Tag Archives: rules

Mystic Weapons

Nunchucku – 1d6 – (F,C,T,E,D,H,My) Small, 2-handed weapon that doesn’t lose initiative. Can be used to give +1 in wrestling for choking.

Tetsubo – 1d8 – (F,C,E,D,My,Dr) – Large, 2-handed weapon that loses initiative; pole arm rules.

Sode Garami – 1d4 – (F,E,My,Dr) Large, 2-handed weapon that loses initiative. Can be used to catch the sleeves of the opponent; opponent gets save vs. paraysis.

Katana – 1d10 – (F,T,E,D,H,My) Medium sword of exceptional craftmanship.

Wakizashi – 1d8 – (F,T,E,D,H,My) – Small sword of exceptional craftsmanship, often accompanying the katana.

Sai – 1d4 – (F,T,M,E,D,H,My) Small, dagger with twin guards. Can be thrown with -4 penalty or Parry blades with a +2 bonus.

Sang Kuaw – 1d8 – (F,E,D,My) Large, two-handed weapon that loses initiative. Suffers a -4 to hit roll but gains +4 to Parry (or gives parry ability to those who can’t parry).

Tui-fa – 1d8 – (F,C,T,E,D,H,My,Dr) – Small, two-handed weapon. Gives +4 to Parry (or ability to parry). If an edged weapon misses because of parry, the weapon become stuck

Shuriken – 1d3 – (F,T,M,E,D,H,My) – For every shuriken thrown in the same round, the attacks suffer a -4 to the hit roll.

Metsubishi (All) – Black powder that explodes in a bright flash; anyone unwarned of it must save vs. paralysis or be blinded for 1d6 rounds.

Tetsu-bishi – 1d4 – (F,T,M,E,D,H,My) – small, boot-penetrating ground tacks that are thrown on the ground. Opponent must save vs. paralyzation or spend a round pulling it out and make another save vs. paralyzation or move at one-third their normal speed.

Chu-ka-nu – 1d6 – (F,T,E,D,H,My) – Medium-sized automatic crossbow that can reload so fast it can shoot 2 quarrels per round for 5 rounds; takes 5 rounds to reload

Ninja-to – 1d8 – (F,T,E,D,H,My) Medium-sized ninja sword with a hidden throwing dagger (1d4) in the handle.
Chain and Sickle – 1d4 – (F,E,D,H,My) – Two handed, medium sized weapon that loses initiative and can entangle like a whip.

Mancatcher – 1d2 – (F,E,D,My) – Large, two-handed pole arm that loses initiative. Anyone hit must save vs. paralysis or be caught in the pole arm’s teeth and continue to take 1d2 damage. Victim loses dexterity and save bonuses and must make a strength check to get out, taking 1d4 damage to their hands (unless they wear gauntlets or magic gloves) in the process whether they succeed or not.

Critique of Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition

With 4th edition just around the corner, I thought I’d give my impression of 3rd Edition and the d20 system.

Good Ideas

The d20 system has several good ideas that make it easier to understand and more easy to play.

  • Positive AC. A larger AC being better than a smaller AC makes more sense.
  • Magic. I like the idea of the effectiveness of saving throws being based on spell level. This makes more powerful magic inherently harder to avoid than less powerful magic, and it makes a lot of sense. I never liked the way a sixth level spell like Death could be simply shrugged off by a Save vs Death Ray, the easiest saving throw to make.
  • Saving Throws. Having saving throws based on “reflex” or other descriptions of how a character may actually avoid a situation is clearer.

Bad Ideas

Unfortunately, the d20 system sometimes made things “too logical” and went a little overboard on the complexity of certain areas.

