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On 10/20/05, Angelo Bertolli [email removed] wrote: >
I'm making notes on my character sheet about stats of spells, so I'd like for you to decide what the spells do: range, duration, effect, etc.
Riding Disc: I know this one just came up recently. I think you had said that it could support 2 people with equipment or 3 people without equipment, or something. But how fast can it travel? How far from the caster can it travel? How far can he cast it? What's the duration?
I don't think I ever wrote anything down abou it. What you said about the support sounds good. The disc can not move very away from the caster (same as Floating Disc?). The duration is 2 hours.
Magic Mirror: range? duration? allows other people to view? I know on the board you said it doesn't have clairaudience, but I know you've told me what people are saying two or three times before using magic mirror. However, I distinctly remember you didn't allow me to cast spells into the mirror. It works the same as a crystal ball. The images last for only a minute an= d you have to cast another one to look at someone else. Anyone around you can see the same images you do. As for hearing what people were saying, again, I forgot all about it and just had to make a judgement call. I guess we can assume the king's Amulet vs. ESP interferred with the spell. Absorb: not sure what this does, except it absorbs damage. I think it absorbs 1 pt of damage per die, which is pretty much why I haven't used it--it's only worth something against dragon breath and spells, and not worth much. However, I'd still like to know duration, range, ,can I cast it on other people, does it increase in power as I go up in level, etc. I'll go with yes, you can cast it on others. Duration is 1 hour.
Steal Items: i know this lets me take an item from another, but what's the range? Do I need to make a hit roll? Do they get a saving throw? Range is 240'. I think they get save vs. spells. If memory serves correctly, you gain 1d4 random items.
Infinite Image: my favorite spell, does 4d4 images right? I'm not even sure. What's the duration? Same as mirror image (a mere hour)?
I believe it's 3d4 images. Duration is 2 hours.