Heroes of Selenica » spells » ideas.txt



Dragon Wit - INT/9

Elven Beauty - CHA/3

Kindred Strength - STR/7

Sagacity - WIS/12

Trollish Vigor - CON/6

Slink - DEX/9

Dominate - control other creatures

Possess - like Magic Jar

Legendary Magic

"Various cleric spell "fixing" options for cleric-light parties--I'd only use a few, not all of them together:

1) Lesser Regenerate (Cleric level 1, range touch, single target, no save)

This spell heals 1hp per turn for 8 turns. (Tradeoff. It's like a maximised CLW spell but much slower, so there's still a use for CLW instead if the party wishes.)

2) Amulet of Galidor

This magic item affects a cleric's cure wounds spells. It permits the cleric to roll the healing dice twice, and select which of the two rolls is used. (From The Spider Farm, incidentally--so I plagiarised it, but from myself!)

3) Lifetap (Magic user/Elf level 1, range 30ft, single target, no save)

This spell deducts 1d4 hp from the target and adds 1d4 hp to the caster, who may not thereby exceed his or her normal maximum hp.


Lifegift (Magic user/Elf level 1, range touch, single target, no save)

This spell deducts 1d4 hp from the caster and adds it to the target, who may not thereby exceed his or her normal maximum hp.

(I don't like the idea of giving mages and elves healing magic, but I don't mind letting them move hp around...) " -- http://www.dragonsfoot.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=27542