Tag Archives: mystic

Mystic Weapons

Nunchucku – 1d6 – (F,C,T,E,D,H,My) Small, 2-handed weapon that doesn’t lose initiative. Can be used to give +1 in wrestling for choking.

Tetsubo – 1d8 – (F,C,E,D,My,Dr) – Large, 2-handed weapon that loses initiative; pole arm rules.

Sode Garami – 1d4 – (F,E,My,Dr) Large, 2-handed weapon that loses initiative. Can be used to catch the sleeves of the opponent; opponent gets save vs. paraysis.

Katana – 1d10 – (F,T,E,D,H,My) Medium sword of exceptional craftmanship.

Wakizashi – 1d8 – (F,T,E,D,H,My) – Small sword of exceptional craftsmanship, often accompanying the katana.

Sai – 1d4 – (F,T,M,E,D,H,My) Small, dagger with twin guards. Can be thrown with -4 penalty or Parry blades with a +2 bonus.

Sang Kuaw – 1d8 – (F,E,D,My) Large, two-handed weapon that loses initiative. Suffers a -4 to hit roll but gains +4 to Parry (or gives parry ability to those who can’t parry).

Tui-fa – 1d8 – (F,C,T,E,D,H,My,Dr) – Small, two-handed weapon. Gives +4 to Parry (or ability to parry). If an edged weapon misses because of parry, the weapon become stuck

Shuriken – 1d3 – (F,T,M,E,D,H,My) – For every shuriken thrown in the same round, the attacks suffer a -4 to the hit roll.

Metsubishi (All) – Black powder that explodes in a bright flash; anyone unwarned of it must save vs. paralysis or be blinded for 1d6 rounds.

Tetsu-bishi – 1d4 – (F,T,M,E,D,H,My) – small, boot-penetrating ground tacks that are thrown on the ground. Opponent must save vs. paralyzation or spend a round pulling it out and make another save vs. paralyzation or move at one-third their normal speed.

Chu-ka-nu – 1d6 – (F,T,E,D,H,My) – Medium-sized automatic crossbow that can reload so fast it can shoot 2 quarrels per round for 5 rounds; takes 5 rounds to reload

Ninja-to – 1d8 – (F,T,E,D,H,My) Medium-sized ninja sword with a hidden throwing dagger (1d4) in the handle.
Chain and Sickle – 1d4 – (F,E,D,H,My) – Two handed, medium sized weapon that loses initiative and can entangle like a whip.

Mancatcher – 1d2 – (F,E,D,My) – Large, two-handed pole arm that loses initiative. Anyone hit must save vs. paralysis or be caught in the pole arm’s teeth and continue to take 1d2 damage. Victim loses dexterity and save bonuses and must make a strength check to get out, taking 1d4 damage to their hands (unless they wear gauntlets or magic gloves) in the process whether they succeed or not.

Modified Mystic or Monk

Modified Mystic and Monk from Dragon Magazine 09/1981

  • Prime Requisite: Strength and Dexterity. Other Requirements: Wisdom 9, or better.
  • Experience Bonus: 5% for Strength or Dexterity 16-18; 10% for Strength and Dexterity 16-18.
  • Hit Dice: 1d6 per level up to 9th level. Starting with 10th level, +2/level after 9 with no CON adjustments.
  • Maximum Level: 21.
  • Armor: None; shield not permitted.
  • Weapons: Any.
  • Special Abilities: At 1st level — Armor Class bonuses, increased Movement, Find Traps, Climb Walls, Move Silently, Hear Noise, Martial Arts and Mystical Abilities.

All abilities and changes not noted here are no longer possessed by monks/mystics. In all other situations, use common sense and the Rules Cyclopedia.

  • Combat Chart: Thief.
  • Saving Throws: Fighter.
  • Find Traps, Climb Walls, Move Silently, and Hear Noise: These work exactly as the Thief abilities with the same name.
  • Armor Class Bonuses: The Armor Class of monks improve with experience.
  • Movement: Monks move faster than normal humans, this rate improves with experience.
  • Martial Arts: Monks are the masters of unarmed combat. They receive multiple attacks when unarmed and bonuses to damage done with their hands and feet.
  • Mystical Abilities: These work exactly the same as those listed in the Rules Cyclopedia.

