This describes clarifications and new specifications for spells and spell-like effects in the game.
- Spells that increase their damage based on level are limited to a number of dice equal to 3x the spell level. For example, fireball can do a maximum of 9d6, ice storm 12d6, and magic missile 3d6+3
- Healing spells that roll dice for healing do extra healing for every two levels of the cleric, with a max at 3x the spell level. The spells minimally do the amount listed in the book (for lower level characters casting from scrolls, etc). More specifically:
- Cure Light Wounds: 1d6 +1/2lv (1d6+3 max) - first level cleric starts with 1d6+1
- Cure Serious Wounds: 2d6 +1/2lv (2d6+9 max) - sixth level cleric starts with 2d6+3
- Cure Critical Wounds: 3d6 +1/2lv (3d6+15? max) - tenth level cleric starts with 3d6+5