  • Every class can be mixed with every race. I don’t like this idea, however it is easy enough for a DM to decide in his game world to restrict certain race/class combinations.
  • Sorcerers. It’s not a bad idea as far as game mechanics go (which is why I think they used it) but a “sorcerer” isn’t conceptually different enough from a “wizard” which I think makes it confusing. I think they should have come up with a more unique name/panache for this class. Kind of reminds me of how they used to make a big deal out of “Illusionists” in AD&D 1st edition.
  • Combat. Where should I start? Combat in the d20 system is basically a mess. It’s overly complicated with game mechanics that detract from enjoyment. Complicated combat rules are good for video games sometimes because you don’t see them and a computer can make calculations way faster than you can, but they aren’t good for tabletop games. Combat in the game should be fun but quick.  A drawn-out combat sequence might be good once in an adventure against a particularly important enemy, but who really wants to spend 30 minutes dispatching a group of goblins?
  • Spell Feats. I think this just makes the game more complex. I asked a friend if you could just rule out spell feats as a DM, but he said that it would unbalance the classes.

Spell Variations: Wizards’ Panache

The Color of Magic was an excellent article from Dragon Magazine issue no. 200 by Dan Joyce. I particularly liked it because it showed how the real game isn’t about rules and dice rolling–it’s about story and wonder. It explained how the mechanics of various spells (do damage, heal, improve AC, etc.) are really all the same, it’s how the spells are perceived that make the real difference. Additionally, I have found it a useful technique to tweak certain spells that seem “broken” for a particular campaign.

Here are some spell books that were put together based on that article. The first one is especially an attribute to the article: Maximus the Black’s Book of Darkness.

The Book of Darkness

First level

Shield (Phase blur). The spell causes the caster’s appearance becomes a shadowy and blurred with the appearance of no substance. Other creatures have a harder time seeing the caster as his shadow flickers, making him harder to hit.

Darkness. Standard spell.

Magic missile (Black disc). This spell fires a disc of darkness at one enemy within range with the standard effects. The disc(s) are nearly invisible in dungeon settings with little light.

Second level

Continual darkness. Standard spell.

Invisibility (Darkwalk). This spell cloaks the caster in darkness, allowing the caster to hide in shadows as long as he doesn’t attack or cast a spell.

Third level

Fly (Shadewing). This spell causes shadowy wings to sprout from the back, allowing the caster to fly. These wings have no substance.

Hold person (Darkhold). This spell causes thin, wispy hands made of darkness attempt to grab and hold targets at their location. Victims who fail their saving throw, may also not be moved by another. Another save may be made by the victim whenever someone tries to free them to see if they can break away from the spell.

Lightning bolt (Black ray). This spell fires a ray of darkness, starting from the caster and extending up to 60′ away. It does not bounce off of walls.

Fourth level

Dimension door (Shadowblink). This spell transports the caster, leaving an area of darkness in his shape behind that lasts for 2 rounds.

Wall of ice (Wall of darkness). Blocks sight, but does not cause damage. Any creatures crossing it must save vs. spells or be blinded instead.

Book of the Elements

This next book was an attempt to create elemental versions of some spells, and would be a good addition to the combined spell books of Illfrith and Imran from the article.

First level

Sleep (Chill). All targets within area of the spell will suddenly feel cold shiver and fall asleep within 1d4 rounds as the feeling overtakes them. Unaffected creatures feel the cold for 1d4 rounds as well, but suffer no effects.

Protection from evil (Whirlwind). This spell creates a small whirlwind of force that surrounds the caster that deflects some damage and blocks enchanted creatures.

Magic missile (Shocking grasp). This spell shocks one creature within range without any other visible sign of an attack.

Shield (Stoneskin). The caster’s skin becomes harder and changes to resemble stone.

Third level

Lightning bolt (Cone of cold). This spell creates a cone of cold that starts at the caster, extending up to 60′ away and is 30′ wide at the far end. It does not bounce off walls.

Fourth level

Wall of fire (Electromagnetic barrier). This spell calls forth a shimmering curtain of electrical force which blocks site. Creatures attempting to pass through take lightning damage.

Fifth level

Hold monster (Bands of ice). With this spell the caster attempts to trap the targets targets with bands of ice. If the save is made, the target breaks free.

