Tag Archives: druid


Upon reaching 9th level, a Neutral traveling fighter may elect to become a Ranger. The following requirements must be met:

  1. The character must live in a wild location. Rangers do not live in cities and they rarely visit them. Rangers will occasionally pay visits to the nearby village for supplies and to sell furs, or whatever necessary to maintain contact with rural humans. Rangers must do whatever they can to protect their chosen homeland and the people that live there.
  2. If the ranger’s Wisdom score is 13, or greater, the character can cast druid spells as if he were a druid of one-third his actual experience level (round any fractions down); if a fighter becomes a ranger right at 9th level, he’ll immediately gain the spells of a 3rd level druid. A 17th level ranger can cast spells as if he were a 5th level druid.
  3. A ranger may only travel with a number of hirelings equal to, or less than, his druid level. In other words, if he can cast spells as a 5th level druid, he can have five hirelings accompany him.
  4. Rangers can Move Silently and Hide in Shadows as a thief of one-third his actual experience level (round any fractions down.) Rangers can also Find and Remove Traps as a thief of one-third his actual experience level, but only in a woodland environment.

Druid Spell List

First Level

  1. Cure Light Wounds (Cleric 1)
  2. Detect Danger
  3. Faerie Fire
  4. Locate
  5. Predict Weather
  6. Purify Food and Water (Cleric 1)

Second Level

  1. Heat Metal
  2. Obscure
  3. Produce Fire
  4. Snake Charm (Cleric 2)
  5. Speak With Animal (Cleric 2)
  6. Warp Wood

Third Level

  1. Call Lightning
  2. Growth of Animal (Cleric 3)
  3. Hold Animal
  4. Protection From Poison
  5. Striking (Cleric 3)
  6. Water Breathing

Fourth Level

  1. Control Temperature 10′ Radius
  2. Plant Door
  3. Protection From Lightning
  4. Speak With Plants (Cleric 4)
  5. Sticks to Snakes (Cleric 4)
  6. Summon Animals

Fifth Level

  1. Anti-plant Shell
  2. Control Winds
  3. Create Food (Cleric 5)
  4. Dissolve
  5. Insect Plague (Cleric 5)
  6. Pass Plant

Sixth Level

  1. Anti-animal Shell
  2. Create Normal Animals (Cleric 6)
  3. Find the Path (Cleric 6)
  4. Summon Weather
  5. Transport Through Plants
  6. Turn Wood

Seventh Level

  1. Creeping Doom
  2. Earthquake (Cleric 7)
  3. Metal to Wood
  4. Summon Elemental
  5. Survival (Cleric 7)
  6. Weather Control

Elf Spell List

First Level

  1. Charm Person (MU 1)
  2. Detect Magic (MU 1)
  3. Light (MU 1)
  4. Locate (Druid 1)
  5. Predict Weather (Druid 1)
  6. Read Languages (MU 1)
  7. Read Magic (MU 1)

Second Level

  1. Continual Light (MU 2)
  2. Detect Evil (MU 2)
  3. Entangle (MU 2)
  4. ESP (MU 2)
  5. Locate Object (MU 2)
  6. Obscure (Druid 2)
  7. Warp Wood (Druid 2)

Third Level

  1. Clairvoyance (MU 3)
  2. Create Air (MU 3)
  3. Dispel Magic (MU 3)
  4. Hold Animal (Druid 3)
  5. Hold Person (MU 3)
  6. Protection from Poison (Druid 3)
  7. Water Breathing (MU 3)

Fourth Level

  1. Charm Monster (MU 4)
  2. Confusion (MU 4)
  3. Growth of Plants (MU 4)
  4. Hallucinatory Terrain (MU 4)
  5. Massmorph (MU 4)
  6. Plant Door (Druid 4)
  7. Summon Animals (Druid 4)

Fifth Level

  1. Anti-plant Shell (Druid 5)
  2. Conjure Elemental (MU 5)
  3. Contact Outer Plane (MU 5)
  4. Feeblemind (MU 5)
  5. Hold Monster (MU 5)
  6. Pass Plant (Druid 5)
  7. Woodform (MU 5)

Character Class Variations

This is based on the idea that players and the DM will build characters for a story line, not just to suit their gaming needs. In other words, characters should have some panache or style of their own. This means the items below are not rules but rather suggestions on how one might play his own character. The player should be able to freely choose to do this, these are not rule changes. The DM may want to offer “rewards” (some are described below, if you look closely). These rewards are not experience rewards, etc. but instead take the form of some sort of reward in the story, or “good luck.” For example, one reward for being an elf and not using your power to the fullest potential (as a ranger) is that you always seem to find food in the wilderness, you are able to befriend animals more easily (not attacked by bears), and you have a faithful pet (such as a dire wolf). And such rewards can increase as you go up level, because it’s one thing to start out as a “ranger” and then not keep up with it, but someone who has been a ranger for 9 levels should at least have a dire wolf to help him. Again, this is not a rule change.

