Tag Archives: katana

Mystic Weapons

Nunchucku – 1d6 – (F,C,T,E,D,H,My) Small, 2-handed weapon that doesn’t lose initiative. Can be used to give +1 in wrestling for choking.

Tetsubo – 1d8 – (F,C,E,D,My,Dr) – Large, 2-handed weapon that loses initiative; pole arm rules.

Sode Garami – 1d4 – (F,E,My,Dr) Large, 2-handed weapon that loses initiative. Can be used to catch the sleeves of the opponent; opponent gets save vs. paraysis.

Katana – 1d10 – (F,T,E,D,H,My) Medium sword of exceptional craftmanship.

Wakizashi – 1d8 – (F,T,E,D,H,My) – Small sword of exceptional craftsmanship, often accompanying the katana.

Sai – 1d4 – (F,T,M,E,D,H,My) Small, dagger with twin guards. Can be thrown with -4 penalty or Parry blades with a +2 bonus.

Sang Kuaw – 1d8 – (F,E,D,My) Large, two-handed weapon that loses initiative. Suffers a -4 to hit roll but gains +4 to Parry (or gives parry ability to those who can’t parry).

Tui-fa – 1d8 – (F,C,T,E,D,H,My,Dr) – Small, two-handed weapon. Gives +4 to Parry (or ability to parry). If an edged weapon misses because of parry, the weapon become stuck

Shuriken – 1d3 – (F,T,M,E,D,H,My) – For every shuriken thrown in the same round, the attacks suffer a -4 to the hit roll.

Metsubishi (All) – Black powder that explodes in a bright flash; anyone unwarned of it must save vs. paralysis or be blinded for 1d6 rounds.

Tetsu-bishi – 1d4 – (F,T,M,E,D,H,My) – small, boot-penetrating ground tacks that are thrown on the ground. Opponent must save vs. paralyzation or spend a round pulling it out and make another save vs. paralyzation or move at one-third their normal speed.

Chu-ka-nu – 1d6 – (F,T,E,D,H,My) – Medium-sized automatic crossbow that can reload so fast it can shoot 2 quarrels per round for 5 rounds; takes 5 rounds to reload

Ninja-to – 1d8 – (F,T,E,D,H,My) Medium-sized ninja sword with a hidden throwing dagger (1d4) in the handle.
Chain and Sickle – 1d4 – (F,E,D,H,My) – Two handed, medium sized weapon that loses initiative and can entangle like a whip.

Mancatcher – 1d2 – (F,E,D,My) – Large, two-handed pole arm that loses initiative. Anyone hit must save vs. paralysis or be caught in the pole arm’s teeth and continue to take 1d2 damage. Victim loses dexterity and save bonuses and must make a strength check to get out, taking 1d4 damage to their hands (unless they wear gauntlets or magic gloves) in the process whether they succeed or not.

New Weapon System

This system is based on the premise that characters may try to use weapons either 1 handed or 2 handed, and may have some amount of success. The number in parenthesis is the modifier to hit roll.

damage (hit roll adjustment)

Weapon                 1-handed       2-handed       other
----------------       --------       --------       -----
Battle Axe             1d8 (-2)       1d10 (+0)      1-handed requires 15 str
Hand Axe               1d6 (+0)       1d8 (+0)

Short Bow              n/a            x2* (+0)
Long Bow               n/a            x3* (+0)
Lt Crossbow            n/a            x2* (+0)
Hv Crossbow            n/a            x4* (+0)
Sling                  x2* (+1)       n/a

Arrow                  n/a            n/a            d3 dmg
Quarrel/Bolt           n/a            n/a            d3 dmg
Stone/Shot             n/a            n/a            d2 dmg

Blackjack              1d2 (+0)       1d4 (+0)       knockout
Club                   1d4 (+0)       1d6 (+0)
Throwing Hammer        1d4 (+0)       n/a
War Hammer             1d8 (+0)       1d10 (+0)
Mace                   1d6 (+0)       1d8 (+0)
Staff                  1d6 (-1)       1d8 (+0)
Torch                  1d4 (+0)       1d6 (+0)       +1 damage when lit
Dagger                 1d4 (+0)       n/a

Polearm                1d8 (-2)       2d6 (+0)       -3 to hit for dwarves
Javelin                1d6 (+0)       1d8 (+0)       small creatures can use
Pike/Lance             1d10** (-2)    2d6 (+0)       -2 to hit for dwarves
Spear                  1d6 (+0)       1d10 (+0)
Trident                1d6 (+0)       1d10 (+0)

Short Sword            1d6 (+0)       1d8 (+0)
Sword                  1d8 (+0)       1d10 (+0)
Bastard Sword          1d6+1 (+0)     1d8+1 (+0)
2H Sword               1d8 (-2)       2d6 (+0)

