fighter with good DEX, wears traditional equipment to his particular monastery, and keeps attuned to honor. Multiple attacks can be multiple moves. (traditional weapons, robes)
Elves: most have never seen a spell book. Those of the fighting persuasion utilize armor and weapons to potiential and may know a few misc spells. Those of the magic persuasion travel light and utilize spells and spell books. (plate mail, shield, any weapon, poor spells) vs (little or no armor, 1 or 2 weapons--no large, good spells)
Quicksword: short sword+3, user gains automatic initiative, extra attack at end of round
Cloak of Immortals (artifact): white cloak, radiates anti-magic within 5' when hood is worn
Coin of Many Colors: gem studded coin, pressing a gem causes an effect as long as it's pressed yellow (light) green (detect magic) blue (shield) violet (darkness) red (phantasmal force)
Trollsfire: sword+2, flames on command +4 vs feathered creatures and trolls, +5 vs wood and undead, green flames--command "Trollsfire"
Sword of Chaos: empathic sword+1, +3 vs spellcasters, detect good, detect magic, find secret doors [with the Coin can polymorph into a small copper snake MV 60]
Luckblade: sword+1, +1 vs saves; gives the user good luck
Enchanted Rods: each short rod has a range of 60' and usable 1/round... Medusa - meteor(2d6), 15' diameter fireball Pegasus - lit bolt(3d6), 30' long Nixie - ice storm(3d6), 15' cube Phoenix - fireball(3d6), 15' diameter
Sun Leather: leather armor+4, +8 vs paralysis/stone
Dragon Armor: plate & chain suit (base AC 2, 600 cns) +2, +5 vs dragon breath
Arrows of the Spider: victim tied-up with web, save vs paralysis to break
Ironheart: metal long bow+1, polymorphs into sword+1 on command "iron heart" (enc 60)
Icesword: sword+1, +4 vs fire creatures, blast of cold 1/day (1 creature, 40', 2d8 dmg save vs breath for half)
God Knife (artifact): gives +10 to hit, does 1d20 dmg
Wind Boots: wearer can move 480', phasing into spectral existence when running (move x4)
Fire Gloves: resist fire, gives 1 round of super-fast attacks 1/day (4 attacks at +2 to hit each)
Sword of Wounding: sword+2, wounds get bigger (1 dmg/rnd) until bandaged, damage cannot be healed magically or regenerated
Black Glove: drains 1d6+1 hp from a creature and transfers it to the user
Hammer of Striking: dark hammer that does 2d6 dmg, of which 1d6 is magical, a striking spell doubles the damage to 4d6
Staff of Shianti: does 1d6 dmg per charge (auto hit), can use up to 2 charges at once, range up to 180'
Sword of Light: sword+1, light 1/day
Magic Marbles: can throw 1 to 6 at once, range 20/40/60 red 1d2 fire dmg ea. blue 1d2 cold dmg ea. yellow 1d2 lit dmg ea. green save vs paralysis or stun, 1 rnd ea, -1 save per extra black save vs wands or blind, 1 rnd ea, -1 save per extra
Serpent Arrows: poison 1 dmg/rnd for 1d8 rnds
Elven Chain: chain mail+2, immune to paralysis
Druid Ring: user gains the knowledge to cast the following spells 1/day each: faerie fire, detect danger, produce fire, heat metal, water breathing, call lightning
Bloodsword: sword+1, heal 1 point each successful attack
Orcslayer: two-handed sword+1, +3 vs kobolds, goblins, orcs
Beholder Ring: magical effects have 50% chance of failure
Gloves of Theft: allows the user to pick pockets as a thief and steal something (make a roll) with any melee hit--requires a free hand. These gloves add a +20 to thieves' pick pocket roll.
