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Dungeons & Dragons

General Rules Clerics must be convinced to admister services--they aren't running a business; they're concern is their religion (helping poor, natural healing, law, chaos, etc.) Wounds are healed either by resting or magic. To heal by resting the creature must relax in a safe place and do nothing but rest. Each full day of rest heals 1d4 hp. Otherwise heal 1 hp/day. Saving Throws: players must "ask" for saving throws. Modify saving throws based on abilities: STR: paralysis/stone INT: mind attacks WIS: spells DEX: wands and breath CON: poison/death CHA: none Traveling: figure time (miles=move/5); check food; choose encounters; describe journey. XP from treasure gained by whoever gets the treasure. Starting characters: d8 reroll 1-2, d6 reroll 1 Turning Undead: undead may return in 1d10 rounds Dwarves and elves cannot read or write their bonus languages (from race/class). A character receives 1 point of damage for falls under 10'

COMBAT Two-handed weapons roll initiative normally Initiative: 1d10 (represents the seconds of a round, first goes on 1) Smash manuver requires two hands. Wrestling no armor adjustments except suit armor, initial hit roll needed unless both are wrestling small creatures use 1/2x HD for WR man-sized creatures (and characters) use 1x HD for WR large monsters (up to 10') use 2x HD for WR very large monsters (up to 20') use 3x HD for WR huge monsters (up to 30') use 4x HD for WR mammoth monsters use 5x HD for WR Creature can move 5' and still take an action Switch items on belt with no penalty (about 4 items on belt, max 2 small sacks) Handedness: -4 to hit with off-hand; assume handedness of the player or as otherwise noted. Aimed Attack: -4 to hit, special effect "DM's RULE": applies to critical hits/misses, and damaging items. DM randomly chooses when these things happen. Fighting Withdraw 1/2 movement rate. Use attack roll modifiers p108, large creatures have -2 vs halflings

Spell Casting Casters must be at least 4th level to reverse spells. Spell casters can cantrip any time.

Spell Modifications Dissolve: range 120' not 240'. Dimension Door: like Teleport cannot be used to intentionally harm someone. Phantasmal Force: maximum dmg 1d6/level, INT affects saving throw of illusion. Ice Storm and Wall of Ice must be memorized in a specific form.

Item Modifications Elemental Devices take 1 round of preparation time each day, and used in 1 round. Can be any size Boots of Speed double movement rate. Shield weapons min 100 enc (1 handed); do not provide second attack. Spell Books 200 Enc.

Extended Levels Use the extended levels for demihumans and mystics (ch 19). Elves can either gain ability in magic (elven wizard) or in fighting (elven lord), but not both. At level 10, an elf is considered level 10 in both fighting and magic. After level 10, the elf may choose to gain a level in either fighting or magic. An elf that chooses fighting will not gain any more spells. An elf that chooses magic will forever be considered 10th level for fighting purposes: Elven Wizard: gains spells using the same Spells/Level chart as the Magic-user class. Gains 1 hp/level (as stated in the variant rules) without CON adjustments. Does not gain any greater attack probability. Elven Lord: rolls on the Attack Rolls Chart like a fighter of equal level. Gains 2 hp/level without CON adjustments. Does not gain any more spells.

Jewelry Table (roll 3d6 x 100) 300 to 700: anklet, bracelet, ring, amulet 800 to 1300: necklace, collar, armband, belt 1400 to 1800: crown, scepter, orb or any jewel-encrusted item

Gem Table (roll 1d100) 01 to 20: 10 gp (quartz, turquoise, agate) 21 to 45: 50 gp (citrine, onyx, crystal, jasper) 46 to 75: 100 gp (amber, garnet, amethyst, jade) 76 to 95: 500 gp (pearl, topaz, aquamarine) 96 to 00: 1000 gp (opal, ruby, emerald, sapphire)

NEW magical Items Quicksword: short sword+3, user gains automatic initiative, extra attack at end of round.

Cloak of Immortals (artifact): This white cloak radiates 100% anti-magic within 5' when it is worn, making all items normal and canceling magical effects within the area. Effects return as soon as out of range.

