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621;st Level Spells

Glow Level: 1 Range: Self or 30ft radius around caster. Duration: Five minutes per level. Casting Time: One melee action. Damage: None Saving Throw: None P.P.E.™ Cost: 2

This spell is similar to the other first level spells of Blinding Flash and Globe of Daylight. In this case, the photokinetic energy is spread out over a longer duration. The mage can vary the color, size, and shape of the glow to create a display of pretty lights. The glow isn't really enough to see by (less than the light produced by a few candles). It's great for distractions, impressing children, training young illusionists, and making a mage seem more intimidating (+1 to horror factor when the glow is radiated from one's self, eyes, clothes, staff, etc.) Beast Call Level: 1 Range: 500 ft Casting Time: One melee action. Duration: Instant P.P.E. ™ Cost: 5

When an animal (regardless of its affiliation with shaman) dies, the shaman can use up five P.P.E.tm to absorb five times the P.P.E.tm base of the fallen creature or ten P.P.E.tm, whichever is highest. The ritual is instantaneous, but will not work if the beast is killed by technological means Curse: Beast Eyes Level: 1 Range: 60 feet Casting Time: One melee action. Duration: Two hours per level. Saving Throw: 12 or better (does not change). P.P.E.™ Cost: 40

This is a powerful curse that can only be used on humans and intelligent life forms, and can only be broken with an anti-curse spell. This curse inflicts the victim with a life-long fear of animals. He is petrified of all animals, specifically their eyes.

Defense: Odorsecretion Level: 1 Range: Can be smelled for 600 ft. Casting Time: One melee action. Duration: One week per level. Saving Throw: None P.P.E. ™ Cost: 5

The shaman can secrete a powerful resin that has a highly potent smell. The resin cannot be removed by technological or magic means and will disperse with time. The smell is so strong and repulsive that no one will want to go near or touch the object or area affected for the spell duration.

Marking Level: 1 Range: Touch Casting Time: One melee action. Duration: Infinite Saving Throw: None P.P.E. ™ Cost: 5

Frankly, a rather useless spell allowing the shaman to "Decorate" One of his familiars with markings or colors. This indicates to other animals that the animal is a familiar, and not to be messed with. To humans, it indicates a weird animal, one that shou l

Maintain Temperature Level: 1 Range: Self, or objects or others by touch. Duration: Fifteen minutes per level. Casting Time: Two melee actions. Saving Throw: Standard if resisted. P.P.E. ™ Cost: 4

This simple enchantment spell can be cast on just about anything. For the duration of the magic the object or life form will maintain its natural temperature. Whether human or ice, nothing will be able to alter the temperature. This spell is vital when travelling in arctic environments and scorching deserts without protection from the elements. This spell provides no special resistance against fire or ice attacks, but heat and cold attacks will only do half damage. Magic and mega- damage™ fire, heat, ice, and cold do full damage. Singing Insect (Level 1 Spell) Range: 90 foot (27.4 m) radius. Duration: 4 melees per level of experience. Saving throw: None P.P.E. ™: 2 Extremely useful to rogues, this spell will conjure up the background sounds of insect life common to the area. They will start softly and unnoticeably rise in volume, masking the sounds of the character and all within the spell's range, giving them a 95% effective Prowl skill as far as not being detected by sound. They will still need to stay out of sight, however. These sounds are also magical in nature and cause a calming affect, giving the caster a bonus of +2 to initiative. The volume can also be increased causing an almost deafening chorus. Everyone within the spell's range will suffer -1 to strike, parry and dodge due to the distracting numbing noise. These chirps travel so well that all those within 300 feet (91.5 m) will still hear faint calls, giving the caster an effective Prowl skill of 62% (or +15% if the skill is known) as far as not being detected by sound. Quickdraw (Level 1 Spell) Range: 10 feet (3 m) radius per each level of experience. Duration: Instant Saving throw: None P.P.E™.: 2 Any object under 10 pounds (4.5 kg) will be heavily attracted to the caster's hand, as if it was powerfully magnetized (effective strength of 25). The object will instantly shoot towards the caster’s grip. If the object is less than 20 feet (6.1 m) away, the character can grasp and use it with only one action. Anything else beyond this range will take one action to attract. If the return path is blocked by an object, the item will go up to 50 feet around to find a path to it's master, otherwise it will fall as close as possible that is in a direct path of the caster.


Level: 1 Range: Line of Sight/Self, Others by touch or within 5 ft per level of experience. Duration: 2 minutes per level of experience. Damage: None; see effect. Saving Throw: Standard if the powers are not wished. P.P.E. ™ Cost: 3

Effect: This spell allows the caster or someone nearby to see the magic energy radiating from people, creatures, objects, and areas, as long as more than 20 P.P.E. points are present in the source being looked at. The sensing ability is so acute that the character can see things made invisible either magically or naturally, including supernatural creatures, entities, and elementals. Any character under the affliction of a spell that cost more than 20 P.P.E. to cast will also be noticeable to the recipient of this spell.


Level: 1 Range: Self or others away 100 ft +50 ft per level of experience. Duration: 30 minutes per level of experience. Damage: None; see effect. Saving Throw: Standard if the power is not wanted. P.P.E. ™ Cost: 2

Effect: Allows the spellcaster and others to speak in the airless environment of outerspace, or in any other kind of vacuums. Allows for spellcasting and verbal communication when no radio is handy. This spell does not grant the spellcaster the ability to breathe without air and, if human, will run out of breath within 2 minutes. Note: Still muted in Globe of Silence.

Glow Level: 1 Range: 120ft Duration: 24 melees per level of experience Saving Throw: None PPE™: Two This incantaion can be cast on a object or a person. Once cast it causes the target to appear as if glowing a bluish light. The light will illuminate an area of up to 3ft from the target. Practioners above first level can control the color for one extra PPE at the time of casting. If cast on a person it does not interfere with vision. The glow is barely visible in full daylight. It can not be cast on a specific body part (like the eyes), but can target a individuals items (like a weapon). The spell will not illuminate an area larger then mansize (such as a horse). Player: I cast glow on the sword and the go to the local armorer's shop. I explain to the aromer that it is a magic sword. GM: Ok the armorer calls in the local mage to cast sense magic on the weapon. The mage confirms that the sword appears magical. The armorer pays you a handsome price for such a rare weapon. Player: I collect the money and smile. Then I beat feet out of town before the spell wears of. LOCATE STAR

Level: 1 Range: 500,000 light-years per level of experience. Knowledge is cast on self- only, or others by touch or within 2 ft per level of experience. Duration: 1 hour per level of experience. Damage: None Saving Throw: Standard if the knowledge is not wanted. P.P.E. ™ Cost: 3

Effect: This simple spell allows the caster to locate any existing galaxy, black hole,white hole, star, planet, asteroid, comet or other celestial body provided the caster knows its name. This spell will NOT locate ships, lifeforms, mineral deposits, constellations, or spaceborn ley lines and nexuses.

-Heal light wounds (lvl 1) PPE:™ #623; Duration: instant Range: touch or 3'. Restores 1d8 HP or SDC

Strength of the Earth Level: 1(earth warlock) or 3 (mage) Range: caster Duration: 2 melees per caster level PPE™: 5 This spells adds 2d4 to a character's PS and 3d6 to their physical SDC/MDC for the duration of the magic. This magic will only work if the character is close to the earth. If the character leaves the ground during the spell, it fails and the bonuses are lost.

Essence Armor Range: Self Duration: One melee round per level of experience Damage: 1D6 per two levels of experience Saving Throw: Special P.P.E.™: 10 This spell creates a hazy black aura around the caster. Whenever he touches, or is touched by a living being, that being must roll a saving throw versus magic. If the saving throw is successful, the being suffers normal damage. If it fails, a S.D.C being will suffer damage directly to hit points, and a M.D.C. being will suffer damage that cannot be bio-regenerated for 1D4 hours. This spell will affect anyone in light or medium body armor. Essence Bolt Range: 100 feet ( 30m ) Duration: Instant Damage: 3D6, plus 1D6 per two levels of experience Saving Throw: Dodge, plus Special P.P.E.™: 1#620; This spell causes a pitch black bolt to streak forth from the caster to the target. On impact, the target must roll a saving throw, with the same effects as Essence Armor. The Essence Bolt will ignore body armor ( but not magic armor, power armor, or robot vehicles ). It has a flat 1-50% chance to ignore force fields, and a 1-5% chance per caster level of experience to ignore magical spell protections.

Bladder Burst (Level 1 Water Spell) Range: One person per every three levels of experience Duration: Instant Saving throw: None P.P.E. ™: One This spell will increase the moisture content and pressure within a specific target's bladder. This disastrously results in the victim wetting himself uncontrollably, soaking his trousers with pungent urine. -4 to P.B. until cleaned up. The opposite of this spell will mystically evaporate pent-up fluids in the bladder, negating the need to relieve oneself for at least 6 hours. Very useful when drinking heavily. Water Skin (Level 1 Water Spell) Range: Self. Duration: 60 melees (15 minutes) plus 40 melees (10 minutes) per each additional level of experience. Saving throw: None P.P.E. ™: One This spell will create a layer of circulating water covering the entire body of the character. This will give the benefits of a wet body suit and will not dampen clothing worn. When cast, two forms can be selected, warm or cold water. Each will protect the caster from the opposite temperature effects by environmental conditions. Warm will allow normal activity in temperatures as low as -30 degrees Fahrenheit with no penalties. Cold will allow normal activity in climates as high as 140 degrees Fahrenheit with no penalties or dehydration. When the spell expires, the water will disappear.


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                           2nd Level Spells

Audio Illusion Level: 2 Range: 60ft Duration: One minute per level. Casting Time: One melee action. Damage: None Saving Throw: -2 penalty P.P.E. ™ Cost: 4

Use of this spell allows a mage to mentally generate any form of noise, from breaking glass to a car engine. He can center the sound anywhere within range, but it can be heard for a distance equal to the real sound. The sound can also be maintained for the listed duration. Voices cannot be duplicated (use Ventriloquism for that). This spell is useful to add noise to visual illusions to make them more convincing. If that is the use, drop the save throw for this illusion and instead add a -2 penalty to the save throw for the visual illusion. Amphibia Level: 2 Range: Self Casting Time: One melee action. Duration: 10 minutes per level. P.P.E. ™ Cost: 12

A simple spell that enables the shaman to become totally amphibious and breathe in water effortlessly. He can also swim at twice the normal speed and his P.P. and P.E. are doubled in water!

Eyes of the Eagle Level: 2 Range: Self, sight range of 600 per level. Casting Time: One melee action. Duration: One minute per level. P.P.E. ™ Cost: 7

This spell enables the shaman to increase the power of his vision to that of an Eagle or an equally powerful predator. The spell allows the shaman to see the invisible, magnify his vision down to a 5ft wide area at maximum distance, and see clearly even small objects and read a newspaper headline over someone's shoulder at maximum range.

Familiar: Memory Bank Level: 2 Range: Touch Casting Time: One melee action. Duration: One month per level of experience. Saving Throw: None P.P.E. ™ Cost: 10

A marvel of animal to man communication through magic. The shaman can use any one of his familiars to store snippets of information within their unused consciousness. The animal's unused brain potential codes the information into whatever form the shaman desires (visual, tactile, credit card numbers, etc.)

Hibernation: Lesser Level: 2 Range: Self Casting Time: One melee action. Duration: 1 hour per level of experience, or lass if desired. P.P.E. ™ Cost: 5

In five minutes of meditation and with 5 Cost, the shaman can slip into a state of hyper-meditation sleep, in which he is oblivious to the world around him. During the state, he regains S.D.C.tm, Cost and ISP at three times the normal rate! It is difficult to rou

Mindsight Level: 2 Range: Touch Casting Time: One melee action. Duration: 1 hour per level Saving Throw: None P.P.E. ™ Cost: 25

This spell allows the shaman to use the eyes and ears of one of his apprentices or familiars. The Animal intended for use simply becomes a vehicle for the shaman, which he psychically uses and controls. This is ideal for spying or reconnaissance. During the

Force Bolt: Lesser Level: 2 Range: 90ft Duration: Instant Casting Time: One melee action. Damage: 4d6 S.D.C.tm Saving Throw: Dodge, parry, or roll with punch/fall/impact. P.P.E. ™ Cost: 4

The mage can create a small surge of kinetic force and project it at a target. Unlike a Call Lightning or Fireball spell, this is not entirely directed by magic. As such, the mage gets a +1 bonus to strike in addition to his spell strength bonus up to a maximum bonus of +8.

Spark Level: 2 Range: 30ft Duration: Instant Casting Time: One melee action. Damage: 1d6 S.D.C.tm per two levels of experience (so 1d6 at levels one through three, 2d6 at levels four and five, 3d6 at level six, etc.) Damage can be varied in increments of 1d6. Add +2d6 S.D.C.tm damage in a Rifts(R) world. Saving Throw: Dodge P.P.E.tm Cost: 5

A small burst of electrical energy can be created and fired at a single target, doing minimal damage. The electric spark has a +2 bonus to strike in addition to the caster's spell strength bonus. Add +2d6 damage when near a ley line, and +4d6 damage when near a ley line nexus. No physical gesturing is required to direct the spark. Blossom Fury (Level 2 Spell) Range: 90 feet (27.4 m). Duration: 4 melees per level of experience. Saving throw: None for visual impairments; Save versus Poison for pollen P.P.E. ™: 4 This spell is very popular among the Ninja and faerie folk of the Pacific Rim. A flurry of fragrant flower petals will start to fall and dance upon wind currents creating a beautiful wonder to behold. Within seconds, this turns to a downpour, obscuring sight and smell as if caught is a blizzard. What's worse, all caught within the area of affect without facial protection must save versus poison or suffer horrific allergies. These may include burning, watery eyes, sneezing, extreme congestion leading to the possibility of inhalation of the blossoms gasping for air. All within the area of affect are nearly blinded by the array of bombarding blossoms, limiting visibility (by any means) to 5 feet (1.5 m) and all tracking abilities by scent become useless due to the overwhelming masking scent of the flower petals. While within the blossom fury, victims will be -4 to strike, parry and dodge. If they do not have proper protection (goggles, air filtration, mask, etc.) they will also suffer an additional penalty of -1 to strike, parry and dodge. These added penalties will last up to 2D4 melees after the spell's duration has elapsed.

Boomerang (Level 2 Spell) Range: Equal to that of the thrown/missile object. Duration: 1 melee per level of experience. Saving throw: None P.P.E.: 3 Anything thrown by the caster under 10 pounds (4.5 kg) will return to the character's hand. If stuck in an object, it will exert a force equal to a strength attribute of 25. If the return path is blocked by an object, the item will go up to 50 feet around to find a path to it's master, otherwise it will remain in place to be retrieved.

Mask Scent (Level 2 Spell) Range: 10 foot radius (3 m) plus 3 feet (1 m) per each additional level of experience. Duration: 48 melees (12 minutes) plus 24 melees (6 minutes) per each additional level of experience. Saving throw: None P.P.E.: Three The casting of this spell will completely mask the scent of the caster (or object cast upon), including equipment, within the radius of effect. Everything will become odorless, forcing creatures that track by smell, to rely on visual and audio clues. This is also handy for such uses as masking the scent of a cooked meal, negating the nauseous stench of the undead, and fumigating an outhouse, among others.

Treadless Path (Level 2 Spell) Range: 10 foot radius (3 m) plus 3 feet (1 m) per each additional level of experience. Duration: 36 melees (9 minutes) plus 24 melees (6 minutes) per each additional level of experience. Saving throw: None P.P.E.: Three Upon casting this spell, the enchanted person and/object(s) will leave no visible tracks. Walking in malleable surfaces such as mud will immediately fill in the indentions made, restoring the ground to its prior untouched state. This spell is ideal for throwing off trackers. This spell, however, does not mask the scent of the person or item(s) that this spell is cast upon.

HOLY SYMBOL: Lesser Level: 2 Range: Touch or 1 ft per level of experience. Duration: 5 minutes per level of experience. Damage: Special; see effect. Saving Throw: Standard (even ordinary objects get a chance to save). P.P.E. Cost: 5

Effect: This spell will enchant any ordinary object to become a temporary holy symbol that will keep evil creatures at bay such as vampires who naturally fear and/or are damaged by holy symbols. To such creatures the holy symbol will have a horror factor of 10 +1 every other level of experience (3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15). Evil people or those not ordinarily affected by holy symbols are unaffected

Hot Flash Level: 2 Range: 40ft Duration: 1 minute per level of experience Saving Throw: Standard PPE: Five This spell allows you to make a person or creature unusually warm and uncomfortable. They start sweating as if under a hot sun. The spell does not cause any damage and people or creatures resistant or immune to fire will not feel the effects. In a combat situation the enchanted individual will lose one melee attack and all skills suffer a penalty -10% to perform. Player: I cast Hot Flash on the orc we are negotiating with. GM: Ok he failed his save and a start to really sweat and his face goes flush. Player: "My Mr. Orc why so nervous looking? Are you holding out on us?" and then I pull out my really mean looking dagger and snicker. Death Mask Range: Touch Duration: Two hours per level of experience Saving Throw: None P.P.E.: 18 This spell allows the target to "hide" from death temporarily. If the spell's target is near death ( in a coma, or at zero hit points and losing blood, dying from poison, etc... ), the spell places the target in stasis, stopping all functions for the duration. Essence Net Range: 15 feet ( 4.5m ) +5 feet ( 1.5m ) per level of experience Duration: One melee round per level of experience Damage: 1D6 per two levels of experience Saving Throw: Special P.P.E.: 35 This spell generates an inky black net, approximately 12 feet ( 3.6m ) in diameter. The caster has to throw the net ( P.P. and W.P. bonuses apply ). Any being entrapped by the net must roll a saving throw versus magic ( as per Essence Armor ) to determine any additional damage effects. The creature must also roll a saving throw versus pain or fall unconscious from the chilling pain that the net inflicts upon him. The net continues to inflict damage every melee round, and the saving throw versus pain must be re-rolled every round if the victim is still awake. The victim can try to break free of the net if he has a supernatural P.S.. This requires one melee round for a P.S. of 31 or better, plus one melee round per point below 31. The net can withstand 50 M.D.C. of cutting damage before a hole large enough for a man-sized creature is made. A survivor of the net will have a criss-cross pattern of scars, resulting in a -1 P.B. per two rounds entrapped.

Water Mirror (Level 2 Water Spell) Range: Can use this power on any water source up to 1 mile per level of experience (to actually sense this fire source if not seen by the caster, will require another spell or power). All within a 10 foot (3 m) radius plus one-half foot per level of experience, of the water source will be in plain view. Duration: 12 melees (3 minutes) plus 8 melees (2 minutes) per level of experience. Saving throw: None P.P.E.: Four With this spell, the caster can use any water (as small as a bucket of water) source as an extension of his sight. The caster simply into a body of water (the larger the amount of water, the larger the viewing size) and all that is visible within the radius of the targeted body of water will be seen as clearly as the images they reflect in the body of liquid. This spell only allows for visual images only (images will be very accurate with a possible slight blue tinge), auditory is a separate spell.

Profuse Sweat (Level 2 Water Spell) Range: One person per every two levels of experience. Duration: 12 melees (3 minutes) plus 4 melees (1 minute) per each additional level of experience. Saving throw: Standard P.P.E.: Three Those affected by this spell will start to perspire at an alarming rate. Sweat will start to drip from the body, including down the face causing the eyes to sting, due to the salty solution hitting the cornea. Clothing will be soaked within 4 melees and the victim will give off a strong, offensive odor. Victim suffers -2 to strike, parry and dodge as well as -5 to P.B. They will also need to replenish fluids after 24 melees (6 minutes). This perspiration is supernatural in cause and cannot be dispelled by cooling systems. This spell can affect even those within personal armor, but not large robotic armor. After the spell has expired, the strike, parry and dodge penalties cease, but the P.B. penalties remain until the character and clothing are thoroughly cleaned.

Water Earshot (Level 2 Water Spell) Range: Can use this power on any water source up to 1 mile per level of experience (to actually sense this water source if not seen by the caster, will require another spell or power). All within a 15 foot (4.5 m) radius plus one foot per level of experience, of the water source will be audible. Duration: 12 melees (3 minutes) plus 8 melees (2 minutes) per level of experience. Saving throw: None P.P.E.: Four With this spell, the caster can use any water source (as small as a bucket of water) as an extension of his hearing. The caster simply places his ear in water and all sounds within the radius of the targeted body of water will be heard as clearly as if they were only a few feet away. This spell is similar to Water Mirror, but is for auditory only.

Sense Water Source (Level 2 Water Spell) Range: 1 mile plus one-half mile per level of experience. Duration: 24 melees (6 minutes) plus 12 melees (3 minutes) per level of experience. Saving throw: None P.P.E.: Three This spell allows the caster to sense the presence of any Water source(s) the size of a bucket (about one gallon) or larger. They will also be able to tell if the water is salt or fresh water and if it is stationary or moving. As long as the spell is in effect, these water sources will serve as homing beacons to the caster, allowing him to sense where they are located.

Water Bubble (Level 2 Water Spell) Range: Self or one other person. Duration: 60 melees (15 minutes) per level of experience. Saving throw: None if willing subject. Save versus poison/toxins at +5 every melee otherwise P.P.E.: 2 This spell is used to create a water bubble around the head of the caster or one person of choice. This bubble will stay around the head and is very useful for creatures that cannot breathe air. This spell is designed for beneficial use and is not offensive. Attempting to cast this on an unwilling recipient will allow them to save versus poison/toxin at +5 every melee. One successful save will shatter the fragile bubble of water and the spell will be cancelled. If the character fails enough consecutive saving throws (past the amount of time that they can hold their breath), the character must save v ersus coma or pass out for 8 +1D4 melees.

Hydro-skate (Level 2 Water Spell) Range: sel f.< / P> Duration: 40 melees (10 minutes) +8 melees (2 minutes) per each additional level of experience. Saving throw: None P.P.E.: 3 Casting this spell will create a thin layer of water under the feet of the caster. By moving in a skating-like fashion, the character will be able to move at a speed of 30 across fairly level terrain, but takes two melees to come to a complete stop. Rough terrain will render this spell useless.

Spell Name: Shadow Bind Spell Level: 2 Range: self or other by touching the shadow Duration: 2 days per level P.P.E.™ Cost: 6 Saving Throw: 12 if unwilling Description: By the use of this spell the mage can bind a person's shadow to a particular location (or person). The shadow is literally held to the bound spot and does not follow it's owner's movements. While this can produce interesting results for dramatics, in practical applications it is only un-nerveing, although the spell could also be employed for thievery and such.

Spell Name: Shadow Sight Spell Level: 2 Range: line of sight Duration: Instant P.P.E.™ Cost: 4 Saving Throw: none Description: This spell allows the caster to read a being's shadow. The information gleaned for reading a shadow is identical to the RIFTS® spell 'See Aura™' except there must be a shadow present to be read.

Spell Name: Shadow Rejuvination Spell Level: 2 Range: self or other by touch Duration: 1 minute per level P.P.E.™ Cost: 5 Saving Throw: none Description: By casting this spell and then stepping into a shadow the mage can bio-regenerate at a rate of 1d6 HP and SDC™ or MDC™ per round.



