Heroes of Selenica » spells » others » MissleBolt.txt


****** Missle Bolt ****** **** by Charlie Ricail [email removed] on 96/01/27 **** ***** From the Spellbook of Carolinus Elric ***** **** Human(demi-god), Mage lvl??? **** Level 6th School Invocatoin/Evocation Sphere Combat Range 10 yds/lvl of the caster VSM V,S,M Dur Instantaneous CT 6 AE 15 ft radius ST 1/2 damage **** Spell description **** Upon casting this spell the caster causes a magic missle charged wiht electricity to strike the target and burst outward showering the area in an electrical field. The missle does 2 points of damage per level of the caster and the electricity does 1d4 dam/lvl of the caster(save for 1/2 dam).

The material componet for this spell is a wire coil and a magnet.

 Created using Sylvain Robert's form by the person whose name appears
 at the top of the page. Compiled for the Wanderer's WWW server. Site
 managed by Sylvain_Robert