Coin of Many Colors: This copper coin is studded with 5 gems (4 on the sides, and one in the center). Pressing a gem causes an effect as long as it's pressed. Each gem is a different color: yellow (light), green (detect magic), blue (shield), violet (darkness), red (phantasmal force).

Sword+2, "Trollsfire": sword+2, flames on command +4 vs feathered creatures and trolls, +5 vs wood and undead, green flames, command "Trollsfire".

Sword of Chaos: empathic sword+1, +3 vs spell casters, detect good, detect magic, find secret doors. When joined with the Coin of Many Colors, both the sword and the wielder can use the power of the coin. In addition, the sword will be able to polymorph into a small copper snake at will.

Enchanted Rods: each short rod has a range of 60' and is usable 1/turn... damage area spell Nixie 3d6 15' cube ice storm Pegasus 3d6 30' bolt lightning bolt Phoenix 3d6 15' diameter fireball Medusa 2d6 15' diameter meteor "swarm"

Sun Leather: studded leather armor+4, +8 vs paralysis/stone. This studded leather armor has a symbol of a sun on it.

Armor of the Dragon: armor+2, +5 vs dragon breath. This plate mail is reinforced with chain mail, complete with helmet, giving a base AC of 2 and weighing 600 cns.

Spider Arrows: victim wrapped up in a mass of sticky strands and is tied-up. Victim may make a save vs paralysis to break the web.

God Knife (artifact): (dagger) gives +10 to hit, does 1d20 dmg.

Sword of Wounding: sword+1, wounds cannot be healed by magic or be regenerated--victim must wait, 1 hp per day full rest. Also, any wound gets bigger for up to 10 rounds (unless bandaged), inflicting 1 hp per round (cumulative).

Wind Boots: these black leather boots make the wearer "as fast as the wind," providing a movement rate at 4 times normal. The wind boots act like a double speed effect and cannot be enhanced further (by haste, potion of speed, etc.) When the wearer runs at top speed (480'x3) he seems to phase out of normal existence.

Fire Gloves: these red gloves give the wearer fire resistance, and allow the user to gain one round of super-fast attacks per day. When this happens, the gloves light up with flames and the user can make 4 attacks (with +2 to hit rolls). The fire gloves act like a double haste effect and no extra attacks can be gained from haste, a potion of speed, etc.

Ring of Power: this ring has a symbol of a rose on it, set with a small ruby. The wearer may cast power 1/turn.

Black Glove: drains 1d6+1 hp from a creature and transfers it to the user (on contact).

Hammer of Striking: this dark hammer does 2d6 points of damage, of which 1d6 is magical. A striking spell doubles the damage to 4d6.

Staff of Shianti: this staff can be used to do 1d6 points of damage per charge. Up to 2 charges can be used at once, and the energy can be fired up to 180' (auto hit).

Magic Marbles: can throw 1 to 6 at once, range 20/40/60 red 1d2 fire dmg blue 1d2 cold dmg yellow 1d2 lit dmg green stun save vs paralysis, 1 rnd ea, -1 save per extra black blind save vs wands, 1 rnd ea, -1 save per extra

Serpent Arrows: poison 1 dmg/rnd for 1d8 rounds

Elven Chain mail: immune to paralysis.

Bloodsword: sword+1, heal 1 point each successful attack

Orcslayer: two-handed sword+1, +5 vs kobolds, goblins, orcs

Beholder Ring: magical effects have 50% chance of failure

Stone Cloak: wrapping the cloak tightly turns the user to stone (until he wishes to return to normal)

Armor of Restful Sleep: plate mail+1, user can sleep easily in this armor. This armor also alerts the wearer to approaching enemies while sleeping.

Axe of Returning: ruby studded hand axe+2, boomerang (range 20/40/60)

Shadow Cloak: gives 90% chance of hide in shadows

The Silver Blade: two-handed sword+1, +10 vs undead, cure serious wounds 1/day

Sunsword (lawful): golden hilted bastard sword+1, +2 vs cold, +3 vs enchanted, +4 vs undead, light 1/turn

Shadow Helmet: allows wearer to speak with any living chaotic creature, and makes him look very powerful (lv 36).