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                           3rd Level Spells

Stationary Illusion Level: 3 Range: 60ft Duration: Five minutes per level. Casting Time: One melee Damage: None Saving Throw: -2 penalty P.P.E.tm Cost: 8

An invocation which creates a replica of a physical object. The object that is "created" can be no larger than 100 cubic feet (5x5x4 feet) plus 100 cubic feet per level. Thus, anything from your basic easy chair to a pen can be simulated. The object has no substance, and if it is touched the spell is broken and the illusion ends. It is most effective when used to create an illusion of an object that is looked at but rarely touched (like a mantelpiece, painting, or other aesthetic possession). As the mage progresses, he can even create illusions of non-moving cars, shacks, used armor, etc. In order to create an object, the mage must have a copy to work from, a detailed memory, or a skill involving the object. Creaturesight: Probe Level: 3 Range: Touch Casting Time: One melee action. Duration: Ritual takes one minute to perform Saving Throw: The animal cannot resist, so no saving throw. P.P.E.tm Cost: 20

The shaman can choose any animal in his service (except familiars) and probe its mind in complete detail. This operation is like seeing a movie of the animal's life, allowing the shaman to fast forward or rewind at his discretion, seeing everything through its eyes. Fur Armor Level: 3 Range: Self or others! Casting Time: One melee action. Duration: 15 minutes plus 4 per level of experience P.P.E.tm Cost: 25

With this spell, the shaman is covered in a fur armor that has SDC/MDC of 120 plus 7 for each additional level of experience. The armor has no horror factor, but endows the wearer with a plus 12% to prowl, a bonus of +2 to dodge, +1 to strike, and +1 to PE. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other magical armor. Pain Dispersal Level: 3 Range: Touch Casting Time: One melee action. Duration: instant/until the wounds heal Saving Throw: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 25

The shaman, in a time of need, can heal himself by distributing the physical damage he has taken to his servants/apprentices or familiars. ex. If the shaman has taken 70 S.D.C.tm and he wishes to prematurely heal 60 S.D.C.tm of that, he can disperse his pain/wounds. Impervious to Cold Level: 3 Range: Self or others up to 60ft away. Duration: Five minutes per level. Casting Time: One melee action. Saving Throw: Standard if resisted. P.P.E.tm Cost: 5

Normal and magical cold will do no damage to the recipient of this protective magic. Fist of Death Range: Self Duration: Two melees per level of experience Damage: 1D6 per level of experience Saving Throw: Special P.P.E.: 45 This spell encases the caster's hands and forearms in a hazy black aura. When he touches a living being, the suffer the same effects as those inflicted by the Essence Bolt spell, including armor penetration, etc. Sense Vibrations (Level 3 Water Spell) Range: 50 feet (15.25 m) per each level of experience Duration: 24 melees (6 minutes) plus 8 melees (2 minutes) per each additional level of experience. Saving throw: None P.P.E.: Eight While in the water (or other liquids), at least ankle deep, the mage will sense all movement within the water source. The mage cannot be surprised (not even by sneak attacks or back attacks) and will receive the bonuses of +5 on initiative, +2 parry and dodge, while in the water. Watery Image (Level 3 Water Spell) Range: Any water source that is pinpointed within one-half mile per level of experience. Duration: 8 melees (2 minutes) per level of experience. Saving throw: None P.P.E.: Eight The caster will be able to project his image through that of any water source. This can be down one of two ways, either a mirror image of the caster is seen in the water's reflection or the water erupts upwards into the general appearance of the caster. The mage will also be able to verbally deliver any message, as well as see and hear the response, within the duration of the spell. Boiling Water (Level 3 Water Spell) Range: 30 feet (9 m) Duration: 12 melees (3 minutes) plus 4 melees (1 minute) per each additional level of experience. Saving throw: None P.P.E.: 9 The elemental mystic is able to bring 30 gallons (113.6 liters) of water instantly to a boil per each level of experience. Anything within the boiling water will suffer 4D6 S.D.C. (or 1 M.D.C. if a mega-damage creature) damage per melee unless they are sufficiently protected (Ex: environmental armor). This spell can be cast up to 30 feet (9 m) away. Spell Name: Shadow Meld Spell Level: 3 Range: Self or Other by touch Duration: 4 minutes (16 melees) per level P.P.E.[TM] Cost: 6 Saving Throw: none Description: This spell is identical to the RIFTS(R) spell of the same name except as mentioned above. Spell Name: Shadow Bolt Spell Level: 3 Range: 200 ft Duration: Instant P.P.E.[TM] Cost: 5 Saving Throw: dodge Description: This spell produces a powerful bolt of pure shadow that will do 3d6 M.D.C.[TM] to whatever it hits. **** Mesmerism **** Level: Three Range: 12ft with visual contact. Duration: Varies with victim and suggestion. Casting Time: One melee action Saving Throw: Standard P.P.E.tm Cost: 10

This enchantment enables the caster to use simple hypnotic suggestions upon intelligent creatures. Works just like the super psionic ability Hypnotic Suggestion. Taken from the PFRPG (1st edition).


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                           4th Level Spells

Image Shell Level: 4 Range: Self Duration: Ten minutes per level. Casting Time: One melee action. Saving Throw: -4 penalty P.P.E.tm Cost: 12

An invocation that allows a mage to alter his physical appearance to a fair degree. If the mage has the Disguise skill, he can add a +15% bonus when using this spell. If he does not have it, his base skill is 30% +5% per level when using this spell. He can not, however, copy another person's face (too complicated). What he can do is change the appearance of his clothing, his apparent age (add or subtract three years per level), his apparent P.B. or P.S. (can alter each by one point per level of experience), and the shape of his body.

The mage still retains his own sex, voice, memory, skills, attributes, and abilities with the illusion, at least until level three. After level three, the mage can change his apparent sex, race, personal odor, and the sound of his voice in addition to his appearance. At level four, he can use his Lore: D-Bee and Lore: Demons & Monsters skills as a Disguise skill and make himself look like a member of another race. Size and weight does not change, but can appear to. Anyone who successfully saves against the spell will not see the illusion but the mage himself. The mage could also use this spell to boost his horror factor to equal (not exceed) his spell strength. Combined with Mask of Deceit, the mage can totally change his appearance into that of another person. Add Ventriloquism to this spell, and the change is even more complete. Superhuman Beauty Level: 4 Range: Self or others by touch. Duration: Two minutes per level. Casting Time: One melee action. Damage: None Saving Throw: Standard if resisted. P.P.E.tm Cost: 10

Recipients of this magic will gain a P.B. rating equivalent to a P.B. of 28 (86% chance to charm or impress) and +5% on the Interrogation, Pick Pockets, and Performance skills. Anyone looking at the recipient gets a save vs. illusion magic - success means that the recipient is seen for exactly what he is. Carrion Gather Level: 4 Range: Two miles per level. Casting Time: One minute Duration: Until the desired amount is collected or 1 day, whichever comes first. P.P.E.tm Cost: 20

The shaman can call all the insects or animal scavengers in the forest to comb it for dead flesh. The matter is transported mystically and rapidly decomposes as it is being carried, and arrives at the shaman in a pulp state. This is to allow the caster to use the dead matter as desired, usually by the next spell. The use of this spell can also help prevent disease. Carrion Shaping Level: 4 Range: Touch Casting Time: Two melee rounds. Duration: One hour per level. Saving Throw: None - matter is dead. P.P.E.tm Cost: 5 for initial molding, 15 for every hour afterwards.

The shaman can mold the carrion, which he collects. Vast amounts are usually gathered, depending on the habitat. The initial molding makes the carrion mega- damage! After the initial molding, the shaman can add to the heap whenever he so desires. The carrion has 10 M.D.C.tm per item created (takes about one hour to create a simple item), or per six by six square foot area (each area takes a half hour to develop). Weapons can be created and are also mega-damage structures, but only do S.D.C.tm damage.

Dried carrion armor typically weighs about 14 lbs and causes a -10% penalty to prowl, but has an amazing 80 M.D.C.tm (double or triple according to size for larger and non- humanoid creatures). The Animal Shaman can create artwork, shelters, walls, shovels, axes, chairs, etc. Just use the appropriate skill if the GM feels it is necessary. For non- Rifts worlds the mega-damage values should be replaced with equal S.D.C.tm Curse: Necrophobia Level: 4 Range: 60 feet Casting Time: One melee action. Duration: Two days per level. Saving Throw: 12 or better (does not change). P.P.E.tm Cost: 35

This is a mild curse by comparison to bloodlust, and is a simple fear of all things dead or dying. The victim will not be able to enter a graveyard, a hospital, or even discuss disease, death, or dead people. The cure is the same as all curses. Defense: Quill Level: 4 Range: Self Casting Time: One melee action. Duration: Five minutes per level. Saving Throw: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 15

The shaman can cover himself with a layer of thick, sharp quills. The armor has 45 M.D.C.tm and does not impede movement. Upon command 2d4 quills can dislodge to spray a target or area. One target will take 3d6 M.D.tm, while 1d4+1 targets in a 10ft area will take 1d4 M.D.tm . Hyperawareness Level: 4 Range: self Casting Time: One melee action. Duration: 1 hour per level P.P.E.tm Cost: 35

The shaman can endow himself with the senses of a wolf, or a close approximation. His sense of smell is increased by 200 percent, (Identification of smell, direction of smell, etc.) and the shaman’s peripheral vision, hearing, and even touch sensitivity are Shard Spray Level: 4 Range: 60ft Duration: Instant Casting Time: One melee action Damage: 2d4x10+20 S.D.C.tm or 4d4 M.D.C.tm (the damage can be regulated). Saving Throw: Dodge P.P.E.tm Cost: 7

This spell requires a bone or handful of small bones (like from a hand) as a physical component. The necromancer utters the words of the spell, crushes the bones in his hand, and throws them at a target. The fragments splinter and impale the target! The death mage gets a +5 bonus to strike with the shards. Damage is doubled near a ley line, and tripled when near a nexus. Damage is also doubled if the bone of a supernatural creature is used (dragon, unicorn, sowki, demon, etc.) Lostrel's Wordwipe Level: 4 Range: 30ft Duration: Instant Casting Time: One melee action Saving Throw: Special P.P.E.tm Cost: 10

This interesting bit of magic was developed in the Rifts city of Lazlo. This is a seemingly useless spell, which is what local guildmembers and private wizards in the city thought when that laughed at the developer, Lostrel Zhane. Then they found their magic scrolls blank. They also found their magical libraries ruined. Entire passages, accounts, laboratory reports, and chapters of the costly books were partially deleted (some even totally wiped out). Even a one of a kind text on developing magical servants was damaged beyond repair, when the first six chapters on the necessary preparation for the ceremonies were erased in a way that made you wonder if there was ever any writing there. Even Techno-wizards who thought their magical information was safe on the encrypted hard drives of their personal computers found their text files garbled beyond recognition. The neophyte who created the spell was grudgingly accepted into one of the most renowned guilds of Lazlo, and also made a lot of enemies when he agreed to teach a course on the creation and usage of this spell. Those same enemies were placated (on the surface, at least) when he offered to sell a validated counter-spell for Wordwipe.

When targeted at a scroll, book, or any sort of object with writing upon it this spell magically erases some of the writing! Even if it is encrypted or in a foreign language, the text is erased. If the caster also has the Computer Operations skill (70% skill level or better) he can attack one specific data format or program on a computer (image files, text files, virus protection software, viruses, the W|ndow$ 95 operating system, etc.)

The scroll, book, or computer gets a save vs. spell magic. Success means that no words are erased. Failure means that some (5d10 +25%) of the words are erased. A save throw roll of 3-5 means that 80 +1d20% of the text gets erased, a 2 means that all text in the book (or whatever) is erased, and a 1 means that the entire literary object is erased clean of all pigmentation (all text, artwork, images, even inkstains are gone!)

Normal literary works save normally, with no bonus. This includes all books that are about magic. Things that have magic written in or on them, such as circle making manuals and magic scrolls are +3 to save. Books that are magic probably have their own bonus to save listed. Anything on a computer gets an additional +1 save throw bonus. One magic scroll or book with magic circles and formulae can be affected per invocation of this spell. However, the caster can affect 500 pages of normal text and digital information per level per invocation. The effect is instant - so this spell could be used to counter the reading of a scroll, which would probably have some bad effects for the scroll reader.

Runes, wards, glyphs, and all magical writing and objects are not affected by this spell. Harden Aura Level: 4 Range: Self or others by touch. Duration: Three minutes per level Casting Time: Two melee actions Damage: None Saving Throw: Standard if resisted. P.P.E.tm Cost: 10

Recipients of this spell are impervious to (and cannot use) the psionic abilities of telepathy, empathy, Empathic Transmission, and Hypnotic Suggestion. They are also given immunity to all mind altering magic (Befuddle, Compulsion, Domination, Wisps of Confusion, etc.) Add a +1 to save vs. psionic attack and illusions. This spell confers the same defenses as a Mind Block in the Dreamstream, but only has half the penalties. Weapon Talent Level: 4 Range: Self and touch, or others by touch. Duration: Five minutes per level. Casting Time: One melee action Damage: None Saving Throw: Standard (roll for the device), but ballistic firearms get a +1 bonus, energy weapons get a +2 bonus, and vehicle weapon systems get a +3 bonus. P.P.E.tm Cost: 10

The casting of this spell gives the recipient an unnatural skill with a weapon held at the time of casting. If the recipient has no weapon proficiency with the weapon he gains a +1 to strike and parry with it, or +1 on an aimed and burst strike for firearms. If the recipient does have training with the weapon he gains one extra melee attack with the weapon and a +2 initiative bonus when using it for their first attack in a melee, in addition to the bonuses of an untrained user of the weapon. If physical contact with the weapon ends (like if it is knocked away or dropped) the magic ends immediately.

Impervious to Darkness Level: 4 Range: Self or others by touch. Duration: Five minutes per level. Casting Time: One melee action. Saving Throw: Standard if resisted. P.P.E.tm Cost: 10

The recipient of this protective magic becomes immune to darkness and negative energy blasts (like Negative Chi), immune to the darkness based spells in this file, and immune to blindness, mute, and all other sense affecting spells. No special ability to see in darkness is granted. Inkspray Level: 4 Range: 30ft Duration: Effects last for 1d4 minutes per level. Casting Time: One melee action Damage: The ink drains 2d4 S.D.C.tm (or 1d4 M.D.C.tm) per minute. Saving Throw: Standard P.P.E.tm Cost: 8

The invocation of this spell conjures a sticky black substance that is placed on the chosen victim, who suffers from a life drain. The black ink will begin to glow a pale blue within a melee of covering a victim. During the draining the victim loses one attack, -2 on initiative, and -1 to strike, parry, and dodge. Total submersion in water or Remove Curse spells are the two quickest ways to get rid of the ink. Nightvision Level: 4 Range: Self or others by touch. Duration: Five minutes per level. Casting Time: One melee action. Saving Throw: Standard if resisted. P.P.E.tm Cost: 8

This spell confers a recipient with the ability to clearly see objects in total darkness for 200ft +100ft per level of the caster. Vision in magical or artificial darkness is 50ft +10ft per level of the caster. Taken from page 133 of the Nightbane RPG and slightly updated. Frostbite Level: 4 Range: 60ft Duration: Instant Casting Time: One melee action. Damage: 2d4+4 S.D.C.tm or 1d4+2 M.D.C.tm to mega-damage beings. Saving Throw: Standard P.P.E.tm Cost: 8

A spell that inflicts painful frostbite on an extremity. The frostbite must be taken care of within 1d4 hours, or else the affected flesh needs to be removed. Professional medical care or psionic or magical healing is necessary to prevent amputation. Regeneration abilities take twice as long to heal the wounded flesh. Note: I'm relatively sure that there was a printing of the effects of frostbite somewhere in a Palladium book. If you know which book, which page, and what the effects were please [email removed] .

Cast on a hand - weapons cannot be held, skill performance is -35%, and the character is -2 to parry and dodge and on initiative due to the pain and distraction. If a foot is affected cut speed by 75%, -4 to dodge, -2 on initiative, and the victim loses one attack. Aiming the spell anywhere else will be painful and difficult to tend to. The penalties for this are a -2 to parry, dodge, and initiative and a -10% on skill performance. Magic Bolt Level: 4 Range: 90ft +10ft per level. Duration: Instant Casting Time: One melee action Damage: See description Saving Throw: Dodge an 18 or better. Destabilization: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 12

This is a purely magical equivalent of the FireBall spell. The caster generates a magical disturbance, which he can then throw at a target. Physical targets suffer a mere 1d4 S.D.C.tm per level of experience, while living targets suffer the same damage (never does hit point damage) plus are disoriented and confused for the rest of the melee (-2 on all combat rolls and lose the next attack).

The greatest value of this spell is against those creatures vulnerable to magic. Against them this spell does 1d4 M.D.C.tm per level of the caster and causes the victim to be -1 to save vs. magic per hit for 1d4 melees. Multiple magic bolts do add up, but the maximum penalty is -4. This will definitely split Zavor in two. See and Sense Destabilization Level: 4 Range: Affects only the caster who has sight for 60ft and sensing for one mile.

Duration: Two minutes per level. Casting Time: One melee action Damage: None Saving Throw: None Destabilization: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 12

An extremely useful spell when dealing with the chance of magical destabilization. The mage can see all areas of destabilization within 60 feet and their approximate magnitude (minimal, low, dangerously high, etc.) The destabilization’s appear as a transparent bubble of multicolored light. The mage can also sense all areas of destabilization, their location in relation to the caster, and estimate their distance. This sense has a range of one mile. The character can also see dimensional pockets and envelopes, the residual magic of a Time Hole or Mystic Portal, and other magically created spatial anomalies at a skill of 50% +5% per level of experience. Carpet of Slickness Level: 4 Range: 30ft per level of experience of the caster Duration: 10 melees per level expeirence Saving Throw: Special PPE: Fifteen This is a reversed spell of Carpet of Adhesion and one cast in the area of another will cancel each other out. The spell creates an extremely slippery carpet. The victims will find their footing/grasp challenged. The spell may be cast on walls, floors, tables, doors, etc. or a person. As the adhesion spell the caster can alter the size and shape with in the limit of 200 sq. ft. Saving Throw: If cast on a floor and if a successful save versus magic is made the targets loses one melee attack per round a new save must be made at the beginning of each melee phase for the duration of the spell. If the save is failed the target loses their footing and falls down and loses all melee attacks that round a successful save and the target regains footing. If cast on a person they have +2 to parry, dodge and -2 to be struck (attacker -2 to strike person with Carpet of Slickness cast on them) in hand to hand combat (not ranged). Also pins and grappling automatically fail. A target will find it hard to pick up and hold on to objects unless already holding the items before the spell was cast. If cast on a wall that a character is trying to climb a save vs. magic must be made if failed they will fall or lose their grip. If the save is made a -25% to climb the wall (this also applies to ropes and ladders). GM: The thief is getting away by scaling the wall. Player 1: I think I can shoot him down. But it might kill him and then we'll never find out who sent him. Player 2: Wait I'll cast Carpet Of Slickness on the wall! GM: He failed his save "Ahhhhhhh " -Magic missile (lvl 4) PPE: 9 Dururation: 1 min/lvl Range: 30m/lvl Save:N/A this spell allows the caster to fire bolts of magic for the duration of the spell. These bolts inflict 2d4 MD to a 3m radius and use 1 melee attack. +2 to strike. Water Jet (Level 4 Water Spell) Range: self. Duration: 4 melees (1 minute) +1 melee per each additional level of experience. Damage: 2D6 M.D. plus an additional 1D6 at levels 6, 9 and 15. Saving throw: None P.P.E.: 25 The caster is able to expel an intensely powerful blast of water from his hands or mouth. This jet of water will inflict 2D6 Mega-damage plus and additional 1D6 M.D. at levels 6, 10 and 15. Characters attacked by this spell must also save versus knockdown or they will be blasted off of their feet (loses on melee action). Mystic Water Wall (Level 4 Water Spell) Range: Can be cast up to 60 feet (18.1 m) away and affects/covers an 8 x 8 x 4 foot area (2.4 x 2.4 x 1.2 m) per level of experience. Duration: 4 minutes (16 melees) per level of experience or until destroyed. Saving throw: None. P.P.E.: 20 This wall consists of very dense mystically charged water molecules that will cause an impact on anything attempting to go through it. Most projectiles will lose most of their inertia upon passing through the wall and may be halted altogether. Any massive projectiles (heavy artillery) will cause only 1/ 6 damage due to slowed acceleration. Lasers will reflect off the waters reflective exterior. Any large craft attempting to pass through the wall will take 1/2 of normal velocity damage that would occur if it were running into a solid object. Speed is slowed by 5/6 when attempting to pass through this wall (it's like trying to walk through extra thick gelatin). Effective against supernatural fire as well. The wall itself will have 30 M.D.C. or 150 S.D.C. per level of experience and all attacks except for fire-based will only inflict 1/2 damage (fire does full damage). Spell Name: Shadow Mask Spell Level: 4 Range: self Duration: 5 minutes per level P.P.E.[TM] Cost: 7 Saving Throw: none Description: Prevents one's shadow from being evaluated by the 'Shadow Sight' spell. Spell Name: Multiple Shadow Spell Level: 4 Range: immediate Duration: 2 rounds per level P.P.E.[TM] Cost: 6 Saving Throw: none Description: This confusing spell gives the caster one extra shadow per every three levels. The shadows move independently of the mage and always appear to be attacking whomever the mage is fighting. This confusion does no actual damage but does give a -2 to strike, parry, and dodge. NOTE: If the mage is not in combat the extra shadows all mimic the original.


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                           5th Level Spells

Curse: Bloodlust Level: 5 Range: 60 feet Casting Time: One melee action. Duration: Two days per level. Saving Throw: 12 or better (does not change). P.P.E.tm Cost: 50

This curse is similar to beast eyes, but the victim is overcome with the homicidal urge to kill and maim, but only at night. When the curse is first inflicted, the victim will feel nothing save for an unusual chill. At night, the victim will become a merciless murderer regardless of alignment. Defense: Nature Mold Level: 5 Range: 1000 ft Casting Time: One minute Duration: Two minutes per level. Saving Throw: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 45

This is a Biomancytm- type spell that allows the shaman to control plant life and vegetation around him. He can will a tree to strike opponents (1d6 M.D.C.tm per strike), cause vines to ensnare victims (equivalent P.S. of 30), weave plants into a living net, etc. The plants have a +3 to strike, parry, entangle, and grapple. They cannot dodge, roll with punch/impact, or pull punch. Each action by an animated plant (or a group of them) counts as one of the shaman's melee attacks. Gastropod Mucus Level: 5 Range: Self Casting Time: One melee action. Duration: 5 minutes per level of experience P.P.E.tm Cost: 10

When this spell is active, the user is covered with a thick gelatinous mucus that is green and awful smelling. The shaman will not be used to the smell but will become accustomed to it after ten castings or so. The Mucus has two different states, depending Bonesnap Level: 5 Range: 30ft Duration: Instant Casting Time: One melee action Damage: 1d4+2 hit points or 2d4+2 S.D.C.tm/M.D.C.tm Saving Throw: Opponents are -2 to save. P.P.E.tm Cost: 10

By casting this spell and snapping his fingers, a necromancer can cause immediate internal pain resulting in a broken bone. If the save throw fails, the victim ends up with a broken bone and needs medical attention (or time to regenerate if that is an option). If it succeeds the victim takes half damage and the bone is not broken, but is still somewhat wounded. Use the Optional Damage Tables in step 2 of character creation to determine the penalties for wounded limbs and broken bones. This spell only affects dead and living organic life forms, not elementals, plants, or machines. The necromancer can affect any limb or bone of choice. Heal the Dead Level: 5 Range: Touch or 3ft distance. Duration: Instant Casting Time: One melee action Damage: None Saving Throw: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 8

This spell is one of the only two curative magics possessed by necromancers. It is only effective on ghouls, zombies, and mummies, animated dead, and undead. Each invocation will restore 4d6 S.D.C.tm or 2d6 M.D.C.tm to a creature of death. Charm Weapon (ritual) Level: 5 Range: Touch Duration: 12 hours per level of the caster. Casting Time: One hour Saving Throw: Standard P.P.E.tm Cost: 12

This spell doubles the damage a weapon does to supernatural creatures. The weapon gets a save vs. the enchantment. Add +1 if the weapon is a standard melee weapon, +3 if the weapon is a missile weapon (gun, bow, and crossbow) or an energized melee weapon (vibro-blade), and +5 if the weapon is an energy weapon (rail guns and missile launchers included). Taken from Nightbane page 133 and slightly updated. Impact Shield Level: 5 Range: Self or others by touch. Duration: Three minutes per level. Casting Time: One melee action Damage: None Saving Throw: Standard if resisted. P.P.E.tm Cost: 12

An invocation that creates a form fitting barrier of cushioning energy. When this shielding is in use, the character is +4 to maintain balance against knockdown attacks (or is equivalent to a supernatural being if you're using the tables on page 13 of Conversion Book One). The character takes no damage at all from S.D.C.tm impacts (bullets, punches, hammers, etc.) and half damage from mega-damagetm blunt attacks (rail guns, punches from supernatural beings and robots, any of the above force spells, etc.) This damage reduction applies only to blunt and impact attacks - claws, swords, energy weapons, and all other attacks do normal damage. The shield extends to just beyond body armor and is fully compatible with the Armor of Ithan spell. Midnight Wind Level: 5 Range: 90ft radius around caster. Duration: One melee round per level. Casting Time: Two melee actions. Damage: 3d6 S.D.C.tm Strike Bonus: +3 to strike Saving Throw: Dodge P.P.E.tm Cost: 12

Taken from page 135 of the Nightbane RPG (the range is a bit clearer). This spell creates a chilling, hurricane force wind that darkens the sky in the area. The lights dim down, and the temperature drops by 15 degrees Fahrenheit. Once per melee, the caster can attack a target with a blast of icy wind with the damage and strike bonus listed above. If the damage is greater than half the P.S. of the victim, he suffers knockdown due to the impact. Mindshade Level: 5 Range: Self or others by touch. Duration: Three minutes per level. Casting Time: One minute Saving Throw: Standard if resisted. P.P.E.tm Cost: 15

The recipient of this spell gains a +4 bonus to save vs. psionics and mind- altering magic, plus becomes impervious to possession. The character's aura comes up as blank (nothing extraordinary), and he doesn't radiate any magic or psionic power! Aphrodesiac Level: 5 Range: Touch Duration: Enchanted food or drink remains enchanted for ten minutes per level, while the effects last for 1d4+1 hours. Casting Time: One melee Damage: None Saving Throw: Standard P.P.E.tm Cost: 15

Enchanting a container of food or drink with this spell will result in its transformation into a strong aphrodisiac. The spell will affect a wineglass, a punchbowl, and a tray of oysters all the same. Persons affected by the spell will perceive all people of their sexual preference to have an M.A. and a P.B. six points higher than they really are. The afflicted will flirt mercilessly and attempt to seduce the nearest person of their sexual preference found attractive (almost anyone). A rejection isn't disheartening - they will move on to the next person in their sights.