Level,XP,”Attack Rank”,”Find Traps”,”Climb Walls”,”Move Silently”,”Hear Noise”,Move,AC,”Unarmed Attacks”,Damage,Ability
5,”16,000″,,20,64,40,40,140,3,1,2d6,Heal Self
8,”120,000″,,25,67,52,45,155,1,2,2d6,Speak Animal
14,”840,000″,,40,73,68,58,185,-2,3,4d6,Speak Anyone
17,”1,200,000″,,50,76,73,66,200,-3,4,5d6,Mind Block
20,”1,560,000″,,55,79,76,70,215,-5,4,5d6,Gentle Touch

New Mystic Class

This is a combination of the Mystic/Monk classes I have posted before.

  • Prim Req: Wis and Dex; Other Requirements: Wis 13+, Dex 13+
  • Experience Bonus: 5% for Wis or Dex 16-18; 10% for Wis and Dex 16-18
  • Hit Dice: 1d6/level, +2/level after level 9 with no Con bonus
  • Maximum Level: 16
  • Armor: None; shield not permitted
  • Weapons: Any
  • Hit Rolls: as Fighter
  • Saving Throws: as Fighter

6,2,1d6,6,Heal Self
16,4,1d20,-3,Gentle Touch

  • No enchanted hand attacks
  • No increased movement
  • Can only Climb Walls, Move Silently, and Hide in Shadows as a thief
  • Multiple attacks are multiple actions: the mystic acts as if hasted, being able to perform more than one action
  • Gain XP normally, use Mystic XP chart from the Cyclopedia
  • No option to gain acrobatics at -20%
  • Acrobatics: same as the optional acrobatics of Mystics from the Cyclopedia
  • Dodge: similar to the Fighter Combat Option “parry”
  • Disarm: same as the Fighter Combat Option

Prudence Decor

Prudence found herself in darkness and silence. A splinter of light split the abyss with a radiating warmth. What had been moist, dark, and cold was dispelled by an awesome power, giving a dry and warm light. Prudence drew her sword, the Luckblade, in preparation for what might come. Though she was in fear, she could sense that there was no danger here.

A misty cloud formed. At its center, a clear pool. Prudence gazed into its still waters, a forever deep baptismal font. She seached forward with her fingers. Their dance formed rings upon the water, disturbing the stillness. Within the waters she witnessed a cave amidst a grassy plain with but one tree directly in front of her. The tree was dry and withered with moss and fungi feeding off of it. Yet it stood. Entwined about it was a serpent who had sucked the life from it and from the man who now lay at the base of the tree.

Prudence could not see the face of this man, but felt he must be familiar. The serpent’s tail gripped his feet and it was obvious that he had tried to escape. Instead he had fallen when the poison reached his heart. The dead man’s arm was stretched out against the grass and a few feet away lay a strange fruit that Prudence had never seen before. At first it was glowing with a radiant light, but then it grew dark and brown maggots left it.

At the sight of this Prudence rose and turned away. But the Luckblade vibrated with fury and guided her back to watch the waters. Reluctantly, she returned to finish the vision because she knew it was the only way–she could stop along the road, but could not change paths.

Prudence saw the serpent return to a hole in the ground as the man and fruit became lost in the grass. Prudence waited. She could faintly hear a light melodical voice in the wind. Nothing was left save the withered tree and the cave.

A golden-haired girl, a young child, entered the picture. Prudence judged her to be seven or eight years old. The child was innocent, pure, and unaware of the danger that lay beneath her. The child looked upon the broken tree with naive eyes. And then she reached forward and touched the tree. Prudence recalled the sensation of touching the pool with tingling in her fingertips.

With the child’s touch, the tree became revived. It’s decaying roots and trunk were filled with renewed strength as it stood taller than before. It’s barren branches were filled with green. The moss and fungi disintegrated to nothingness.

A breeze blew through the child’s golden hair as she climbed into the tree’s strong, sheltering arms. Prudence saw the serpent exit its hole and begin to make its way up the tree. The child wasn’t paying attention and when she turned to look the serpent had reared its head, about to strike. The child had no fear in her eyes. The serpent struck, flying downward onto the child’s face.

Prudence’s heart screamed and she awakened. She found herself in darkness and silence.