Fighter Combat Skills

Let’s face it, playing a Fighter level after level can get a little boring. A good DM will include some pretty interesting magical items, but aside from that it’s likely that your strategy in battle tends to be “attack the nearest enemy.” A few things have been tried in the history of D&D to make the Fighter a little more interesting and give players something to look forward to.

The Cyclopedia’s Fighter Combat Options seem to have been a combined attempt at codifying the kinds of maneuvers that characters can make in a board game-like battle, and to give fighters a couple of extra moves so they can do something besides roll 1d20 in a fight.

Then there are the optional Weapon Mastery rules. This complicated rule set certainly does add a lot more for Fighters, but seems to unbalance the game too much in the favor of Fighters in general–giving them not only increased weapon damage, but a slew of other techniques for disarming, deflecting weapons, and stunning opponents–all at relatively low levels.

So here is another idea: a set of skills that Fighters get as they increase in level. These skills are mostly maneuvers like the Fighter Combat Options, and you can consider them to be a revised version. (You may want to allow Fighters to always Set Spear vs. Charge, etc.) Comments are appreciated, and I will update this post if I think I can fit the changes in. One particular question is whether or not some of these should be replaced with archery or other ranged skills (aimed attacks, etc.)

Level			Skill
-----			-----
8			Bash
10			Parry
12			Second Attack
14			Disarm
16			Grip
18			Third Attack
20			Dual Weild
22			Dodge
24			Fourth Attack
26			Smash
28			Berserk
30			Fifth Attack
32			Circle
34			Counter
36			Sixth Attack

Bash (level 8) – With this maneuver, the character attempts to bash his opponent with a shield in an attempt to stun the opponent briefly. A bash receives a -2 penalty to hit, and if successful, the opponent must make a Save vs. Paralysis or be unable to take action for one round. A bash maneuver counts as an attack.

Parry (level 10) – Allows a fighter to block a small or medium sized weapon, and thrown missiles, with their own weapon. The player must make a counter “hit roll” (including normal to-hit bonuses). If the player’s roll is higher than the attacker’s roll, the attack is deflected. Thrown missiles are parried with a -2 to the roll. This counts as an attack.

Second Attack (level 12) – Allows a fighter to make a second attack per round. These are attacks, and do not give the fighter two full “moves” including movement, etc. They may be used for other combat options. The DM may also allow some movement (up to 5′) between attacks.

Disarm (level 14) – Allows a fighter to disarm an opponent of an armed weapon, using their own weapon. The player must make a hit roll using bonuses from both Strength and Dexterity. If the hit roll is successful, the victim must make a counter roll using bonuses from both Strength and Dexterity to avoid being disarmed. This counts as an attack.

Grip (level 16) – This skill is not a maneuver, but gives the character a +4 bonus against being disarmed.

Third Attack (level 18) – Allows a fighter to make a third attack per round.

Dual Wield (level 20) – Allows a fighter to wield two weapons and make an extra attack with the second weapon. The extra attack makes hit rolls at a -4 penalty.

Dodge (level 22) – The fighter receives a -4 bonus to AC vs one attacking opponent using melee or thrown missile weapons. The fighter must sacrifice one attack to dodge.

Fourth Attack (level 24) – Allows a fighter to make a fourth attack per round.

Smash (level 26) – Allows a fighter to make a devastating blow, using both hands. This move suffers a -2 penalty to initiative, and a -2 penalty to hit. If successful, the fighter adds entire strength score to damage. This move is done in lieu of all attacks other attacks and maneuvers for that round.

Berserk (level 28) – When going into a berserker rage, the fighter must be focused on one opponent, and may not attack other opponents. The fighter must then fight the opponent to the death–the rage lasts until either the fighter or the opponent is killed. While enraged, the fighter receives a +2 bonus to hit rolls, a +2 bonus to damage rolls, and two extra attacks per round, but suffers a +4 penalty to AC. The fighter may not parry, disarm, circle, or counter. Furthermore, the fighter can continue fighting and does not fall dead until reaching -10 hit points. If the rage ends with the fighter at zero hit points or lower, the fighter will collapse dead.