Those who drink or eat the enchanted sustenance will also be generally giddy and forgetful, though they will still fight to defend themselves, their loved ones, and their principles. Anyone with serious sexual problems/ repression gains a +6 bonus to save vs. this spell. This spell is guaranteed to make a party interesting. Circle of Cold Level: 5 Range: 10ft radius, cast up to 90ft away. Duration: Two minutes per level. Casting Time: One melee action. Damage: 1d4x10 S.D.C.tm Saving Throw: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 12

This spell creates a column of magical cold that is six feet tall and damages anyone attempting to pass through the circle. The circle has an eerie, two- dimensional flicker of pale blue energy. Water freezes at the rate of one gallon per two minutes, and frostbite will occur with 10 minutes of unprotected exposure. These effects are applicable to the Cold Wall spell and other cold- based magic. Destroy Dead: Lesser Level: 5 Range: 60ft Duration: Instant Casting Time: One melee action. Damage: 1d4x10 damage (whether S.D.C.tm or M.D.C.tm) Saving Throw: Standard P.P.E.tm Cost: 12

This spell is a corrupted form of the Biomancer spell of Bio-Blast. It can damage any magically animated dead with great effect. However, it is only effective against animated dead. Vampires, mummies, zombies, and all living creatures are immune to its effects. Kinetic Beam Level: 5 Range: 60ft range Duration: Instant Casting Time: One melee action. Damage: 1d4+1 per level (a 9th level mage can do 9d4+9). Saving Throw: Dodge Strike Bonus: The caster's spell strength bonus +1 more. P.P.E.tm Cost: 7

Though the range is limited, this spell is a good way of attacking. It is cheap, quick, and able do damage many things. Magic energy is transformed into an unstable beam of kinetic energy and directed at the target via mental command. If the strike roll is a natural 18 or better, the victim of this attack suffers knockdown (depending on size, of course). Superhuman Dexterity Level: 5 Range: Self or others by touch. Duration: Two melees per level. Casting Time: One melee action. Damage: None Saving Throw: Standard if resisted. P.P.E.tm Cost: 10

The recipient of the spell gains another +3 to strike, parry, and dodge, one extra attack per melee, +1 on initiative, and +5 points to the speed attribute. Not effective on cybernetically or chemically enhanced humanoids, power armor, robots, or vehicles. Superhuman Endurance Level: 5 Range: Self or others by touch. Duration: One minute per level. Casting Time: One melee action Damage: None Saving Throw: Standard if resisted. P.P.E.tm Cost: 12

The character who receives this strengthening magic gains a P.E. of 30 (+8 vs poison/magic and +30% vs coma/death) and is also impervious to the effects of knockout and stun attacks. The recipient also gains +30 S.D.C.tm (for supernatural creatures this is M.D.C.tm) for the duration of the magic. Not effective on cybernetically or chemically enhanced humanoids. Resist Magic Level: 5 Range: Self or others by touch. Duration: Three minutes per level. Casting Time: One melee action Damage: None Saving Throw: Standard if resisted. Destabilization: +1d4% P.P.E.tm Cost: 20

Resist Magic gives a recipient a +1 vs magic per two full levels of experience of the caster. Any mage levels one through three can give a +1 bonus, while those 4 and 5 give a +2 bonus, and so on. Casting this spell multiple times will not increase the bonus, and if two mages cast this spell on the same target the target uses the higher of the two bonuses. Lastly, this bonus is the only one that can be used (it is not added to any existing save vs magic bonuses, natural or artificial, because it overrides the existing bonuses). Seeker Level: 5 Range: 1000ft per level Duration: Special Casting Time: One melee action Damage: None Saving Throw: Standard Destabilization: +2d4% P.P.E.tm Cost: 20

The Seeker spell can carry a spell's energies to affect one target of the caster's choice. While casting the mage must visualize the intended target and, when complete, a small white sphere speeds from the caster to the target (if within range). The sphere has a speed of 66, 3 attacks, +4 to strike, 1 M.D.C.tm per level, and is -6 to be hit. If destroyed, the Seeker and its spell vanish. It will chase the target until it connects (causing the spell to have normal effects) or the target gets out of range. Tangler Wisps (Level 5 Spell) Range: 90 feet (27.4 m) +20 feet (6 m) per each additional level of experience. Duration: 1 melee per level of experience. Saving throw: Dodge or break free. P.P.E.: 6 A writhing strand of mystical energy shoots forth from the caster's hand and bolts towards the intended target. This magical tendril can be aimed for any part of the body at +1 to strike (with an additional +1 to strike every additional 3 levels of experience). If the target does not successfully dodge this attack, the tangler wisp will wrap itself around like a bola, around the targeted area with an effective strength of 35 and 50 M.D.C. Failed attempts to break free will only constrict the coil tighter, causing 1D6 S.D.C. damage or 1 M.D. if supernatural. This spell can be cast repeatedly, with each additional strand adding an additional strength of 5 and 35 M.D.C. to the bonds (ex: three tanglers would have an effective strength of 45!). These bonds will remain for 24 melees (6 minutes) +4 melees (1 minute) per each additional level of experience, at which time, they will mystically vanish. Crackle Level 5 Range: Touch Duration: 20 minuets per level Damage: 3D6 SDC + 2 SDC per level Saving Throw: Standard PPE: Fifteen The caster can use this spell to energize a single small item, lid, or a door. Once an item (such as a stone or dagger) is energized anyone who touches that item will receive a violent electrical shock. A successful save versus magic will halve the damage. This enchantment isn't cast on the door itself but on the handle or knob of the door, the affect is the same when someone touches the doorknob. The enchantment can also be time controlled. A caster may set the duration from 1 melee up to the casters max duration. Upon the expiration of the duration the item will discharge, but only inflicting half damage to everyone within a 5 foot radius. A save verses magic negates all damage from the discharge. Mystic Shield Level: 5th Range: Touch Duration: 1d6 melees + 1 melee per level Saving Throw: None PPE: 16 This spell may be cast on any non-magical shield or object that may be used as a shield (garbage can lid or a large serving plate for example). The spell will enchant the shield giving it an effective AR of 18. Any incoming attacks (hand to hand or ranged) will have to get past the shield first. The spell last until the shields SDC is depleted or the duration runs out. -Ice Bolt (lvl 5) PPE: 10 Duration: instant Range:60m + 30m/lvl + 20m per PPE Save: N/A

Fires a bolt of cold at the target. The bolt inflicts 4d8 MD and is +4 to strike. Nature Blast Range: Special Duration: Instant Damage: Special Saving Throw: Special P.P.E.: 65 This spell is designed to kill plants. When cast, the vegetation in the area of effect instantly withers and dies. Sentient plants get a standard saving throw versus magic. Those that fail suffer 1D6x10 damage, plus 1 point per caster level of experience. ( See Aliens Unlimited for a large selection of sentient plant species ). Millennium Trees and Trees of Life suffer 3D6x10 damage, plus 1D6 per caster level of experience. For the effects on terrain, see the following: Terrain Type Radius Affected per level of experience Barren Desert 50 feet ( 15m ) Plains/Grasslands 20 feet ( 6m ) Light Woods 10 feet ( 3m ) Medium Woods 8 feet ( 2.4m ) Heavy Woods 6 feet ( 1.8m ) Jungle 3 feet ( 0.9m ) . Holy Water (Level 5 Water Spell) Range: Self or can be cast to appear up to 60 feet (18.1 m) away plus 10 feet (3 m) per each additional level of experience. Duration: 30 minutes (120 melees) plus 10 minutes (40 melees) per each additional level of experience. Saving throw: None. P.P.E.: 25 This spell conjures up a mass of glimmering water that glows with a spiritual silver light. This water will have similar damaging affects as true holy water upon all creatures of evil and the dead/undead. It will hover above the caster's palm as an undulating circular mass or can be cast at a creature. The caster may choose to immediately use the liquid or place it in a container for later use, until the spell expires, at which time it mystically vanishes. This mystical liquid can be flung at opponents doing 1D6 M.D. to all creatures of evil and 2D6 M.D. to undead and dead creatures per 1/8 gallon exposure. Used upon creatures of good will heal for 2D6 S.D.C. or M.D.C. and will serve as an antidote to any type of infliction caused by the evil creature. Further affects will cease and full recovery will occur within 3D10 minutes. 1/8 gallon per every two levels of experience can be conjured per each level of experience. Spell Name: Shadow Mold Spell Level: 5 Range: Touch Duration: special see description P.P.E.[TM] Cost 12: Saving Throw: none Description: With the use of this spell the mage can shape shadows as if they were clay at an 88% skill proficiency. The mage can 'mold' for 5 minute per level and the shadow will retain its new shape for 2 days per level of the mage. The shadow is NOT separated from the object whose shadow it is, nor is the object (or person) changed in any way. If the shadow is to be used independently then a separate spell such as 'Shadow Steal' (see below) must be used. Spell Name: Absolute Darkness Spell Level: 5 Range: 120 ft radius Duration: 2 melees per level P.P.E.[TM] Cost: 10 Saving Throw: none Description: This spell creates an area of absolute darkness. Not only will light be not visible but also no creature can see and even sensors (all kinds) go dead. Only the mage can see in this murk giving him a +2 to strike, parry, and dodge. Spell Name: Shadow Stab Spell Level: 5 Range: melee Duration: 1 minute per level P.P.E.[TM] Cost:12 Saving Throw: dodge Description: By the means of this spell the caster can attack a creatures shadow (melee weapons only!) and the damage will be transferred to the creature point for point! This essentially gives the caster a plus 2 to strike and an extra attack and as well, gives the creature a -2 to parry and dodge. Spell Name: ShadowBlade Spell Level: 5 Range: self only Duration: 1 minute per level P.P.E.[TM] Cost: 12 Saving Throw: none Description: This spell creates a sword of solid shadow that will do 6d6 MDC [TM] (x2 to creatures with weakness to cold)! The shape of the sword is determined mentally by the caster and in all ways (except damage) will function as that type of sword. The caster need not know how to use a sword but, if he is skilled then bonuses are as normal. The sword cannot be given to anyone else, if it leaves the casters hand then it will dissipate. Spell Name: Obscure Spell Level: 5 Range: Touch or 10 feet Duration: 1 day per level P.P.E.[TM] Cost: 20 Saving Throw: None

Description: This limited for of the Cloak spell allows the caster to make objects he/she carries to be nearly invisible to normal means of detection, (98% palm or conceal whichever applies). Even magical detections have only a 60% chance of finding the object!! Only objects less than 20 pounds can be effected. Spell Name: Improved Shadow Bolt Spell Level: 5 Range: 200ft per level Duration: Instant P.P.E.[TM] Cost: 18 Saving Throw: dodge

Description: This spell is identical to the Shadow bolt spell except that it does 2D6 MDC pre level of the caster.


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                           6th Level Spells

Image Projection Level: 6 Range: Self and 90ft +10ft per level away. Duration: Five minutes per level. Casting Time: One melee Saving Throw: -6 penalty P.P.E.tm Cost: 15

The caster has the ability to project his image and his consciousness up to 100ft away at first level. He can use this very, very effective illusion to make it appear he is somewhere else. The illusion can also speak and be heard, so the caster can use his illusion image to interact with other beings. A successful save vs magic means that the person who saves won't hear or see the illusion and will probably think others are talking to someone who isn't there. Piercing the illusion with an object made of iron (at least 84% pure) will instantly dispel it. Fang of Vengeance Level: 6 Range: Touch (well, bite) Duration: Once bitten the curse will last indefinitely, and even Remove Curse is at a -30% penalty. Casting Time: Three melee actions. Saving Throw: Dodge or parry only. P.P.E.tm Cost: 5, plus twice the cost of the desired Curse. If the bite is unsuccessful, do not add the P.P.E.tm cost from the curse, only the five from the spell.

This spell allows the shaman to grow menacing fangs, in a canine position, and strike at his opponent. Apart from the measly damage a bite might do (increased by +1d4), the shaman also applies any known Animal Magic curse to the victim when their blood intermixes. Familiar: Messenger Level: 6 Range: Touch Casting Time: One melee action. Duration: Two weeks per level of experience Saving Throw: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 15

Similar to Memory Bank, this spell allows the shaman to select one animal, either an apprentice or a familiar, and store a message in his mind in the form of a mental image or a simple thought and send the animal off in search of the selected person or animal. The animal will be able to track the target anywhere, and communicates with its master via loose dream- state contact what is going on (nothing, found target, bad, good, etc.) The animal will track to the best of its ability. Feather Armor Level: 6 Range: Self or others by touch. Casting Time: One melee action. Duration: 20 minutes plus five per level. P.P.E.tm Cost: 20

This is a versatile armor that covers the shaman with a feather mail with an S.D.C.tm (or M.D.C.tm of 80 plus 7 per level of experience starting at level 2. It magically grants an increase of +3 to P.E., +4 to dodge, and doubles the Spd. attribute (adds +10% to super speed) on land. Also gives the recipient the ability to jump and glide for 40ft distances, but only 10ft above the ground (triple for super speed). Cannot be used in conjunction with any other magical armor. Infestation : Lesser Level: 6 Range: Touch Casting Time: One melee action. Duration: 10 hours per level of experience Saving Throw: Standard P.P.E.tm Cost: 25 for minor, 35 for a major personal infestation.

The Caster can effectively CURSE a victim by inflicting this spell. The victim is INSTANTLY swarmed with insects from everywhere around him. The insects will crawl on him and around him by the millions incessantly. Every time the victim moves even slightly Junglesense Level: 6 Range: Touch Casting Time: One melee action. Duration: Infinite Saving Throw: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 25

The shaman, when in a New Forest of area of wildlife, can call upon any animal who habits the region and probe his memory. This is similar to creaturesight, except the information pertains to geographic knowledge only. The shaman instantly knows about all Flesh Armor Level: 6 Range: Touch Duration: 12 hours per level. Casting Time: One melee. Damage: None. Saving Throw: Standard if resisted. P.P.E.tm Cost: 12

This is a spell useful in building armies of undead creatures. The necromancer can transform the flesh (whatever remains) of his animated dead into a stronger substance. The recipients gain +5 M.D.C.tm (or +10 S.D.C.tm) per level of the necromancer. They take no damage from puncture attacks (bullets, spears, swords, etc.) and half damage from blunt attacks (hammers, punches, staves, etc.) Magic weapons do full normal damage, as does fire. This spell is also effective on vampires, ghouls, and all manner of undead and animated dead. It is useless on living creatures. Siphon: Simple Level: 6 Range: 30ft Duration: Instant Casting Time: Two melee actions Damage: 1d6 hit points, 3d6 S.D.C.tm, or 2d6 M.D.C.tm, depending on the creature. Saving Throw: Opponents are -1 to save. P.P.E.tm Cost: 12

The use of this spell allows a necromancer to steal a fraction of another living creature's life force, weakening the creature and strengthening the death mage. The mage can take M.D.C.tm from a supernatural creature, but he only recovers 1d6 hit points and 3d6 S.D.C.tm if he does not possess M.D.C.tm Supernatural creatures that practice necromancy only gain 2d6 M.D.C.tm by draining 1d6 hit points or 3d6 S.D.C.tm Whatever is lost by the victim is gained by the necromancer. Undead and animated dead are not affected by this spell. The victimized creature is also -2 to strike, parry, and dodge and -10% on skill performance for two melees (weakened and disoriented). Blue Mist Level: 6 Range: 10x10x5ft (500 cubic feet) area per level, cast up to 90ft away (but can travel up to 300ft away from the caster). Duration: Two minutes per level. Casting Time: Two melee actions. Damage: 4d6 S.D.C.tm damage (or 2d6 M.D.C.tm in RiftsR). Saving Throw: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 15

Blue Mist is an incantation that generates an enchanted, glowing, sky colored gas that can creep along surfaces, through cracks, and under doors at a Spd. of 22 (15 mph). An extra +10 P.P.E.tm will boost the mist's speed up to 44. The mist is completely harmless and heatless until the caster decides to change that. It takes one melee action to change the mist from harmless to harmful, or back again.

When the mist is put into "damage mode," flammable objects have a 60% chance of catching fire. Anyone in the mist will take the listed damage each melee - the only way to avoid it is to escape the mist. Heat fumes and the mist itself obscure vision to cause a -3 to strike, parry, and dodge penalty. Anyone who is unprotected (wearing no armor, metal armor, or non-environmental armor) suffers double the penalties. Any creature vulnerable to flame takes an amazing triple normal damage (including vampires and most other necromantic creatures)!

A powerful wind (like Wind Rush, elemental air magic, or storm magic) can dissipate the mist in two melees. The mist is heavy and will sink to the floor, but can still crawl up stairs and through air ducts (as long as the caster can see enough to direct it). The mist isn't intelligent, so it can't be put on guard duty or sent off to hunt and find things. Further, a Negate Magic or Dispel Magic Barrier spell will destroy the Blue Mist spell as normal (it gets the usual save throw). Clesius' Rod Level: 6 Range: Self Duration: Two minutes per level. Casting Time: One melee action Damage: 1d6, 2d6, or 4d6 S.D.C.tm or 2d6 M.D.C.tm (the mage can vary the damage). Saving Throw: None, must dodge or parry. P.P.E.tm Cost: 15

Clesius was the name of a mysterious battle mage, and this spell bears his namesake. This invocation creates a two foot long rod of crackling yellow-white energy that can be used as a weapon. It is indestructible, can parry mega- damagetm attacks, is +1 to strike and parry, +2 more to parry energy blasts (effective penalty of only -3 with the weapon bonuses), and does half damage against beings like werecreatures, vampires, and other beings with limited invulnerability. Two invocations of the spell will create a rod for each hand. The rods can be handed to other people to use. Force Bolt: Superior Level: 6 Range: 180ft Duration: Instant Casting Time: One melee action. Damage: 4d6 S.D.C.tm +1d6 per level or 1d6 M.D.C.tm per level. Saving Throw: Dodge, parry, or roll with punch/fall/impact. P.P.E.tm Cost: 12

A stronger version of the lesser spell. With this spell the mage gets a +3 bonus to strike in addition to his spell strength bonus, up to a maximum strike bonus of +8. The victim also suffers knockdown if the strike roll was successful. Warrior's Health Level: 6 Range: Self or others by touch. Duration: Three minutes per level. Casting Time: One melee action Saving Throw: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 15

While under the influence of the magic the battle mage is impervious to the effects and damage from all poisons, toxins, venoms, harmful drugs, radiation, electronic stun weapons, moderate heat and cold, and pain. He is able to fight up to -10 hit points below zero, and recovers 1d6 hit points or S.D.C.tm per melee. Add +4 on all physical save throws, such as those against magic, poisons, and pain. Twilight Sight Level: 6 Range: Self or others by touch. Duration: Five minutes per level. Casting Time: One minute Saving Throw: Standard P.P.E.tm Cost: 15

Recipients of this spell are blessed with a multitude of visual abilities. Their eyes are magically infused with shadowstuff, a rare magic substance, and take on the appearance of being night skies with stars everywhere (much like the goddess Ratri's eyes).

Beneficiaries of this spell have perfect 20/20 vision, total nightvision (can see with almost no light) and darkvision (can see without any light), can recognize all creatures of darkness and evil, can see the true form of all shapeshifters, and are also impervious to any kind of visual illusion. Vision in artificial or magical darkness is one mile! Electroshock Level: 6 Range: 60ft Duration: One minute per level. Casting Time: One melee action. Damage: 6d6 S.D.C.tm Saving Throw: Standard P.P.E.tm Cost: 20

A magic invocation that allows the mage to electrify a target, causing it to become partially paralyzed and damaged simultaneously. Cast against a flesh and blood target, the victim suffers the immediate loss of initiative (can still gain it in the following melees), lose one attack, and a -4 to strike, parry, and dodge for the duration of the spell. Roll damage once.

Mechanical targets also suffer from this spell. They take no damage, but instead lose initiative altogether for the duration of the magic, lose two attacks, and are -4 on all combat rolls. Every time an onboard system is used (whether a rail gun or spotlight) the device has a 25% chance of failure. Speed, strength, and all ranges are also cut to 75% of their normal values. Though the penalties are stiffer for machines, they have a +2 bonus to save. Any system that is shielded against electromagnetic energy has a +4 bonus and suffers only half the penalties if affected. This spell is effective against any and all machines including robots, robot vehicles, power armor, transport vehicles, computer systems, energy weapons, medical equipment, stereos, bionics, cybernetic implants, etc. Energize Level: 6 Range: Self and touch. Duration: Varies Casting Time: One melee action. Damage: None Saving Throw: Standard (roll for the device). P.P.E.tm Cost: 15

This is kind of a reversal of the Energy Disruption spell. The mage can transform magic energy into electrical energy and power an energy weapon! Each invocation will supply the weapon with energy equivalent to two E-Clips. Weapons that use E-Clip canisters or some other energy form will only work for 20-40 shots (varies according to the weapon). The weapon need not even have an E-Clip in the port to work.

This spell can also be used to power technological devices for hours, usually 2d4+4. If the powered system runs off of nuclear energy, it can be powered for 1d4+2 minutes. The only problem with the spell is that the device being powered must be in physical contact with the casting mage. If physical contact is broken the spell ends and the unused energy is wasted. Note: Techno-wizards who use this spell in creating an energy weapon can usually increase the payload by 40% to 70%, or add a few dice to the damage. Good Luck Level: 6 Range: Self or others by touch. Duration: Three minutes per level. Casting Time: One melee Saving Throw: Standard if resisted. P.P.E.tm Cost: 20

Use of this spell confers a bonus on all save throws (including horror factor and perception) equal to the spell strength bonus of the caster. If the caster has no bonus yet, add a +1 bonus. Multiple luck spells cast on one target will not add up - use the best bonus available. The recipient also gains a +1 to parry and dodge and +5% on skill rolls for the duration of the magic. This is an enchantment spell. Impervious to Radiation and Heat Level: 6 Range: Self or others up to 60ft away. Duration: Five minutes per level. Casting Time: One melee action. Saving Throw: Standard if resisted. P.P.E.tm Cost: 15

Though radiation is still uncommon, its presence has been enough to prompt the development of this spell. It's very useful in outer space, strange dimensions, and on the battlefield where cracked nuclear cores can spew radiation for decades. The beneficiary takes no damage from natural or artificial radiation. This spell will not cure physical damage caused by radiation, but will prevent any further damage from occurring. No heat based attacks or ailments affect the recipient during the spell duration. Sunbeam Level: 6 Range: 600ft Duration: Instant Casting Time: One melee action. Damage: 3d6+6 S.D.C.tm plus 1d6 per level of experience, or 1d6 M.D.C.tm per level of experience. Saving Throw: Dodge an 18 or higher. P.P.E.tm Cost: 15

An incantation that allows the spellcaster to create a beam of pure, powerful sunlight with laser intensity. As it is true sunlight, it does double damage against vampires and other creatures that are vulnerable to the sun. The only requirement of this spell is that the mage must have already cast a Globe of Daylight, from which the beam will emanate from. Absorbspell Level: 6 Range: Self Duration: Instant Casting Time: One melee action Damage: None Saving Throw: None Destabilization: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 20

Absorbspell allows a metamage to transform a spell cast at him into magical energy, which he or she can then absorb like normal P.P.E.tm energy. This can only be done if the caster succeeds in saving vs the spell. This cannot defuse magical barriers, curses, or protection circles (and similar spells). It can only affect spells directly cast upon the metamage. The amount of P.P.E.tm the spell is transformed into is equal to half the amount required of the attacker to cast it (the other half is burned of in the transformation back into magic energy). Block Magical Radiance Level: 6 Range: Self or others/objects by touch. Duration: Five minutes per level. Casting Time: Two melees Damage: None Saving Throw: None Destabilization: +1d6% P.P.E.tm Cost: 20

This strange spell uses magical energy to mask itself! It is effective when cast on a magic weapon/item, a mage, supernatural creature, godling, or anything that radiates magical energy. Any form of sensing magic directed on the recipient comes up negative. He will appear to have no magical abilities and be a mundane creature even while casting spells or something else that totally contradicts the sensing. This hides the character from discovery by the spells See Aura and Sense Magic and the abilities of Dog Boys and Psi-Stalkers (and other magic sensors). However, psychic and mutant abilities can still be sensed.

