****** Nashtah's Gem ****** **** by Rue O'Neal [email removed] on 95/11/23 **** ***** From the Spellbook of Deedlit Moonsong ***** **** Silver Elf, Fighter/Mage (9/9) **** Level 3 School Evocation/Alteration Sphere None Range Throw VSM VSM:Any type of gem Dur 1 round/level CT 5 AE 20 foot sphered6 ST 1/2 **** Spell description **** When casting this spell, the caster enchants a gem to explode after thrown. The expolsion will be more powerful depending on the type of gem used. Emeralds do
10d6 each. The caster can enchant 1 gem every 3 levels attained.
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