Bola                   1d2 (+0)       n/a            entangle
Cestus                 1d3 (+0)       n/a
Whip                   1d2 (+0)       n/a            entangle, save +1

Katar                  1d4+1 (+0)     n/a
Hooked Net             1d4 (+0)       n/a            entangle, save -1, cont. dmg
Chain Net              nil (+0)       n/a            entangle, save -2
Shurikin               1d3 (+0)       n/a
Barbed Whip            1d4 (+0)       n/a            entangle, save +1, cont. dmg
Butterfly Knife        1d4 (-1)       n/a            +1 (+2) when thrown
Flail                  1d6 (+0)       1d8 (+0)
Morning Star           1d6+1 (+0)     1d8+1 (+0)
Rapier                 2d4-1 (+0)     2d4 (-1)       -1 to hit vs plate armor
Tlacochtli             1d6 (+0)       1d10 (+0)      pull out causes 1d6 extra damage
Chakram                1d4 (+0)       n/a
Broadsword             2d4 (+0)       3d4 (+0)
Composite Bow          n/a            x3* (-1)       add str bonus to dmg
Katana                 1d8 (+0)       3d4 (+1)
Naginata               1d8 (-1)       2d6 (+1)

* Ammunition damage multiplier

** A Lance 1-handed mounted from a horse does 1d10 (+0), charging for 2d10 (+0)

Optional: This is another option in which ANY class can try to use ANY weapon. If the class is restricted from using that weapon, they receive a -2 to hit, and do half damage.

Exotic Weaponry

This post updates and replaces the previous exotic weapons chart.  Morning Star and Flail are both weapons in original D&D that somehow got left out of the Cyclopedia.  Broadsword is taken from AD&D where it is 2d4.  Rapier stats are also from D&D described in Dragon #175.

The optional rules are provided to add something unique to the weapons, so they’re a little more interesting than just finding “a different kind of sword” that different in name only.

Weapon,Damage,Range,Weight,Value,Notes/Optional Rules,Flags
Katar,1d4+1,,20,5,melee only,”w,S”
Hooked Net,1d4,5/10/15,80,15,”10′ diameter, struggle=damage, saves -2″,”s,t,w,M”
Chain Net,0,5/10/15,160,25,”10′ diameter, saves -6, enc x2″,”c,s,t,w,M”
Barbed Whip,1d4,,80,15,8′ long,”s,w,M”
Butterfly Knife,1d4,20/40/60,10,5,”missile double dmg on 20, melee dropped on 1″,”s,t,w,S”
Flail,1d6,,40,5,”double dmg on 20, hit self on 1″,”c,M”
Morning Star,1d6+1,,30,5,”double dmg on 20, hit self on 1″,M
Rapier,2d4-1,,60,10,-1 AC for thieves,”s,M”
Tlacochtli,1d6,20/40/60,60,5,1d6 to pull out,”s,t,v,L”
Broadsword,2d4,,60,10,”double damage on 20, trip on 1″,M
Composite Bow,1d6,70/140/210,40,60,”strength affects damage”,”a,m,s,2H,L”
Katana,1d8,,50,12,”double dmg on 20, no penalty on 1″,M


  • Katar: Also known as a “punch dagger,” this blade is much like a dagger, except that it has an H-shaped handle, allowing the wielder to deliver more powerful blows.
  • Hooked Net: This net’s mesh is entwined with hooks which do damage to the victim within. This net is 10′ in diameter. Struggling to break free inflicts normal damage each round. Victims make saves at -2 to avoid capture.
  • Chain Net: This net is 10′ in diameter and made of inter-linking chains instead of rope. It is heavier, but victims must save with a -6 penalty to escape.
  • Shurikin: These are small, sharp throwing starts, or similar object, originating from the far east.
  • Barbed Whip: This 8′ long whip is studded with thorn-like barbs, doing more damage than a normal whip.
  • Butterfly Knife: Butterfly knives are light, well balanced daggers. They receive a +2 on their hit rolls when thrown.
  • Flail: A flail is simply a heavy object, swung on a rope or chain.
  • Morning Star: This is typically a spiked ball swung on a rope or chain, however mace-like variations can be found.
  • Rapier: This is a well-balanced, fencing sword. It receives a -2 penalty to hit vs plate armor.
  • Tlacochtli: This weapon is a jagged harpoon on the end of a rope. The weilder scores a hit and pulls the harpoon back out for an extra 1d6 points of damage.
  • Chakram: A chakram is a sharp throwing disc, or often more of a ring. The edge of the chakram is sharpened enough to split hairs.
  • Broadsword: This heavy sword is used more to crush through the enemy.
  • Composite Bow: This well-made bow fires with equal pressure according to how far back the wielder can stretch the string. The wielder’s strength modifier affects damage.
  • Katana: This is a lighter, well-balanced eastern sword.
  • Naginata: This is a spear-like, eastern weapon. The blade at the end of the long pole-like handle is curved.