If the mage desires to permanently obscure the magical aura of objects he can cast this spell at ten times the normal P.P.E.tm cost (200), or for 25 times the P.P.E. cost a living creature (500) can be permanently masked. A Negate Magic spell can unmask an object, but it gets a save throw vs magic. Anything that is permanently obscured gains a +4 bonus, and becomes hidden again within 2d4 melees. Magic Sphere Level: 6 Range: Self Duration: Permanent until used/destroyed. Casting Time: One melee Damage: None Saving Throw: None Destabilization: +1d6% per sphere created or infused. P.P.E.tm Cost: Special

A magic sphere is a physical body that can contain magical energy. It has 1 M.D.C.tm (or S.D.C.tm) per 10 points of P.P.E.tm within it and if destroyed the energy is released in an explosion that does 1d4 M.D.C.tm (or S.D.C.tm) per 10 P.P.E.tm in the bubble.

The metamage can create a sphere with up to 10 points of P.P.E.tm per level of experience, or infuse an existing sphere with an additional 5 P.P.E.tm per level of experience. With each infusement of P.P.E.tm beyond 100, a sphere has a cumulative 10% chance of shattering and doing the damage listed above. Experienced metamages might be able to devise a way of reducing or negating this possibility.

The sphere has a diameter of one inch for a P.P.E.tm level of up to 200, plus a half inch per each 50 P.P.E.tm beyond that. P.P.E.tm spheres don't cause any problems if carried into an area of destabilization, but if the creation of one causes a destabilization it blows up and the extra P.P.E.tm creates a powerful disruption. So be careful. Note: These magic energy spheres are sometimes called P.P.E.tm spheres. Superhuman Metabolism (Level 6 Spell) Range: Self or other. Duration: 2 melees per level of experience. Saving throw: None P.P.E.: 12 A mage creates spells for a variety of reasons, to attack, defend, heal, to counteract, to name a few. This invocation was formulated to counterbalance some of the extreme advantages possessed by one of the many infamous dangers present in the world of Rifts, Juicers. This spell will increase the character's metabolism fueled by mystical energy. Speed and reaction time will be dramatically augmented granting the character the following bonuses: +10 to Spd., +2 to P.P., +1 attack per melee, +2 to strike, +3 to parry and dodge, and +3 to initiative. Due to the extremes that this spell extends the bodily attributes, it is not long lasted, but upon the depletion, no ill effects are occurred! NOTE: This spell cannot be cast back to back, but can be cast anew after 16 melees (4 minutes) since the last casting's expiration. SEE SHADOW CREATURES Level: 6 Range: 100 ft per level of experience. Can be cast on others by touch or within 4 ft per level of experience. Duration: 1 minute per level of experience. Damage: None; see effect. Saving Throw: Standard against being able to see, -2 for those hiding in shadows to remain undetected. P.P.E. Cost: 15

Effect: This spell allows an individual to see people and things concealed by shadows (magically or otherwise) that are not invisible yet remain hidden from sight such as shadow creatures and characters attempting to prowl. This spell adds a temporary bonus of +20% to all detection skills (Detect Ambush/ Concealment/Traps&Mines) as well as a +5 bonus to any perception rolls based on sight. -Bio Energy Flash (LVL6) PPE: 5 Duration: instant Range:20m + 10m per level + 20m per additional PPE point used. Save NA This spell does 1d6 MD or 1d6x10 SDC per SDC point given up by the caster, Giving up one HP inflicts 2d8MD or 3d6 x 10 SDC. Can Combine Damage from SDC and HP given up. This spell does double damage verses Vampires and undead. -Mana Bolt (Lvl 6) PPE:7 Duration: Instant Range 40m + 30m/lvl + 20m per PPE point. Save: Standard for half damage.

This spell does 1d4 MD per lvel of the caster. Damage can be increased by 2d4 MD per 3 PPE used. -Acid bolt (Lvl 6) PPE: 15 Duration: 1 minute Range: 100m + 10 m per PPE point Save: NA This spell does 3d4 MD per melee to MD structures or creatures and 1d4 x10 SDC to SDC structures or creatures per melee. +4 to strike (initial hit only, all other damage is automatic. If the spell misses, no damage is taken). -Heal Heavy Wounds (Lvl 6) PPE: 35 Duration: Instant Range: Touch or 3'. Restores 3d6 HP and 1d4 x10 SDC or 4d6 MDC -Armor of Mordin (Lvl 6) PPE: 30 Duration: 2 minutes/lvl Range: self Save:N/A This variant on the Armor of Ithan spell creates a noiseless, weightless invisible magic armor around the rescipent or the caster. This field has 20 MDC per level of the caster, a depth tolerance of 1000', takes no damage for any cold or lighting, and half damage from MD magic fire and Plasma, and other types of magic. -Dimension Door (lvl 6) PPE: 20 Duration: Instant Range: 500 feet Save: N/A

This spell creates a shimmering portal the caster(only) can step through and appear anywhere within 500 feet of his staring place. This travel is disorienting and the caster suffers a -2 to strike parry and dodge for one melee. Multiply uses of this spell in a short time do have any greater affect on the caster Clear The Way (6th Level) Range: 5 feet / level Save: special Duration instant PPE: 15 This spell will unlock and open one closed portal (see description above) within the spell's range. This portal will stay open until physically closed (all systems in place (security, safeguards, etc.) will close the door). They will then return to their locked states. No type of lock or physical barrier (bars, chairs, etc.) will withstand this spell. For magic barriers this spell has a 40% change of working, with the modifiers used above. The Gm should add modifiers depending on the strength of the barrier. Reflective Coating (Level 6 Water Spell) Range: self. Duration: 8 melees (2 minutes) +4 melees per each additional level of experience. Saving throw: None P.P.E.: 40 Upon casting of this spell, a watery coat forms around the character's body with a highly reflective surface equal to that of a mirror. This will help camouflage, bending light and reflecting the surroundings almost flawlessly. Visually, the caster is rendered invisible, even while moving at up to speeds of 15. Anything above this will give off a minute shifting effect to those sharp of eye, but still garners an 85% chance of not being noticed. Even if spotted, the character still receives a bonus of +3 to strike, while opponents are -4 to strike, parry and dodge. Thermo and other light band optics will reveal a general "blob", but not a definite outline (still suffer a penalty of -2 to strike, -1 to parry and dodge). There is a second ability gained, that of reflecting light (including lasers). Being composed of a unique mystical liquid, it can constantly shift reflective values, thwarting changing laser frequencies. For the duration of this spell, the caster is immune to laser fire and all such attacks will also ricochet off of the caster in direct beams that will cause 2/3 damage to anything it hits (random reflection arcs and cannot be aimed back at a specific target). Spell Name: Shadow Steal Spell Level: 6 Range: touch Duration: 2 days per level P.P.E.[TM] Cost: 15 Saving Throw: 16 Description: By the use of this spell the mage can 'disconnect' a shadow from it's maker. To those who can touch the shadow it will act like the object it is from i.e., a persons shadow will be like a rag doll, a shadow of a gun will fire 'Shadow Bolts' , a shadow car could be driven by a shadow being, etc. Spell Name: Armor of Darkness Spell Level: 6 Range: self or touch Duration: 4 minute per level P.P.E.[TM] Cost: 20 Saving Throw: none Description: This spell envelopes the caster in solid shadow, giving him/her an armor with 200 MDC[TM]! The armor masks the user's heat signature and makes him impervious to fire based attacks including magical fire and dragon's fire (plasma does half). The armor however, takes double damage from lasers and other light based attacks. Spell Name: Cloak Spell Level: 6 Range: Touch Duration: 2 hours + 30 min per level P.P.E.[TM] Cost: 15 Saving Throw: None

Description: By the use of this spell the caster may put any object or being partially into the Nether-World, thus removing it from ALL types of sensor and senses, even a see invisible or detect magic will not work! The size is limited to 50 pounds per level. Spell Name: Despair Spell Level: 6 Range: 300 feet Duration: 4 rounds + 1 round per level P.P.E.[TM] Cost: 20 Saving Throw: Standard

Description: This powerful form of fear produces within the target creature a feeling of absolute dread. As long as the spell ins in effect the target is - 1 to all saves, -2 to strike parry and dodge, limited to 3 attacks and has a 25% chance of giving into despair. If despaired the target creature will "have it's spirit broken" and will care about nothing, not even it's allies. In this state the target will not defend itself nor will it run, it will simply take what is dished out to it! -Bar the Way (6th level or a 10th level ritual that takes 2d4 minutes to perform) Range: touch Save: special Duration: 10 min/ level or Permanent until dispelled with the ritual PPE: 15 or 125 for the ritual This spell magically closes and holds a portal. This portal can be any sort of barrier as long as it can be opened and closed normally. Doors, a chest, a cabinet, and a curtain across a hallway all qualify. No amount of force will open the portal. "Negate Magic Barrier" will dispel the spell. "Clear the Way" (see below) or Negate Magic has a 40% chance to open the portal. This chance is +5% per level of the "Clearing" Mage, -5% per level of the caster of "Bar the Way", and -20% for a permanent "Bar". A mage of higher level then the mage casting "Bar the Way" can force the spell to save as the caster (no bonuses from any equipment). Example: John (7th level mage) and Fred( 4th level mage) are chasing Mudlock (6th level mage) who has cast a "Bar the Way" spell on a door. John tries to break the spell. The spell needs to roll a 12 or higher (10 + John's spell strength (2)) with a +2 to the roll (Mudlock's spell strength of +2). The GM rolls a 13. Fred then tries to Cast "Clear the Way" (40% base chance + 5%x4 levels of Fred - 5%x6 levels of Mudlock for a total of 30%) The GM rolls a 23 and the Barrier falls. A mage can always go through his own barrier, but only he can pass through. If other try they are stopped.


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                           7th Level Spells

Inner Peace Level: 7 Range: 100' per level of experience Casting Time: One melee action. Duration: the lifespan of the victim Saving Throw: Standard P.P.E.tm Cost: 35

The Victim of this spell (Either human or other intelligent being) is either a wrongdoer to animals or one who destroys the environment around him. When affected by the spell, the victim will hear the call of nature and the wild, and feel no hate or fear f Predator: Lesser Level: 7 Range: self Casting Time: One melee action. Duration: 30 min per level of experience P.P.E.tm Cost: 100

The shaman can call upon the strength of the wild and turn himself into a savage predator. The shaman is given the following bonuses during the time the spell is active: + 10 to PS, + 5 to PP, +15 to SPD, +5 to PE, and a 20% prowl bonus and a plus 3 to IN I Eviscerate Level: 7 Range: Self, affects others by touch. Duration: One minute per level. Casting Time: Two melee attacks. Damage: 1d4 hit points (or 2d4 S.D.C.tm or M.D.C.tm) per level. Saving Throw: Standard. Supernatural creatures, M.D.C.tm beings, and anyone with a hardened molecular structure gets a +2 bonus. P.P.E.tm Cost: 35

This grisly spell allows a necromancer to actually penetrate skin with his bare hands to damage the internal organs of a victim. On a natural 20, he does triple damage and he hits an essential organ (lungs, heart, brain, etc.) On prone victims (restrained, possibly for sacrifice) he can remove an organ on a strike roll of 15 or better, possibly killing the victim (-25% to save vs death). Use the standard hand to hand combat strike bonuses. The attack can be parried as normal, and even if the parry fails the victim still gets a save throw. If the save succeeds the victim takes only half damage, but takes full damage if it fails. This spell will not penetrate environmental armor, power armor, robot vehicles, or anything metallic or ceramic - only biological material, dead or living. If the victim is sent into a coma from the attacks, he is -20% to save vs death (maybe even more) due to the internal damage. MystiCrypt (ritual) Level: 7 Range: Touch Duration: Permanent Casting Time: One hour Saving Throw: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 20

The use of this spell lets a caster magically encode all the words in a finished book so that only he can understand them. This spell imposes a -5% penalty per level of the caster on translation and scroll conversion attempts. Each -10% gives the encrypted text a +1 to save vs the Decipher Magic spell. Burning Without Burning Level: 7 Range: 30ft Duration: Until the target is charcoal. Casting Time: One melee action Damage: Special! Saving Throw: Standard P.P.E.tm Cost: 20

This spell is a wonderful tool for intimidation. With a mere thought and the whispering of the incantation, one non-living object can be quickly burned away by an ethereal flame. The object burns, but no flame is visible besides a faint blue glow. There is tremendous heat, but it is all produced by the burning object.

Anything non-living and semi-burnable (wood and leather) can be affected with a standard save throw against magic. Weak metals and plastics (like those used in most weaponry) get a +2 save bonus. Stronger composites, metals, super- plastics, small creatures, and plants get a +4 to +6 bonus. 13th or higher mages can affect massive objects (2d4x10% beyond the normal weight limit) and sentient creatures, but they get a +6 bonus and it costs 1 P.P.E.tm per hit point and attribute point the victim has (add the hit points and attribute points together - this is the magic energy cost). The weight limit is roughly 10 pounds times the caster's level squared (so a 5th level caster can crisp 250lbs of matter, but a 10th level caster can do 1000lbs and a 15th level one does 2550lbs). Blur Level: 7 Range: Self or others by touch. Duration: Two minutes per level. Casting Time: One melee action Damage: None Saving Throw: Standard if resisted. P.P.E.tm Cost: 20

The smoker can cause a temporal distortion to affect himself or others that accelerates perception, reaction time, and movement abilities. There appear to be afterimages of the recipient when he moves around, a blurring effect, from which the spell takes its name. This spell is, in actuality, a combination of Time Slip and Superhuman Speed. The recipient gains the following abilities for the duration of the magic: * Automatic parry and dodge. * +1 to strike, +2 to parry, and +6 to dodge. * +2 on initiative. * +1 attack per melee. * Spd. of 88 (60 mph). Black Light Level: 7 Range: 300ft Duration: Instant Casting Time: One melee action Damage: 3d6+12 S.D.C.tm +1d6 more per level damage, or 2d4 M.D.C.tm per level in Rifts worlds. Saving Throw: Dodge an 18 or better. P.P.E.tm Cost: 20

The casting of this spell generates an intense beam of icy black energy. Animated dead and undead suffer no damage from this spell, but it does double damage to beings of light like unicorns, angels, and Guardians. Nightspill Level: 7 Range: 90ft radius around caster. Duration: Five minutes per level. Casting Time: Two melees Saving Throw: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 25

This spell floods an area with total darkness. All light sources are unharmed, but simply negated. They produce light, but the spell blocks it from leaving the source. Everything in a static (non-moving) 100 square foot area (per level) is tossed into total darkness, -6 to strike, parry, and dodge. Anyone with heightened senses or superior visual abilities will probably suffer only half penalties. A Negate Magic or Dispel Magic Barrier spell will destroy Nightspill, but the victim spell gets a save throw vs magic. Shadow Leap Level: 7 Range: Self or others by touch. Duration: Three minutes per level. Casting Time: Two melees Saving Throw: Standard if resisted. P.P.E.tm Cost: 45

For a limited duration, the character gains the power to jump into a shadow and appear out of one nearby! In a dark area, the character can truly come out of nowhere. For areas that are mostly shadow (+70%) give the character a +4 on initiative, +4 to strike, +6 to dodge, and an automatic dodge. For partially shadowed areas (40%-69%) the character gets +2 on initiative, +2 to strike, and +4 to dodge. Areas that are rather well lit (0%-39% shadowed) don't offer any bonuses. The range of the shadow teleportation is about 60ft. Shadow Meld: Superior Level: 7 Range: Self or others by touch. Duration: 20 minutes per level. Casting Time: One minute Saving Throw: Standard if resisted. P.P.E.tm Cost: 25

Same as the fourth level spell, but can be cast on others and has a much longer duration. It also bestows upon the recipient nightvision, as per the spell above, at 4th level strength. Void Wall Level: 7 Range: Cast up to 90ft away. Duration: Three minutes per level. Casting Time: Two melee actions. Damage: 4d6 S.D.C.tm or 1d6 M.D.C.tm per five feet of thickness. Saving Throw: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 20

This spell will create a wall of silent black flame with a width of five feet per level of the caster, a length of 15 feet, and a height of 10 ft. Anyone moving through the wall takes damage every five feet traveled into the wall. Anything in the area of effect will definitely suffer from the decaying effects of the Void matter. Cold Wall Level: 7 Range: 90ft Duration: Three minutes per level. Casting Time: Two melee actions. Damage: 4d6 S.D.C.tm or 1d6 M.D.C.tm per five feet of thickness. Saving Throw: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 20

This spell will create a barrier of freezing cold with a width of five feet per level of the caster, a length of 15 feet, and a height of 10 ft. Anyone moving through the wall takes damage every five feet traveled into the wall. Anything in the area of effect will start to ice over and freeze. The wall, like the circle, has a strange flicker of pale blue energy. This spell was taken from Aliens Unlimited, page 21, and slightly changed. Fire Wall Level: 7 Range: Cast up to 90ft away. Duration: Three minutes per level. Casting Time: Two melee actions. Damage: 4d6 S.D.C.tm or 1d6 M.D.C.tm per five feet of thickness. Saving Throw: None. P.P.E.tm Cost: 20

This spell will create a wall of screaming flame with a width of five feet per level of the caster, a length of 15 feet, and a height of 10 ft. Anyone moving through the wall takes damage every five feet traveled into the wall. Anything in the area of effect will definitely burn, though the fire won't spread to other objects. This spell was taken from Heroes Unlimited, page 101, and slightly changed. Paralysis: Superior Level: 7 Range: 30ft Duration: One minute per level. Casting Time: Two melee actions. Damage: None Saving Throw: Standard P.P.E.tm Cost: 25

This spell was taken from Nightbane, page 139. It temporarily incapacitates the victim, who can only blink, think, and breathe. He cannot move, speak, fight, or run away. If damage is inflicted on him the spell is broken immediately and the victim can attack next melee action. Consider this an enchantment spell. Shriek Level: 7 Range: 90ft Duration: Instant Casting Time: One melee action. Damage: 4d6 S.D.C.tm +1d6 per level, or 1d4 M.D.C.tm per level. Saving Throw: Roll a natural 18-20 to dodge, because the attack is fast and virtually invisible (only a small Predator-type visual distortion is seen). P.P.E.tm Cost: 15

The mage can generate a hypersonic screech that will damage and debilitate one target. At the point where the sonic cone strikes the target it is 5ft wide. The victim suffers, in addition to the damage, the loss of one attack, -4 on initiative, and -3 to strike, parry, and dodge for 3d4 melee rounds. Multiple strikes only lengthen the duration of affliction, and could even cause temporary deafness (up to GM). This spell will shatter S.D.C.tm glass at the base of the cone regardless of S.D.C.tm - it cracks and shatters automatically. Plexiglas, thick glass, solid metal (metal is crystalline), and M.D.C.tm glass will only crack, but a couple of Shriek spells will eventually shatter these too. Catchspell Level: 7 Range: Special Duration: 1 melee per level. Casting Time: One melee action Damage: None Saving Throw: None Destabilization: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 30

This can only be used if the caster succeeds in saving vs a spell cast at him. If the save is successful, the mage can opt to cast this spell on the incoming spell and capture its energies. Once done, the mage can hold it in stasis and direct it at a target as if he had cast the spell himself. The captured spell has the strength level of that of the true caster - including spell strength and damage. If the spell is held beyond the duration of Catchspell, it automatically affects the character with no chance to save. Inversion Level: 7 Range: Not affected Duration: Not affected Casting Time: One melee action Damage: Not affected Saving Throw: Not affected Destabilization: +2d4% P.P.E.tm Cost: 20

When cast upon another spell, this will create a mirror effect upon the spell energies and cause them to have the opposite effect from what they would normally have. A Fire Ball will become and Ice Ball, doing the same damage with the same range. A Blind spell would become a Sight spell, a Globe of Silence would become a Globe of Noise, and so on. Note that some spells do not have any true opposite (like Call Lightning) and casting this spell on them would either have no effect and increase the destabilization by a greater amount (GM's discretion). Reflectspell Level: 7 Range: 30ft +10ft per level of experience. Duration: One melee per level. Casting Time: Two melee actions Damage: None Saving Throw: Standard Destabilization: +1d6% P.P.E.tm Cost: 25

This spell reflects back to the caster any spell cast on the mage, as long as the attacker is within Reflectspell's range of effect. The reflection only occurs if the mage succeeds in his save vs magic. If so, the spell returns to the caster with full damage, duration, and effect. The original caster can save against this spell and if successful the spell fades out of existence. Spellbomb Level: 7 Range: Throwing/launching distance. Duration: One hour per level. Casting Time: Two melees Damage: Special Saving Throw: Standard Destabilization: +2d6+3% P.P.E.tm Cost: 30

The Spellbomb is like a Seeker, only it is six inches in diameter and stationary. It can contain one spell energy and release it under one of several conditions, determined upon creation. First, it can be thrown or launched at a target to release the spell. Second, it can have a detonation time set upon creation (it always detonates when the duration expires). Lastly, it can explode when disturbed. It acts just like any other explosive device except it is magical in nature. To defuse/negate the bomb, a successful Negate Magic must be cast on it. Future Dreams Range: Self Duration: 1 minute P.P.E. Cost: 30 Level: 7th This spell is very similar to the Oracle spell (Rifts RPG, p.181) in that it allows the caster to have a glimpse into the future. The exception is that the caster can examine possible outcomes of actions he is taking. It is sort of an interactive vision into the future, much like the predictions of the C.H.R.O.N.O.S. series of computers. The caster can 'ask' questions of sorts, like "if I do this, what will happen?" by imagining himself doing these things. These are not hard and fast truths; as Yoda said in Empire Strikes Back, "Always in motion is the future". Using this spell, it is possible to choose from several alternative futures by determining one's actions. (GM Note: as with normal clairvoyance, be cautious about giving too much away.) ORGASM Level: 7 Range: 5 ft per level of experience. Duration: 1 melee per level of experience. Damage: Special Saving Throw: Standard P.P.E. Cost: 20

Effect: Probably the gentlest and most pleasurable incapacitation spell to date that functions by stimulating the victim's mind into feeling an intense sexual orgasm. While under the power of the spell the victim will have no melee actions, can barely move, and cannot make any intelligible sounds other than a faint moan of pleasure. There is no physical damage inflicted by this spell, although the character may wish to clean their shorts shortly after succumbing to the spell's effects. After the brief incapacitation period, the victim will need another 1D4 minutes to regain their composure. Until such time the characters attacks per melee and speed will be reduced by half. They will also suffer a -1 penalty to all combat bonuses and -5% to skill performance. Only one person may be affected per invocation of this spell. It should be noted that although this spell suffers from a shorter incapacitation time than the Agony spell, of which it is derived, it is more sought by characters of good alignments who would not bring such pain as the Agony spell on any living creature while at the same time, totally incapacitating the victim of the spell. PINS & NEEDLES Level: 7 Range: 30 ft per level of experience. Duration: 1 minute per level of experience. Damage: Special Saving Throw: Standard P.P.E. Cost: 20

