Heroes of Selenica » spells » others » TriBlast.txt


****** Tri-Blast ****** **** by Charlie Ricail [email removed] on 95/12/31 **** ***** From the Spellbook of Carolinus Elric ***** **** Human (demi-god), Mage lvl??? **** Level 6 School Evocation/invocation Sphere elemental(fire, ice, air) Range 10yds + 10yds/level VSM vsm Dur instantaneous CT 7 AE 20' radius, 80' long bolt ST 1/2 damage **** Spell description **** This spell is used to invoke a triple elemental attack. This spell in effect casts a combined fireball (PHB p191), lightnig bolt (PHB p194), and an ice storm (PHB p202). When this spell is cast a single ball of magic is aimed at one target, when it strikes, the lightning bolt blasts out accordingly doing 1d4 points of damage for every 2 levels of the caster, and at the same time, a fireball bursts out in a 20' radius sphere doing another 1d4 points of damage for every 2 levels of the caster. after the fireball is gone, the ice storm goes off in only the hail storm form. the hail stones do 3d10 points of damage. The creature gets a sving throw versus all 3 types of attack at -1 each, or one combined saving throw at -2. A successful save cut the damage in half for whatever was saved against. This is a good spell if you don't know the resistances of a certain creature. The material componets of this spell are a drop of water, a pinch of sulfur, and a glass rod. (Please feel free to change this spell to fit your campaign


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