Fifth Attack (level 30) – Allows a fighter to make a fifth attack per round.

Circle (level 32) – Similar to the theif’s backstab, the fighter attempts to circle around his opponent in battle and attack from behind. This cannot be achieved unless the opponent is distracted by other attackers, and only when there is room to move around. In such cases, the fighter may make his attacks with a -4 penalty to hit, but doing double normal weapon damage. Circling itself counts as one maneuver, while the attack also counts as one. (A successful circle and and backstab maneuver requires two attacks.)

Counter (level 34) – Allows a fighter to make a counter attack after any attack is made. This is allowed in addition to fighter’s own moves, and happens on the opponent’s turn.

Sixth Attack (level 36) – Allows a fighter to make a sixth attack per round.

* SMAUG MUD players may notice some similarities.

Seems like a bit much? Ok, here’s a lite version for the less ambitious:

Level			Skill
-----			-----
9			Bash
12			Second Attack
15			Parry
18			Disarm
21			Grip
24			Third Attack
27			Dual Weild
30			Smash
33			Berserk
36			Fourth Attack


  • Prime Requisite: Strength. Other Requirements: Constitution 9, or better.
  • Experience Bonus: 5% for Strength 13-15; 10% for Strength 16-18.
  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per level up to 9th level. Starting with 10th level, +2 hp per level and Constitution adjustments no longer apply.
  • Maximum Level: 12 (36, if optional rules are used.)
  • Armor: Any; shields permitted.
  • Weapons: Any.
  • Special Abilities: Fighter Maneuvers (Lance Attack and Set Spear vs. Charge maneuvers at 1st level; at 660,000 XP, Fighter Combat Options); extra languages (Orc and player’s choice of: Ogre or Goblin); infravision; Hear Noise; Detect by Smell

Half-orcs stand between 5 1/2 and 6 feet tall, weighing in around 200 pounds. They are stocky, with course black or brown hair, dark skin and dark eyes. Some half-orcs have reddish hair, and lighter color eyes are not unknown, just very rare.

  • Combat Chart: Dwarf, if optional rules are used, half-orcs attack as fighters.
  • Saving Throws: Fighter. Half-orcs receive a +3 bonus on saves vs. Poison.
  • Hear Noise: This ability works exactly the same as the Thief ability with the same name.
  • Detect by Smell: This ability allows the half-orc to detect, and possibly follow, various scents that are beyond the smell of humans. The half-orc may be able to detect someone who is following the party (provided they have a scent,) or poisons in food, etc.
Level	XP	Attack Rank	Hear Noise	Detect Smell
1	0			25		5
2	2,200			30		10
3	4,400			35		15
4	8,800			40		20
5	17,000			45		25
6	35,000			50		30
7	70,000			54		34
8	140,000			58		38
9	270,000			62		42
10	400,000			66		46
11	530,000			70		50
12	660,000*	C	74		53
	800,000		D		
	1,000,000	E		
	1,200,000	F		
	1,400,000	G		
	1,600,000	H		
	1,800,000	I		
	2,000,000	J		
	2,200,000**	K		
	2,400,000	L		
	2,600,000	M

* Gain Fighter Combat Options: Two attacks are possible at this level.
** Three attacks per round are possible at this level.

If optional rules are used for level advancement, half-orcs advance exactly as do dwarves (page 266, Rules Cyclopedia.)

Chi Powers

First of all, this system may seem a little complex at first, but try to read it and see where it’s going. If it’s too much, simplify to suit your needs, but try to keep game balance (either through the rules, or through who obtains chi powers).

Chi (Ki) Powers

Chi powers increase by (level – level_you_learned_power)/2

Chi powers is an ability added for OD&D, providing much of the same kinds of ideas that psionics/sorcerors do. As psionics in D&D3, chi powers are considered to be equivalent of magic and are subject to similar restrictions (dispelled by dispel magic, cancelled by anti-magic, blocked by anti-magic shell, etc).