Effect: This unique spell causes its victim to experience the stinging "pins and needles" sensation as if the bloodflow in that particular limb of the casters choice has been temporarily cut off and then restored. If cast on a leg the victim will run at 1/2 speed, -4 to dodge, and have a -5% skill penalty from the distraction. Any skill requiring the use of a leg will be at -25%. If cast on an arm, that particular arm will be -4 to strike and parry, and any skills requiring manual dexterity will be at -25%, other skills will only have a -5% penalty. If cast on the head, the victim's face will become flush and is very distracting giving them a -1 on initiative, strike, parry, and dodge bonuses as well as a -5% skill penalty unless trying to speak in which the character has a -40% language penalty! They will also have a temporary -2 to their M.A. and P.B. as no one can take their appearance and voice seriously. Casting this spell on the torso will give the victim a -2 initiative, - 1 strike, parry, and dodge, and a -5% skill penalty. Also when cast upon the torso, sex will be pleasureless no matter how hard the victim tries, even if affected by the orgasm spell. On the plus side, however, any limb affected by this spell is impervious to all other pain, which can be a boon to wounded people with no anesthetics handy. This spell can only be cast on one person at a time. Incognito Level 7 Range: 100 feet Duration: 10 minuets per level of experience. PPE: Thirty The spell caster can cloud the memories of himself to everyone within a 100 foot radius. All affected may make a save versus magic if they fail the spell caster will look familiar but they will not remember any specific details about the spell caster, whether those memories are first hand ones or third person. After the duration of the spell all memories will return as normal. Those affected by the spell who are close (as in friends, lovers, etc) to the caster gain a +1 on the magic save. A person not affected by the spell will have a hard time convincing an affected person of any facts on the spell caster. -Paralysis : Bomb (LVL 7) PPE: 15 Duration: 1 minute per level Range: 60 feet per level Save: standard Area of Effect: 20' radius Paralyzes a random limb of all creatures in the radius. Tails, wings, arms, legs, tentacles are all considered limbs. This spell can effect supernatural creatures, normal(SDC) creatures, and targets in all types of armor, but not vehicles, unless the caster can clearly define where the limbs are. Teleport: Self Level: 7 Range: caster, up to one mile per level Duration: instant PPE: 40 This spell teleports the caster and up to 10 pounds of nonliving matter instantly to any location well known to the caster. The target location must be within one mile per level. Teleportation is a dangerous feat to try: the caster has a 60% + 5% per level chance of missing his desired target. The caster is also -20% if the target is not within a line of sight (i.e.: a caster's cabin on the other side of the mountain, or his room 2 streets over.) If the roll is failed, roll on the following table: 1-40: appears 3d6x100 feet away from the target destination (on ground or water level) 41-75: appears 3d6 x10 feet away from target 76-99: appears 1d6x10 feet above the ground. 00: teleports into an object, death Random Casualty Level: 7 Range 60' radius Duration: 2 melees per level of the caster PPE: 30 This spell adds even more Chaos to a battle field. Any damage done to any creature has an equal chance harming all others within the area. SDC damage redirected will do and equivalent amount to MDC creatures and mega damage is converted to SDC if it targets an SDC creature. Damage done to armor is not effected and damages the armor normally, but armor will not protect a creature from damage redirected by means of this spell. EX: 2 headhunters and 2 hatchling dragons are fighting, the headhunters with SDC knives and the dragons with claws. One hatching just cast Random Casualty. A headhunter then manages to inflict 12 SDC damage on the other, but because of this spell, the damage could harm any of the combatants. Numbers 1 to 4 are assigned to each character and a d4 is rolled. One of the hatchlings takes the damage (12 MDC since it is a MDC creature) instead of the Headhunter who was hit. The other hatching then hits the surprised and wounded hatching with his breath and inflicts 20 MDC as the flames surround the poor dragon, but it is the Headhunter that is burned, taking 20 SDC Essence Burst Range: 5 feet ( 1.5m ) radius per level of experience Duration: Instant Damage: 1D6 per level of experience Saving Throw: Special P.P.E.: 95 This spell generates an instantaneous burst of blackness. All living beings within the area of effect suffer damage as per the Essence Bolt spell, and must roll an additional saving throw versus magic, with failure resulting in a permanent loss of 1D6 each from P.S., P.P., P.E., and 3D6 from P.P.E. Spell Name: Summon Shadow Beast Spell Level: 7 Range: immediate Duration: special P.P.E.[TM] Cost: 35 Saving Throw: none Description: This spell is identical to the RIFTS(R) spell of the same name, except as noted above. Spell Name: Veil Spell Level: 7 Range: self/other Duration: 1 hour per level P.P.E.[TM] Cost: 24 Saving Throw: Special

Description: This spell allows the caster to assume the identity of another being. The type of being can be any that the caster has seen or can imagine. However, the caster does NOT gain any of the abilities of that being aside from physical attributes, such as wings, tail, etc. The Veil may be seen through with a successful save equal to the caster’s IQ! Spell Name: Basal Spell Level: 7 Range: 200 ft Duration: 2 min per level P.P.E.[TM] Cost: 35 Saving Throw: Standard

Description: This terrible spell will reduce it's target to an animalistic state. In this form the target cannot use any weapons except blunt style. The target does however receive the following bonuses: +2 PS, +1 PP, + 2 Attacks and a +3 to strike, parry and dodge. The target as well becomes immune to the effects of Horror factor and if pressed will fight to 25% of its MC/SDC before fleeing.


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                           8th Level Spells

Scale Armor Level: 8 Range: self or others! Casting Time: One melee action. Duration: 10 minutes per level of experience. Saving Throw: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 30

Like all armors, this particular one has it's advantages and disadvantages, although not many! It is Scaly (duh!) and has an of 150 plus 5 per level of experience. The bonus for the shaman in the Armor is Invulnerability to cold and heat, the abili Vampire Regeneration Level: 8 Range: Self only. Duration: One minute per level Casting Time: One melee Damage: None Saving Throw: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 30

This useful spell will supply the necromancer with a magical simulation of the vampire's extraordinary regeneration ability. While not as powerful as the real thing, it is a good approximation. The necromancer will recover 1d4 hit points, S.D.C.tm, or M.D.C.tm per melee round in a common environment, but 2d4 in a magic rich environment (such as Rifts earth). The necromancer can also survive up to -10 hit points or M.D.C.tm below zero and gains a +10% bonus to save vs coma/death for the duration of the magic. Lostrel's Wordlock Level: 8 Range: Touch Duration: One year per level. Casting Time: One minute Saving Throw: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 45

This spell is the one of the only defenses against the Wordwipe spell below. It not only renders a text immune to the Wordwipe spell for a pretty good duration, but makes it damageproof. Books become fadeproof and waterproof, scrolls stay resilient and strong, newspapers won't have fading and ink discoloration, and computer data becomes impervious to viruses and random file corruption. One magic scroll or book with magic circles and formulae can be affected per invocation of this spell, or the caster can instead affect 500 pages of normal text and digital information per level per invocation. Temporary Enchantment (ritual) Level: 8 Range: Touch Duration: One week per level of the caster. Casting Time: Two hours Saving Throw: Standard P.P.E.tm Cost: 70

Like Charm Weapon and Enchant Weapon, this spell doubles the damage a weapon does to supernatural creatures. The weapon gets a save vs the enchantment. Add +1 if the weapon is a standard melee weapon, +3 if the weapon is a missile weapon (gun, bow, and crossbow) or an energized melee weapon (vibro-blade), and +5 if the weapon is an energy weapon (rail guns and missile launchers included). Taken from Nightbane page 141 and slightly updated. Blue Fireball Level: 8 Range: 250ft +50ft per level, blast radius is 20ft. Duration: Instant Casting Time: Two melee actions. Damage: 1d4x10 damage, +1d4x10 more at levels three, six, nine, and twelve. Saving Throw: Dodge an 18 or better. P.P.E.tm Cost: 50

This spell conjures a large, fast, and deadly fireball composed of blue flame. When it hits the target, it explodes and causes knockdown to the target. Everything within 20ft of the target also suffers half damage from the fireball. Chaos Plane Level: 8 Range: Self or 100ft Duration: Three minutes per level. Casting Time: Two melee actions for the small, or one full melee for the large.

Damage: None Saving Throw: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 15 for a small one or 40 for a large one.

With this spell a plane of chaotic particles a few atoms thick is generated. The particles are relatively invisible to the naked eye, and seem to produce a warping effect similar to hot air on a hot day. For the small plane, the mage can use it to parry attacks (it hovers near his body and can be mentally moved at will). A successful parry means the attack (whether a sword strike or a hail of rail gun slugs) is deflected and does no damage to the character. Deflected bullets and arrows have a 40% chance of hitting allies during a battle, sometimes more or less depending on the circumstances. The caster gets a +3 bonus to parry (hand to hand combat bonuses are not applicable) in addition to his spell strength bonus.

The larger plane has a surface area of 32 square feet per level of experience (an 8 ft by 4 ft plane at first level). Objects traveling at speeds greater than 15 mph (Spd. 22) are thrown off course in a direction to the side or above the caster of the spell. This plane has the benefit of only disrupting motion from one direction. Anyone firing through the plane from the side that the caster is on suffers no strike penalty, and will probably not be hit by anything coming through the other side. Anyone shooting through the plane from the side the caster isn't on suffers a -6 penalty to strike.

Note that vehicles and fast moving beings suffer the same effects as projectiles moving through the field. They too are thrown off course, and must make a roll to maintain their course and heading (-35% to a control roll or - 7 to a roll on a 1d20). If successful, they maintain their course without major problems. If the roll fails, they crash or tumble. The plane can be used for both offensive and defensive measures.

Energy blasts are not affected by the plane in any way. The plane is also plainly visible to anyone who can see dimensional anomalies, and can be detected by the ability to sense dimensional anomalies. Force Ball Level: 8 Range: 180ft, affects a 4ft radius +1 ft per level. Duration: Can be maintained for up to one minute per level. Casting Time: Two melee actions. Damage: 2d6 S.D.C.tm or 1d6 M.D.C.tm per level (the mage can vary the damage). Saving Throw: Dodge or roll with punch/fall/impact. P.P.E.tm Cost: 30

Like the spells Force Bolt: Lesser and Superior, this incantation generates a kinetic force. In this case, the force is unstable and can damage a large area at one time. The mage gets a +3 bonus to strike in addition to his spell strength bonus, up to a maximum strike bonus of +6. Anyone caught in the blast radius also suffers knockdown. Force Mine Level: 8 Range: Touch, affects a 4ft radius +1 ft per level. Duration: Two hours per level. Casting Time: One melee Damage: 1d4x10 S.D.C.tm or 3d6 M.D.C.tm per two full levels of experience. Thus, increase the damage at levels 4, 6, 8, 10, etc. Saving Throw: Dodge or roll with punch/fall/impact. P.P.E.tm Cost: 40

This spell requires a physical component to be of any use, usually a container of some sort filled with shrapnel or debris (rocks, wood splinters, metal fragments, used rail gun slugs, etc.) The container will detonate once disturbed, spewing its contents across the radius of effect. If the spell duration ends without the magic device being activated, it loses its enchantment and becomes inert. It could still be re-enchanted by a battle mage, however. The battle mage can sense all of the mines that he has set and he can pick them up, move them, and end the spell without any ill effect.

Anyone who has Sixth Sense or Sense Magic will be instantly aware that there is danger nearby, but cannot necessarily pinpoint the source as the physical component. Those who can see magic energy or auras will instantly be aware of the container's enchantment, but won't be able to see that it is dangerous (they can only suspect). Dark Duality Level: 8 Range: One weapon Duration: Two melees per level. Casting Time: Two melee actions. Damage: Special! Saving Throw: Standard P.P.E.tm Cost: 35

This enchants a weapon held in the caster's hand with the ability to damage a foe by way of his shadow. Any time the weapon is used to strike a victim directly it does normal damage - but attack a victim's shadow with it and the weapon does triple damage! The weapon being enchanted gets a save throw against the magic, and success means the weapon is not enchanted. Bows, slings, and other missile weapons get a +1 save bonus, ballistic firearms get a +3 save bonus, and energy weapons (to include vibro-knives and rail guns) get a +5 save bonus. Portal of Fear Level: 8 Range: Cast up to 90ft away. Duration: Two minutes per level. Casting Time: One minute Damage: 3d6 S.D.C.tm (or 1d6 M.D.C.tm in Rifts) Saving Throw: Standard P.P.E.tm Cost: 35

This spell creates a magical rift of darkness, out of which 4d6 tentacles will stretch and attack from. Each tentacle has one attack, +2 to strike, +4 to entangle, 50 S.D.C.tm (or M.D.C.tm), and can reach 30ft away from the black rift. Once entangled, a victim must save vs magic (12 or better) - failure means the victim is fear struck and reduced to one melee action. Two melees after being entangled, victims are pulled into the darkness rift. Another save vs magic (16 or better) must be made - failure means the victim is wracked with fear (immobilized) for 4d4 melees. Successful saves mean that the tentacles and darkness has no effect. The portal will disappear when all tentacles are destroyed, the duration of the spell ends, or the spell is hit with a Dispel Magic Barriers or Negate Magic spell. Based on power #11 of Weapons of Chaos, on page 89 of Heroes Unlimited). Negative Flame Level: 8 Range: 300ft Duration: Instant Casting Time: One melee action Damage: 1d4x10 S.D.C.tm damage at level one, +1d4x10 more at levels five and ten. Becomes M.D. in a Rifts world. Saving Throw: Dodge an 18 or better. P.P.E.tm Cost: 30

The caster of this spell creates a brief rift into a world of strange black flames that sear and burn only flesh, not wood or stone or steel. Animated dead and undead are immune to the effects of negative flame, as are all non-flesh objects and creatures, but living (flesh and bone) creatures suffer normally. Beings of light suffer double damage! Damage from negative flame must be healed normally, and cannot be regenerated. Magical and psionic healing is half as effective. Destroy Dead: Superior Level: 8 Range: 120ft Duration: Instant Casting Time: Two melee actions. Damage: 1d4x10 damage (whether S.D.C.tm or M.D.C.tm) Saving Throw: Standard P.P.E.tm Cost: 35

This spell is essentially the same as the previous spell with one difference - it can affect up to 1d4+2 animated dead at a time. If desired, the mage can focus all of the spell's energy upon a single target. That particular animated dead has a -4 to save against the spell's effect and takes 1d6x10+40 damage.

Skill Performance Level: 8 Range: Self only Duration: 1 minute per level Saving Throw: None PPE: 40 Ever think a mage needs more fighting capability? This spell allows the mage to duplicate three physical skills! The mage can choose three skills from the physical category that she does not already have, with the only exception being that the mage can also use it to gain one level in his HTH! it can be cast three times to simulate all three skills at once, but not the same skill more than once. All bonuses from those skills apply only for the duration of the spell. (if variable bonuses apply, only the average result is added, rounded down!) Note: Continual use of this spell over a short period of time can be physically impairing to the character! It could be used safely once every 2 days, after that there is a cumulative 5% chance minus 1% per level after the first (roll when the spell ends EACH time!) that there is a physical debilitation (I'll leave that to GM's for now...) Lightning Wall Level: 8 Range: Cast up to 90ft away. Duration: Three minutes per level. Casting Time: Two melee actions. Damage: 5d6 S.D.C.tm or 2d4 M.D.C.tm per level Saving Throw: None. P.P.E.tm Cost: 25

Like the other wall spells, this incantation can generate a wall of a particular energy type. This one is a bit different though. The caster can create a large flat area (one 8ft by 4ft plane per level) that does the damage listed above equal to a third of the caster's level, or he can create a small flat area (one 8ft by 4ft plane per three experience levels) that does the above damage equal to the character's own level. Thus, either a small but deadly wall or a large and painful wall can be created. Shockwave Level: 8 Range: 30ft or 90ft (see below). Duration: Instant Casting Time: Two melee actions. Damage: 5d6 S.D.C.tm +1d6 per level, or 1d6 M.D.C.tm per level. Saving Throw: Dodge only, -4 penalty. P.P.E.tm Cost: 30

With this spell, the caster can generate an outward spreading wave of solid concessive force. The shockwave can either hit everything within a 30ft radius, or can instead be focused against 1d4 targets (+1d4 more at levels four, eight, and twelve) that are grouped together and not more than 90ft away. When the shockwave hits, those who take damage from it also suffer knockdown automatically. Anti-Magic Wall Level: 8 Range: 300ft Duration: 3 minutes per level Casting Time: Three melee actions Damage: None Saving Throw: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 40

This spell creates a barrier with a surface area of 32 ft per level of the caster (a 4ft by 8ft area at first level). Only the creator of the barrier can cast spells through it against targets on the other side. All other spells are ineffective! Magical energy blasts are not affected. A Dispel Magic Barrier cast at the wall will succeed as normal, as does a Negate Magic spell. (this spell is no longer a common spell) Shape Magic Energy Level: 8 Range: 30ft Duration: Five minutes per level. Casting Time: One minute Damage: Special Saving Throw: None Destabilization: +1d6%, or +3d4% for large objects P.P.E.tm Cost: 10 for simple ropes, boxes, clothes, nets and such, 25 for most weapons, and 40 to 80 for large walls and assorted major objects (GM's discretion).

When cast, the mage can transform magical energies into a solid form. He can create unbreakable ropes, boxes, swords, etc. They act and function just like normal, simple objects do but are composed of magical energy. A weapon of magic energy used against a victim vulnerable to magic will do M.D.C.tm equal to the normal S.D.C.tm damage, but the weapon has a cumulative +5% chance (per hit) of 'breaking' and causing the weapon to vanish. When the spell ends the P.P.E.tm is not recapturable because the energy was burned up to maintain the objects' existence. The objects all appear as shimmering blue-white versions of the real thing with little or no mass and all of the solidity. Spelltrap Level: 8 Range: Touch Duration: One hour per level, or permanent until set off. Casting Time: One melee Damage: Special Saving Throw: Standard Destabilization: +2d4% P.P.E.tm Cost: 25 for a short duration or 100 for permanent.

Casting this spell upon another allows the caster to set a magical trap that remains until disturbed. The trap springs when some physical condition is fulfilled, like a button is pushed or a door is opened or something similar. The spell only affects the person who triggered the trap. If the trap is triggered by using some inanimate object it will evaporate without affecting anybody. The object the trap is laid on will radiate magic but the caster can mask it by casting Spelltrap at quadruple the cost, or he can use Block Radiance. Storespell Level: 8 Range: Touch Duration: One day or permanent until used. Saving Throw: None Casting Time: One melee action Damage: Special Destabilization: +2d4% P.P.E.tm Cost: 30 for one day, or 100 for the permanent type.

Allows a caster to put a spell energy into stasis until it is released by mental will, or combined with a vocal command if so desired. The object can be absolutely anything but is usually a trinket, like a ring or an amulet, which is devoid of magical energy. Items with magical properties cannot have additional ones added without great magic. When released the spell is directed by the person who willed its release. Even if they didn't know there was a spell inside the object, victims can still radiate that mental need and the spell responds to it. The affected object does radiate magic unless obscured. Metamages will sometimes store a spell in an object as a gift or as a reward. Or, they can store no spell or the wrong spell as a trick or as revenge. SUSTAINANCE Level: 8 Range: Self or 5 ft per level of experience. Duration: 30 minutes per level of the caster. Damage: None; see effect. Saving Throw: Standard if the healing powers are not wanted. P.P.E. Cost: 35

Effect: This spell is designed to cure a person from the ailments of hunger and thirst. Unlike the spells of Resist Hunger and Resist Thirst, this spell actually nourishes the person on whom the spell is cast. When the duration has run out, the character will again begin to feel hungry and thirsty, but the penalties will start anew as if the character was recovering from a large meal. This spell is great for those too sick to eat or drink, or for those who cannot reach food or water. This spell also negates the need for a person to consume components usually necessary in their diet such as dangerous poisons (Alchemical Immortals from Mystic China), P.P.E., or even blood. There is a 01- 45% chance of satiating a druggie that needs a fix (although without the bonuses or penalties) and has a 01-65% chance to bring a vampire out of a bloodlust rage. Casting the spell on a person multiple times will only extend the duration of the spell, not make them fat or ill. This spell can only be cast on one person at a time. . -Energy Pulse (lvl 8) PPE: 40. Dur: Instant. Range: Touch. Save: N/A This spell with send out a pulse that will disrupt any electronic device. PA and RV will be at 1/2 speed, attack, damage, and bonuses for 2d4 melees. Computers, Cameras, and other similar systems will be out for 2d4 minutes per level of the caster. Anyone touching the affected devise during this time will take 3d6 SDC per melee. Magic Grenade (Lvl 8) PPE: 40 Duration: 6 Melees/lvl Range: 40m/lvl Save:N/A This spell allows the caster to throw magic grenades that explode on contact for 2d6 MD to a 12m radius for the duration of the spell. Each grenade uses 1 melee attack and is +3 to strike. -Supernatural strength (lvl 8) PPE: 30 Duration: 4 melees per level Range: self Save:N/A This spell bestows supernatural strength and endurance to the caster for the duration of the spell. It also adds 3d6 to strength (minimum 26) and 3d4 to endurance (minimum 22) and gives the caster MDC equal to his HP + 1d4 x 10. -Speed of the Juicer (lvl 8) PPE: 30 Duration: 4 melees per level Range: Self Save: N/A This spell adds 2d4 x 10 to the spd attribute(min 44), and adds +4 int, +4 parry, and +6 to dodge, and gives the mage an autododge! But, due to the mage's inexperience with the great speed, this spell imposes a -4 to strike and the mage's spells with only succeed 50% of the time. This spell can be ended by the caster at any time. Water Meld (Level 8 Water Spell) Range: Self and/or others; up to 5 miles distance per each level of experience. Duration: 1 melee plus 1 melee per every four levels of experience. Saving throw: None P.P.E.: Sixty This spell is very similar to a Teleport spell, allowing the caster to enter any body of water that his entire body can fit into (must be at least wide enough for shoulders to fit through, but can still be as shallow as a puddle) and emerge out of another body of water miles away. To be successful, the mystic must have a good indication of where the intended destination body of water lies. This can be by personal knowledge, a cartographer's map, a detailed location description, or even by casting a water location spell. Depending on the method employed, the degree of miscalculation varies. The mage can teleport himself, others and/or objects totaling up to 500 pounds (225 kg) per each level of experience. Weight is the determining factor, allowing any number of additional persons or equipment, as long as it does not exceed the amount of weight the caster can handle. Each person or object must also be linked the caster physically, either by hand, rope or other attachment, else they fall victim to the extreme vortex created during such a port from one water source to another. This spell may also be used to meld a portion of the body only, allowing the caster to partially appear through the other body of water for the duration of the spell. This can allow them to gain a short glance of the desired location and/or grab something on the other side and bring it back. When this version of the spell is used, the caster may not also meld (i.e.: cannot look first and then teleport, only one or the other). If the mage casts the spell again, then they may teleport safely. Chances of a successful melding: 1) Melding to an extremely familiar location or a body of water visible from one's starting point (via natural, technological or mystic sight): 99% 2) A body of water seen only a few times before (at least 3-5 times) or seen on a detailed map: 80% 3) Location described in detail but never actually visited before: 55% 4) Brief description only: 20% Results of an Unsuccessful Melding: Roll percentile dice for random occurrences 1-38 Desired location is missed by 1D10 miles, exiting out of a different body of water or set adrift said distance from land. 39-69 Desired location is missed by 1D10x10 miles, exiting out of a different body of water or set adrift said distance from land. Present location is unknown. 70-98 Meld at least 100 feet below surface of water or some water enters lungs. All suffer 5 H.P. and 2D10 S.D.C. 99-00 Meld at least 4 miles below sea level or lungs are instantly filled with water; instant death. Spell Name: Nether Projection Spell Level: 8 Range: self Duration: 1 hour per level P.P.E.[TM] Cost: 30 Saving Throw: none Description: This spell takes the caster into the realm of shadow. All material things seem to be ghosts and cannot be interacted with, however shadows are now as real as the caster and he/she can interact with the shadows just like you and I would the things in our everyday world. The caster as well, is invisible to the material world.


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                           9th Level Spells

Demon Spirit Level: 9 Range: Touch Duration: 12 hours per level. Casting Time: One minute. Damage: None. Saving Throw: None. P.P.E.tm Cost: 40

Necromancers have long had an association with demons and other creatures of evil. An ancient legend says that a powerful and favored necromancer was given permission by a powerful demon to summon the souls of his warriors and place them into the bodies of the animated dead, zombies, and mummies. Once destroyed the bodies released the spirit of the demon, which returned to its homeland. Whether the legend is true or not, this spell exists and is known to some necromancers.

