SPELL Variations Illfrith's Book of Ice (Dragon #200) Icicle (Magic missile). The caster conjures up icicles and then hurls them at a target for cold damage. Glacier (Shield). The caster's skin becomes tinged with light blue. This spell is dispelled by a large heat source nearby. Shatter (Knock). Allows the caster to freeze a small object like a lock, causing it to become so brittle, it shatters with one blow. Freeze (Web). Encases up to a 10'x10' area completely in ice, to block a passage. This spell will fail if cast in an area occupied by another object or creature. Fimbul winter (Fireball). Creates an area of intense cold centered around an area visible by the caster.
Book of Illusions (Dragon #200) Telekinetic fist (Magic missile). The caster attacks creatures from a distance, using a "telekinetic fist" to injure enemies. Floating disc. Standard spell. Levitate. Standard spell.
Grimfang's Book of the Spider (Dragon #200) Chitin (Shield). The caster’s skin turns into the tough, articulated chitin for the duration of the spell, giving her a spiderlike appearance. Spiderbite (Sleep). Range: Nil. Duration: Special. The caster can inject sleep-inducing poison by biting. This requires a roll to hit in combat. She can put 2d8 hit dice worth of creatures to sleep for 4-16 turns (determine the duration secretly when the spell is cast). Any creature bitten that has over 4 + 1 hit dice, or more hit dice than the caster has hit dice worth of poison remaining, is unaffected (the magic-user still loses the relevant hit dice worth of poison, however). Any unused poison disappears when the magic-user falls asleep or loses consciousness. The caster's bite does no physical damage. The victim of this spell is affected as per the standard version of this spell: sleep for 4-16 turns, no saving throw.
Book of Thorns (Dragon #200) Arrow-strike (magic missile). This spell enchants an ordinary arrow, which must then be fired from a bow within one round. The arrow hits automatically. Range and damage are those of the spell, not the normal arrow. Whispering leaves (Ventriloquism). Blackthorn's spell is a reversed version of the original. It must be cast on a plant or tree. If Blackthorn remains within 60' of the enchanted plant, he can hear any sound made near it as if he were there. Camouflage (Invisibility). Blackthorn's skin and clothing take on the exact hue of the background scenery. In dense vegetation, this works as a normal invisibility spell. In areas lacking such cover, Blackthorn can insure invisibility only if he remains still. Sudden movements will give his presence away. Ensnare (Web). The effect is caused by trees, bushes, roots, creepers, and even grass twining around the victim. The spell must be cast in an area where such greenery exists. Heartseeker (Lightning bolt). This spell affects only one target. This spell is cast on an arrow, which must be fired from a bow within one turn. The arrow unfailingly strikes any target within range (180'). Damage is 1d6 per level, with a save for half damage. The arrow always strikes a vital spot.
Imran's Book of Fire (Dragon #200) Smokescreen (Darkness).This is a reversed version of the first-level spell, light. Smokescreen must be cast in the vicinity of fire, and it cannot be cast on a creature. It causes impenetrable smoke to stream forth from the flame, and this persists until the spell ends. Smother (Sleep). Range: 20'. The spell must be cast in the vicinity of fire. It causes translucent green smoke to issue from the flames. All who inhale the smoke (except the caster) suffer the usual effects of a sleep spell. Note the reduced range. Firefinger (Magic missile). A jet of flame shoots from Imran's fingertips, with standard effects. Highly flammable objects will ignite if struck directly. Eternal flame (Continual light). Range: Nil. When cast on any inanimate object, this spell creates a small fire that gives off as much heat as a torch, but which has the brilliance of a continual light spell. The eternal flame will not consume the object it is cast on, but it will ignite anything else that touches it, just like a normal flame. The eternal flame spell can be quenched only by immersion in water or by magical means. Any fire that the spell's flame starts can be put out normally, however. This spell cannot be cast on a creature. Smoke shadows (Mirror image). This spell surrounds Imran with a 5' radius of semi-opaque smoke, in which 2-5 shadowy images appear. These are indistinguishable from Imran and move as he moves. Imran can see through the smoke normally. Firegazing (Clairvoyance). To cast this spell, Imran must stare into a flame of some kind. Fireball. Standard spell. Wall of Fire. Standard spell.
Book of Darkness Phase blur (Shield). Darkness. Black disc (Magic missile). Continual Darkness. Dark stalker (Invisibility). Shadow-wings (Fly). Grasp of night (Hold person). Black ray (Lightning bolt). Shadow-blink (Dimension door).
Book of the Elements Chill (sleep): Victims shiver from cold and feel drawn to sleep. Whirlwind (prot from evil): Small whirlwind of force surrounds the caster. Shocking Grasp (magic missile): Lit damage. Stoneskin (shield): Skin becomes stone like. Cone of Cold (lit bolt): Cold damage, extends from the caster, no bounce. Electromagnetic Barrier (wall of fire): Shimmering curtain of electrical force. Bands of Ice (hold monster): Traps creatures in bands of ice.
Other Variations Wall of Darkness (wall of ice): Blocks sight, but does not cause damage. Any creatures crossing it must save vs. spells or be blinded instead.