The maximum number of chi powers a character can have is equal to one fourth their level (rounded down) + INT bonus. It is possible for a character to not be able to learn any chi powers! In fact, until level 4 only people with above average intelligence will be able to learn chi powers.

Each chi power has various levels which can be obtained by a character. A character can use a chi power at the strongest level he/she has obtained or may use any of the lower levels.

Chi powers often need no verbal or somatic components (unless otherwise stated), but are still a form of magic in a less traditional sense.

Any character is allowed to learn these powers if they are taught by a Chi Master (someone who has obtained level 10 or higher in one or more powers), but how it enters the game is entirely up to the DM.

Each chi power is usable once per day.

Notes About Chi Power Descriptions

Complexity: refers to how easy it is for one to gain a chi Level. Each time the ability is used, roll percentile against this number (adding Intelligence and Wisdom bonuses) and if the number is higher than the complexity, they have successfully gained a level. The DM should determine that frivolous use of the power only to gain a level automatically fails.

Description: the general function of the Chi Power, and various details which apply to all levels.

Each Chi Power different levels of skill, and details that go with each…

Level: each level adds something to the power’s functionality or strength, or both. When learning a new ability, the user starts with level 1 in that power. Each use of a power (at highest possible level) may increase the level for that power (see “Complexity” above). The maximum Chi Level attainable is equal to half the character’s level + WIS bonus.


Chi Blast

Complexity: 20
Description: A basic attack power, doing increased damage as level increases. The range is 60′ at the highest level the character can use, and increases by 120′ for each lower level used.
1 – 1 (dmg)
2 – 1d3
3 – 1d4
4 – 1d6
5 – 1d8
6 – 2d6
7 – 2d8
8 – 2d10
9 – 4d6
10 – 4d8
11 – 4d10
12 – 8d8

Chi Heal

Complexity: 20
Description: One of the simpler chi powers, /chi heal/ heals one creature by touch. The amount healed varies by level.
1 – 1
2 – 1d3
3 – 1d4
4 – 1d6
5 – 1d8
6 – 2d6
7 – 2d8
8 – 2d10
9 – 4d6
10 – 4d8
11 – 4d10
12 – 8d8

Chi Elements

Complexity: 50
Description: This is an elemental attack power, allowing the user to summon aid from the elements; these may include fire, earth, air, water, or any elements from his environment such as ice, lava, smoke, lightning, etc. These can be used to attack anything within 80′. An appropriate save (vs spells) will reduce any damage by half, but should be rolled vs each element and bonuses considered. The user chooses which element(s) to summon when casting. This spell requires the user to move his/her arms.
1 – 1d4 dmg from one element
2 – 1d6 dmg from one element
3 – 1d8 dmg from one element
4 – 1d6 dmg each from two elements
5 – 1d8 dmg each from two elements
6 – 1d10 dmg each from two elements
7 – 1d8 dmg each from three elements
8 – 1d10 dmg each from three elements
9 – 1d12 dmg each from three elements
10 – 1d10 dmg each from four elements
11 – 1d12 dmg each from four elements
12 – 1d20 dmg each from four elements

Chi Mind

charm, control, confusion

Chi Motion

blocking, teleporting, telekinesis, slow, stun

Chi Sight

light, infravision, ultravision, invisibility

Chi Protection

absorbsion, AC

Modified Mystic or Monk

Modified Mystic and Monk from Dragon Magazine 09/1981

  • Prime Requisite: Strength and Dexterity. Other Requirements: Wisdom 9, or better.
  • Experience Bonus: 5% for Strength or Dexterity 16-18; 10% for Strength and Dexterity 16-18.
  • Hit Dice: 1d6 per level up to 9th level. Starting with 10th level, +2/level after 9 with no CON adjustments.
  • Maximum Level: 21.
  • Armor: None; shield not permitted.
  • Weapons: Any.
  • Special Abilities: At 1st level — Armor Class bonuses, increased Movement, Find Traps, Climb Walls, Move Silently, Hear Noise, Martial Arts and Mystical Abilities.