Casting this upon an animated dead, zombie, or mummy, the recipient creature will gain a stronger sense of self, better combat ability, and some rudimentary skills. The creature gains an I.Q. of 6 (or +2 to I.Q.), can speak basic sentences (magically), +2 attacks per melee, +1 on initiative, +2 to strike, +1 to parry and dodge, automatic parry, +2 on all save throws, impervious to possession, Swimming 60%, Tracking 40%, Prowl 35%, and one W.P. for an ancient weapon (necromancer's option). Stop Healing (curse) Level: 9 Range: Touch or 20ft Duration: 24 hours per level. Casting Time: Two melee actions Damage: None Saving Throw: Standard. Creatures with regeneration or supernatural creatures gain a +1 bonus to save, greater supernatural beings get a +2 bonus, and gods have a +4 bonus. P.P.E.tm Cost: 45

The death mage uses his dark magic to prevent the healing of another being. Once affected, a victim cannot heal hit points naturally at all. Regeneration is completely negated and will not function for the duration of the spell. Magic and psionic healing is one third as effective. A Remove Curse spell is the only cure, while Negate Magic has a 25% chance of success. White Aura (ritual) Level: 9 Range: One person in the circle's radius (usually 4-6ft) Duration: 20 minutes per level. Casting Time: One hour. Saving Throw: Standard if resisted. P.P.E.tm Cost: 90

This is an extremely powerful ritual of white magic. The physical components needed are a six-ounce quantity of holy water and an angel's feather (which can be reused). Two ounces of water are used to make a circle, two more are used to anoint (poured over) the feather in the middle of the circle, and the person who will benefit from the ceremony must drink the last two ounces. With some chanting and meditation, the person the ritual is being performed on becomes a powerful force of supernatural good. The character gains the following abilities and bonuses for the duration of the magic: +3 on all save throws, +10 to P.S. (becomes supernatural), +2 on initiative, +1 to strike, parry, and dodge, +1 melee attack, light, electricity, fire, and cold resistant (half damage), see the invisible, nightvision for 100ft, impervious to all poisons and toxins (magical and psionic included), regenerates 1d6 hit points, S.D.C.tm, or M.D.C.tm per melee, and gains a bonus of +250 S.D.C.tm (becomes M.D.C.tm when in a Rifts environment). All the hand to hand attacks of the recipient do double damage to supernatural evil.

The only three drawbacks are these: the recipient must be of a good alignment in order to receive any benefits. Second is that dark energy, negative energy, and Negative Chi attacks do double damage! Anything designed to harm supernatural good will affect the recipient the same way. Lastly, the angel feather is the source of power. If it is taken from the ritual recipient, the magic ends abruptly. The feather is usually attached (with tape, rope, or whatever) to the recipient's body to prevent that from happening. Ambush Level: 9 Range: Self Duration: One hour per level. Casting Time: One melee Damage: None Saving Throw: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 40

This spell creates a small extra-dimensional area just large enough to accommodate the caster and another being his size (but only the caster can reside in the space). The viewing area out of this miniature time hole is limited to one direction, a circle with a 3ft radius. Inside this time hole, time passes at half the normal rate (an hour outside is only a half-hour inside). At any moment, the caster can leap out of the time hole, ending the spell and attacking at will. He cannot attack from within the hole without ending the Ambush spell abruptly.

The sneak attack by the battle mage is automatically a critical strike and does double damage (more if a critical strike is used or a natural 20 is rolled), plus has a +4 strike bonus. The victim cannot defend against this attack unless they have the Sixth Sense psionic ability or is a Juicer or some other fast- acting being. Even then, no bonuses are allowed - just a straight die roll to defend. If combat is continued, the battle mage gets a +4 bonus on initiative for the ensuing melee round (but not any thereafter).

The character is plainly visible to anyone who can see dimensional anomalies, and can be detected by the ability to sense dimensional anomalies. If a mage suspects that someone is using an Ambush spell, he can use Detect Concealment (25% success rate) or Negate Magic (75% success rate) to reveal the hiding smoker. Nocturnal Level: 9 Range: Self or others by touch. Duration: 10 minutes per level. Casting Time: Two minutes Saving Throw: Standard if resisted. P.P.E.tm Cost: 45

This spell grants the recipient with several darkness based powers. He can shadow meld, at will, for the duration of the spell. Natural nightvision range is doubled, or if none is naturally possessed the range is 300ft (or more, depending on if another spell is cast). The character also gains +2 to parry and dodge in shadows (more than 50% shadows) and is +2 to save vs. all darkness-based powers and magic. Darkness and negative energy attacks do half damage Shadow Glyph Level: 9 Range: Touch for drawing/ casting, the glyph itself has a range of 30ft per level of the caster. Duration: Five years per level. Casting Time: Fifteen minutes Damage: Special Saving Throw: Standard P.P.E.tm Cost: 45 + extra

See this information on glyphs_<m_notes.htm> if you need to know a bit more.

This glyph has the power to protect with all the powers of night and darkness. A few students of the magic arts have managed to find ways of turning the power into an offensive sort, but protection is still the easiest usage. These are the powers available, their costs, and their effects: Summon Shadow Beast (one): * Cost: 100, see description on page 184 of the Rifts RPG. The creature will attack whatever triggered the glyph, drive it off or kill it, and vanish. If destroyed, the glyph cannot regenerate it or find another shadow beast.

  Blindness: Cost: 20, one target is affected by a magical blindness for
  5d6+30 minutes, -4 save throw penalty.

  Agony: Cost: 25, one target is affected by the Agony spell for 1d4
  minutes, -2 save throw penalty.

  Silent Alarm: Cost: 10, whenever it is disturbed the glyph will send a
  mental image of the transgressor(s) to the creator.

  Midnight Wind: Cost: 20, just like the spell except that it lasts while
  the glyph is being disturbed (or attacked), and anything taking offensive
  action against the glyph gets nailed with the wind blast.

  Nightspill: Cost: 15, just like the spell except that it lasts while the
  glyph is being disturbed (or attacked).

  Portal of Fear: Cost: 25, just like the spell except that it lasts while
  the glyph is being disturbed (or attacked) and for 1d4 minutes after.

  Black Bubble: Cost: 50, when placed on an object that is being protected,
  a black bubble will spring into existence to block any and all attacks.
  The bubble has an S.D.C.tm of 500 and recovers 10 per melee, but remains
  active during all attacks. If the S.D.C.tm is destroyed the bubble will
  return with 10 S.D.C.tm on the next melee round.

  Dark Bolt: Cost: 20, when written onto a shield, weapon, or piece of
  armor the wearer/user is bestowed the power to create a dark bolt once
  per melee, 4d6 damage, 200ft range, use P.P. bonuses to strike. This is
  one of the rare offensive uses that some glyphs have, and to place this
  ability in a Shadow Glyph prevents the imprinting of any non-offensive

  Black Ward: Cost: 30, a second offensive power which doesn't attack, but
  protect the bearer of the armor or weapon during combat. With this
  ability written into the Shadow Glyph, the bearer takes only half damage
  from all darkness based attacks and is +2 to save vs. all necromantic and
  shadow magic.

  Dark Whip: Cost: 40, the third offensive power, but this one allows the
  wearer/wielder of what the glyph is on to create a strand of black energy
  that does 3d6 damage plus damage bonuses. The whip's range is 10ft and
  has a +2 to strike and entangle. To place this ability in a Shadow Glyph
  prevents the imprinting of any non-offensive uses (so this ability and
  the previous two are the only currently known offensive Shadow Glyph

Void Spirit Level: 9 Range: 30ft Duration: One hour per level of the caster. Casting Time: One minute Saving Throw: Standard P.P.E.tm Cost: 50

This spell forces a victim's soul out of it's body for a short time! The body is not harmed, and is also not filled with a spirit (so a malevolent entity could possess it easily). For the duration of the magic the victim's soul is locked out and is trapped in the Astral Plane. The astral self comes into being inside the Void, and surprisingly doesn't take damage from existing inside or outside of the Void area. Any being with astral projection or dreaming powers has a +2 save bonus against this spell. Impervious to Vacuum Level: 9 Range: Self or others up to 60ft away. Duration: Ten minutes per level. Casting Time: One half melee action (virtually instantly). Saving Throw: Standard if resisted. P.P.E.tm Cost: 45

This spell provides the recipient with a temporary resistance to the deadly effects of total vacuum. The character will be magically provided with air and able to breathe normally for the duration of the spell. His body is also magically able to resist the "explosion" effect. This spell is costly to cast and rarely used (who wants to live in a vacuum?), but when it is used it is a real lifesaver. It can be cast in the blink of an eye (or with a dying man's breath) because it is a highly researched and well-constructed spell. Teleport: Self Level: 9 Range: Two miles per level. Duration: Instant Casting Time: One minute Damage: None Saving Throw: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 50

The mage can transport himself and 100 lbs. plus 10 lbs. per level of experience to a known location within the range of the spell (within sight is allowable, and has a 100% success rate). The additional weight must be non- living matter. The success ratio is 84% +2% per additional level of experience. A failed roll means that the mage ends up somewhere within his range (but is not teleported into an object). GMs can decide if his possessions appear in the same place as he does. This spell is a bit different than the one found in Heroes Unlimited, but the end result is the same. Disrupt Magical Forces Level: 9 Range: 10ft per level of experience. Duration: 1d4 hours Casting Time: One melee Damage: None Saving Throw: None Destabilization: Special P.P.E.tm Cost: 50

The caster can either increase the amount of level of destabilization in an area by 1d6% per level of experience or decrease the rate of stabilization by 1d4% per casting. Metamages have a nasty habit of using this spell to booby- trap an area for spellcasters, so that their spells have the usual effects listed under magical_destabilization_<m_notes.htm> . Extend Level: 9 Range: Special Duration: Special Casting Time: One melee action Damage: None Saving Throw: None Destabilization: +2d4% P.P.E.tm Cost: 40

Once cast upon another spell, the mage can opt to increase the range, effects, and/or duration of the spell. The spell effectively doubles the level of the caster, allowing him to cast a spell at his current level of experience and increase the spell's effects one level for every level he has. So, a 6th level caster could cast this spell and then cast another spell. He could then increase it's range by one level beyond his current level, it's duration by three levels, and use the last two to double it's effects. Any combination is allowed as long as the total increase does not exceed the level of the caster. To increase effects (like penalties) the levels act as a multiplier, so to double the effects requires two levels, triple uses three, and to quadruple (the limit) uses four. Spell Ability Level: 9 Range: Self or others by touch. Duration: 30 minutes per level. Casting Time: One minute Damage: Special Saving Throw: Standard if resisted. Destabilization: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 50

Casting this spell upon another allows the recipient to use a spell at will within the stated time limit. Normally a spell can't be used at will, but with this spell it can and lasts longer than it usually would. It works on Fly as an Eagle, Carpet of Adhesion, Climb, Superhuman Speed & Strength, Multiple Image, Mask of Deceit, Shadow Meld, Invisibility, Invulnerability, See Aura, etc.

It can also be cast on an offensive spell, allowing a character to attack with the spell ability a number of times equal to half his or her hand to hand attacks. This reduces the duration of the spell to one minute per level of experience.

A character can have two spell abilities cast on him or her and use them both simultaneously, but more than two is impossible. Casting a second one on a person adds +5d4% to the destabilization and the third attempt at casting automatically causes destabilization, plus the recipient of the spell abilities loses both he has gained. Spellblock Level: 9 Range: Touch Duration: One minute per level. Casting Time: One melee Damage: Special Saving Throw: Standard Destabilization: +2d6+3% P.P.E.tm Cost: 40

This spell is a dangerous weapon against spellcasters. The victim of the spell saves normally, but if they should fail their ability to cast spells is temporarily negated! The victim can still use magic items and techno-wizard equipment, but using their P.P.E.tm to directly cast a spell is futile. The P.P.E.tm is burned off without effect. GM's should definitely be prepared for characters that always use this spell against other casters, as it presents an unfair advantage sometimes. Perhaps at that point the offending player should get this cast on him. Stabilize Magical Forces Level: 9 Range: 10ft per level Duration: A rate change fades in 1d4 hours, the decrease in stabilization is relatively permanent. Casting Time: Two melee actions Damage: None Saving Throw: None Destabilization: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 40

The caster can either decrease the level of destabilization in an area by 1d6% per level of experience or increase the rate of stabilization by 1d4% per casting. This lets metamages equalize the flow of magic to reduce the possibility of magical_destabilization_<m_notes.htm> . This is the only metamage spell that can be simulcast with another metamage spell. Successfully doing so will cut the resultant destabilization of the other spell(s) by half, regardless of the value. Steal Control Level: 9 Range: 100ft Duration: Until the spell stolen ends. Casting Time: One melee action Damage: None Saving Throw: Standard Destabilization: +2d4% P.P.E.tm Cost: 50

A magician with this spell can steal all control of a spell away from the original caster. The stolen spell will run to its maximum duration unless the metamage decides to end it before then. This only works on spells like Animate and Control Dead, Carpet of Adhesion, Id Barrier, Globe of Silence, Magic Net, etc. Instant effect spells cannot be stolen . Steal P.P.E.tm Level: 9 Range: Touch Duration: Instant Casting Time: One melee action Damage: None Saving Throw: Standard, mages get a +2 bonus to save. Destabilization: +1d6% P.P.E.tm Cost: Special

A spellcaster with this spell can cast it and touch a creature to drain it of magic energy. The maximum amount that can be taken is 10 P.P.E.tm per level of experience of the mage. Also, only 90% of the stolen energy goes to the caster - the rest is burned off during transfer. This spell is no substitute for the sacrifice of a living creature (though I personally don't endorse it). At the moment of death the P.P.E.tm doubles and there is no burning off of energy. Cure Disease (Level 9 Spell) Range: Touch or 3 feet (.9 m) Duration: Instant cure for minor diseases and 3D10 melees for major illnesses. Saving throw: None; standard if the person resists treatment. P.P.E.: 40 A powerful magic that will cure an individual of all forms of life-threatening diseases. Such ailments as the flu, stomach viruses, food poisoning, etc. will be cured instantly. Cell-altering maladies such as cancer, typhoid, the plague and such, will take time (3D10 melees) for the spell to counteract and destroy the harmful cells. After this time, the character will still need at least one week of recuperation time to get back into peak condition. -Improved Invisibility (lvl 9) PPE: 40 Dur: 1 minute/lvl Range: self Save: N/A This spell renders the caster invisible and undetectable as superior invisibility, but can remain so even in combat. This forces a -10 to strike the caster. Ebony Shroud Range: 150 feet ( 46m ) Duration: One melee round per level of experience Damage: 3D6x10 per melee round Saving Throw: Dodge plus Special P.P.E.: 120 This spell generates a pitch-black bolt of energy. When the bolt strikes the target, it explodes and covers the victim in a hazy black aura. Damage is suffered as per the Essence Bolt spell. The victim must roll a saving throw versus pain or spend the duration of the spell writhing on the ground in agony. This spell can affect magical armor and power armor if the suit is missing at least one-half of it's M.D.C., and it can affect robot vehicles if the pilots compartment has lost more than one-half of it's M.D.C. Spell Name: Shadow Phase Spell Level: 9 Range: self Duration: 2 melees per level P.P.E.[TM] Cost: 50 Saving Throw: none Description: This powerful spell allows the caster to enter a shadow and exit from another shadow up to two miles per level, away. This travel takes place in a split second. The caster need only concentrate on the desired location and if there is a shadow there then he/she will appear. The caster need not know the location because when he/she enters the shadow all things are ghosted and any point to the horizon can be seen by the caster (even trough walls etc.). Spell Name: Shadow Dwelling Spell Level: 9 Range: 100 ft Duration: 5 days per level P.P.E.[TM] Cost: 60 Saving Throw: none Description: With this spell the caster creates for himself a dwelling inside a shadow. The temporary home is 100ft X 100 ft and can be entered by anyone with the appropriate powers to enter shadows or can be brought in by the caster. There is plenty of oxygen in here for up to 30 people to survive the spell's duration. There is also a natural but dim light similar to a night with a full moon and clear skies. Any one not use to the environment will feel uneasy but will suffer no effects. Spell Name: Intimation Spell Level: 9 Range: Self Duration: instant P.P.E.[TM] Cost: 60 Saving Throw: None

Description: By use of this spell the mage can call upon the beings of the Nether World for the answer to a question. Only one question may be answered per casting of the spell. Not all things are known by these beings. Questions regarding the future cannot be answered UNLESS they involve death. Only questions of the past and present can be answered with any exactness. Questions regarding the location of an object or being are allowed. Spell Name: Advanced Cloak Spell Level: 9 Range: Touch or 10 feet Duration: 1 hour per level P.P.E.[TM] Cost: 60 Saving Throw: none

Description: This is essentially the same as the Cloak spell except that 1000 pounds per level may be cloaked. For an extra 100 PPE the size can be increased to anything the mage is touching! Even a starship can be cloaked in this fashion as long as the mage is in constant, flesh to ship contact. The soles of the mages boots do not count as contact. Time Warp: Youth Range: Self or 1 other up to 100 ft. away. Duration: 10 minutes per level of experience Saving Throw: none, unless the subject decides to resist; if they do, they are -2 to save Limitations: Does not work on creatures of magic or supernatural beings. P.P.E. Cost: 60 Level: 9th This powerful spell is similar to the spell Time Warp: Age (see Rifts England, p. 81). It distorts time around the subject to make them younger by 2D8 years (2D6 experience levels). This can be used as a means of defense or disguise. The only problem is that the person temporarily forgets any skills and/or spells, psionic powers, or Talents that he/she learned between the time they were that age and the present! As with all magic, the caster may cancel the spell at any time or let it go its full duration. If the caster uses this spell on himself and 'forgets' this spell, he cannot cancel the spell; he must wait until it wears off. Note that this spell could accidentally kill someone who is younger than the number of years the spell reverses (they disappear as if they never existed)! Some decadent rulers will become addicted to the use of this spell (making them young again for a brief time) and will pay anything to get someone to keep casting it for them.


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                           10th Level Spells

Hibernation: Superior Level: 10 Range: self Casting Time: One melee action. Duration: variable P.P.E.tm Cost: 30 per year 25 if five or more 20 if ten or more 15 if twenty or more

The shaman can enter a state of hibernation that allows him to sleep for years at a time without the need for food or drink. The body of the shaman is protected by an aura of magic that siphons energy from the animals around it. During the sleep, the Sham e Phoenix Blood Level: 10 Range: Touch Casting Time: One melee action. Duration: instant Saving Throw: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 100 for healing, 500 for resurrection

The shaman can resurrect/ heal any one of his animals (apprentices/familiars) from minor/major wounds and their memories will remain intact. The spell must be cast within 10 hrs (+2 hrs per level) of death. Caster is at no risk or penalty. Shapeshift Level: 10 Range: Self only Casting Time: One melee action. Duration: 2 hours per level of experience! P.P.E.tm Cost: 60

This spell allows the shaman to adopt the physical form AND ABILITIES of any animal. The only limitations are that when a shaman acquires this spell, he must select a specific category of animal to gain the ability to mimic. IE: land mammal, Bird , Amphib i Animate and Control Dead: Greater Level: 10 Range: 1000ft/line of vision. Duration: 10 minutes per level. Casting Time: One melee Saving Throw: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 50

The same principle as the normal spell, only it targets one single creature. A single large corpse (10-30ft, or more) can be animated. With this spell dragon, demon, fury beetle, and equally-sized beast corpses can be animated. * All physical attributes are at the maximum possible for that creature (if the P.S. of the creature is 2d6+12, the undead beast's P.S. will be 24). Damage is as per supernatural strength and natural (or held) weapons. * The creature will have three melee attacks, plus one more if the creature is naturally fast or combative (a dragon, for example). * The beast is reliant on bonuses from attributes - no special race bonuses may be added to undead beings. * S.D.C.tm and/or M.D.C.tm is 50% that of the maximum normal (of the creature has 1d4x1000 M.D.C.tm, then the undead version would have 2000 M.D.C.tm) Bullets (including rail gun slugs) do no damage. Fire does double damage. * The creature will be intelligent enough to follow basic commands (stay, kill, defend, guard, etc.) and can use simple weapons like swords and clubs. It also does not need to be in the caster's vision to remain animated, only when the initial animation takes place. Create Ghoul (ritual) Level: 10 Range: Touch Duration: Immortal, until destroyed. Casting Time: Three hour ritual. Saving Throw: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 75

Performing this necromantic ritual on a corpse not dead more than a week will bring it back to pseudo-life as a servant of a necromancer. It is a typical grave ghoul (pg. 185 of RCB1) and will act as such, but is totally subservient to its creator and will follow commands to the best of its ability and understanding (which can be limited). This ritual requires the drawing of a standard pentagram within a circle. The circle must be painted with freshly crushed insect (spider or scorpion is best. The fresh body is laid in the circle, the words chanted, and the body rises as a grave ghoul. Ghouls are simple and useful sword fodder beasts for a necromancer to create. Create Greater Animated Dead (ritual) Level: 10 Range: Touch Duration: Permanent Casting Time: Six hours Damage: None Saving Throw: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 100

The necromancer can give permanent unlife to an animated corpse, transforming it into a slightly more intelligent being and making it totally subservient to his will (as if an animated corpse would argue with you). The general statistics of the animated dead are: * I.Q. 7, P.S. 15, and Spd. 10. * Two attacks per melee, +1 to parry and dodge, guns can be used at a -6 to strike penalty. * 2d4 S.D.C.tm damage per strike. * 60 S.D.C.tm for a small corpse, 90 S.D.C.tm for human sized, and 150 S.D.C.tm for giant size corpses. * For giant animals and humanoids, double their speed and S.D.C.tm and add one melee attack. * Bullets and stabbing weapons do one-third damage; blunt attacks do normal damage, and fire does double damage. With animated dead, the necromancer also has the capacity to add different and additional limbs to the creature. As long as he is over level five, he can use his union with the dead and augmentation abilities to alter the corpse. He can also cast the Flesh Armor and Demon Spirit spells on the corpse to make it a more formidable opponent. This ritual can then be cast to finalize the changes to the corpse and bring it to unlife. The only requirement is that the necromancer has an adequate supply of body parts and magic energy. An economical death mage could take both from a living creature via sacrifice.

The necromancer could also expend more magic energy (and possibly even a fraction of his life force) to give the animated dead more intelligence, greater strength, and other abilities. These include: * Additional Attribute Points: Can be transferred on a one to one ratio for 5 P.P.E.tm per point. The P.S., P.E., P.P., and Spd. attributes can be increased this way. Up to two points per level of experience can be transferred. The P.P.E.tm loss is not permanent, but the attribute point is. Supernatural Strength: The recipient creature gains supernatural strength. The necromancer permanently loses five hit points or 10 M.D.C.tm and three points of P.S. Regeneration: The creature can regenerate damage at the rate of 2d6 per hour (S.D.C.tm or M.D.C.tm) but the necromancer permanently loses five hit points or 10 M.D.C.tm and three points of P.E. Intelligence: Add +1 to the creature's I.Q., +1 to the M.E. attribute, and the creature remembers one third of it's O.C.C. skills and half it's secondary skills at first level proficiency (O.C.C. bonuses allowed). Usually, these are physical skills, piloting skills, and weapon proficiencies. No spellcasting powers or psionics can be gained, and the creature is equal to a vampire for experience purposes. The necromancer permanently loses five hit points or 10 M.D.C.tm. He also loses one I.Q. point, one M.E. point, or 10 P.P.E.tm permanently. Natural Abilities: Any natural abilities that the creature had while alive (breath weapons, teleportation, nightvision, etc.) can be regained. The necromancer's permanent cost varies (GMs discretion), but usually costs 1 to 4 hit points and 5 to 30 P.P.E.tm depending on the ability. Regeneration cannot be regained and must be acquired by the above method. Spellcasting and psionics can never be possessed. Lostrel's Symbol Smasher Level: 10 Range: 30ft Duration: Instant Casting Time: Two minutes Saving Throw: Standard P.P.E.tm Cost: 90

Against runes, wards, glyphs, circles, and other magic texts and symbols this spell is invaluable. Each invocation can affect one glyph, rune word, circle symbol, or ward/alarm series. This spell can be cast as a fifteen minute ritual, as well. If the magic symbol succeeds in the save throw vs. spell magic (or ritual magic) then it is not altered or damaged in any way. A failed save roll means the targeted symbol is disrupted and erased. If the symbol's save throw is a natural 20 then the spell disrupted the symbol enough to trigger it, cause a magical explosion doing 3d6 damage to everything in a 10ft radius of the symbol, or some similarly annoying magical effect. Warmonger Level: 10 Range: Self or others by touch. Duration: Two minutes per level. Casting Time: Two melees Damage: Special Saving Throw: Standard if resisted. P.P.E.tm Cost: 80

This spell enhances the strength and combat ability of the recipient, making him a more deadly warrior. He gains the following abilities: * +3 to strike, +1 to parry, and +1 to dodge. * +2 to grapple. * +2 on initiative. * +1 attack per melee. * +3 to on all save throws. * Impervious to pain, possession, Hypnotic Suggestion, Empathic Transfer, Domination, Charm, and knockdown attacks. * Mortals become roughly equivalent to a supernatural P.S. of 20. They do 1d4 M.D.tm on a punch, 1d6 M.D.tm on a forearm, elbow, head butt, knee, snap kick, body block, or body throw, 2d4 M.D.tm on a kick attack, and 2d6 on any stronger attacks. Essentially, drop all damage bonuses and the damage done becomes mega-damage. For contemporary worlds, simply add +8 to damage or convert their strength to supernatural for the spell's duration. * If the being already has supernatural strength add +6 to their P.S. attribute, so they do more damage on physical attacks.