Cursed Potion: random curse (1) Bad luck, -1 to all rolls (2) Strength score cut in half (3) Blindness (4) Fear, save vs spells (mind) or run from monsters (5) Lose all spells (6) Turned into mouse (7) Dexterity score cut in half (8) Become 1' shorter, grow ears and tail, charisma cut in half

New Equipment Item Cost Enc (cn) Description Bandage 1 sp 1 usable up to 1 week, heal 1d6/day Banner

NEW ARMOR AC Armor Cost Enc Other 6 Ring Mail 25 300 AC 8 vs piercing attacks 2 Plate with Chain Suit 100 600

Weapon Adjusments Weapon Damage (Hit Roll Adj.) Other H

Battle Axe 1d10 (+0)

2 Hand Axe 1d6 (+0)


Short Bow x2* (-1)

2 Long Bow x3* (-1)

2 Light Crossbow x2* (+0)

2 Heavy Crossbow x4* (+0) fire once every 2 rounds unless 18 STR 2

Arrow n/a 1d4 dmg*

Quarrel/Bolt n/a 1d4 dmg*

Stone/Bullet n/a 1d3 dmg*

Blackjack 1d2 (+0) aimed attack, knockout 1 Club 1d4 (+0)

1 Throwing Hammer 1d4 (+0)

1 War Hammer 1d6 (+0)/1d8 (+0)

1/2 Mace 1d6 (+0)

1 Staff 1d6 (+0)

2 Torch 1d2 (+0) 1d4 dmg when lit 1

Dagger 1d4 (+0)


Polearm 2d6 (+0) -3 to hit for dwarves 2 Javelin 1d6 (+0) sm creatures can use 1 Lance 2d6 (+0) double damage for mounted charge 2 Pike 2d6 (+0) -3 to hit for dwarves 2 Spear 1d6 (+0)/1d8 (+0)

1/2 Trident 1d6 (+0)/1d8 (+0)


Sword 1d8 (+0)

1 Short Sword 1d6 (+0)

1 Bastard Sword 1d6+1 (+0)/1d8+1 (+0)

1/2 2H Sword 1d10 (+0)


Blowgun 1 poison 1d4 dmg/rnd 1/2 Bola 1d2 (+0) entangle, critical: save vs death or be paralyzed and die in 1d6+2 rounds 1 Cestus 1d4 (+0)

1 Sling x2* (+1)

1 Whip 1d2 (+0) entangle 1

Katar 1d4 (+0)

1 Hooked Net 1d4 (+0) entangle 1 Chain Net nil entangle, save –6 1 Shurikin 1d3 (+0)

1 Barbed Whip 1d4 (+0)

1 Butterfly Knife 1d4 (+0) +2 hit, thrown 1 Flail 1d6 (+0)

1 Morning Star 1d6+1 (+0)

1 Rapier 2d4-1 (+0) -2 hit vs plate 1 Tlacochtli 1d6 (+0)/1d8 (+0) pull out: extra 1d6 1/2 Chakram 1d4 (+0)

1 Broadsword 2d4 (+0)

1 Composite Bow x3/x4** (+0) STR modifies dmg 2 Katana 1d8 (+0)/3d4 (+1)

1/2 Naginata 2d6 (+1)


New Weapons Weapon Range Cost (gp) Enc (cn) S T U W Katar nil 5 20 S S H Y Hooked Net 10/20/30 15 80 M S T N Chain Net 5/10/15 25 160 M B T N Shurikin 10/20/30 1 5 S S M N Barbed Whip nil 15 80 M S H Y Butterfly Knife 20/40/60 5 10 S S T Y Flail nil 5 40 M B H N Morning Star nil 5 30 M S H N Rapier nil 10 60 M S H N Tlacochtli 20/40/60 5 60 M S T N Chakram 20/40/60 3 20 S S T N Broadsword nil 10 60 M S H N Composite Bow * 60 60 * S M N Katana nil 12 50 M S H N Naginata nil 15 80 L S H N

Katar: Also known as a "punch dagger," this blade is much like a dagger, except that it has an H-shaped handle, allowing the wielder to deliver more powerful blows.

Hooked Net: Victims make saves at -2 to avoid capture.) This net's mesh is entwined with hooks which do damage to the victim within. This net is 10' in diameter. Struggling to break free inflicts normal damage each round.