All abilities and changes not noted here are no longer possessed by monks/mystics. In all other situations, use common sense and the Rules Cyclopedia.

  • Combat Chart: Thief.
  • Saving Throws: Fighter.
  • Find Traps, Climb Walls, Move Silently, and Hear Noise: These work exactly as the Thief abilities with the same name.
  • Armor Class Bonuses: The Armor Class of monks improve with experience.
  • Movement: Monks move faster than normal humans, this rate improves with experience.
  • Martial Arts: Monks are the masters of unarmed combat. They receive multiple attacks when unarmed and bonuses to damage done with their hands and feet.
  • Mystical Abilities: These work exactly the same as those listed in the Rules Cyclopedia.

Level,XP,”Attack Rank”,”Find Traps”,”Climb Walls”,”Move Silently”,”Hear Noise”,Move,AC,”Unarmed Attacks”,Damage,Ability
5,”16,000″,,20,64,40,40,140,3,1,2d6,Heal Self
8,”120,000″,,25,67,52,45,155,1,2,2d6,Speak Animal
14,”840,000″,,40,73,68,58,185,-2,3,4d6,Speak Anyone
17,”1,200,000″,,50,76,73,66,200,-3,4,5d6,Mind Block
20,”1,560,000″,,55,79,76,70,215,-5,4,5d6,Gentle Touch

Exotic Weaponry

This post updates and replaces the previous exotic weapons chart.  Morning Star and Flail are both weapons in original D&D that somehow got left out of the Cyclopedia.  Broadsword is taken from AD&D where it is 2d4.  Rapier stats are also from D&D described in Dragon #175.

The optional rules are provided to add something unique to the weapons, so they’re a little more interesting than just finding “a different kind of sword” that different in name only.

Weapon,Damage,Range,Weight,Value,Notes/Optional Rules,Flags
Katar,1d4+1,,20,5,melee only,”w,S”
Hooked Net,1d4,5/10/15,80,15,”10′ diameter, struggle=damage, saves -2″,”s,t,w,M”
Chain Net,0,5/10/15,160,25,”10′ diameter, saves -6, enc x2″,”c,s,t,w,M”
Barbed Whip,1d4,,80,15,8′ long,”s,w,M”
Butterfly Knife,1d4,20/40/60,10,5,”missile double dmg on 20, melee dropped on 1″,”s,t,w,S”
Flail,1d6,,40,5,”double dmg on 20, hit self on 1″,”c,M”
Morning Star,1d6+1,,30,5,”double dmg on 20, hit self on 1″,M
Rapier,2d4-1,,60,10,-1 AC for thieves,”s,M”
Tlacochtli,1d6,20/40/60,60,5,1d6 to pull out,”s,t,v,L”
Broadsword,2d4,,60,10,”double damage on 20, trip on 1″,M
Composite Bow,1d6,70/140/210,40,60,”strength affects damage”,”a,m,s,2H,L”
Katana,1d8,,50,12,”double dmg on 20, no penalty on 1″,M