Copy Magical Aura Level: 10 Range: Touch Duration: One minute per level. Casting Time: Two melee actions Damage: None Saving Throw: Standard Destabilization: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 90

Once casting this spell is complete, the player has one melee to touch a creature of magic. Upon doing this, the player gains all natural magical abilities (and vulnerabilities) of the being he has touched and can use those abilities as if they were his own. This cannot affect gods, godlings, demigods, adult dragons, greater supernatural beings, master vampires, supernatural intelligence’s, or magicians over 10th level of any race. They are all too attuned to their magical energies to allow such a violation to occur. The victim of the magic touch does not lose their magic powers nor do they suffer in strength. This spell cannot copy the sensing powers of Psi-Stalkers or the magical knowledge of mages. It only replicates natural magic powers. Spellwall Level: 10 Range: 30ft Duration: Five minutes per level. Casting Time: Two melee actions Damage: None Saving Throw: None Destabilization: +4d4% P.P.E.tm Cost: 90

The Spellwall appears as a transparent plane of light blue energy with a maximum size of 20 square feet per level of experience (at first level it can cover a doorway). Any spells cast through it (from either side) are nullified. If a person with a spell in effect on them walks through it, the spell is instantly destroyed, and magical potions and enchantments are destroyed. The powers of magical items are negated only if held in the wall - otherwise they aren't permanently affected. Anything else can pass through without being affected. This spell does not have to be cast on a portal. A mage could use this as a barrier between his group/himself and a caster to give protection from spells, but then the mage couldn't cast spells at the attacking caster either.

Time Warp: Travel Range: Self or up to 2 others by touch. Duration: 20 minutes per level of experience Saving Throw: none, unless the subject decides to resist. P.P.E. Cost: 50 to 'start' a time jump, +1 P.P.E. for every year the caster wishes to travel back. Level: 10th This spell is very similar to Time Warp: Fast Forward (see Rifts England, p.81), except it allows the caster and up to 2 'passengers' to teleport himself back in time! The caster spends 50 P.P.E. to begin to teleport, and additional P.P.E. to travel farther and farther back! Obviously, the best place to start from would be a ley line nexus. This can be used by a temporal assassin to travel back in time to kill someone... Remember, like Fast Forward, this spell only transcends time, not space. When the spell's duration elapses, the caster and any 'passengers' will be drawn back to their own time. Any changes they may have made while in the past will take effect on their future. Like Fast Forward, this spell can be dangerous. If the caster decides to cut the time jump short, roll on the following Time Warp Distortion Table. 01-25 One second earlier than starting time. It's as if you were never gone, but the character loses initiative due to disorientation. 26-50 2D6 minutes earlier than when the caster started. The character may see himself cast the spell for the first time! 51-75 The character reappears 2D6 hours earlier, in the same place. 76-100 The character ends up halfway in between his starting point and the point in time he was heading for. -Hold metal (lvl 10) PPE: 75 Duration 2 min/lvl Range: 40 m/lvl Area of effect: 20' square Save: N/A Renders all metal immobile for the duration of the magic. Power armor, robot vehicles, EBA, Vehicles will stop and can not move even with jet propulsion (lock all metal into place--a ring won't move, but can be taken off and will float right there until magic is ended). Anything entering the area will also be effected. Mend Metal( lvl 10) PPE: 50 Duration: Instant Range: Touch This spell will restore 4d6 MDC to a MDC structure. A single structure can only benefit from 1 use of this spell at a time. The structure must take at least x damage(where x is the MDC restored) before benefiting for this spell again. Spells cast before the structure takes x damage fail. Entropy Shield Level: 10 Range: caster Duration: 1 melee per caster level PPE: 60 This spell covers the caster in an aura of chaos. Any hand to hand attack has a 50% chance on failing automatically. If an attack it allowed to continue, the caster is +2 to any defensive measures he chooses to take and the attack must score above a 10 to strike. All ranged attacks automatically miss. Grenades, missiles, and other ranged attacks with an area of effect have a 50% of catching the caster within the area of effect. Magic and Psychic attacks have a 50% chance of not effecting the caster. Others within the area of effect of these attacks will still be effected. Only magic and psychic attacks that create energy for a physical force are effected by this spell. Mental attacks are unhindered.


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                           11th Level Spells

Fragmentation Level: 11 Range: Self Casting Time: One melee action. Duration: One melee per level P.P.E.tm Cost: 40 The shaman can break down his own life essence and transmute his own physical body into that of an animal or animals. This can be done in one melee action! The shaman can turn himself (not clothes, possessions) into whatever animal, number of animals, and kind(s) of animals he desires. The caster has group awareness, and can direct all the creatures he might have become to fight, run, regroup, or whatever without trouble (no penalties). If the spell duration ends and the caster became a group of animals aren't together, Predator: Superior Level: 11 Range: self Casting Time: One melee action. Duration: 1 hour per level of exp. P.P.E.tm Cost: 200

The shaman is transformed into an incredible wild beast. He/She has an invisible armor of 100 per level of experience, and appears to be transparent. The field makes the shaman partially invisible and adds +35% to prowl, and +5 to INIT! He also gains Consuming Flamecharge Level: 11 Range: 12ft or touch to place the aura, but the explosion effect can be set to anything as small as 1ft up to 6ft per level of experience. Duration: Charge can last for one hour per level, the flame burst itself has an instant effect. Casting Time: One melee action. Damage: 2d6 damage per level (S.D.C.tm or M.D.C.tm) Saving Throw: Dodge with a natural 20! P.P.E.tm Cost: 100

This spell gives the caster the power to charge an object with a destructive flaming aura. Any object can be infused with a magical aura that will store energy, then release it all in an intense burst of Blue Flame. Even better, the caster can set it to have a temporary delay before going off. This lets the caster make a flame bomb. He can also set it off mentally before the duration, as long as he can see it (using it as a grenade). The charge duration, damage, and range of effect can be controlled mentally, and accurate to within a few inches and seconds!

The magical aura can be seen, and seems to have a fluctuation in the aura that increases in speed as the detonation time approaches. A strong Negate Magic spell is the best way to deal with the flame charge (it gets a standard magic save throw against the negation). Magicians of the Blue Flame will notice the effect and exactly what it represents. A Ley Line Walker or other experienced hard-core mage with a See Aura spell in effect need only make a challenging perception check to recognize the potential danger. Elemental Mist Level: Eleven Range: 120ft +30ft per level. Duration: Two melees per level of experience. Casting Time: One minute Damage: 1d4x10 per attack. Saving Throw: Dodge Strike Bonus: Equal to the caster's spell strength +3, up to a maximum bonus of +8. P.P.E.tm Cost: 150

This impressive combat spell creates a swirling fog of rainbow-colored mist around the mage. For as long as the spell lasts, each melee action he can command the mist to attack in the following ways: Cast a lightning bolt at one target. Cast a fire ball at one target. Cast a super-cold water/ice spray at one target. Cast a spray of corrosive acid at one target. Cast a bolt of life energy, damaging only to animated dead and undead. The mist provides no defensive powers other than a visual masking of the mage, giving all those trying to strike him a -4 penalty to do so. No known form of technological or magical sensing can penetrate the rainbow mist. RESTORE RADIOACTIVITY Level: 11 Range: 3 ft away per level of experience. Duration: Instant/Permanent (as far as radioactive materials go). Damage: None; see effect. Saving Throw: None P.P.E. Cost: 260

Effect: This ritual is designed to fully restore radioactive material to full power. While this might sound like a stupid ritual to some, to those in space it is a godsend. It can recharge the nuclear fuels used in many fusion and fission engines to the maximum life expectancy. However, this ritual is somewhat limited in that it will not affect fossil fuels, anti-matter, or steam powered devices. This ritual will also restore up to 100 Depleted Uranium Rounds per level of experience to full Uranium rounds. Many North American powers will not like that as the use of Uranium rounds is illegal on the continent. Also, don't forget that the nearby caster has a 01-45% chance of contracting radiation sickness with a cumulative +5% each time this ritual is done in a week. This will also restore the radioactivity of ambient uranium and other radioactive materials lying on the surface. Up to 25 lbs. of radioactive material can be restored per level of experience. On radioactive creatures and aliens, this ritual will heal 1D4 hit points, S.D.C., or M.D.C. per level of experience of the caster. Spell Name: Shadow Transformation Spell Level: 11 Range: self or other by touch Duration: 20 minutes per level P.P.E.[TM] Cost: 120 Saving Throw: 16 if unwilling Description: By the use of this powerful spell the caster transforms himself (or another) into a being of pure shadow. While in this form the shadow is immune to the effects of heat and cold (fire does half damage) and all kinetic attacks (punches, bullets, etc) are useless against him/her. Light based attacks such as lasers still do full damage. (plasma is not light based but will do half as it is a form of fire). The caster still retains his/her original stats including MDC[TM], SDC[TM], and all others. The caster cannot interact with the physical world except by magic and psionics but can communicate using gestures as he is not invisible. Spell Name: Nether Portal Spell Level: 11 Range: immediate Duration: 2 minutes per level P.P.E.[TM] Cost: 140 Saving Throw: none Description: This spell opens a portal to the NetherWorld, the realm of those caught between life and death. The NetherWorld itself is similar to the astral plane in all respects (think shadow instead of ectoplasm). While here the caster and others can move freely about with the same restrictions as in the astral plane. GM's feel free to elaborate on your version of the NetherWorld for purposes of story line.


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                           12th Level spells

Siphon: Superior (ritual) Level: 12 Range: Touch Duration: Permanent Casting Time: One hour Damage: Special Saving Throw: Standard P.P.E.tm Cost: 200

Like the simple spell of the same name, this spell allows a necromancer to steal the life force of another living creature and add it to his own. The difference here is that the specific type of loss can be varied by the death mage and the loss is permanent. With each execution of the ritual, the necromancer can take one of the following: * 10% of the hit point base (round down). * 10% of the S.D.C.tm base (round down). * 5% of the M.D.C.tm base (round down). * 5% of the P.P.E.tm base (round down). * 5% of the I.S.P.tm base (round down). * One point of P.S. * One point of P.E. * One point of P.P. * Two points of Spd. It is not possible for the necromancer to take points away from a being that has none (you can't get M.D.C.tm from an S.D.C.tm being or I.S.P.tm from a non- psychic). It is also impossible for a necromancer to drain more than 50% of a point total from a living creature. However, he can drain 50% of several different point totals from one being. A living creature can be used multiple times to transfer up to half its overall power to the death mage. The victimized creature is also -4 to strike, parry, and dodge, loses one attack, and is -25% on skill performance for 1d4+1 days afterward (weakened and disoriented).

Nullmagic Shield Level: 12 Range: Self or others by touch. Duration: Five minutes per level. Casting Time: One melee Damage: None Saving Throw: Standard if resisted. Destabilization: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 200

This spell causes the recipient's aura to glow a pale red, the color of the Nullmagic Shield. While under the effect of this spell, the character is impervious to all spell attacks directed against him and all spells previously in effect on him are negated. This spell nullifies all magical energies, so the bearer of the shield cannot cast magic, cannot use any magical weapons (they act as normal weapons), cannot use any natural magical abilities, and cannot be affected by any spells whether beneficial or detrimental.

Walking into an area under the effect of magic has a chance of disrupting the spell in effect as per a Negate Magic spell. The touch of the character also acts as a Negate Magic spell (spell strength of 12). The player suffers no penalties or damage if walking into a magically destabilized area and, in fact, will probably be protected from any wild magics in the area. Spell Ability: Superior Level: 12 Range: Self Duration: One month per level. Casting Time: Five minutes Damage: Special Saving Throw: None Destabilization: +3d4% P.P.E.tm Cost: 210

Effectively the same as the above spell, but it does not allow use with an offensive spell. Also, use of the spell ability cannot exceed twelve hours of constant use - a two hour break of non-use is needed before it can be used once this restriction is met. A metamage may only have one superior spell ability at a time, though he may have minor ones in accordance with the above spell and can negate the superior at any time. DISGUISE TRUE NATURE Level: 12 Range: Self, or others up to 10 ft away per level of experience. Duration: 1 hour per level of experience. Can be cancelled at any time. Damage: None Saving Throw: If the effects are not wanted, +10 to save. P.P.E. Cost: 250

Effect: This spell is a favorite among powerful sorcerers, demons, dragons, and gods. It will make the character effectively powerless. It does nothing to disguise monstrous appearances, but to those sensitive to such, the character will have no magic, psychic, or supernatural powers. That is because the creature effectively has none for the duration of the spell. If an M.D.C. creature, all M.D.C. is converted to to 1/2 S.D.C. and 1/2 Hit Points (no A.R.). Creatures with a natural armor rating lose it for the duration of the spell. Supernatural strength and endurance are as those of ordinary mortal men. This spell, does, however, have no effect on ordinary people or on a character's skills, instincts, knowledge, or memories. If already metamorphosed into human form, a dragon, demon, or god would be indistinguishable from anybody else. This spell is particularly frightening to those in the CS because it means that anybody could walk behind their borders unmolested because of their apparent lack of magical, psychical, and supernatural power. None of those powers can be used, however, until the facade is dropped either by the caster canceling the magic or by the duration elapsing. Spell Name: Dark Marionette Spell Level: 12 Range: 20 ft Duration: 5 minutes per level P.P.E.[TM] Cost: 200 Saving Throw: none Description: This powerful spell will give the caster control over the victims body (not mind) for the duration of the spell. This requires FULL concentration on the mage's part and he can do nothing else while using this spell. The helpless victim can still use psionics.


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                           13th Level Spells

Infestation: Superior Level: 13 Range: 1 square kilometer per level of experience. Casting Time: One melee action. Duration: 1 year per level of experience P.P.E.tm Cost: 1000

The shaman can curse a specific area of land with an insect infestation. Similar to lesser, insects will swarm from miles around and inhabit the area desired. Foodwise, the insects will be supplied indefinitely, and will remain there until the area is exo r Soul Transport Level: 13 Range: 100' per level of exp. Casting Time: One melee action. Duration: Infinite P.P.E.tm Cost: 70

This spell allows the shaman to transport the life essence of a human(or intelligent being ) comrade, dead or alive, into a body of an animal of the shaman's choice. A dead human must be freshly dead, not more than 5 hours, and he retains all his memories . Prismatic Skull (ritual) Level: 13 Range: Touch (special) Duration: 15 minutes per level. Casting Time: One minute Damage: Varies Skull's S.D.C.tm/ M.D.C.tm: 20 per level. Saving Throw: Varies P.P.E.tm Cost: 750 to permanently enchant a single skull, and 25 every time the skull is activated.

This powerful spell requires the skull of a learned wizard, ancient dragon, godling, demigod, god, supernatural intelligence, unicorn, or other powerful creature (or user) of magic. Once this spell is cast upon that skull, it will have the ability to levitate in the necromancer's hand and begin to glow one of several colors (see below). This will continue until the spell ends. The skull has its own damage capacity (see description above) and is -4 to be struck on a called shot (or, a natural 20 does damage to the skull). Destroy the skull, and the spell will end also.

Destroying the skull also has an adverse reaction against the necromancer who created it. When created, the necromancer is drained of a point of P.E. and ten hit points (or 5% of the character's base M.D.C.tm) This binds the skull to the necromancer's life force, and as the evil mage grows in strength (goes up in levels) the skulls structural damage capacity will grow too. If the skull is destroyed, the necromancer will recover the lost hit points, S.D.C.tm, or M.D.C.tm. The P.E. point is not regained, however. For 3d4 hours after the destruction of the skull, the necromancer is also unable to cast any necromantic spells or use necromantic powers!

The glowing skull must remain one color for an entire minute (can become a different color as often as once every minute). The powers of the skull depend on the color it is glowing - here is a list of the colors and associated powers: Red: * The necromancer seems to gain power over the fires of hell itself! He becomes impervious to fire and heat, can cause flammable things to spontaneously combust (76% chance, once per melee), can spend 2 P.P.E.tm to turn a 10x10 area of flame into a 20x20 area (quadruple size!), and can throw fire bolts/ sheets/ balls with a magical +6 to strike and 1d4x10 damage. The skull also generates a phenomenal heat that the caster can use to damage targets. One option is to do 6d6 points of damage per heat strike (uses one melee action) to one target in a 90ft range (a save vs. magic gets half damage). Or, the necromancer can heat an entire area - targets within 30ft take 2d6 damage per melee automatically.


  Yellow: The caster generates a magical aura of fear with a horror factor
  of 18! This effect happens as soon as the skull turns yellow, but can be
  repeated by the necromancer for 2 P.P.E.tm All those fighting the
  necromancer suffer a -3 penalty to strike, parry, and dodge from the
  powerful magical fear.

  Green: The necromancer becomes shrouded in green mist that acts as a
  force field with 100 S.D.C.tm/ M.D.C.tm +20 per level of experience. This
  mist regenerates at the rate of 20 S.D.C.tm/ M.D.C.tm per melee and
  covers 1,000 cubic feet (one 10x10x10 ft area) per level. No form of
  image enhancement can seem to penetrate the mystic fog. The fog can also
  be used to protect up to five creatures per level with mist (30 S.D.C.tm/
  M.D.C.tm worth) at the cost of 1 P.P.E.tm each (must pay the cost every
  melee it is activated). It is possible to walk into the mist after the
  necromancer, but it is virtually impossible to see (-6 to strike, parry,
  and dodge).

  Blue: This color shift turns the skull into a magical energy battery. Any
  time the caster is wearing it and is attacked by another caster's spell,
  half the P.P.E.tm needed to cast the incoming spell goes into the skull.
  This energy storage happens only if the necromancer saves successfully
  against the spell - if the save throw fails, the necromancer takes full
  effect and no magical energy storage is achieved.

  Purple: The necromancer can charm a maximum of one person per point of
  M.A. and P.B. combined. The charm has a spell strength of 16, and the
  necromancer can charm only one target per melee. The charm counts as an
  extra attack, also. Once a living being is charmed, it will follow the
  commands of the skull's possessor. The charm is equivalent to the spell
  Domination (pg. 174 of the Rifts RPG). The charm effect ends when the
  Prismatic Skull spell ends.

  Black: This triples the number of animated dead that can be controlled
  when an Animate and Control Dead spell is cast (or if the necromancer's
  special ability to do so is used). The skull can also launch three bolts
  of necromantic energy per melee, doing 1d4x10 damage to any living
  targets (use the mage's spell strength bonus as the strike bonus). This
  energy can be easily directed against any undead or animated dead being
  (no strike roll needed) and will heal, not damage, such beings.

  White: The skull acts as a 20th level Globe of Daylight in all respects
  (other than duration). It also drains all living creatures in a 100ft
  radius of one point of S.D.C.tm or M.D.C.tm per melee (creatures are
  drained down to five points of either, no more). The necromancer will
  recover ten hit points, S.D.C.tm, or M.D.C.tm per melee as long as three
  or more living creatures are getting drained by the death aura.

Enchant Object (ritual) Level: 13 Range: Touch Duration: Permanent Casting Time: One hour Saving Throw: None (this is strong magic). P.P.E.tm Cost: 300

The use of this spell lets a magician create a basic magic item. The object can be a feather, medallion, ring, sword, pair of glasses, or any other object that does not function off of electricity (analog watches are even okay). However, the object must either be an heirloom or of good to excellent quality. The bonuses are gained only while the object is worn, and under an Anti-Magic Cloud the object does not function. The mage infuses the object with bonuses equivalent to his highest, un-augmented magic strength bonus (whether circle, spell, ritual, or otherwise): * For 1 point: Add +1 to save vs. possession, +1 to save vs. insanity, +1 to save vs. poison/ toxins, +5% to charm and impress, or +5% to invoke trust and intimidation. For 2 points: Add +1 to Spd., +1 on perception, +1 vs. horror factor, +1 to save vs. magic, or +1 to save vs. psionics. For 3 points: Add +1 to M.A., +1 to P.B., +1 to parry, or +1 to dodge. For 4 points: Add +1 to P.E., +1 to M.E., +1 to strike, or +1 to parry with a particular kind of ancient weapon (shield, knife, staff, etc.) For 5 points: Add +1 to P.P., +1 to P.S., +1 on initiative, +1 hit point, or +1 to strike with a particular kind of ancient weapon (spear, sword, axe, etc.) For 6 points: Add +1 to I.Q., +1 on an aimed strike with one type of missile weapon or firearm, +1 to one kind of magic strength (circle, spell, rune, line drawing, etc.), +1 to the P.P.E.tm recovery rate per hour, +1 to the I.S.P.tm recovery rate per hour, or +1 to the hit point recovery rate per day. To create a more powerful item or one with varied bonuses, the mage can cast the ritual again. However, each extra casting costs 300 P.P.E.tm more than the previous (first ritual is 300, second is 600, third is 900, etc.) If this ritual is performed once, but done with the P.P.E.tm needed for two or more rituals, then the mage can get the benefit of multiple uses of the Enchant Object ritual with only one execution of it.

Example: The mage Ergo has a +4 spell strength bonus. With a winter solstice coming up, he decides to create a magic object. As he is seventh level, he can tap into an amazing 2100 P.P.E.tm from a nexus. Since the cost for a triple casting is so high (1800 P.P.E.tm) and the energy is available, he decides to create a very strong magic object. During the third ritual Ergo has 12 points to spend. He could create an object that increases the M.E. by 3 points, or the M.A. by 4 points, or the I.Q. by 2 points, or the M.E. and P.E. by one point and the Spd. by two points. The variations are endless. He elects to create a magic ring that increases the I.Q. by one point and adds a +3 bonus to perception when worn. Enchant Weapon (ritual) Level: 13 Range: Touch Duration: Permanent (or until the weapon is destroyed). Casting Time: Three hours Saving Throw: None P.P.E.tm Cost: Special

Just like the Charm Weapon spell, but has a permanent effect. The weapon does double damage to all supernatural creatures, but normal damage to all normal creatures. Melee weapons require 300 P.P.E.tm to enchant, energized weapons (lightsabers, vibro-blades, plasma axes) and missile weapons (guns, bows, slings, crossbows) cost 600 P.P.E.tm, and energy weapons (rail guns, laser pistols, plasma guns, stun guns) cost 900 P.P.E.tm to affect. Taken from Nightbane page 148 and slightly updated. Create Blue Flame Artifact (ritual) Level: 13 Range: Touch Duration: Permanent Casting Time: Two hours minimum (additional time is below) Saving Throw: None P.P.E.tm Cost: 300 + extra

This is one of the few ritual magic spells of Blue Flame. It allows a great magician to permanently infuse a well- crafted or high value object with a magical aura giving power over the flame. These are the kinds of things that are created for worthy warriors and tribesmen of the Larhold (the experts in Blue Flame magic). Few non- Larhold ever learn this spell.

Each power has a description, energy cost, energy require to activate (if necessary), and time to enchant cost. Spell effects that are infused retain the artifact creator's spell strength bonus and level of experience. The only limit to the number of abilities that can be infused is the amount of magic energy the caster can muster. Aurora: * This ability gives any weapon, a cloak, a shield, or a gauntlet the ability to generate an intense and sparkling display of Blue Flame which can do one of several things when activated: one is to briefly stun 1d4+4 enemies with a hypnotically sparkling blue light (the Aurora Glow - save vs. psionics or become totally unresponsive for the rest of the melee, and initiative is lost next melee), the second is to sheathe the object in a concentrated sparkling blue flame (the Aurora Burn - makes the weapon or object do +4d6 damage to anyone touching it other than the wielder and gives it a +2 to strike and +2 on initiative for two minutes per level of the weapon creator), and the third is to throw a wave of flame that does 6d6 damage with a 30ft and a +6 bonus to strike (the Aurora Wave - generated by swinging the sword, so even 2d4 people in a small arc can be hit as well as everyone in a 360 degree radius!), Energy to Create: 250 P.P.E.tm, Energy to Utilize: 12 P.P.E.tm per activation of a power, Time to Create: Two hours.