Chain Net: This net is 10' in diameter and made of inter-linking chains instead of rope. It is heavier to carry, but also harder of which to get out. Victims must save with a -6 penalty to escape.

Shurikin: These are small, sharp throwing starts, or similar object, originating from the far east.

Barbed Whip: This 8' long whip is studded with thorn-like barbs, doing more damage than a normal whip.

Butterfly Knife: Butterfly knives are light, well balanced daggers. Receive a +2 on their hit rolls when thrown.

Flail: A flail is simply a heavy object, swung on a rope or chain.

Morning Star: This is typically a spiked ball swung on a rope or chain, however mace-like variations can be found.

Rapier: This is a well-balanced, fencing sword. Receives a –2 penalty to hit vs. plate armor.

Tlacochtli: This weapon is a jagged harpoon on the end of a rope. The wielder scores a hit and pulls the harpoon back out for an extra 1d6 points of damage.

Chakram: A chakram is a sharp throwing disc, or often more of a ring. The edge of the chakram is sharpened enough to split hairs.

Broadsword: This short heavy sword is designed to crush through the enemy.

Composite Bow: This well-made bow fires with equal pressure according to how far back the wielder can stretch the string. The wielder's strength modifier affects damage.

Katana: This is a lighter, well-balanced eastern sword.

Naginata: This is a spear-like, eastern weapon. The blade at the end of the long pole-like handle is curved.

new wizard spells Level 1 Power Author: Angelo Bertolli Range: ? Duration: ? Effect: This spell is totally unpredictable, doing something weird and different every time, or may do nothing at all. The DM really should determine the effect as randomly as possible (though effects should be weird and unexpected, not necessarily powerful).

Keepsake Author: Jeff Querner Range: touch Duration: permanent Effect: When keepsake is cast on your magic book, it disallows use of your book by anyone not mentioned in the spell casting. The spell can even allow you to distinguish which spells which people may or may not look at. If someone attempts to read your spell without your authority (decided when you cast the spell), a note appears saying "naughty, naughty." However, keepsake does not stop anyone from destroying the spell book.

Mana Shield Author: Jeff Querner Range: 0 Duration: 6 turns Effect: Protects the caster, effectively giving him 2d4 extra mana hp for the duration of the spell. Damage is taken from the mana shield first; of course multiple spells are not cumulative.

Level 2 Ice Knife Author: from Dungeon #47 Range: 40 Duration: instant Effect: Fires a dagger of ice at the target, hitting as if thrown by the caster, for 2d4 points of damage. When it strikes a solid object, it shatters with a loud snap, releasing a wave of numbing cold 5' radius. All creatures must save vs paralysis or suffer 1d4 cold damage and be numbed for 1d3 rounds--half move, half attacks, +1 AC, -2 hit. A large heat source nearby gives a +2 to save.

Level 4 Magic Mirror Author: Jeff Querner Range: nil Duration: 1 turn per level Effect: Creates a magic mirror through which the caster can view other creatures or areas (operates like a crystal ball with clairaudience). Detection and vision spells can be cast into it, allowing the caster to detect magic, see invisible, etc in the area he is viewing.

Level 5 Dream Author: Jeff Querner Range: Material Plane Duration: special Effect: This allows the caster to visit and communicate with another creature through the victim's dream. If the victim does not wish to have the dream, he can make a save vs spells to wake up. This spell does not cause the victim to fall asleep. The caster can try to give nightmares by attacking the victim in his dreams, creating illusions, etc. however these things have no real effect. Should the caster want to cast this spell on a creature who is awake, they will merely be able to communicate telepathically.

Level 9 Nexus Author: from Angband Range: 120' Duration: instant Effect: When this spell is cast upon a creature, it "shuffles" its abilities scores. The victim may save vs spells to avoid the effects. This dreaded attack is non-reversible, and can cause special problems for characters with minimum attribute requirements (DM's discretion). One method of randomly determining the shuffle is to roll 1d6 for each attribute and swap that attribute with the number of the attribute indicated by the roll. It is possible to end up with the same attributes. This spell is almost useless against monsters because most monsters are considered to have the "average" score for all their abilities (DM's discretion).

