Heroes of Selenica » spells » others » TriptheTrap.txt


****** Trip the Trap ****** **** by ROB MCDONALD () on 96/05/03 **** ***** From the Spellbook of Rafe von Morborund ***** **** Half-elf, Wizard/Rogue, 9/10 **** Level 2 School Alteration Sphere Range 30 YARDS VSM V, S, M Dur Instantaneous CT 2 AE All traps within a 5 yard radius ST None **** Spell description **** To use TRIP THE TRAP, the caster designates a visible point within 30 yardsto be the center of the spell's area of effect. When the spell is complete,all traps within 5 yards of that point are immediately sprung. The spellis entirely non-discriminating, and will trip all traps within the arearegardless of their type, range, placement or effect. This spell does notentitle the caster to any knowledge regarding the traps sprung other thanthat he can observe - the caster may be too far away to see a poisoned needlefire from a hidden peephole, for instance. TRIP THE TRAP does not protectthe mage from affects that extend into his area. If there are no traps withinthe area to be affected the spell does not indicate such to the caster.The centerpoint of the area of effect must be visible to the caster, bydirect sight, use of mirrors, CLAIRVOYANCE or the like, lest the spell befoiled.

A trap is any device, alarm or ward that meets the criteria found in the2nd level priest spell FIND TRAPS. TRIP THE TRAP will, for example, springmechanical traps, deadfalls, snares, and spells such as glyphs, ALARM, FIRETRAP, etc. The spell cannot affect the behavior of creatures, and thus willnot function against ambushes and the like. TRIP THE TRAP has no affecton natural hazards, and artificial hazards not intentionally set will likewisenot be revealed (a weak plank in a bridge spawning a chasm would not bebroken by this spell, unless it were purposely weakend by small cuts orfire, etc.)

The material component of this spell is a small snare made of fine silkencord, drawn closed and consumed at the moment the spell is completed.

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