****** Xiltyn's Rainblocker ****** **** by William Bolitho [email removed] on 96/05/06 **** ***** From the Spellbook of Quevven Xiltyn ***** **** Half-elf (ice) Fighter/Mage (8/9) **** Level 2 School Evocation Sphere Range 1 yard VSM V,S Dur 2 hr/lev CT 2 AE 1 creature ST None **** Spell description **** This spell creates a fluid-impermeable plane of force of 2 yards diameterabove the recipient. It is invisible, but when liquid falls upon it, theliquid stays visible. The plane of force can adjust itself that the recipientcan walk through doors which are not 2 yards wide and still be protected.The spell recipient is protected from all fluids from above, namely rain,but also from acid and similar harmful fluids. Notice however that if thewind is strong enough, it may be enough to blow the liquid around the plane.Also, if the liquid are contained in bottles or similar, the Rainblockerlets it pass without even slowing it down.
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