  • Katar: Also known as a “punch dagger,” this blade is much like a dagger, except that it has an H-shaped handle, allowing the wielder to deliver more powerful blows.
  • Hooked Net: This net’s mesh is entwined with hooks which do damage to the victim within. This net is 10′ in diameter. Struggling to break free inflicts normal damage each round. Victims make saves at -2 to avoid capture.
  • Chain Net: This net is 10′ in diameter and made of inter-linking chains instead of rope. It is heavier, but victims must save with a -6 penalty to escape.
  • Shurikin: These are small, sharp throwing starts, or similar object, originating from the far east.
  • Barbed Whip: This 8′ long whip is studded with thorn-like barbs, doing more damage than a normal whip.
  • Butterfly Knife: Butterfly knives are light, well balanced daggers. They receive a +2 on their hit rolls when thrown.
  • Flail: A flail is simply a heavy object, swung on a rope or chain.
  • Morning Star: This is typically a spiked ball swung on a rope or chain, however mace-like variations can be found.
  • Rapier: This is a well-balanced, fencing sword. It receives a -2 penalty to hit vs plate armor.
  • Tlacochtli: This weapon is a jagged harpoon on the end of a rope. The weilder scores a hit and pulls the harpoon back out for an extra 1d6 points of damage.
  • Chakram: A chakram is a sharp throwing disc, or often more of a ring. The edge of the chakram is sharpened enough to split hairs.
  • Broadsword: This heavy sword is used more to crush through the enemy.
  • Composite Bow: This well-made bow fires with equal pressure according to how far back the wielder can stretch the string. The wielder’s strength modifier affects damage.
  • Katana: This is a lighter, well-balanced eastern sword.
  • Naginata: This is a spear-like, eastern weapon. The blade at the end of the long pole-like handle is curved.

Random Encounters

Tired of the tedious wandering monster charts in the Rules Cyclopedia that take forever to roll, and seem to produce the same monster over and over?  Try out these encounter tables instead.

  1. Roll 1d20 per day to determine if there is an encounter on that day.  Compare this to the chance of an encounter based on the type of terrain (for example there is a 6 in 20 chance of an encounter).
  2. Roll 2d10 to determine the encounter below.
  3. The DM can assume a 10% chance of bad weather when the encounter occurs.
Trail/Road (6 out of 20)	Normal/Grass (5 out of 20)	Forest (4 out of 20)
(2) Adventurer			(2) Tornado			(2) Adventurer
(3) Goblin			(3) Adventurer			(3) Dryad
(4) Orc				(4) Blink Dog			(4) Forest Giant
(5) Freeman			(5) Thoul			(5) Brownie/Sprite
(6) Peasant			(6) Merchant			(6) Forest Baboon
(7) Halfling			(7) Tiger Beetle		(7) Wolf
(8) Bandit			(8) Hobgoblin			(8) Woodcutter
(9) Traveller			(9) Berserker			(9) Bandit
10) Terrain Table		10) Riding Horse		10) Kobold/Goblin
11) Terrain Table		11) Animal			11) Elf
12) Merchant			12) Nomad			12) Animal
13) Berserker			13) Draco Lizard		13) Orc
14) Guard Patrol		14) Ogre			14) Boar
15) Dwarf			15) Boar			15) Giant Bee/Robber Fly
16) Elf				16) Wolf			16) Crab Spider
17) Ogre			17) Crab Spider			17) Insect Swarm
18) Troglodyte			18) Troll			18) Centaur
19) Animal			19) Insect Swarm		19) Minotaur
20) Kobold			20) Wyvern			20) Green Dragon

Mountain/Hill (3 out of 20)	Swamp (3 out of 20)		Broken (8 out of 20)
(2) Adventurer			(2) Adventurer			(2) Beholder
(3) Rockslide			(3) Medusa			(3) Adventurer
(4) Troll			(4) Panther			(4) Ghoul
(5) Giant Ant			(5) Robber Fly			(5) Troglodyte
(6) Hill Giant			(6) Displacer Beast		(6) Thoul
(7) Cave Bear			(7) Gecko Lizard		(7) Hobgoblin
(8) Mountain Lion		(8) Draco Lizard		(8) Gnoll
(9) Rock Baboon			(9) Wight			(9) Bugbear
10) Hobgoblin			10) Ghoul			10) Goblin
11) Ogre			11) Lizard Man			11) Orc
12) Orc				12) Insect Swarm		12) Kobold
13) Gnoll			13) Snake			13) Berserker
14) Harpy			14) Gnoll			14) Lizard Man
15) Snake			15) Hydra			15) Ogre
16) Stone Giant			16) Quicksand			16) Ogre
17) Gnome			17) Giant Toad			17) Troll
18) Manticore			18) Zombie			18) Nomad
19) Cyclops			19) Gorgon			19) Zombie
20) Red Dragon			20) Black Dragon		20) Any Dragon