Stone Cloak: wrapping the cloak tightly turns the user to stone (until he wishes to return to normal)
Armor of Restful Sleep: plate mail+1, user can sleep easily in this armor; alerts the wearer to approaching enemies while sleeping
Axe of Returning: ruby studded hand axe+2, boomerang (range 20/40/60)
Boots of Dexterity: gives an 18 dexterity
Shadow Cloak: gives 90% chance of hide in shadows
Ring of Power: allows the user to cast Power 1/turn
The Silver Blade: two-handed sword+1, +10 vs undead, cure serious wounds 1/day
Sunsword (lawful): golden hilted bastard sword+1, +2 vs cold, +3 vs enchanted, +4 vs undead, light 1/turn
Ring of Wizardry: doubles spells for levels 1-3
Shadow Helmet: command chaotic monsters of less than half level (morale check if attempting to resist), makes the user look evil and very powerful
Thunderaxe: battle axe+3, stun on hit (2d4 rounds, save vs paralysis to avoid)
Battleglory Armor (cursed): plate mail+4, double damage from magic
Chaos Amulet: completely unpredictable, effect up to the DM (usually only does something in a hopeless situation); there seems to be some connection with the Sword of Chaos
CURSES Weakness (str 3) Become 1' shorter, grow ears & tail (cha 3) Cowardice (save vs paralysis or flee from monsters, -2 melee hit) Feeblemind Bad Luck (-1 to all saves) Clumsiness (dex 3)
EXOTIC WEAPONS Katar 1d4+1 melee only, enc 20 Hooked Net 1d4 10' diameter, struggle=damage, saves -2 Chain Net nil 10' diameter, saves -6, enc x2 Shurikin 1d3 range 20/40/60, enc 5 Barbed Whip 1d4 8' long Butterfly Knife 1d4 missile double dmg on 20, melee dropped on 1 Flail 1d6 double dmg on 20, hit self on 1, enc 60 Morning Star 2d4 double dmg on 20, hit self on 1, enc 60 Rapier 2d4-1 -1 AC for thieves, enc 40 Katana 1d8 double dmg on 20, no penalty on 1 Tlacochtli 1d6 1d6 to pull out, range 20/40/60, enc 60 Chakram 1d4 range 20/40/60, enc 20 Broadsword 2d4 double damage on 20, trip on 1 Falchon 1d8 1 in 4 chance of 2 attacks Composite Bow 1d6 strength affects damage Tower Shield -4 AC 2-handed, enc 400 Wakizashi 1d6 double dmg on 20, melee only, enc 30 Naginata 1d10 2H, double dmg on 20, enc 100
ATTACKS: (slash, thrust, cut, chop, lunge, stab, fumble, disarm, stuck (weapon), breaks, fall/stumble, unintended hit)
SPECIAL HITS: (double damage, thrown back, knockout, crush, sever, scarring, stun, hit twice)
FUMBLES: (trip, fumble, weapon disarmed, caught, dropped, stuck, breaks, enemy counters)
TYPES helm/crown/circet, bracer, ring, cloak, girdle, boots, gauntlets/gloves, amulet/medallion/collar
FOOD: (apples, vegetables, meats, pan bread, roast lapan, cheese round, fruit & nuts, elderberries, mushrooms)
Ronald's Wheel of Fortune 1. 1000 gp appear (heart) 2. 10 garnets appear (heart) 3. 1 jewelry appears (heart) 4. 1 misc magical item appears (heart) 5. 1 ability score rises by 1 point (heart) 6. prime requisite or constitution rises 1 point (white heart) 7. 1 ability score drops 1 point (skull) 8. prime requisite drops 1 point (skull) 9. constitution drops 1 point (skull) 10. least valuable magic item disintigrates (skull) 11. nonmagical items except normal clothing disintigrate (skull) 12. die (no save) (black skull) 13. magical item polymorphs (river) 14. remove all curses, dispel all magic 100% magic negation (sun) 15. lose 1 level, not recoverable (eye) 16. gain base xp to get to next level (sword) 17. max hp increases by 1 (lightning) 18. teleported to a random location (moon) 19. max hp decreases by 1 (candle) 20. strong curse, no save (rock)
[Book of Ice: Icicle, Glacier, Shatter, Freeze, Fimbul Winter]
M1 Icicle (magic missile): the caster conjurs an icicle out of thin air, then hurls it for 2-7 damage
M1 Glacier (shield): the caster's skin becomes the bluish-white color of a glacier. Intense heat, as from a fire-based spell or large, open bonfire or furnace within 10' destroys the spell.
M2 Shatter (knock): the caster can freeze any lock, bar, or small object on the affected portal, causing it to become brittle and shatter with the first use of force.
M2 Freeze (web): instead of sticky strands, a layer of ice forms over the area affected, immobilizing all within. The ice can be physically broken or melted witht fire (standard 1-6 points of damage in the latter case to any characters touched by the flames).
M3 Fimbul Winter (fireball): the caster creates a zone of intense cold in an area. The duration is 1 round.
[Book of the Spider: Chitin, Spiderbite]
M1 Chitin (shield): the caster's skin turns into tough, articulated chitin for the duration of the spell, giving her a spiderlike appearance.
