****** Lightdance ****** **** by Rue O'Neal [email removed] on 95/11/23 **** ***** From the Spellbook of Deedlit Moonsong ***** **** Silver Elf, Fighter/Mag **** Level 4 School Invocation Sphere Combat Range 10 yards/level VSM VS Dur 2 rounds CT 3 AE 20 foot sphere ST None **** Spell description **** This spell creates 4 whirling lights that strike out with lightning fast speed at their target. The "lightblades" dance around their target, waiting for openings. They strike at THACO 8 and cause 8 points of damage each hit. The caster can select which targets he/she wants to send them to, i.e. All can go to one target or they can each attack a single target within the area of
effect. The area of effect cannot move.
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