Angelo Bertolli
Started beginning of 2nd semester, sophomore year.
100 xp per level bonus for those who show up Get your own ride Bring your own food
Concentrate on role- playing monsters, think less of numbers Create characters with different personalities Create strong villians who fight intelligently Don't let all monsters always fight to the death Don't tell the players everything Don't give the players suggestions Don't let the players be in control, be fair, and don't go ahead until you're ready Keep game rythm in mind and have encounters as neccessary Keep monster menu, not a chart, and choose from this KISMIF (keep it simple, make it fun) Action is more fun than architecture People are more interesting than buildings Don't create lengthy battles with unworthy adversaries
ID items costs 1000 gp or magical item "What will you give me?", then, "not enough", or, "okay"
FOOD IN TOWN (includes drink)
per day: 1 gp per week: 5 gp bar: 1 sp per drink inn: 1 gp per night
Wounded gain 1 hp per day (even undead) Undead cannot be healed by magic used to heal living Magical items found can be tried to determine what they do; just "hanlding" weapons (purposely as if using Analyze spell) will reveal initial plus (a sword + 1, + 3 vs Lycantheropes would reveal + 1, + 3 reveals when fighting Lycantheropes), but handling also inacts any curses; wands and rings can be concentrated on, etc. On a natural hit roll of 20, the attacker does double damage. Multiple damages only adjust the base damage. There can't be multiple multiple damages, just take the best one. The jewelry and gem tables give too much value to the items and the players often get too much experience from just one piece. Instead of using the tables, roll 3d6 x 100 for jewelry value in gold. Have ranges 100 to 600, 700 to 1200, and 1300 to 1800 for common, uncommon, and rare jewelry types. All jewelry weighs 10 cns except rings which are always only worth 100 gp at most and weigh 1 cn. For gems roll 1d100: 01 to 20 results in 10 gp (quartz, turquoise) 21 45 50 citrine, onyx 46 75 100 amber, garnet 76 95 500 pearl, topaz 96 00 1000 opal, ruby Use simplest striking and wrestling rules. The striking damage is always 1 regardless of strength.
Quicksword: short sword + 2, user always gains initiative
Axe of Hurling: hand axe which returns when thrown whether it hit or not; does 2d6 as missle weapon
Butterfly Knife: dagger designed for throwing; in melee, natural 1 indicates user drops it; in missle, natural 20 indicated double damage
Morning Star/ Flail: "mace- like" weapons that use ropes and chains; natural 20 indicated double damage, but natural 1 indicates user hit himself (normal damage)
Broadsword: wider, heavier version of the sword; user falls on natural 1 and does double damage on a natural 20
Cloak of the Immortals (artifact): radiates 100% anti- magic for 5'
Coin of Many Colors: pressing gem causes effect as long as it's pressed (duration): red- levitate, yellow- light, green- detect magic, blue- shield, violet- darkness (magic- user spells)
Listerine Sword: inscribed with "plaque slayer" on one side and "germ killer" on the other; it can harm any creature, regardless of restrictions
Shadow Wand (100 charges): Shadow Bolt (2), Cont. Darkness (2), Darkness (1)
Golden Fleece (artifact): when put on a character, heals everything, taking one turn to do so (will not raise dead); regenerates 1 hp per round
Paladin Sword: can be summoned by owner through speech when in sight; it flies to the owner's hand (one round)
Knight Sword: cannot be picked up by anyone except owner (will seem too heavy)
Potion of the Unicorn: cannot be detected through sipping; the bottle somehow indicates a unicorn; when drunk, the effects are strange and always unpredictable (DM chooses effect)
Helmet of Nee: this black helmet gives the wearer the ability to shout "Nee" at any one creature: if the creature hears this, it is stunned for one round; user must put feeling into the "Nee" and cannot perform another action that round; the stunning is painful, but causes no damage
Rapier: thin sword that does 2d4 - 1 points of damage
Spear of Ank: spear + 2, damage done is transfered to the weilder as "phantom" hit points; These are lost first and disappear one hour after combat at the rate of one per round; The phantom hit points drip from the spear in the form of blood
Blue Glove: successful attack causes 1d8 + 6 electrical damage (str does not affect); usable 3 times, then inert for a turn (whatever time between uses)
Armor of Restful Sleep: wearer may sleep comfortably in this
Stone Cloak: when pulled tight around wearer, wearer turns is effected as the spell Statue until he wishes to become normal
Straw of Breathing: placed in mouth, gives user unlimited supply of air and immunity to poison gas
Enchanted Rods medusa: does 2d6, firing a single meteor (as meteor swarm) which explodes in 15' diameter fireball; pegasus: does 3d6, firing a lightning bolt (as the spell) which is 30' long; nixie: does 3d6, creates an ice storm (as the spell) 15' cube; pheonix: does 3d6, firing a fireball (as the spell) which has 15' diameter
Chain Mail of Blending This chain mail -1 blends the wearers clothes so that he appears to be nude. Things carried in hands and sacks are visible.