Wall of Darkness Wall of Ice No damage. Save vs spells or be blinded.

New Priest Spells Level 1 Refresh Author: Angelo Bertolli Range: touch Duration: 6 turns Effect: This spell will refresh a creature who is hungry, thirsty, and/or tired. They will be able to act, think, and fight with complete ability for the duration of the spell.

Level 2 Holy Strength Author: Angelo Bertolli Range: touch Duration: 6 turns Effect: This spell gives the recipient some super-natural strength, increasing melee hit rolls, and melee and hand-thrown damage rolls by 2.

Holy Armor Author: Angelo Bertolli Range: touch Duration: 6 turns Effect: This spell improves the recipient's armor class by 2.

Level 3 Sacrifice Author: Angelo Bertolli Range: touch Duration: permanent Effect: This spell allows the cleric to transfer any desired number of hit points from himself to the target. The reverse of this spell, drain life, allows the caster to drain 1d6+1 hp from a creature, with a successful attack roll. The hit points are transferred to the cleric through healing. This is considered a chaotic act.

Level 4 Regeneration Author: Jeff Querner Range: touch Duration: 1 turn/level Effect: For the duration of the spell, the recipient of this spell will regenerate lost hit points at the rate of 1 per turn. Multiple uses of this spell can also regenerate limbs. This spell has no effect on creatures with 0 hp or less and cannot regenerate fire or acid damage.

Level 5 Sanctuary Author: Angelo Bertolli Range: touch Duration: 1 turn Effect: After casting this spell, the affected creature automatically takes half damage from all manner of attacks from creatures of different alignment than the cleric. The creature is surrounded by a faint aura of light when this spell is in use.

Spell Books Grimfang's Book of the Spider (Dragon #200) Chitin (shield): Caster’s skin becomes hard and spider-like. Spiderbite (sleep): Caster can bite victims with sleep poison.

Book of Illusions (Dragon #200) Telekinetic Fist (magic missile): Floating Disc (standard spell) Levitate (standard spell)

Illfrith's Book of Ice (Dragon #200)

Icicle Magic Missile Cold damage. Glacier Shield Caster’s skin becomes light blue. Large heat dispels. Shatter Knock Freezes a small object so that it is brittle. Freeze Web Encases a 10’x10’ area almost completely in ice. Fimbul Winter Fireball Creates an area of intense cold.

Imran's Book of Fire (Dragon #200)

Smokescreen Darkness Dark clouds of smoke to issue forth from a flame. Smother Sleep Green sleeping smoke issues forth from a flame. Firefinger Magic Missile Fire damage. Eternal Flame Continual Light Torch-like flame. Goes out at will. Smoke Shadows Mirror Image Cloud of smoke around the caster obscures vision. Firegazing Clairvoyance Caster gazes into a fire to invoke.

Book of Thorns (Dragon #200)

Arrow-strike Magic Missile Enchants one arrow so that it automatically hits. Whispering Leaves Ventriloquism* Hear sounds through a plant while in spell range. Camouflage Invisibility Allows 100% chance to hide in wilderness settings. Ensnare Web Forest vegetation/vines entangles 10’x10’ area. Heartseeker Lit bolt Enchants arrow with damage and range. Duration 1 turn.

Book of Darkness

Phase Blur Shield The caster’s image becomes blurred and flickering. Black Disc Magic Missile Fires a disc of black energy. Dark Stalker Invisibility Allows 100% chance to hide in shadows. Shadow-wings Fly Caster is given shadowy, bat-like wings. Grasp of Night Hold Person Covers one victim in darkness. Black Ray Lit Bolt Ray of dark energy, extends from caster, no bounce. Shadow-blink Dimension Door Caster jumps into one shadow, and out of another one.

Book of the Elements Chill (sleep): Victims shiver from cold and feel drawn to sleep. Whirlwind (prot from evil): Small whirlwind of force surrounds the caster. Shocking Grasp (magic missile): Lit damage. Stoneskin (shield): Skin becomes stone like. Cone of Cold (lit bolt): Cold damage, extends from the caster, no bounce. Electromagnetic Barrier (wall of fire): Shimmering curtain of electrical force. Bands of Ice (hold monster): Traps creatures in bands of ice.