Palidin/Avenger: war-like cleric who goes on missions and uses weapons/armor to full potential. Note: paladins and avengers can go both for very war-like clerics, or very holy fighters. (war hammer, plate, shield)

Clerics: most don’t care to wear armor since they don’t really use it. (mace, holy symbol, holy water, sling; bandaging)

Druid: cleric who is very neutral and uses natural weapon and armor, and can use druid spells. (usually has pet; herbs, plant, and animal knowledge, poisons, animal frienship)

Ranger: rural elf, often vigilante who takes care of the forest. (leather armor, thief weapons, moderate spells, may have a pet; hunting, navigation)

Bard: one who is adept at playing music, esp. thief

Barbarian: fighter with good STR, CON, and HP, who doesn’t wear armor much (or a lot of clothes for that matter). (big weapons, sometimes shield/chain mail)

Knight: special dubbed fighter loyal to a king, expected to maintain code of his knighthood, and given special priviledges (and honor) in the kingdom.

Monk: fighter with good DEX, wears traditional equipment to his particular monastery, and keeps attuned to honor. Multiple attacks can be multiple moves. (traditional weapons, robes)

Elves: most common elves don’t use spell books. Those of the fighting persuasion utilize armor and weapons to potiential and may know a few misc spells. Those of the magic persuasion travel light and utilize spells and spell books. (plate mail, shield, any weapon, poor spells) vs (little or no armor, 1 or 2 weapons–no large, good spells)

Prudence Decor

Prudence found herself in darkness and silence. A splinter of light split the abyss with a radiating warmth. What had been moist, dark, and cold was dispelled by an awesome power, giving a dry and warm light. Prudence drew her sword, the Luckblade, in preparation for what might come. Though she was in fear, she could sense that there was no danger here.

A misty cloud formed. At its center, a clear pool. Prudence gazed into its still waters, a forever deep baptismal font. She seached forward with her fingers. Their dance formed rings upon the water, disturbing the stillness. Within the waters she witnessed a cave amidst a grassy plain with but one tree directly in front of her. The tree was dry and withered with moss and fungi feeding off of it. Yet it stood. Entwined about it was a serpent who had sucked the life from it and from the man who now lay at the base of the tree.

Prudence could not see the face of this man, but felt he must be familiar. The serpent’s tail gripped his feet and it was obvious that he had tried to escape. Instead he had fallen when the poison reached his heart. The dead man’s arm was stretched out against the grass and a few feet away lay a strange fruit that Prudence had never seen before. At first it was glowing with a radiant light, but then it grew dark and brown maggots left it.

At the sight of this Prudence rose and turned away. But the Luckblade vibrated with fury and guided her back to watch the waters. Reluctantly, she returned to finish the vision because she knew it was the only way–she could stop along the road, but could not change paths.

Prudence saw the serpent return to a hole in the ground as the man and fruit became lost in the grass. Prudence waited. She could faintly hear a light melodical voice in the wind. Nothing was left save the withered tree and the cave.

A golden-haired girl, a young child, entered the picture. Prudence judged her to be seven or eight years old. The child was innocent, pure, and unaware of the danger that lay beneath her. The child looked upon the broken tree with naive eyes. And then she reached forward and touched the tree. Prudence recalled the sensation of touching the pool with tingling in her fingertips.

With the child’s touch, the tree became revived. It’s decaying roots and trunk were filled with renewed strength as it stood taller than before. It’s barren branches were filled with green. The moss and fungi disintegrated to nothingness.

A breeze blew through the child’s golden hair as she climbed into the tree’s strong, sheltering arms. Prudence saw the serpent exit its hole and begin to make its way up the tree. The child wasn’t paying attention and when she turned to look the serpent had reared its head, about to strike. The child had no fear in her eyes. The serpent struck, flying downward onto the child’s face.

Prudence’s heart screamed and she awakened. She found herself in darkness and silence.