M1 Spiderbite (sleep): Range: Nil. Duration: Special. The caster can inject sleep-inducing poison by biting. This requires a roll to hit in combat. She can put 2d8 hit dice worth of creatures to sleep for 4d4 turns (determine the duration secretly when the spell is cast). Any creature bitten that was over 4+1 hit dice, or more hit dice than the caster has hit dice worth of poison remaining, is unaffected (the magic-user still loses the relevant hit dice worth of poison, however). Any unused poison disappears when the magic-user falls asleep or loses consciousness.
[Book of Thorns: Arrow-strike, Whispering Leaves, Camouflage, Ensnare, Heartseeker]
M1 Arrow-strike (magic missile): This spell enchants an ordinary arrow, which must then be fired from a bow within 1 round. The arrow hits automatically. Range and damage are those of the spell, not the normal arrow.
M1 Whispering Leaves (ventriloquism): This is a reversed version of the original. It must be cast on a plant or tree. If the caster emains within 60' of the enchanted plant, he can hear any sound made near it as if he was there.
M2 Camouflage (invisibility): The caster's skin and clothing take on the exact hue of the background scenery. In dense vegetation, this works as a normal invisibility, otherwise it can only insure invisibility if he remains still. Sudden movements will give the caster away.
M2 Ensnare (web): The effect is caused by trees, bushes, roots, creepers, and even grass twining around the victim. The spell must be cast in an area where such greenery exists.
M3 Heartseeker (lightning bolt): This spell affects only one target. This spell is cast on an arrow, which must be fired from a bow within one turn. The arrow unfailingly strikes any target within range (180'). Damage is 1d6 points of damage per level with a save for half damage. The enchanted arrow always strikes a vial spot.
[Book of Fire: Smokescreen, Smother, Firefinger, Eternal Flame, Smoke Shadows, Firegazing, Fireball, Wall of Fire]
M1 Smokescreen (darkness): must be cast in the vicinity of fire, and it cannot be cast on a creature. It causes impenetrable smoke to stream forth from the flame, and this persists until the spell ends.
M1 Smother (sleep): Range 20'. The spell must be cast in the vicinity of fire. It causes translucent green smoke to issue forth from the flames. All who inhale the smoke (except the caster) suffer the usual effects of a sleep spell. Note the reduced range.
M1 Firefinger (magic missile): A jet of flame shoots from the caster's fingertips, with standard effects. Highly flammable objects will ignite if struck directly.
M2 Eternal Flame (continual light): Range: Nil. When cast on any inanimate object, this spell creates a small fire that gives off as much heat as a torch, but which has the brilliance of a continual light spell. The eternal flame will not consume the object it is cast on, but will ignite anything else that it touches. It can be quenched only by immersion in water, or by magical means. Any fire that the spell's flame starts can be put out normally. It cannot be cast on a creature.
M2 Smoke Shadows (mirror image): This spell surrounds the caster with a 5' radius of semi-opaque smake in which 2-5 shadowy images appear. These are indistinguishable from the caster and move as he moves. The caster can see through the smoke normally.
M3 Firegazing (clairvoyance): To cast this spell, the caster must stare into a flame of some kind.
[Book of Darkness: Darkness, Phase Blur, Black Disc, Continual Darkness, Shadow Walk, Shadow-wings, Grasp of Night, Black Ray, Shadow Blink, Animate Dead, Death Spell]
M1 Phase Blur (shield): caster becomes a shadowy blur that is hard to hit.
M1 Black Disc (magic missile): fires a disk of black energy.
M2 Shadow Walk (invisibility): caster becomes a shadow, and is able to hide in darkness without being seen.
M3 Shadow-wings (fly): black, non-corporeal wings are bestowed upon the caster
M3 Grasp of Night (hold person): brings into being a giant, non-corporeal hand (grasp on person) or bands of dark magic (to bind many people).
M3 Black Ray (lightning bolt): fires a ray of black energy and painful darkness.
M4 Shadow-blink (dimension door): target becomes dark and fades out, fading back in somewhere else.
[Book of Elements: Chilling Touch, Whirlwind, Shocking Grasp, Stonskin, Cone of Cold, Electromanetic Barrier, Bands of Ice, Summon Elemental]
M1 Chilling Touch (sleep): Range: Nil. Duration: Special. The caster gives an icy, numbing touch to the hearts of the victims, rendering them asleep. This requires a roll to hit in combat. She can put 2d8 hit dice worth of creatures to sleep for 4d4 turns (determine the duration secretly when the spell is cast). Any creature over 4+1 hit dice, or more hit dice than the caster has hit dice worth remaining, is unaffected. The spell duration ends after the caster loses consciousness.
M1 Whirlwind (protection from evil): a whirlwind surrounds the caster, picking up light items such as small papers and feathers to spin in the wind.
