Ray of Light (ROB MCDONALD, 1 turn/level, 20 feet): creates a more covert light source in a single ray
SoulShield (Dave Hughes, 60' circle centered on caster): absorbs hit points from surrounding creatures and provides a shield to the caster
Sphere of Imprisonment (Hold Person/Hold Monster)
Sphere of Protection - some elemental version of a protection spell
Spell that creates some kind of missiles - 1 per level of caster that get thrown/fired with a normal hit roll each (elemental, silver spheres, anything) - one version of this spell can be like Ice Storm and give magical damage of any element split up any way (out of the d6 rolls), antoher version could be lower level and be non-magical damage 1d4 - 1d6 each.
Wounding - either an attack spell that causes wounds (like sword), or endow another attack which causes wounds
Delayed damage - damage is delayed 1d4 rounds
Phase door - a random dimension door
Aura of Protection - protects an item from damage as if magical
Shocking Ground/Shock surface
Spells that enhance arrows - based on other spells, for extra damage, extra hit roll, swarms, etc.
Revelation - dispels invisibility or illusions within range, causes magic items to glow, other site spells
Spell that creates a moving plane/carpet for travelling or transporting items - advanced version of Riding Disc
Explode Rock - needs to be cast within rock or earth, similar to fireball
Irritation - creates an irritant (chemical, physical, or otherwise) or distraction that gives -1 to hit
Thirst - make someone thirsty
Web/Bite for grimfang
Resist Poison/Resist Disease
A type of polymorph spell that specializes in specific features instead of overall form
Goo/Glue (Web)
Elemental shields that damage an attacker
Frost/Freeze - create icy floor that limits move to 10' per round or risk slipping (or make like stone to mud effects)
Greater undead summoning spells for both mages and evil clerics
Stoneskin/Dragonskin, etc.
Mimic - speak with someone else's voice (level 1)
Luck - increases success by 5% (for things in the game like creating new spells, items, chances for success, etc.)
Spells to rescue or taste food (for cooks)
Advanced Sleep spells - Hold Person or Hold Monster
Elven Foot(step)/Walk - allows move silently
Item that allows the attempt to cast an extra spell but does damage to the caster (hit points to spell points)
Catapult/Launch - hurls an object in an arc
Musical Orb/Gem that floats in the air and provides bonuses, but can be destroyed
Shield of Faith - like Spiritual Hammer, but provides shield
Shatter - attempt to destroy one non-magical item
Cause Minor Pain - 1d8 per level, maybe rename to some kind of elemental spell like rock explosion or sand blast
Embalming spell to prevent decay
Spell of withering/longevity (may be considered legendary or above max level)
Hot steam attack
Quicken - lesser "haste" that gives bonus to initiative, and eliminates the effects of surprise
Flash - similar to Light but only used for blinding (multiple creatures?)
Feather Fall/Suspend - even weaker form of Fly/Levitate
Hawk/Eagle Eye/Sight - allows seeing detail from very far away (reading, etc.)
Flesh to Gold
Firestorm alternative to Ice Storm
Animate object variations that work on specific substances: snow, sand, mud, fire, air, water, etc.
Elemental Shield - provides half damage from one element, double damage from it's opposite
Dragon Wit - INT/9
Elven Beauty - CHA/3
Kindred Strength - STR/7
Sagacity - WIS/12
Trollish Vigor - CON/6
Slink - DEX/9
Dominate - control other creatures
Possess - like Magic Jar
Legendary Magic
Town to Stone
Corruption - corrupts land
Endless Winter
Curse of Glantri - antimagic
"Various cleric spell "fixing" options for cleric-light parties--I'd only use a few, not all of them together:
1) Lesser Regenerate (Cleric level 1, range touch, single target, no save)
This spell heals 1hp per turn for 8 turns. (Tradeoff. It's like a maximised CLW spell but much slower, so there's still a use for CLW instead if the party wishes.)
2) Amulet of Galidor
This magic item affects a cleric's cure wounds spells. It permits the cleric to roll the healing dice twice, and select which of the two rolls is used. (From The Spider Farm, incidentally--so I plagiarised it, but from myself!)
3) Lifetap (Magic user/Elf level 1, range 30ft, single target, no save)
This spell deducts 1d4 hp from the target and adds 1d4 hp to the caster, who may not thereby exceed his or her normal maximum hp.
Lifegift (Magic user/Elf level 1, range touch, single target, no save)
This spell deducts 1d4 hp from the caster and adds it to the target, who may not thereby exceed his or her normal maximum hp.
(I don't like the idea of giving mages and elves healing magic, but I don't mind letting them move hp around...) " --