  Eyes of the Blue Flame: Same as spell and can be used at will, it is
  usually cast into an amulet, ring, skull, or other object that can be
  worn on the head or neck, Energy to Create: 50 P.P.E.tm Energy to
  Utilize: None (automatic), Time to Create: 30 minutes.

  Fist of Blue Flame: Same as spell and can be used at will, but this spell
  can be used to cover anything in a flaming sheath (gauntlet, shield,
  sword, staff, etc.) Each use powers the flame sheath for two minutes per
  level of the creator. The weapon gets a +3d6 S.D.C.tm to damage (or +2d6
  M.D.tm in addition to the character's P.S. damage bonus), Energy to
  Create: 75 P.P.E.tm, Energy to Utilize: 10 P.P.E.tm, Time to Create: One

  Flamehalo: Same as spell with constant duration, Energy to Create: 50
  P.P.E.tm Energy to Utilize: None (automatic), Time to Create: 30 minutes.

  Flameshield: Same as the spell, but gives the wearer or wielder a
  protective aura of 50 M.D.C.tm +5 M.D.C.tm per level of the artifact
  creator, and the aura lasts for one minute per level of the creator,
  Energy to Create: 100 P.P.E.tm Energy to Utilize: 15 P.P.E.tm Time to
  Create: One hour.

  Flamespit: When cast on a projectile weapon such as a bow, sling, or
  crossbow it gains the ability to launch bolts of Blue Flame in addition
  to normal use of the weapon: add +2d6 to the normal damage (or turns the
  damage into M.D.tm), plus gives the weapon a +1 bonus to strike (aimed
  only). Note that guns get a save throw vs. ritual magic, and M.D.tm
  weaponry gets a save vs. ritual magic with a +2 bonus due to their
  technological nature, Energy to Create: 100 P.P.E.tm for bows, 200 for
  guns, and 300 for M.D.tm weapons, Energy to Utilize: 1 P.P.E.tm per shot
  for bows, slings, and crossbows, 2 P.P.E.tm per shot from a gun, and 3
  P.P.E.tm per shot from a M.D.tm weapon, Time to Create: One hour.

  Flame Circle: This ability allows the holder of a weapon or object to
  create a circular Blue Flame wall around the caster with a 5ft to 20ft
  diameter and 3ft to 15ft high flames (which do 6d6 damage to anyone
  trying to cross through and the wielder can mentally open parts for
  traversal through), and also acts as a simple Protection Circle (just
  like the spell), Energy to Create: 75 P.P.E.tm Energy to Utilize: 3
  P.P.E.tm per minute to maintain, Time to Create: One hour

  Healing Powers: The spell Healing Flame is the basis for these healing
  abilities, and each use of energy can create one of these effects: Heal
  3d6 damage, give a person in a coma a +20% bonus to save on the next
  roll, give a sick person a +5 vs. any poisons, diseases, toxins, or
  chemicals on the next save roll, remove curse with 64% success rate, or
  bring back the recently dead with a 36% success rate (one try only, same
  penalties as the Healing Flame spell, but costs 60 P.P.E.tm), Energy to
  Create: 100 P.P.E.tm, Energy to Utilize: 10 P.P.E.tm, Time to Create: One

  Indestructible: Makes the artifact indestructible by normal means, Energy
  to Create: 200 P.P.E.tm Energy to Utilize: None (automatic), Time to
  Create: Two hours.

  Magic Resistance: Gives the wielder or wearer a +2 bonus to save vs. all
  magic, plus the effects of all magic wear off twice as fast, lasts for
  one minute per level of the artifact creator, Energy to Create: 75
  P.P.E.tm Energy to Utilize: 5 P.P.E.tm Time to Create: One hour.

  Sense Blue Flame: Same as spell with constant duration, Energy to Create:
  35 P.P.E.tm, Energy to Utilize: None (automatic), Time to Create: 20

  Store P.P.E.tm: This useful power lets the artifact creator (or other
  magicians) store a maximum of 10 P.P.E.tm per level of experience in the
  object or weapon, plus this energy can be used to fuel any other powers
  of the artifact (for those non- magician barbarians in the Larhold
  tribes), and the object's aura burns a deep blue depending on the
  magnitude of magic energy in it (the more energy, the stronger the
  burning effect), Energy to Create: 200 P.P.E.tm Energy to Utilize: 5
  P.P.E.tm whenever energy is place into or retrieved from the storage,
  Time to Create: Two hours.

STAR CONTROL Level: 13 Range: 10 mile radius per level of the caster, +5 miles for each additional 100 P.P.E. expended. Duration: 3 hours per level of experience. Damage: None; see effect. Saving Throw: Standard, those who successfully save do not see the illusion. P.P.E. Cost: 300

Effect: This is a great spell for confusing sailors, astronauts and astronomers. It allows the caster to seemingly change the position of the stars, the sun, the moon, planets, and asteroids. The caster must be aware of the stellar object to will it be moved or disappeared completely. The caster can make night seem like day or vice versa, as well as have dark nights with no clouds, or starry nights when it is raining. The caster can make a planet appear to approach Earth to the point that it fills up the whole sky! The caster can also "create" meteor showers and supernovae appear out of the blue. Confirmation from sensors will reveal that nothing is there, but those who can see the mystic illusions will swear by them. Even making stellar objects appear to ram somebody does no real damage, but is incredibly harrowing while nearing impact (H.F. 19).While minor changes from this spell are in effect, navigation and astronomy skills are at -5%, slight, yet noticeable changes will produce a -20% penalty, major changes can cause a -50% penalty, and erasing the sky will make those skills impossible.


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                           14th Level Spells

Hyperevolution Level: 14 Range: touch Casting Time: One melee action. Duration: Infinite Saving Throw: Standard P.P.E.tm Cost: 500

This spell allows the shaman to alter the evolutionary level of another being, (either animal or human) and either increase or decrease the status of the target. The shaman cannot revert an animal back to a primordial state, but he can adapt an animal to a Alter Magical Stability Level: 14 Range: Circle with a radius of 5ft per level of experience. Duration: 1000 years per level. Casting Time: Five minutes Damage: None Saving Throw: None Destabilization: Special P.P.E.tm Cost: 750

This spell is a powerful tool for mages who wish to control the forces of magic in a given area. It can be cast multiple times to add to the level of control in an area, and is usually done to fortify a metamage's home or study. With each casting of the spell, the metamage may alter the magic in an area in one of the following ways: * Increase/decrease the rate of magic stabilization by 1d4% down to a minimum of 1% and up to a maximum of 30%. * Allow the caster to mentally nullify any spells cast in the area of effect with a +10% chance of success beginning with a base chance of 0% and a maximum of 70%. * Increase/decrease the chance of magic to go 'wild' (have unpredictable effects) by +10% beginning with a base chance of 0% and a maximum of 70%. This will not affect the metamage's magic (unless desired). * Give the caster and up to one person per level a +1 bonus vs. magic when in the area, maximum of +3 vs. magic. This is permanent only for the metamage - the effects end in an hour for everyone else. * Increase/decrease the chance of an undesired rift, mystic portal, or teleportation in the area by 2d6%. Useful in developing summoning spells, altering magic near a ley line or a nexus, and protecting an area from invasion by magical means. SPACE RIFT Level: 14 Range: 15 ft away per level of experience. The rift will travel anywhere in the same dimension that the caster is in. Duration: 1 minute per level of experience. Damage: None Saving Throw: None P.P.E. Cost: 700

Effect: A powerful ritual that enables the caster to move about great distances within his or her own dimension. Unlike the teleport spells, this spell creates a tunnel to exactly where the gateway will lead, and the caster, or others, can choose if to go through the portal (unless pushed). This spell also does not suffer from the same limitations of the other teleport spells because the range of this rift is unlimited as long as the location is in the same dimension. Like an ordinary rift, the Space Rift can go wherever the spellcaster has visited before, or to a random location. To a specific place there is a 60% +6% per level of experience chance that the caster will end up exactly where desired. Random rifts will usually lead to a ley line nexus 01-75% of the time, 76-97% on a ley line, and 98-00% anywhere else.


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                           15th Level Spells

Ecomold Level: 15 Range: Ten miles per level. Casting Time: A 90 minute ritual, plus the time that the caster decides to shape the ecology. No limit - once the caster decides he's done, the spell ends. Duration: Permanent P.P.E.tm Cost: 1500

This incredible spell allows the shaman to manipulate his environment on virtually a global scale. He can alter a ten mile radius per level and change whatever he desires about the flora, fauna, and even local weather conditions (limited). This spell is usually employed in either tera-forming efforts, land reclamation, or in cleaning up environmental disasters. If facing heavy pollution the range of this spell is halved. If toxic or radioactive chemicals are present, the land is a city, or if the land is a garbage dump the range is cut to two and a half miles per level. The strength of the ritual's effects can be varied with ease. An Animal Shaman could turn a downtown street into a beautiful work of civil engineering or transform it into a barely recognizable shadow of itself. A Mind to Magic (ritual) Level: 15 Range: Special - one spell, rune, glyph, circle, etc. Duration: Permanent Casting Time: One hour per level of the target magic (several hours of work if the target is a rune or circle). Saving Throw: Standard (roll for the target magic). P.P.E.tm Cost: 1000

Page 33 of Through the Glass Darkly describes living magic - the evolution of a spell's magical energy into a sentient form. This powerful ritual allows the caster to cause this to happen to a spell. The save throw that the spell gets doesn't actually prevent anything from happening - the target spell is always affected.

If it fails the save throw it is totally shaped into sentience by the caster and is bound to him as a servant. It will respond to the caster and grow in sentience similar to a child. If it is treated badly it will learn to hate its creator (or even itself). Treated well, it will probably respond in kind. The caster is also able to terminate the magic by expending the same amount of P.P.E.tm needed to cast it in the first place (no save throw). Cruel magicians have been rumored to develop methods of torturing sentient magics, but the exact mechanics of this are still not known.

If the target magic succeeds in the save throw, it becomes sentient but has free will. It is not under any kind of control or influence from the magician who triggered the evolution to sentience. The character will probably need to reason with the spell if he wants it to do what he intended.

Note: The personality of the spell will be based on what it was. Healing spells become manifestations with healing skills and abilities. An Eyes of the Wolf spell would come into existence with the nature of a hunter or tracker. A Transformation spell might become some kind of possessing entity that alters its host. The more powerful the magic, the more powerful the being that is created. Consider sentient magic beings creatures of magic whose attacks can affect supernatural creatures (for obvious reasons). Summon Blue Flame Elemental (ritual) Level: 15 Range: One person (usually the ritual leader or a chosen warrior, but that person must have been scarred by the Blue Flame in order to become the elemental). Duration: The summoning itself takes about 1d4 minutes, but the elemental remains in the ritual leader's area for 1d4 hours per level of experience of the ritual leader. Casting Time: One hour Saving Throw: Standard P.P.E.tm Cost: 1500

This rare creature must be summoned from a nexus point through a one hour ritual of soft chanting and whispering - but it really isn't an elemental, because the Blue Flame force just splits off a piece of it's essence and projects it through a rift to the caster's location. When it gets there, the ritual leader's soul is transported into the flame and he animates it and controls the immense power! It is kind of like the Transformation spell, but isn't enslaving as it relies on a volunteer.

During this time, the ritual leader's body (or a chosen warrior) falls into a comatose state. It is by no means unprotected. No amount of damage can seem to harm the body - even touching it will result in a painful and disfiguring burn (3d6 S.D.C.tm or 1d6 M.D.C.tm damage). It also serves to protect the corpse with a +8 to save vs. possession and +6 vs. psionic attack. A Dispel Magic Barrier spell has a slim chance (7%) of shutting down the protection aura for 1d4 melees. If the body is killed, the soul is trapped in the Blue Flame elemental form. If the body can be resurrected, there might be a way to get the soul back where it belongs (that's an adventure idea, if the recipient even wants his body back). The soul in the Blue Flame can return at any time before the final duration elapses, but he has no contact with its body - and no way of knowing when it is attacked.

These are the creature's stats: Has 250 S.D.C.tm (or M.D.C.tm) and recovers it at the rate of 4d6 per minute, any fire or heat based attack heals an amount of damage equivalent to what it should normally cause, resistant (half damage) to all attack forms except dark/ negative energy attacks, cold based attacks, explosions, and phase beam attacks.

  The inhabitant can cast all Blue Flame spells (except the ritual to
  summon another elemental) at level 20th strength, spell strength of 18,
  but must draw on the P.P.E.tm of the nexus point or a ley line. It has no
  magic energy of its own, but evil souls will sometimes kill living
  creatures to release the energy and use it! More humane ones use energy
  from some sort of storage device if possible.

  The elemental does 1d4x10 damage per strike (or 2d6 on a restrained
  strike), does 1d4 damage per fingertip touch, 2d6 damage to those who
  grab him, 1d4x10 to anyone touching him for an entire melee round, and
  3d4x10 to those who it grabs and incinerates (takes all of his melee
  actions though). It can also launch jets of flame that do damage
  equivalent to a 15th level Flamebolts spell, use Healing Flame at first
  level strength, and use Blue Fireball at 5th level strength at one- third
  the normal P.P.E.tm cost!

  Since the soul of another living creature inhabits the body, the Blue
  Flame elemental has these bonuses and abilities in addition to those of
  it's "pilot," but remember that only bonuses from experience can apply in
  this case (no attribute or biological power bonuses): +1 to strike, +2 to
  parry and dodge, +4 to roll with punch/ fall/ impact, +4 on initiative,
  nightvision for 2000ft, cannot be blinded in any way, and is +3 to save
  vs. psionics and mind-altering magic. No spell that affects the physical
  body is useful against the Blue Flame elemental, because it isn't really
  alive but is just magically animated flame. Pain, dismemberment, and
  repeated blows don't hamper the beast in any apparent way!

Permanence (ritual) Level: 15 Range: Touch Duration: Permanent

Casting Time: One melee Damage: None Saving Throw: Standard, +2 bonus to save if resisted. Destabilization: +2d6+13% P.P.E.tm Cost: 1500

This powerful spell can alter the aura of a creature, area, or object, causing a spell's effects to become permanent. It is achieved by a special ritual where the Permanence spell and the spell to be made permanent are slowly cast together to bind the energies to a being or object or area. It will not work on supernatural creatures. Just about any spell can be made permanent, save energy-evocation spells. A room could be made that walking dead cannot enter, a suit of armor could be made that allows the wearer to walk in shadows, a pit of snakes could be covered by an illusion of a rug, and so on. A Negate Magic spell thrown against the permanently altered thing has a 1% chance per level of the caster of disrupting the spell energies and ending it permanently (pun intended). VACUUM RIFT Level: 15 Range: 150 ft away per level of experience. Double at Ley Lines and triple at Ley Line Nexuses. Radius: 50 ft +10 ft per level of experience. Double at Ley Lines and Triple at Ley Line Nexuses. Duration: 1 melee per level of the caster. Double at Ley Lines and triple at Ley Line Nexuses. Saving Throw: None P.P.E. Cost: 2000, 1500 at Ley Lines, and 1000 at Ley Line Nexuses.

Effect: An astounding spell that opens up a rift that will not only provide a dimensional gateway, but will also draw everything within the vacuum radius to the dimensional rift (Note that the other end of the rift is NOT a vacuum to the rift so characters will not bounce or be suspended between dimensions). It is a truly useful spell for moving heavy items between dimensions, or disposing of undesirables. The only limitation is that the object in question must be able to fit through the rift and the vacuum field must completely surround whatever is to be rifted. The caster may choose a location that he or she has visited before OR may create a random rift. It must be warned that the caster should not cast this spell too close to himself or may find that he is swallowed up by the rift just as easily as anything else. There is no way to travel back through this rift and thus there is no way to return back to the original dimension without opening another rift or dimensional teleport. This ritual can be particularly harmful if the other end of the rift is in deep space or on the ocean floor. It should be noted that this spell will work equally well underwater or in space with NO changes. There is also a rumor that the Federation of Magic has developed a spell version of this incredibly powerful ritual. Whether or not that is true remains to be seen.


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                           Spells of Legend

Nexus Manipulation Level: Spell of Legend Range: A circle with a half mile radius per level.

Duration: Five minutes per level. Casting Time: Five minutes Damage: Special Saving Throw: Varies Destabilization: Special P.P.E.tm Cost: 5000

This is one of the most awesome spells known to exist, and its secrets are rare and thought to be lost to legend. The caster of this spell may extend his mental control over a nexus point and the component ley lines within the range of effect. It will not work on a nexus already under control or with a pyramid built on it.

Upon casting this the mage can cast any spells he knows with a limit of 200 P.P.E.tm per level, and the P.P.E.tm base is restored every minute (the energy is drawn directly from the nexus point). The following effects are possible: Use one melee action * Alter the rate of stabilization by +/- 4% * Alter the chance of destabilization by +/- 10% * Throw a magic bolt with +5 to strike doing 1d6x10 damage (S.D.C.tm or M.D.C.tm, and it even affects vampires and similarly invulnerable creatures at full damage). * Negate one spell. * Cast any spell known levels 1-3 at no cost, 10th level strength. Used once per 5 minutes * Cast any spell known at 10 times the normal range and duration. * Close a rift, or open one to any dimension known to him (or a random rift). * Negate or create a ley line storm any size (within the range). * Rift in a creature from another dimension (not necessarily control it). * Banish a creature to another dimension (gets save vs. magic). * Cause spatial distortion that does 1d6x10 M.D.tm per level to inanimate structures, range of 1 mile. Spell Name: Lunar Eclipse Spell Level: Legend Range: not applicable Duration: About 30 min P.P.E.[TM] Cost: 900 Saving Throw: none

Description: This spell of legend causes an actual lunar eclipse, having all the properties to any magic users as any lunar eclipse!! This spell has the further limitation of not being able to be cast more than once every 30 days.


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The following is a listing of the authors and the spells, which they contributed. Danzig138 [email removed] Essence Armor, Essence Bolt, Death Mask, Essence Net, Fist of Death, Nature Blast, Essence Burst, Ebony Shroud, Paralyzing Bolt, Earth Heal, Grounding, Redirect, and Molecular Disruption. Necromancer Bob [email removed] Future Dreams, Time Warp: Travel, Time Warp: Youth, Empathic Transmission, Suggestion, Sketch Freeze, Dali’s Gate, Magic Realism, Armor Cloth, Living Weave, and Magic Carpet. Shrike [email removed] Van Gogh’s Prophesy, Locket of one Mind, Effigy, Gray Portrait/Statue, and Animation: Create Prosthetic. V-man [email removed] Gallery Snare: Lesser, and Gallery Snare: Superior. Christopher King [email removed] Disguise True Nature, Holy Symbol: Lesser, Locate Star, Orgasm, Pins & Needles, See Magic Energy, See Shadow Creatures, Sustainance, Vacuum Speech, Restore Radioactivity, Space Rift, Star Control, and Vacuum Rift. Sidekick Sid [email removed] Crackle, Incognito, Mystic Shield, Glow, Hot Flash, and Carpet of Slickness. Shadow [email removed] Future Dreams, Time Warp: Past, Time Flare, and Past View. Duran Storm [email removed] Paralysis Bomb, Hold Metal, Bio Energy Flash, Mana Bolt, Acid Bolt, Energy Pulse, Heal Light Wounds, Heal Heavy Wounds, Mend Metal, Armor of Mordin, Magic Missile, Magic Grenade, Supernatural Strength, Speed of the Juicer, Ice Bolt, Dimension Door, Improved Invisibility, Bar the Way, Clear the Way, Entropy Shield, Strength of the Earth, Teleport Self, and Random Casualty. Brett Hegr [email removed] Audio Illusion, Glow, Image Projection, Image Shell, Stationary Illusion, Superhuman Beauty, Ventriloquism, Ambhibia, Beast Call, Carrion Gather, Carrion Shaping, Carapace Armor, Creaturesight: Gift, Creaturesight: Probe, Curse: Beast Eyes, Curse: Bloodlust, Curse: Necrophobia, Defense: Nature Mold, Defense: Odorsecretion, Defense: Quill, Ecomold, Eyes of the Eagle, Fang of Vengeance, Familiar: Memory Bank, Familiar: Messenger, Feather Touch, Fragmentation, Fur Armor, Gastropod Mucus, Hibernation: Lesser, Hibernation: Superior, Hyperawareness, Hyperevolution, Inner Peace, Infestation: Lesser, Infestation: Superior, Junglesense, Marking, Mindsight, Pain Dispersal, Pheonix Blood, Predator: Lesser, Predator: Superior, Scale Armor, Shapeshift, Soul Transport, Elemental Barrier, Circle of Furious Blades, Life Dome, Circle of Mystic Power, Animate and Control Dead: Greater, Bonesnap, Create Ghoul, Create Greater Animated Dead, Demon Spirit, Eviscerate, Flesh Armor, Heal the Dead, Prismatic Skull, Rage of the Damned, Siphon: Simple, Siphon: Superior, Shard Spray, Stop Healing, Vampire Regeneration, Decipher Magic, Lostrel’s Symbol Smasher, Lostrel’s Wordlock, Lostrel’s Wordwipe, MystiCrypt, A Mind to Magic, Enchant Object, Charm Weapon, Enchant Weapon, Temporary Enchantment, White Aura, Witch Bottle, Blue Fireball, Blue Mist, Burning Without Burning, Consuming Flamecharge, Create Blue Flame Artifact, Summon Blue Flame Elemental, Ambush, Blur, Chaos Plane, Clesius’ Rod, Force Bolt: Lesser, Force Bolt: Superior, Force Ball, Force Mine, Harden Aura, Impact Shield, Warmonger, Warrio’s Health, Weapon Talent, Black Light, Dark Duality, Impervious to Darkness, Inkspray, Midnight Wind, Mindshade, Nightspill, Nightvision, Nocturnal, Portal of Fear, Shadow Leap, Shadow Meld: Superior, Shadow Glyph, Twilight Sight, Negative Flame, Void Spirit, Void Wall, Aphrodesiac, Circle of Cold, Cold Wall, Destroy Dead: Lesser, Destroy Dead: Superior, Electroshock, Elemental Mist, Energize, Energy Fist, Fire Wall, Frostbite, Good Luck, Ice Blast, Impervious to Cold, Impervious to Radiation and Heat, Impervious to Vacuum, Kinetic Beam, Lightning Wall, Maintain Temperature, Mesmerism, Paralysis: Superior, Shockwave, Shriek, Spark, Sunbeam, Superhuman Dexterity, Superhuman Endurance, Teleport: Self, Absorbspell, Alter Magical Stabiality, Anit-Magic Wall, Block Magical Radiance, Catchspell, Copy Magical Aura, Disrupt Magical Forces, Extend, Inversion, Magic Bolt, Nullmagic Shield, Permanence, Magic Sphere, Nexus Manipulation, Reflectspell, Resist Magic, Seeker, See and Sense Destabilization, Shape Magic Energy, Spell Ability, Spell Ability: Superior, Spellblock, Spellbomb, Spelltrap, Spellwall, Stabilize Magical Forces, Storespell, Steal Control, Steal PPE™, Spring, Water Skin, Preserve Blood, Globe of Darkness, Blood Curse, Blood Rush, Sense Vampire, Haven of the Wood, and Path of Friends. and the rules governing Aspect Magic. -Z [email removed] Shadow Meld, Shadow Blind, Shadow Mold, Shadow Steal, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Sight, Shadow Mask, Nether Projection, Shadow Phase, Shadow Transformation, Shadow Dwelling, Summon Shadow Beast, Nether Portal, Dark Marionette, Multiple Shadow, Shadow Rejuvination, Absolute Darkness, Shadow Stab, Shadow Blade, Armor of Darkness, Veil, Cloak, Intimation, Advanced Cloak, Obscure, Lunar Eclipse, Improved Shadow Bolt, Despair, Basal, and Contingency. Reptile [email removed] Time Warp: Past, Time Flare, and Past View. Methos Methos Skill Performance. THANKS to all of these contributors, and a Special thanks to Brett Hegr, whom

without this book would have been a pamphlet.

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