M1 Shocking Grasp (magic missile): magically shocks on creature within range.
M1 Stoneskin (shield): casters skin becomes hard and gray.
M3 Cone of Cold (lightning bolt): fires a whithering cone of cold which does not bounce off walls, but smashes into them (usually no extra effect). Fire-type creatures have a -4 to the saving throw.
M4 Electromagnetic Barrier (Wall of Fire): brings forth a shimmering curtain of electrical force.
M5 Bands of Ice (hold monster): creates bands of ice which bind a victim. A successful saving throw means the creature breaks the bands.
Power (level 1, magic-user spell)
This spell is totally unpredictable, doing something weird and different every time, or may do nothing at all. Suggestions: stun, berserk, forgetfulness, fire, lit, cold, confusion, dimension door.
M1 Protection (range: 5, duration: permanent until dispelled, effect: one item): Protects an item from all normal damage. If a special attack is used or someone is purposely trying to destroy the item (something that would normally destroy the item), the item is saved, but the Protection spell is dispelled. In addition the caster may give the protected item an aura of his choice.
M1 Keepsake (allows students to study spells when they are ready from mentor book): When Keepsake is cast on your magic book, it disallows use of your book by anyone not mentioned in the spellcasting. The spell can even allow you to distinguish WHICH spells WHICH people may or may not look at. If someone attempts to read your spell without your authority (decided when you cast the spell), a note appears saying "Naughty, naughty." However, Keepsake does not stop anyone from destroying the spellbook.
M2 Chromatic Orb (range: 90, duration: one round, effect: one creature): Creates an orb of color determined by the caster, fired at one creature. red 2d8 fire dmg, save for half orange save or be charmed for 1d4 rounds yellow save or be confused for 2d4 rounds green save or be slowed for 1d4 rounds blue 2d8 lit dmg, save for half violet save or pain for 2d4 rounds (-1 AC, saves, hit/dmg) white 2d8 cold dmg, save for half black save or blind 1d4 rounds
M2 Ice Knife (range: 40, duration: instant, effect: 5' radius): Fires a dagger of ice at the target, hitting as if thrown by the caster, for 2d4 points of damage. When it strikes a solid object, it shatters with a loud snap, releasing a wave of numbing cold 5' radius. All creatures must save vs paralysis or suffer 1d4 cold damage and be numbed for 1d3 rounds--half move, half attacks, +1 AC, -2 hit. A large heat source nearby gives a +2 to save. [Hits as normal weapon: 2d4; shatter w/ loud snap; wave of numbing cold 5' rad: save vs paralysis (heat gives +2) or 1d4 cold dmg, numb 1d3 rnds: slow, AC +1, hit -2.]
M1 Mana Shield (range: 0, duration: 2 turns, effect: gives 2d4 mana hp): protects the caster, effectively giving him 2d4 extra mana hit points for the duration of the spell, making attacks appear to pass through the caster with no effect. Damage is taken from the shield first: multiple spells are not cumulative.
M2 Dark Missile* (range: 240, duration: 1 round, effect: fires a missile of darkness): operates like magic missile that creates darkness on impact (save vs spells or be blinded). The reverse, Light Missile, creates light on impact.
M4 Magic Mirror* (range: 5', duration: 1 turn per level, effect: creates a magic mirror): creates a magic mirror through which the caster can view and hear other creatures or areas (operates as a crystal ball with clairaudience). Detection and vision spells can be cast into it, allowing the caster to detect magic, see invisible, etc.
M5 Dream* (range: material plane, duration: special, effect: communicate with another creature): this allows the caster to visit and communicate with another creature through the victim's dream. If the victim does not wish to have the dream, he can make a save vs spells to wake up. This spell does NOT cause the victim to fall asleep. The caster can try to give nightmares by attacking the victim in his dreams, creating illusions with phantasmal force, etc. however these things have no real effect. Should the caster want to cast this spell on a creature who is awake, they will merely be able to communicate telepathically. The reverse of this spell, Mindblock, blocks all types of ESP and mind reading/communication, with a duration of 1 day.
RECORD SHEET Player:____________________ Character:____________________ Alignment:__________ Class:_____________ Level:_____
Strength SAVES
Intelligence Poison/Death Ray
Wisdom Wand
Dexterity Paralysis/Stone
Constitution Dragon Breath
Charisma Spell/Rod/Staff
LANGUAGES:___________________________________ SKILLS
HIT ROLL CHART ADJUSTMENTS AC 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 melee missle
Roll _____ _____ EQUIPMENT