Bloodspear When this spear +1 is used to damage an enemy, the damage is transferred to the user as healing.
Shadow Sword This bastard sword +3, speeding with the power of x-ray vision. The user can become the Shadow Warrior: a non corporeal dark figure (unalterable), giving armor class, special defenses, movement rate, and attacks (but not the strength drain) of shadows. However, this drains the user's strength 1 point per turn. When it reaches 3, the user is forced to return to normal. Upon returning to normal, he is exhausted for 1d6 turns to regain strength.
Lightsabre (technology--non magical) This laser-sword only weighs 10 cns and always does triple damage. It can hit any corporeal creature regardless of enchantment required. It takes the form of a short (handle sized) metallic rod. When pressure is applied appropriately, the laser-blade jets out and remains until the pressure is released.
This is a hidden village with 100 residents and a castle which is owned by the Knights of Nee. These 18th level knights are not under rule of Alfheim, but they adopt any of Alfheim's laws as their own. They have good ties with Alfheim and trading agreements. The knights keep watch on the road into Alfheim secretly (usually with hidden archers) and report to Alfheim anything of concern. Their secrecy is obviously very important for this reason and they never take in travellers unless they intend on keeping them there forever. Ironbark is well hidden by trees and no one ever happens upon it. In return for the knight's services, Alfheim provides supplies and food for the village so no one ever needs to leave (protecting the secrecy). All the villagers never leave unless just in the surrounding woodlands because they have all the supplies they want and usually spend their time on hobbies, crafts, and taking care of the wildlife. They are aware of the strict rules which allow only certain authorized people (who know how to sneak in and out of the village) to exit Ironbark for special purposes. The Knights of Nee are courteous to the land and enforce that the villagers do the same therefore, Ironbark is in favor of the druid of the area. Humans and demihumans live peacefully here and often don't see why different races must fight based on that fact. Except for soldiers, there are no classes, no people of level, just normal people. The Knights of Nee are very neutral and don't like to bother in others' affairs. If there is trouble, they wait for it to come to them instead of hunting it down. Each Knight of Nee wears a black plate mail + 2 and wears a Helmet of Nee along with any other magical items each might own.
Shadow Bolt Level 2, Range 5' per level, Duration instantaneous, Effect one creature. This spell creates a bolt of grey, shadowy force that leaps from the caster to a target creature. The victim struck the bolt must Save vs. Spells or take 1d6 damage plus 1 point per level of caster, furthermore the victim is wracked with pain the following round, suffering - 1 penalty to AC, saving throws, attack rolls, and ability checks. If save is made, victim takes 1d4 damage and does not suffer from pain.
Power (1st level magic-user spell) This spell is totally unpredictable, doing something weird and different, or may do nothing at all. 1d100 01 to 10 makes nothing happen 11 85 random 1st level magic-user spell 86 92 backfire 1st level magic-user spell 93 97 random 1st level cleric spell 98 00 random 2nd level magic-user spell
Understand that the game follows a story more than the rules, and the DM is never obligated to follow any of the rules, but is obligated to create a good story. What is a good story? A good story can be remembered and ejoyed just as much every time as the first time it was told. Total game balance at the sake of realism is boring. Players should feel the magic of ressurection--the powers of life and death. Keep only the rules that don't hinder creativity.
Alignment: Class: Level:
Strength SAVES
Intelligence Poison/Death Ray
Wisdom Wand
Dexterity Paralysis/Stone
Constitution Dragon Breath
Charisma Spell/Rod/Staff
Hit Roll Chart Adjustments AC 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 melee missle