****** Thunder Clap ****** **** by Matt Rathbun () on 96/04/15 **** ***** From the Spellbook of Ghere ***** **** Ghaunadon/Mage 16/Druid 14/Thief 14 **** Level 2 School Invocation Sphere Range Touch VSM V,S Dur 1 Round/Caster lvl CT 2 AE Creature touched ST 1/2 **** Spell description **** This spell is similar to the first level spell shocking grasp. It is administuredby touch (attack roll required). When touched a creature takes 1d8 plus1 additional point per level of the caster. Also the victum is stuned for1d4 rounds. A saving throw is applicable, if the target saves vs spell thenthe stunning, and the damage are halved. This spell remains for 1 roundper level of the caster, no matter how many times it is discharged, afterthis time period it fades away.
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