Heroes of Selenica » spells » others » XiltynsTravellingDisc.txt


****** Xiltyn's Travelling Disc ****** **** by William Bolitho [email removed] on 96/05/09 **** ***** From the Spellbook of Quevven Xiltyn ***** **** Half-elf (ice) Fighter/Mage (8/9) **** Level 5 School Evocation Sphere Range 30 yds VSM V,S,M Dur 2 hrs + 3 turns/lev CT 5 AE special ST - **** Spell description **** With this spell the caster creates a slightly concave, circular plane offorce, which is totally invisible. It comes additionally with a screen inthe direction in which it travels and a "Xiltyn's Rainblocker"above it. The disc is anywhere between 5' to 10' in diameter, dependingon the caster's wishes. It cannot shrink or grow once it is cast, however.It can support 50 pounds/level of the caster. The disc floats about at aheight the caster directs it to and it cannot be turned over. It floatsalong within 30 yards at the command of the caster, and will accompany himat a movement rate of no more than Movement 6/level of the caster. I f unguided,it remains at its relative position to the caster. If the caster moves beyondthe range of the spell, the spell duration expires. When the spell durationends, the disc drifts slowly down to the floor but not farther than 3 yards,then disintegrates. The spell component is clear rock crystal dust.

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