Heroes of Selenica » spells » others » Nocturnesneedlestorm.txt


****** Nocturne's needle storm ****** **** by christian liberg [email removed] on 96/03/08 **** ***** From the Spellbook of Nocturne Lycros ***** **** human, invoker, 12 **** Level 2 School invocation Sphere Range 5 yards per level VSM v,s,m Dur instant CT 2 AE 1 targer ST none **** Spell description **** When this spell is cast the character casting the spell sends out a number of needles equal to the number of levels divided by 2 each needle is a sure hit and gives each 1d4 point's of damage each needle also count as a attack for determining stoneskin charges. The shield spell gives a partial protection against the spell since every needle only gives 1 point of damage.

The psionic ability inertial barrier will stop this spell entirely.

 Created using Sylvain Robert's form by the person whose name appears
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 managed by Sylvain_Robert