Arctic/Snow (1 out of 20)	Desert (2 out of 20)		
(2) Adventurer			(2) Adventurer		
(3) Blizzard			(3) Sandstorm		
(4) Unsafe Ice			(4) Manticore		
(5) Frost Giant			(5) Nomad		
(6) Polar Bear			(6) Gecko Lizard	
(7) Polar Bear			(7) Draco Lizard	
(8) Animal			(8) Crab Spider		
(9) Animal			(9) Tarantella		
10) Animal			10) Giant Scorpion	
11) Nomad			11) Giant Centipede	
12) Nomad			12) Snake		
13) Nomad			13) Giant Ant		
14) Mountain Lion		14) Oil Beetle		
15) Mountain Lion		15) Tiger Beetle	
16) Neanderthal			16) Hobgoblin		
17) Neanderthal			17) Horned Chameleon	
18) Gnoll			18) Tuatara Lizard	
19) Mastadon			19) Cockatrice		
20) White Dragon		20) Blue Dragon		


While traveling between towns along the road, the DM rolls 1d20 per day.  On the second day, the DM rolls a 4, which indicates an encounter.  The DM rolls 2d10 and with a result of 10 sees that the encounter should be the same as an encounter from the “Wilderness Table.”  Since the road passes through the forest, the DM rolls 2d10 against the Forest table, and gets 14.  The characters encounter wild boar(s).

Character Class Variations

This is based on the idea that players and the DM will build characters for a story line, not just to suit their gaming needs. In other words, characters should have some panache or style of their own. This means the items below are not rules but rather suggestions on how one might play his own character. The player should be able to freely choose to do this, these are not rule changes. The DM may want to offer “rewards” (some are described below, if you look closely). These rewards are not experience rewards, etc. but instead take the form of some sort of reward in the story, or “good luck.” For example, one reward for being an elf and not using your power to the fullest potential (as a ranger) is that you always seem to find food in the wilderness, you are able to befriend animals more easily (not attacked by bears), and you have a faithful pet (such as a dire wolf). And such rewards can increase as you go up level, because it’s one thing to start out as a “ranger” and then not keep up with it, but someone who has been a ranger for 9 levels should at least have a dire wolf to help him. Again, this is not a rule change.

Palidin/Avenger: war-like cleric who goes on missions and uses weapons/armor to full potential. Note: paladins and avengers can go both for very war-like clerics, or very holy fighters. (war hammer, plate, shield)

Clerics: most don’t care to wear armor since they don’t really use it. (mace, holy symbol, holy water, sling; bandaging)

Druid: cleric who is very neutral and uses natural weapon and armor, and can use druid spells. (usually has pet; herbs, plant, and animal knowledge, poisons, animal frienship)

Ranger: rural elf, often vigilante who takes care of the forest. (leather armor, thief weapons, moderate spells, may have a pet; hunting, navigation)

Bard: one who is adept at playing music, esp. thief

Barbarian: fighter with good STR, CON, and HP, who doesn’t wear armor much (or a lot of clothes for that matter). (big weapons, sometimes shield/chain mail)

Knight: special dubbed fighter loyal to a king, expected to maintain code of his knighthood, and given special priviledges (and honor) in the kingdom.

Monk: fighter with good DEX, wears traditional equipment to his particular monastery, and keeps attuned to honor. Multiple attacks can be multiple moves. (traditional weapons, robes)

Elves: most common elves don’t use spell books. Those of the fighting persuasion utilize armor and weapons to potiential and may know a few misc spells. Those of the magic persuasion travel light and utilize spells and spell books. (plate mail, shield, any weapon, poor spells) vs (little or no armor, 1 or 2 weapons–no large, good spells)